OU ORAS OU Victim of the Week: Week 9 - Thundurus-I | Voting Phase


Banned deucer.
approved by Vulpix03 and Luigi
OP and Format mostly stolen from Monky25's SS UU Victim of the Week


Art by b-torterra

Hello and welcome to Victim of the Week! The OverUsed metagame is full of a vast variety of both offensive and defensive threats alike, and this thread is dedicated to finding answers to threatening Pokémon each week. Like the SS UU edition, I have turned this into a competition where I give points to the winners of the checks and counters posted (2 points for first, 1 point for second). At the end of 10 weeks, I will tally up the points and declare a winner for the cycle. There will be occasions where more points are offered, so keep up with this project to see what weeks those might be.

  • Before submitting anything, you will have to keep in mind what a check and what a counter is by its definition. To quote from Smogon Issue 32, "Pokémon A checks Pokémon B if, when Pokémon A is given a free switch into Pokémon B, Pokémon A can win every time, even under the worst-case scenario, without factoring in hax. Pokémon A counters Pokémon B if Pokémon A can manually switch into Pokémon B and still win every time, even under the worst-case scenario, without factoring in hax." In other words, in terms of counters, the Pokémon should be able to consistently switch in throughout a course of a game and limit the victim, oftentimes having reliable recovery or just walling it to death. If I deem your submission to not be a counter, then I will move it over to checks and vice versa.
  • Please attempt to only post Pokémon that are viable in the OverUsed metagame. You are able to use the viability rankings as a tool to see what's usable in the metagame. I will attempt to make exceptions, but I need to see multiple ladder replays with a minimum of 1400 elo mark showing it off.
  • Calcs are NOT required but generally are nice to put.
  • I encourage innovation but if a set is too niche and only deals with that Pokémon, then I will sadly have to disqualify it.
  • Please provide at least a few lines of description explaining your check or counter and how it functions as so. Maybe even talk about other perks it has in the metagame to make it more appealing to look for.
  • I will allow the reservation of Pokémon in this thread. However, please write up your post within 24 hours of the reservation. I will tag you giving you one last chance. Just take accountability and do it or delete it instead of cluttering the thread with unfulfilled reservations.
  • Different sets of the same Pokémon can be nominated. For example, person A can nominate special attacker Salamence as a check to something, while person B can nominate Defensive Salamence as a counter to the same thing in the same week. However, the sets must be different enough to work, and I will be the judge of that.
  • You are NOT allowed to vote for your own submission when the voting phase begins for each victim.
  • During the voting phase, you must vote for 1 check and 1 counter. If there is less the one checs/counter submitted for the week, than those who submitted automatically get a point.
  • Please be kind and respectful to others in this thread, let us act like adults.
  • Most importantly, Have Fun!

    Blacklisted mons or items:
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# of Points​
Total Points​
1 - 10​
11 - 20​
21 - 30​
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With all of the formalities out of the way, let's begin!

Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Moonblast
- Flamethrower
- Soft-Boiled
Sporting an extremely wide movepool, decent bulk and access to Magic Guard, Clefable became a staple on many ORAS teams when the generation was coming to a close. When Clefable is using Calm Mind, it "becomes the most threatening Pokemon in this tier, able to sweep any team late-game with minimal support". However, it is not invincible, being weak to Poison- and Steel-types. How will you deal with this sweepy fairy?
Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Lava Plume
- Toxic/Earth Power
- Taunt
- Stealth Rock

Heatran switches in fearing absolutely nothing, especially with moonblast and flamethrower as clef's coverage and prevents future boosting as well as soft boiled healing with taunt, but can also set up rocks for free or threaten a magma storm burn/Toxic on the opponent's switch.
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Gliscor @ Toxic Orb
Ability: Poison Heal
EVs: 248 HP / 204 SpD / 56 Spe
Careful Nature
- Swords Dance
- Roost
- Earthquake
- Facade
probably the mon that i think of when it comes to sufficiently checking and switching into clef. you can simply switch in it forever stopping it from getting 3 calm minds while boosting yourself with sword dance which provides a chance to break at least 1 mon on the opponent field
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Talonflame @ Leftovers
Ability: Gale Wings
EVs: 248 HP / 200 SpD / 60 Spe
Careful Nature
- Brave Bird
- Will-O-Wisp / Swords Dance / Bulk Up
- Roost
- Taunt

A nice way to shut down Clefable in today's metagame is by utilising SpD Talonflame, at first may seem like an odd pick for newer players, but Talonflame comes with decent natural bulk and hard walls Clefable's stab Moonblast and flamethrower coverage.
As for breaking capabilities, by simply clicking Taunt, not only prevents Clefable from stacking up multiple Calm Minds but also prevents Recovery via softboiled. Allowing Talonflame to chip down opposing Clefable with Brave Bird. This works even better when partnered with likes of Ferrothorn or mons whom have access to Knock Off.
As for coverage; Wisp, SD or Bulk Up can change according to your team's needs, if you're aiming for a bulkier build which fears stuff like Metagross, Drill, etc. Use Wisp, it can also assist in crippling Rotom-Wash and Landorus-T which tend to switch in on Talonflame. If the team requires a late game setup sweeper, Swords Dance or Bulk Up can fit in nicely.

Notorious BIG (Gastrodon-East) @ Leftovers
Ability: Storm Drain
EVs: 248 HP / 248 Def / 12 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Scald
- Recover
- Toxic / Yawn
- Clear Smog

Gastrodon is a Pokemon that has been gaining some traction in the current SPL for a good reason. In addition to being able to switch into Clefable and removing its boosts, Gastrodon is able to comfortably switch into many prominent threats in the tier such as Gliscor, Talonflame, Mega Latias, Keldeo, and Thundurus.

With Clear Smog, Recover, and the listed EV spread, Gastrodon is comfortably able to take a +1 Moonblast from Clef and proceed to remove its boosts, essentially walling it. Versus most other mons, Gastrodon has the additional ability to Scald burn or Toxic them, putting them on a timer and deterring possible set up. Yawn is a niche option that can also be used to deter set up, but can also be used aggressively, allowing you to double switch or simply fire off more scalds on incoming mons.

Due to its immunity to common types like Electric and Water, Gastrodon is able to form very solid cores with Pokemon such as Zapdos, Serperior, Talonflame, and Heatran which are also starting to gain popularity in the current metagame. Overall this is a very solid mon that can cripple an opponents team and allow Pokemon like Serperior, Lopunny, or Volcarona to sweep through weakened teams.

Nickname Idea: Amir
Spread Idea: Jonfilch
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Congrats to Amir for winning Week 1! Your submission will be added to the Hall of Fame Shortly! From now on, I'll organize the checks and counters into separate categories, and you all can vote for one of each.

Submissions Phase

Metagross-Mega @ Metagrossite
Ability: Clear Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Meteor Mash
- Zen Headbutt / Thunder Punch
- Hammer Arm
- Ice Punch / Bullet Punch / Pursuit

Metagross-Mega has many things going for it: a fantastic ability in Tough Claws, an excellent movepool, and good all-around stats and typing. However, it is extremely vulnerable during the turn where it has to Mega Evolve, as its speed isn't nearly as high as it would otherwise be. For the purposes of this project, all checks and counters must assume Metagross-Mega has the Speed boost from Mega Evolving.​
does this even need an explanation
Doesn't this get bopped by Hammer Arm to the point of it not winning against Hammer Arm Variants ever unless we're factoring in Misses/absurd Para Stuff? I guess paralysing and forcing Gross to take Barbs dmg is nice, but not really what I'd expect of a check, let alone counter.

As for my nomination:

Victini @ Choice Band
Ability: Victory Star
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- V-create
- Bolt Strike
- U-turn
- Trick

Megagross is really tough to counter thanks to its great stats and Tough Claws, especially with all the available coverage options being slashed here. In practise it can't run all these moves in one set, and it can especially not use each of them in one turn, allowing it to be outmaneuvered by clever scouting and switches.
If you can bring it in safely, Victini can act as a check to Gross, as it resists both stabs and threatens the KO with 180 BP Stab V-Create. Victini even need a boosting item in order to do that, minimal requirement is 100 Atk Investment in the case of V-Create or 160 SpA for Blue Flare to kill.
In the absence of any prior chip such as Stealth Rocks damage, Victini can actually use its 100/100/100 Bulk to to avoid being 2HKOed by any move barring EQ (which is not listed in the Victim-Description). After Rocks it can actually still tank any combination of moves except for TPunch into Tpunch (which is still a roll in Victini's favour), Meteor Mash with Attack Raise into TPunch/Pursuit and TPunch + Pursuit (unless two really low rolls), allowing it do be an emergency switch in at least once.