Project Teambuilding Lab V2


im reminded theres no finer place to kiss
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnus
OP Stolen from: gorex
Approved by: Lunala


- Have a post describing the core / Pokemon you want us to build around and a slight idea of what kind of team you want the end result to be.
- Do not post asking us to make use of unviable Pokemon. This is not a competition to see how good we are at teambuilding; this is us trying to educate people on what is good and how to build effective teams.
- Do not flame people for asking for a certain Pokemon or that they can't build one themselves.
- Each user is allowed one request per week and any user found requesting multiple will have their post deleted
- Please remember that these teams are first drafts and as such will not be perfect. Edit them as you please.
- On that note, you are free (and highly encouraged) to suggest and post changes / critiques you've made to already posted teams that you feel improve them.
- Please refrain from posting teams unless you are an "employee," but if you feel that you would be a valuable asset to the construction of a certain team, PM me.
- Do note that requests for teams built around mons that are C rank and below are not allowed anymore as they are generally less viable mons in the tier (C+ rank is still allowed)

I'd like to request a [insert possibly team archetype (stall, offense, etc.)] around [insert mon/s].
You're also welcome to include exact sets that you would want.

If you wish to become a member of the Lab staff, please send the hosts a forum PM containing an application that follows the format below. Bear in mind that demand for builders will fluctuate based on the volume of requests and the activity level of the Lab's current staff.
1. Be knowledgeable regarding the RU tier and the current metagame
2. Provide evidence demonstrating your skills as a builder (RMT Team Showcase, examples of successful teams, etc.)
3. ~A paragraph in length describing how you build / what playstyle you are best at building (offense, stall, or balance, to be precise)
You must clearly demonstrate to the hosts that you deserve consideration as a builder. If you do not provide enough useful information to successfully enable us to judge your suitability for the position, your application will be declined.


C0nfiden1 0yster

  • The Lab is currently ACCEPTING builder applications!
  • The Lab does not accept requests including Pokemon currently undergoing suspect testing.
  • You MAY request old gens as well!
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:lucario::sharpedo::flygon::mimikyu::heracross::metagross: - Yourwelcomethanku
Lucario and Sharpedo are both strong Pokemon on offense, good start. From there the next two slots were pretty decided, Flygon and Mimikyu. Having a Ground-type is very important, as to not be easily run over by the tier's Electric-type pivots like Raikou and Heliolisk. Dragon Dance Flygon is usually the best choice for offensive teams, it checks the electrics and is a very strong sweeper in of itself. Life Orb and Outrage was opted for here, to best muscle past bulky Water-types. Mimikyu is a staple on hyper offense, disguise allows it to check threats like Sharpedo, Flygon, itself and gives it ample opportunity to be a threatening sweeper. You would almost surely be at a notable disadvantage against opposing hyper offense teams without Mimikyu.

Heracross offers the teams Spikes, a safety net with Focus Sash, and is itself a threat. Spikes are valuable to wear down checks to the teams threats like Steelix, Cobalion, and bulky Water-types, Stone Edge is opted for here, as on a hyper offense team like this immediately threatening Flying-types like Crobat and Noivern is more important than Knock Off. Metagross offers the team a Flying resist, important given the lack of answers to Crobat and Choice Scarf Togekiss elsewhere, and a good check to Choice Scarf Gardevoir, which this team does not have a lot of otherwise. Perhaps interestingly, this Metagross lacks Stealth Rock, without Knock Off this team doesn't have the tools to make that good use of Stealth Rock and it already has a hazard in Spikes. Moves like Toxic to cripple fat waters or Explosion to remove a threat can be more valuable. This Metagross has Shuca Berry to help against Flygon, though, something else like Custap Berry with Endure could work too.
:seismitoad::crobat::registeel::heracross::xurkitree::reuniclus: - Oathkeeper
:seismitoad::crobat::registeel::heracross::heliolisk::reuniclus: - Oathkeeper
You requested a balance or BO team around 4 attacks Seismitoad. At first we considered Band, but then we also narrowed it down to EB or lefties. We ultimately decided on lefties (although EB would work as well for that extra damage). First up is :seismitoad: with a set you'd probably expect with EQ, Ice Punch for Crobat and Noivern, Knock Off, and Power Whip for opposing Grounds and such. Adamant nature is the default, but you could go Jolly for that extra speed. Next up is :crobat: which serves as your hazard control and weapon against Grasses like Rose and Celebi. Speaking of hazards, :registeel:is your rocker here. Went with a physically defensive variant to better deal with Obstagoon. Other than that, nothing else special about it. Next mon is :heracross: and he be your scarfer. It's your primary (if not only) way to beat Reuniclus so treat it with care. Stone Edge is the 4th move here, but Spikes would make a great 4th move as well to add more pressure to opposing teams. :reuniclus: is the next one and it's your special tanky mon. It's your best weapon against Nidoqueen since everything else is a team effort to beat it as you can see. The last mon is where the 2 teams diverged. The first team has Boots :xurkitree: and we all know how dangerous that thing is. Nothing new or special about it. The 2nd team has Boots :heliolisk: for extra speed and a nicer way of handling the annoying Waters on the team should Toad go down prematurely.
:starmie::klefki::dhelmise::tornadus::flygon::diancie: - Mac3
alright starting off with the starmie set I decided to use natural cure > analytic as I think the ability to trade damage for a toxic from bulky waters/steels is a much more useful quality right now than some extra damage on the switch would be. after starmie I added klefki as a steel type and a spiker which seemed extremely good paired with starmie due to the switches it forces, the next addition was dhelmise as a spinblocker and my own form of hazard control. in addition to this, dhelmise provides a ground resist and honestly a really good breaker as well. tornadus was the next mon on the team as it forces in bulky steels and rocks for starmie to take advantage of, I decided to use itemless acro torn in order to both take advantage of a possible defiant boost but also to have a poltergeist immunity. i then needed a ground type so i added dd flygon as a nice sweeper after starmie, torn, and dhelmise have been able to weaken the opposing team in combination with spikes from klefki. and lastly i added diancie as rocks and a solid fire resist.

changes you can consider are analytic on starmie (although i recommend against it) and perhaps scarf flygon if u feel the need for it. this team is super fun and so is LO starmie so i hope you like the team!
:golisopod::reuniclus::metagross::crobat::nidoqueen::umbreon: - C0nfiden1 0yster
You requested a Golisopod Reuniclus Balance/BO and I have exactly that for you! This core, although seemingly basic at first, it was a bit weird for me at least as generally I use Golisopod on more offensive teams and Reuniclus on more defensive teams. Despite this, the two match well together as Golisopod can stand up to the dark-types Reuniclus fears. Reuniclus on the other hand, offers status absorption.

Supporting the core, Scarf Metagross takes the stage as it can trick it's scarf onto bulky waters that can wall Golisopod, or use Haze to negate Reuniclus' Calm Minds. I take this idea from eifo's sample team which also consists of the two mons you wanted a team around. Metagross also serves as the team's steel type, so against opposing Gardeviors, you must be careful to keep it healthy (or have a sequence in mind to wish pass).

The last three members mainly fill in the gaps. Crobat offers a Bug resist for opposing Golisopod whilst being the sole hazard remover of the team. Toxic is run over U-turn to help pressure Dark types like Incineroar and Umbreon. Nidoqueen is the ground type and is key to stopping Xurkitree, who can rip through the core otherwise. It runs an offensive set with Thunder to pressure Milotics and Vaporeons better. Last slot is Umbreon serving as a knock absorber and a wish passer. Umbreon helps strengthen the defensive core, particularly on the special side, which can be vital in outlasting your opponents and waiting for the opportunity to sweep with Reun.

Other Options:
In testing I liked Aqua Jet on Golisopod, but you may exchange it for Liquidation or Leech Life. Reuniclus runs a Rocky Helmet instead of the typical Leftovers to help discourage Crobat's Uturns. This team does not have a rock type to lean back on for Crobat and the Steel Type is Scarf Metagross so Helmet will prevent Crobat mindlessly U-turning. However, if Incineroar becomes too much of an issue, feel free to run Colbur Berry. U-turn can be run on Crobat instead of Toxic if you feel the need, tho toxic helps with the aforementioned Darks.

Incineroar is incredibly good against this team tho the matchup is not impossible as there are tools to help. Firstly if the Incineroar is running standard set and without SD, Reuniclus beats it 1v1 (tho not on the switch unless Colbur). Metagross does have Earthquake and Crobat does have Toxic and is specifically EV'ed to help with Incin Knock. You also have the Nido tho it does not switch in very well. The key to the Incin mu is to play aggressively and don't sit with Umbreon too much. Incin teams are unlikely to have wish passers of their own so any chip will go a long way.
Other Dark types like Pangoro can also pose a threat but the mu is not impossible either as there is a crobat. Again just play aggressively and don't sit on Umbreon too much

That's all I got, Hope you Enjoy the Team!
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Outdated teams

:darmanitan::flygon::registeel::heliolisk::crobat::golisopod: - eifo
Hey, so I tried my hand at building with this. I opted for mons that could either pressure or take advantage of this Flygon set's main checks, namely Celebi, Milotic, Suicune, Umbreon, and Weezing-G. Scarf Darm provides speed control and forces in bulky waters, which can then be tricked, thereby improving Flygon and Golisopod's match up. Similarly, Golisopod provides another form of speed control in First Impression, while also giving the team a dearly needed CM Reuniclus answer, and another way of threatening Celebi. The speed lets you outspeed mons like Diancie, Rhyperior, and Umbreon. As for Heliolisk, it functions as both an offensive pivot and as a strong answer to Suicune. Registeel and Crobat form a nice defensive core that covers a lot of the tier, while also giving the team rocks and defog. Regi has a lot of speed and Heavy Slam in order to better punish Weezing-G.
:omastar::incineroar::cobalion::golisopod::flygon::gardevoir: - Mac3
i first tried to build around meteor beam metagross but i just didn't think that it pulled its weight at all during games. so i then decided to go in another direction, namely omastar. omastar benefits greatly from the drastic decrease in gastrodon usage, as it is quite a good counter that is very hard to chip due to it having recover. furthermore teams generally are very underprepared for rock + water coverage (you can try building with barbaracle sometime) as the main rock-types are rhyperior and diancie, which need very different checks. after deciding on omastar i paired it with sd incineroar to force knock on bulky waters such as seismitoad and milotic to provide help to omastar. i knew i wanted spikes, and after adding cobalion for rocks and an obstagoon answer i needed a ground resist, so i added golisopod. after this i needed a ground so i added dd flygon to further pressure opposing teams. and wrapping the team up i needed a scarfer so i added gardevoir. specifically i chose to use memento and healing wish on the set to provide support to the sweepers on the team depending on the situation. hope you like the team!
:obstagoon::sharpedo::togekiss::noivern::seismitoad::klefki: - Mac3
Alright so! I started off with just basing the team off of the darkspam of Obstagoon + Sharpedo and decided to pair it with subsalac Togekiss to take advantage of the breaking power that Obstagoon provides. The core you provided doesn't carry much defensive weight so that was where I wanted to go next, furthermore, I wanted to add spikes to help the dual sweepers of Sharpedo and Togekiss and Obstagoon's ability to force switches. I went through a few different variations of the defensive core but ultimately settled on Seismitoad + Klefki. Seismitoad provides an electric immunity and a fire resist while also providing the team with rocks. Klefki gave the team a steel, speed control, and an Obstagoon resist, hence I decided to make it physdef as I also wanted it to sponge a Cobalion hit if necessary. Lastly I decided to add Noivern as some necessary speed and also a further way of pressuring steel types.

Changes you could try would be to make the Sharpedo mixed, or try a different Togekiss set. Hope you like the team and the tier!
:crobat: :raikou: :flygon: :bronzong: :golisopod: :obstagoon: - Sage
Nasty Plot Crobat is an interesting cleaner / wallbreaker hybrid, but it's initial power is definitely lacking so this team compensates for that with strong wallbreaking from Obstagoon and more speed control in Scarf Flygon. Obstruct was chosen due to the lack of pivoting outside of Raikou for getting goon in for free, as well as patching the team's Golisopod matchup due to non-Roost bat. Speaking of Bat, Sludge Bomb makes more sense as a reliable STAB at +2, while Heat Wave / Giga Drain can get you passed weakened Steel and Rock types respectively that resist your main move. Bronzong was chosen as the rocker to check DD Flygon and Togekiss, and Golisopod added Spikes to keep pressure and force opponents to Defog, extra revenge killing, and a secondary Reuniclus check. Be careful of the Volcanion matchup (or wait for it to rise in April...), and hope you enjoy!
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Hello frens, I would like to request a standard obsta balance with obsta+bat+togekiss+scarf gon+Shark
Hi, we'd really appreciate it if you cut your request down to 1-3 'mons as as your request is right now it'd be impossible to cover the needed weaknesses with just one 'mon. For example, you could request Obstagoon + Togekiss.

Also, on an unrelated note, requesting old gens is perfectly fine, for now atleast.
Hello! I'd love somebody else to take a shot at building around the Bulky DD Flygon set I posted in HEAT a while back.

Flygon @ Leftovers/Lum Berry
Ability: Levitate
EVs: 248 HP / 188 Def / 72 Spe
Impish Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Roost
- Earthquake
- Dragon Claw / Stone Edge

Been working with this set intermittently for a while, and I can't tell if I'm just a ~1400 elo player or if I'm mediocre at team building or if the set is just that "meh". Would love to see how more experienced players would build around this. Open to tweaks to the set, too.
yo friends can you build me some fire offense around SD Lucario + Sharpedo? thanks loves
Here :)
:Lucario: :Sharpedo: :Flygon: :Mimikyu: :Heracross: :Metagross:
Lucario and Sharpedo are both strong Pokemon on offense, good start. From there the next two slots were pretty decided, Flygon and Mimikyu. Having a Ground-type is very important, as to not be easily run over by the tier's Electric-type pivots like Raikou and Heliolisk. Dragon Dance Flygon is usually the best choice for offensive teams, it checks the electrics and is a very strong sweeper in of itself. Life Orb and Outrage was opted for here, to best muscle past bulky Water-types. Mimikyu is a staple on hyper offense, disguise allows it to check threats like Sharpedo, Flygon, itself and gives it ample opportunity to be a threatening sweeper. You would almost surely be at a notable disadvantage against opposing hyper offense teams without Mimikyu.

Heracross offers the teams Spikes, a safety net with Focus Sash, and is itself a threat. Spikes are valuable to wear down checks to the teams threats like Steelix, Cobalion, and bulky Water-types, Stone Edge is opted for here, as on a hyper offense team like this immediately threatening Flying-types like Crobat and Noivern is more important than Knock Off. Metagross offers the team a Flying resist, important given the lack of answers to Crobat and Choice Scarf Togekiss elsewhere, and a good check to Choice Scarf Gardevoir, which this team does not have a lot of otherwise. Perhaps interestingly, this Metagross lacks Stealth Rock, without Knock Off this team doesn't have the tools to make that good use of Stealth Rock and it already has a hazard in Spikes. Moves like Toxic to cripple fat waters or Explosion to remove a threat can be more valuable. This Metagross has Shuca Berry to help against Flygon, though, something else like Custap Berry with Endure could work too.
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sry my bad i want a team of NP Togekiss+Obsta+shark

Alright so! I started off with just basing the team off of the darkspam of Obstagoon + Sharpedo and decided to pair it with subsalac Togekiss to take advantage of the breaking power that Obstagoon provides. The core you provided doesn't carry much defensive weight so that was where I wanted to go next, furthermore, I wanted to add spikes to help the dual sweepers of Sharpedo and Togekiss and Obstagoon's ability to force switches. I went through a few different variations of the defensive core but ultimately settled on Seismitoad + Klefki. Seismitoad provides an electric immunity and a fire resist while also providing the team with rocks. Klefki gave the team a steel, speed control, and an Obstagoon resist, hence I decided to make it physdef as I also wanted it to sponge a Cobalion hit if necessary. Lastly I decided to add Noivern as some necessary speed and also a further way of pressuring steel types.

Changes you could try would be to make the Sharpedo mixed, or try a different Togekiss set. Hope you like the team and the tier!
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Alright so! I started off with just basing the team off of the darkspam of Obstagoon + Sharpedo and decided to pair it with subsalac Togekiss to take advantage of the breaking power that Obstagoon provides. The core you provided doesn't carry much defensive weight so that was where I wanted to go next, furthermore, I wanted to add spikes to help the dual sweepers of Sharpedo and Togekiss and Obstagoon's ability to force switches. I went through a few different variations of the defensive core but ultimately settled on Seismitoad + Klefki. Seismitoad provides an electric immunity and a fire resist while also providing the team with rocks. Klefki gave the team a steel, speed control, and an Obstagoon resist, hence I decided to make it physdef as I also wanted it to sponge a Cobalion hit if necessary. Lastly I decided to add Noivern as some necessary speed and also a further way of pressuring steel types.

Changes you could try would be to make the Sharpedo mixed, or try a different Togekiss set. Hope you like the team and the tier!
Thank you so much
Hey, I've been wanting to try out lower tiers and have been interested in Power Herb + Meteor Beam Celesteela, but have no real clue how to build in this tier. I know that's open-ended, but I would be grateful for a team.
Hey, I've been wanting to try out lower tiers and have been interested in Power Herb + Meteor Beam Celesteela, but have no real clue how to build in this tier. I know that's open-ended, but I would be grateful for a team.
Hey, I was wondering if there is any specific 'mon u'd like us to build around?
Hey, I was wondering if there is any specific 'mon u'd like us to build around?

Oh I'm sorry, I posted a bit late and didn't finish my thought. I was wondering if anything else could sufficiently use Power Herb + Meteor Beam in this tier. Something like Trick Room + Gyro Ball + Meteor Beam Bronzong, or Rock Polish + Meteor Beam on Metagross. A team for each would be above and beyond, thanks in advance,
Hello! I'd love somebody else to take a shot at building around the Bulky DD Flygon set I posted in HEAT a while back.

Hey, so I tried my hand at building with this. I opted for mons that could either pressure or take advantage of this Flygon set's main checks, namely Celebi, Milotic, Suicune, Umbreon, and Weezing-G. Scarf Darm provides speed control and forces in bulky waters, which can then be tricked, thereby improving Flygon and Golisopod's match up. Similarly, Golisopod provides another form of speed control in First Impression, while also giving the team a dearly needed CM Reuniclus answer, and another way of threatening Celebi. The speed lets you outspeed mons like Diancie, Rhyperior, and Umbreon. As for Heliolisk, it functions as both an offensive pivot and as a strong answer to Suicune. Registeel and Crobat form a nice defensive core that covers a lot of the tier, while also giving the team rocks and defog. Regi has a lot of speed and Heavy Slam in order to better punish Weezing-G.
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Hello, friends. I would like to request a bulky offense or balance team built around 4 attacks Seismitoad. Thank you in advance. :psyglad:

hey there RUPL host who clearly didn't want me to manage fsr btboy, I got your 4 attacks Toad team(s) right here!

Team 1
:ss/seismitoad: :ss/crobat: :ss/registeel: :ss/heracross: :ss/xurkitree: :ss/reuniclus:

Team 2
:ss/seismitoad: :ss/crobat: :ss/registeel: :ss/heracross: :ss/heliolisk: :ss/reuniclus:

You requested a balance or BO team around 4 attacks Seismitoad. At first we considered Band, but then we also narrowed it down to EB or lefties. We ultimately decided on lefties (although EB would work as well for that extra damage). First up is :seismitoad: with a set you'd probably expect with EQ, Ice Punch for Crobat and Noivern, Knock Off, and Power Whip for opposing Grounds and such. Adamant nature is the default, but you could go Jolly for that extra speed. Next up is :crobat: which serves as your hazard control and weapon against Grasses like Rose and Celebi. Speaking of hazards, :registeel: is your rocker here. Went with a physically defensive variant to better deal with Obstagoon. Other than that, nothing else special about it. Next mon is :heracross: and he be your scarfer. It's your primary (if not only) way to beat Reuniclus so treat it with care. Stone Edge is the 4th move here, but Spikes would make a great 4th move as well to add more pressure to opposing teams. :reuniclus: is the next one and it's your special tanky mon. It's your best weapon against Nidoqueen since everything else is a team effort to beat it as you can see. The last mon is where the 2 teams diverged. The first team has Boots :xurkitree: and we all know how dangerous that thing is. Nothing new or special about it. The 2nd team has Boots :heliolisk: for extra speed and a nicer way of handling the annoying Waters on the team should Toad go down prematurely.

I hope you love the teams. Enjoy!
Oh I'm sorry, I posted a bit late and didn't finish my thought. I was wondering if anything else could sufficiently use Power Herb + Meteor Beam in this tier. Something like Trick Room + Gyro Ball + Meteor Beam Bronzong, or Rock Polish + Meteor Beam on Metagross. A team for each would be above and beyond, thanks in advance,
yo! heres ur team: :omastar::incineroar::cobalion::golisopod::flygon::gardevoir:

i first tried to build around meteor beam metagross but i just didn't think that it pulled its weight at all during games. so i then decided to go in another direction, namely omastar. omastar benefits greatly from the drastic decrease in gastrodon usage, as it is quite a good counter that is very hard to chip due to it having recover. furthermore teams generally are very underprepared for rock + water coverage (you can try building with barbaracle sometime) as the main rock-types are rhyperior and diancie, which need very different checks. after deciding on omastar i paired it with sd incineroar to force knock on bulky waters such as seismitoad and milotic to provide help to omastar. i knew i wanted spikes, and after adding cobalion for rocks and an obstagoon answer i needed a ground resist, so i added golisopod. after this i needed a ground so i added dd flygon to further pressure opposing teams. and wrapping the team up i needed a scarfer so i added gardevoir. specifically i chose to use memento and healing wish on the set to provide support to the sweepers on the team depending on the situation. hope you like the team!
Hi RU enemies friends! I'd like to request a bulky offense/balance around NP crobat. Thanks!
Hey turtledoggo (cute name), here's your NastyBat team!

:crobat: :raikou: :flygon: :bronzong: :golisopod: :obstagoon:

Nasty Plot Crobat is an interesting cleaner / wallbreaker hybrid, but it's initial power is definitely lacking so this team compensates for that with strong wallbreaking from Obstagoon and more speed control in Scarf Flygon. Obstruct was chosen due to the lack of pivoting outside of Raikou for getting goon in for free, as well as patching the team's Golisopod matchup due to non-Roost bat. Speaking of Bat, Sludge Bomb makes more sense as a reliable STAB at +2, while Heat Wave / Giga Drain can get you passed weakened Steel and Rock types respectively that resist your main move. Bronzong was chosen as the rocker to check DD Flygon and Togekiss, and Golisopod added Spikes to keep pressure and force opponents to Defog, extra revenge killing, and a secondary Reuniclus check. Be careful of the Volcanion matchup (or wait for it to rise in April...), and hope you enjoy!
I am requesting an offense or bulky offense based around LO Recover 3Attacks Starmie.

alright starting off with the starmie set I decided to use natural cure > analytic as I think the ability to trade damage for a toxic from bulky waters/steels is a much more useful quality right now than some extra damage on the switch would be. after starmie I added klefki as a steel type and a spiker which seemed extremely good paired with starmie due to the switches it forces, the next addition was dhelmise as a spinblocker and my own form of hazard control. in addition to this, dhelmise provides a ground resist and honestly a really good breaker as well. tornadus was the next mon on the team as it forces in bulky steels and rocks for starmie to take advantage of, I decided to use itemless acro torn in order to both take advantage of a possible defiant boost but also to have a poltergeist immunity. i then needed a ground type so i added dd flygon as a nice sweeper after starmie, torn, and dhelmise have been able to weaken the opposing team in combination with spikes from klefki. and lastly i added diancie as rocks and a solid fire resist.

changes you can consider are analytic on starmie (although i recommend against it) and perhaps scarf flygon if u feel the need for it. this team is super fun and so is LO starmie so i hope you like the team!