NOC Bigvivor Mafia Game Thread Day 5

CaffeineBoost - doc
Drookez - ability motivator + empowerer (I don’t think this is overpowered)
Psy - wiped n1 + tone
Ryo - wiped n3
Shadowpea - lovers role

The whole Nuxl/Celever interaction is weird af, there are so many things that make it hard to figure out
  • I don’t understand why Nuxl would jail Dyo and then Clouds
  • I don’t understand how Celever lived the night
  • Celever’s claim is impossible to verify
The solution that requires the least thinking is that Nuxl lied about targeting Clouds and targeted Celever, but if mafia killed Clouds and Celever is town then they literally just saved Celever for zero reason. There’s also the fact that even though Celever has looked better on day 5, the day has been mostly mechanical solving and I still maintain that his d3-d4 was not a good look, although I would much prefer voting based on mechanics than my gut at this point based on how the game has been going. I think just because of PoE this is prob TvS.

3-4 mafia in:
Da Letter El
Texas Cloverleaf

I’d probably townread whydon because of tone + I’m confident that his attempts at voting within his block of four stems mostly being annoyed at town fucking around instead of a manipulative attempt to control the vote as mafia + day 4 EoD behavior.

Based on PoE the scum is in here, dle is prob just mafia but it’s bugging me that he is willing to vote celever (who I tunneled on) and spiderz (likely mafia according to PoE).

For Vizh: I kinda did not read his posts for the first 200 pages due to volume, I don’t really care for this slot and I could see him being mafia but have no case against him (because I skimmed over everything). If someone could also tell me what Suggest (#) means? not knowing the power level makes it hard to figure out if vizh has full claimed or is hiding things

More thoughts in the post below
Texas is town
link to last votecount

Day 2 Final Votecount
Sificon (10): UncleSam, shadowpea, M2H (2), RyoDio, Haruno, Da Letter El, Nuxl, Clouds, Texas Cloverleaf
Celever (1): realiti
Clouds (1): Laurel
Dyo (1): Whydon
Laurel (1): Spiderz
Spiderz (1): Ayia

Not Voting (8): CaffeineBoost, dave, Drookez, Dyo, Sificon, Vizh, Psypsypsypsypsythe, Celever
I can only target ppl that was voted on. Hence I couldn't target anyone yesterday either bf dyo only one voted
Likelihood of being a Strongman (under the assumption they are mafia):

Caff - An ok chance. Roles that give and take away life are somewhat common, and so combining a doc with a strongman isn't out of this world. But it's certainly not likely
If I'm scum, then who's to say there's a strongman in the first place? The reason I think there's a strongman is because I healed Haruno. If you think I'm scum, why would I heal Haruno? Better yet, why would I heal Haruno and strongman them at the same time?
Ah, ah, see, hmm, thing is, no.

You were in a neighbourhood with Clouds. Clouds was in a neighbourhood with DLE. DLE was in a neighbourhood with me. I was not in a neighbourhood with Clouds.
oh this really is Survivor

My interpretation was that DLE added people to the neighbourhood, not that he made new ones

Why did DLE stop making neighbourhoods, anyway?