NOC Bigvivor Mafia Game Thread Day 5

BTW I’m gonna start a salt mine in postgame if there isn’t a role wiper in this game and all the people claiming to have been wiped are the scum team

Would be a fun gambit but not for us on the receiving end of it

It’s a possibility we can’t ignore

Anyway Vizh’ claim is definitely rough but the question is what use do scum have for that role?

Drookez what was your action last night bestie?
Is there any other role that got to submit on N0 effectively? I don’t think there was

Vizh please ask Tommy why you were allowed to submit on N0 and post what he says (paraphrase in your own words so you don’t get modkilled)

- friendly hydra
So yeah I’m literally an idiot. I just told the challenge to Tommy before gamestate I wasn’t able to actually submit and lock in. I just told it to him later to send it. Phrasing bad

  • An uncced doctor
  • Can remove one person per night from the vig's kill list
  • In a neighbourhood with DLE and previously Clouds
  • Unconfirmed, in fact his protection on Haruno was broken through
  • His readiness to think there was also a scum doc gives me the ick
  • A self-targeting JOAT (Texas said universal hooker)
  • Can target self with all protective, killing, information, or miscellaneous actions used that night
  • Was lover-pair with Clouds but survived last night despite Clouds dying, meaning he had protection or Clouds was blocked
  • Was blocked last night having used all actions

Da Letter El
  • Neighbouriser, confirmed by Caffeine and implied by Clouds, but NAI
  • ToS-style JOAT apparently, where he just has to use all his actions and then he can use any of them again
  • An encourager, meaning their target can use their action twice the next night
  • An accelerator, meaning their actions can't be blocked (actually, why would Drookez not use this on me last night?)
  • Also a self-protect
  • Encourager is confirmed by Clouds but the other two abilities are unconfirmed. We don't know if accelerator affects the kill either, but it could do -- this could explain the occasional strongmanning, in fact. NAI
  • Jailkeeper who informs their target if they were targeted, apparently
  • Blocked Dyo when town organised Dyo's action, while Dyo is conftown
  • Ryo has confirmed that he was informed of being targeted by Nuxl despite not being an information role, which is weird based on my last night
  • Role confirmed to be in-game, but NAI
  • Can target two players per night and they can't target each other for the rest of the game
  • Unconfirmed; claimed to target me and Hal N1 and then had their role wiped
  • Despite this, I didn't receive a notification that I can't target Hal. This can be explained by all my abilities being self-targets
  • Unclear if this affects kill?
  • NAI
  • Targets one player and whoever they targeted that night they're banned from targeting for the rest of the game(??? is this correct)
  • Notifies their targets
  • Apparently wiped N2
  • Confirmed by DLE, NAI
  • Backup
  • Backed up Haruno to verify Texas' claim
  • Apparently wiped N3
  • Confirmed by Texas, NAI
  • Cupid that lasts for one day and night phase
  • Confirmed by Celever and Clouds
  • Unbalanced on scumteam since it's free 2-for-1 nks, also we haven't had any 2-for-1 nks yet
  • shadowpea can you explain why you were unable to use this N2?
Texas Cloverleaf
  • Redirector / lost mason with Haruno
  • Confirmed by Ryo
  • NAI
UncleSam + Yeti (Hydra, they will be treated as one player)
  • Inherited the vig shot
  • Targeted Dyo, he's dead so semi-confirmed
  • Likely to be town, it'd be a little bastard to give maf an extra shot if our vig dies lol
  • Challenge setter
  • Confirmed because... we have challenges. With that said, Tommy might actually be coming up with the challenges and this could be a v interesting fake claim
  • NAI
  • A veteran??
  • Looks pretty OP
  • Game already has a lot of killpower
  • Completely unproven and unprovable
  • NAI

Is any of this wrong
Likelihood of being a Strongman (under the assumption they are mafia):

Caff - An ok chance. Roles that give and take away life are somewhat common, and so combining a doc with a strongman isn't out of this world. But it's certainly not likely
Cel - An ok chance. Abilities are one-use, so having a passive that extends after abilities are used up makes sense for a mafia member. Would necessarily be lying, however, about at least one of his roles (redirecting all info abilities to himself), else his passive would be godfather.
DLE - A fairly strong chance. Neighbouriser sets up deepwolfing and strongman gets more powerful the later in the game it is. Neighbouriser doesn't have an active benefit to the mafia faction as a whole either, while strongman does.
Drookez - An extremely high chance. If his accelerator affects the kill, then he literally is the strongman.
Nuxl - A fairly weak chance. Jailkeeper is powerful enough as it is.
Psy - 1% chance. Role has been wiped and strongman kills have happened since then. Dependent on Psy/realiti/Ryo scumteam lying about a wiper.
Realiti - See Psy
Ryo - See Psy
shadow - A fairly weak chance. Mafia Cupid is powerful enough as it is.
Spiderz - N/A
Texas - An ok chance. Once he finds Haruno he's a redirector that would be dependent on a townie to agree with him. Having a useful passive would be valid on the side of this.
Sam - A very low chance. Inheriting the vig is kinda bonkers for scum.
Vizh - A fairly strong chance. Challenge setter is nigh useless for scum outside of engineering tasks that scum specifically are good at in order to secure extra votes in lategame. A powerful passive would be a must.
Whydon - An ok chance. A killpower-focused role works flavour-wise, where it kills anyone that targets him and also powers through protection. The mafia version of this role is Paranoid Gun Owner and is apparently more often town than scum but not exclusively town, and is considered an anti-town role in game design.
BTW I left suggest abilities off the recap bc A) Idr who has them and B) I acc think the likeliest thing is that someone with Suggest is scum. It makes the most sense for Vig to have to choose from the list intelligently, and if someone on their is definitely not mafia (bc mafia would not suggest themselves) it balances the vig role a little. It also gives more reason for Caff’s secondary ability.

  • An uncced doctor
  • Can remove one person per night from the vig's kill list
  • In a neighbourhood with DLE and previously Clouds
  • Unconfirmed, in fact his protection on Haruno was broken through
  • His readiness to think there was also a scum doc gives me the ick
  • A self-targeting JOAT (Texas said universal hooker)
  • Can target self with all protective, killing, information, or miscellaneous actions used that night
  • Was lover-pair with Clouds but survived last night despite Clouds dying, meaning he had protection or Clouds was blocked
  • Was blocked last night having used all actions

Da Letter El
  • Neighbouriser, confirmed by Caffeine and implied by Clouds, but NAI
  • ToS-style JOAT apparently, where he just has to use all his actions and then he can use any of them again
  • An encourager, meaning their target can use their action twice the next night
  • An accelerator, meaning their actions can't be blocked (actually, why would Drookez not use this on me last night?)
  • Also a self-protect
  • Encourager is confirmed by Clouds but the other two abilities are unconfirmed. We don't know if accelerator affects the kill either, but it could do -- this could explain the occasional strongmanning, in fact. NAI
  • Jailkeeper who informs their target if they were targeted, apparently
  • Blocked Dyo when town organised Dyo's action, while Dyo is conftown
  • Ryo has confirmed that he was informed of being targeted by Nuxl despite not being an information role, which is weird based on my last night
  • Role confirmed to be in-game, but NAI
  • Can target two players per night and they can't target each other for the rest of the game
  • Unconfirmed; claimed to target me and Hal N1 and then had their role wiped
  • Despite this, I didn't receive a notification that I can't target Hal. This can be explained by all my abilities being self-targets
  • Unclear if this affects kill?
  • NAI
  • Targets one player and whoever they targeted that night they're banned from targeting for the rest of the game(??? is this correct)
  • Notifies their targets
  • Apparently wiped N2
  • Confirmed by DLE, NAI
  • Backup
  • Backed up Haruno to verify Texas' claim
  • Apparently wiped N3
  • Confirmed by Texas, NAI
  • Cupid that lasts for one day and night phase
  • Confirmed by Celever and Clouds
  • Unbalanced on scumteam since it's free 2-for-1 nks, also we haven't had any 2-for-1 nks yet
  • shadowpea can you explain why you were unable to use this N2?
Texas Cloverleaf
  • Redirector / lost mason with Haruno
  • Confirmed by Ryo
  • NAI
UncleSam + Yeti (Hydra, they will be treated as one player)
  • Inherited the vig shot
  • Targeted Dyo, he's dead so semi-confirmed
  • Likely to be town, it'd be a little bastard to give maf an extra shot if our vig dies lol
  • Challenge setter
  • Confirmed because... we have challenges. With that said, Tommy might actually be coming up with the challenges and this could be a v interesting fake claim
  • NAI
  • A veteran??
  • Looks pretty OP
  • Game already has a lot of killpower
  • Completely unproven and unprovable
  • NAI

Is any of this wrong
Vizh is also un-cc'd suggest (4) so he is practically in my towncore now and we should never vote him here.

Otherwise I think you've pretty much got it, ty for putting this together and I'm going to think on things more from a mechanical perspective.

I think for right now all I'm sure about is that there are some people who I'm never down to shoot today. Off the top of my head, these are:
- US (duh)
- Caff (un-CC'd Doc)
- Texas (Haruno twin)
- Psy (N1 wipe + I'm trusting my soul read on him all the way here barring a mechanical reason to think otherwise)
- Ryo (confirmed role + I'm trusting my soul read on him)
- Vizh (un-CC'd Suggest(4))

That leaves 8 potential shots fmpov. I'm going to sort through their claims later but currently I lean towards not wanting to shoot DLE, Celever, Nuxl, or shadowpea (I'm coming around to their role being too broken if on mafia). So really the options I think are worth considering today are Drookez, Realiti, Spiderz, and Whydon. Spiderz' time before I just policy vote them is running thin, and I hate all of the rest of their claims / think the rest of their claims at best make no sense and at worst literally align with roles we know or suspect are on the mafia. I'd like thoughts from everybody on how I am sorting things.

Also the veteran claim from Whydon seems specifically designed to make me not want to Vig shot him, so that is extra sus. I think this is where I'm leaning as of now though getting rid of the probable strongman killer (Drookez) or a redirector (Realiti) has appeal as well (plus the veteran thing is probably a lie so it is arguably better to shoot not-Whydon with the vote then to have me just shoot Whydon tonight.

ALSO I need to ask the hosts how the Veteran role works. If the Veteran takes a shot at anyone who visits while Texas redirects off of me onto someone else scummy, could we potentially generate a free kill that way as well (i.e. kill Whydon AND kill someone else on the scummy list) tonight?

I have to now apply to live in a new apartment which is annoying so I'm going to be out for a few more hours. Let me know if I missed anything important.

- friendly hydra
Also Whydon not wanting to claim PGO is scummy on reflection. We're likely in MYLO / LYLO territory and town could easily target him at this point bc he's a relatively scummy character this game. He acc should have claimed for sure.
BTW I left suggest abilities off the recap bc A) Idr who has them and B) I acc think the likeliest thing is that someone with Suggest is scum. It makes the most sense for Vig to have to choose from the list intelligently, and if someone on their is definitely not mafia (bc mafia would not suggest themselves) it balances the vig role a little. It also gives more reason for Caff’s secondary ability.
I guess that makes sense, but I do know including me that’s 4/5 Suggets with Town.
Sam has 3, so I’m inclined to believe either he’s Town via just the pattern. And I don’t know the specifics of Caff’s ability. I know it can take them off but if he can’t see them, I don’t know how it functions.
Vizh is also un-cc'd suggest (4) so he is practically in my towncore now and we should never vote him here.

Otherwise I think you've pretty much got it, ty for putting this together and I'm going to think on things more from a mechanical perspective.

I think for right now all I'm sure about is that there are some people who I'm never down to shoot today. Off the top of my head, these are:
- US (duh)
- Caff (un-CC'd Doc)
- Texas (Haruno twin)
- Psy (N1 wipe + I'm trusting my soul read on him all the way here barring a mechanical reason to think otherwise)
- Ryo (confirmed role + I'm trusting my soul read on him)
- Vizh (un-CC'd Suggest(4))

That leaves 8 potential shots fmpov. I'm going to sort through their claims later but currently I lean towards not wanting to shoot DLE, Celever, Nuxl, or shadowpea (I'm coming around to their role being too broken if on mafia). So really the options I think are worth considering today are Drookez, Realiti, Spiderz, and Whydon. Spiderz' time before I just policy vote them is running thin, and I hate all of the rest of their claims / think the rest of their claims at best make no sense and at worst literally align with roles we know or suspect are on the mafia. I'd like thoughts from everybody on how I am sorting things.

Also the veteran claim from Whydon seems specifically designed to make me not want to Vig shot him, so that is extra sus. I think this is where I'm leaning as of now though getting rid of the probable strongman killer (Drookez) or a redirector (Realiti) has appeal as well (plus the veteran thing is probably a lie so it is arguably better to shoot not-Whydon with the vote then to have me just shoot Whydon tonight.

ALSO I need to ask the hosts how the Veteran role works. If the Veteran takes a shot at anyone who visits while Texas redirects off of me onto someone else scummy, could we potentially generate a free kill that way as well (i.e. kill Whydon AND kill someone else on the scummy list) tonight?

I have to now apply to live in a new apartment which is annoying so I'm going to be out for a few more hours. Let me know if I missed anything important.

- friendly hydra
good luck apartment-hunting fren, this all sounds quite good aside from assuming suggest is town.
BTW I left suggest abilities off the recap bc A) Idr who has them and B) I acc think the likeliest thing is that someone with Suggest is scum. It makes the most sense for Vig to have to choose from the list intelligently, and if someone on their is definitely not mafia (bc mafia would not suggest themselves) it balances the vig role a little. It also gives more reason for Caff’s secondary ability.
Didn't see this post when making the above but I don't think this makes sense. Everyone on the suggest list could become the vigilante. Why would the mafia gain access to a second kill? That seems way too swingy and hard to balance. I'm not saying it's 100% impossible that Vizh is mafia (I was pretty sure he was mafia before he claimed) but mechanically I just don't buy that he is a slot we consider voting today.

However I am biased since I have bonus confirmation that the suggest roles are town, so it's obviously something to consider from other points of view.

- friendly hydra
I guess that makes sense, but I do know including me that’s 4/5 Suggets with Town.
Sam has 3, so I’m inclined to believe either he’s Town via just the pattern. And I don’t know the specifics of Caff’s ability. I know it can take them off but if he can’t see them, I don’t know how it functions.
Notably, if Caff is scum he could be lying about not seeing the list. It makes a lot more sense. Even if he can't see the list, it's a more scum-than-town role because he can just guess his scummiest partner was put on it.

But he's also uncc'd doc so this is lategame conversation
Didn't see this post when making the above but I don't think this makes sense. Everyone on the suggest list could become the vigilante. Why would the mafia gain access to a second kill? That seems way too swingy and hard to balance. I'm not saying it's 100% impossible that Vizh is mafia (I was pretty sure he was mafia before he claimed) but mechanically I just don't buy that he is a slot we consider voting today.

However I am biased since I have bonus confirmation that the suggest roles are town, so it's obviously something to consider from other points of view.

- friendly hydra
Ah, I must admit I forgot about the suggest inheriting vig element. It would be p bonkers not to be all-town then.

I would tinfoil that Suggest (5) would still be scum, rewarding scum for taking out all 4 other suggests. But Suggest (5) is dead so.