NOC Wikimafia, The Free Online Mafia [TOWN+BROIL WIN]

Celever [3] - Duskfall, Apricity, M2H
Duskfall [1] - LittEleven
HydrogenHydregon [1] - Celever
LittEleven [1] - Thunder~BALLZ

With 14 alive, it takes 8 to hammer.

To anyone who thinks I'm making a lot of vote count mistakes, please take a look at this:
The more I look the more sus duskfall becomes
2. everything tommy is doing is around not getting lynched. he's putting no effort into finding scum or solving a problem.
Firstly, tommy isn't a pgo, who puts pgo's in games. He's saying literally random shit so that people won't dayvig or lynch him. Hes not asking m2h about what he thinks of me because he cares about any of our alignments -- he's asking because he's trying to see who on his wagon he might be able to persuade to jump off. That push on M2H i think was a shit attempt at pretending to solve, and he jumps off once he realizes that m2h probably townreads him and that he can't afford the 1v1
Agree with this heavily, duskfall's initial posts are just memeing and then defending himself from apricity, his push on m2h seem really forced especially since those were his first posts after apricity hinted that dusk only reading him was weird. He got better in the recent posts but then again that's right after apricity made his very long post abt y we should vote dusk out
All in all not a good look imo
vote duskfall
Bc if M2H is voting me bc they think you think I'm scumbuds with Tommy, if you think there's a decent chance you think Tommy is town M2H should stop sheeping you :mehowth:

m2h is voting you because they are just sheeping hal blindly, everything after that is guesswork, but they aren't finding a reasoning and then voting they are voting then trying to work out the reasoning hal has

this is fine on some level because hal has good reads but I hope m2h does more themselves because that is the viper strat, if they have not done more by time I'm caught up I'll be putting them as scummier than I previously thought