I rate your fears

What it says in the title.
And to make it fair I’ll tell you some of my fears
Ostriches, Emus, and the like
I don’t like how big they are, plain and simple. I’m way more afraid of them than I am snakes or spiders.
Short heights
I’m fine with really high heights because if I fall
I know I’ll die and I’m okay with that
But shorter heights where falling wouldn’t result in death but instead broken bones or being paralyzed are what I’m scared of.
Time for some TheSnoom lore
When I was a wee lad, I was waking in a target parking lot with my family, minding my own business right? And then I see a wasp flying towards me, and my dumb little child brain though, “Oh, well it will just fly over me right?” I WAS WRONG. LITTLE SHIT STUNG ME RIGHT BETWEEN THE EYES, RUINING ME FOR LIFE. I COULDNT GO OUTSIDE FOR WEEKS, AND EVEN NOW IM STILL TERRIFED OF WASPS
Please share
Just like you, I am afraid of wasps. Bees are fine. The stings don't hurt that much and the only time they've stung me is when I've messed with them. Once was as a young child messing around in some rose bushes, and the other in the mouth from drinking a grape soda I had left outside on my birthday. Though wasps. They are the devil spawn. I was exiting my Gramma's house and after I shut the screen door a wasp comes out of some random nest nearby and gets me in the back of my neck. It hurts so goddamn much and I rush inside the house again. Ever since, wasps have terrified me. I've been trying to be slightly less afraid of them but damn they are insane.

I'm also afraid of how my future is going to turn out. Without going into details, I know what I want to do with my life but don't know if I have the motivation to get that far. Just a general fear of "What the fuck will I do if that doesn't work out?"

Last yet certainly the least, I'm slightly afraid of how much of an affect my "don't care" mentality is going to have on me. Basically to avoid getting angry at small things I've adopted the mindset of "don't ever give a shit", and I'm just very slightly worried if I have a little bit to much apathy towards everything. To be entirely honest though, it is a plus to almost never get mad and instead only just get mildly annoyed / disappointed at people who make stupid arguments.

There ya go.
Just like you, I am afraid of wasps. Bees are fine. The stings don't hurt that much and the only time they've stung me is when I've messed with them. Once was as a young child messing around in some rose bushes, and the other in the mouth from drinking a grape soda I had left outside on my birthday. Though wasps. They are the devil spawn. I was exiting my Gramma's house and after I shut the screen door a wasp comes out of some random nest nearby and gets me in the back of my neck. It hurts so goddamn much and I rush inside the house again. Ever since, wasps have terrified me. I've been trying to be slightly less afraid of them but damn they are insane.

I'm also afraid of how my future is going to turn out. Without going into details, I know what I want to do with my life but don't know if I have the motivation to get that far. Just a general fear of "What the fuck will I do if that doesn't work out?"

Last yet certainly the least, I'm slightly afraid of how much of an affect my "don't care" mentality is going to have on me. Basically to avoid getting angry at small things I've adopted the mindset of "don't ever give a shit", and I'm just very slightly worried if I have a little bit to much apathy towards everything. To be entirely honest though, it is a plus to almost never get mad and instead only just get mildly annoyed / disappointed at people who make stupid arguments.

There ya go.
Fears of wasps gets 10/10 from me bucko
Honestly they are terrifying and should be extinct
Your existential fears are also very justified! The future is not guaranteed to us and it’s hard to care about things when we don’t know if they’ll even pay off in the end. But that’s why we’ve got to care, so that if things do suddenly end, we know that we at least enjoyed life. 9/10
Man your fears are great!
My greatest fear is being alone.
you’ll never actually be alone, unless you’re on like a deserted island or something but that’s besides the point. What I mean is that even if you feel alone, there are always people there for you, and even if there aren’t as long as there’s another person on this planet, you can always find a friend. 6/10
i am claustrophobic, watching people "caving" makes me squirm
I wanna make a joke about suffocating in something that relates to you but I’m a therapist and that would be wrong. Yeah I’ve been secretly giving you free therapy without your consent! Anyways
Yeah that’s reasonable, I’m not claustrophobic but I can see why some people would be. However this does imply something is wrong with the caveman part of your brain as small right spaces like caves were where we felt safe from big cats, soooooooo..... 3/10
swans. feathery cunts. get off my fucking canal.
Swans and geese aren’t as bad as the media would like you to think, they’ll only really mess with you if you mess with them. Kinda prejudice honestly 0/10
my greatest fear is being replaced by a younger version of me who flatters their way into my life and then begins to emulate my appearance, personality, and identity. This person also encroaches on my relationships, work life, and hobbies until I have been completely replaced.
my greatest fear is being replaced by a younger version of me who flatters their way into my life and then begins to emulate my appearance, personality, and identity. This person also encroaches on my relationships, work life, and hobbies until I have been completely replaced.
That’s just called having a younger brother pal
0/10 kinda sus ngl
losing my cat

stairs that are too open
I can see the first one, and that’s a genuine fear to have. But you can’t build your life around animals with a fraction of the lifespan you have, they’ll have to go eventually. Unless you meant the cat getting lost, then just get a leash. 7/10 I like cats
I don’t understand what the second one means. -10/10 please explain
how many times am I going to have to post about the horrors of Velcro
Velcro is awesome what do you mean? Did you have some Velcro related incident Phoopes? Wanna talk about it?
Please elaborate
I’m a therapist not a psychic
Personally, my greatest fear is dying alone in a dark deserted alley or something of the like. Somewhere where nobody will ever find me or hear my screams... Or mostly just being in a place where there aren't people who will notice when somebody's screaming for help. Sometimes when I'm in the house alone, I feel like at any moment I'll be dragged into the twilight zone or get killed by a killer clown that crawls out of my closet and when my family comes home, all they'll find is my dead body :(
My greatest fear is TheSnoom
Personally, my greatest fear is dying alone in a dark deserted alley or something of the like. Somewhere where nobody will ever find me or hear my screams... Or mostly just being in a place where there aren't people who will notice when somebody's screaming for help. Sometimes when I'm in the house alone, I feel like at any moment I'll be dragged into the twilight zone or get killed by a killer clown that crawls out of my closet and when my family comes home, all they'll find is my dead body :(
Yeah that’s pretty valid, but it’s not something you really have to worry about as long as you practice basic safety procedures and keep a weapon while walking a lone at night. 6/10
the mutant enemy logo. the font gives me the spooks, to say nothing of the little gremlin scuttling through.
How are afraid of a font? A font cannot hurt you. If you want to get over it just use the font and bam you won’t be afraid of it anymore. 3/10.
Like many of my fellow digital homosexuals, I play Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn: Endwalker, available for PC, PS5, and presumably until next expansion pack, PS4.
But unlike many digital homosexuals, I've grown quite a distaste for Twitch and livestream culture in general. And now I want nothing to do with it, but FFXIV has a huge Twitch crossover which is impressive considering how terrible MMOs are to watch on livestreams, information I've gleaned from the before times. Amongst my "Free Company" - That's bullshit FFXIV lingo for "guild" or "clan" in other games that utilize more sensible and standardized terminology. Anyways, my FC has several streamers. none of which do I know the popularity of but there's basis of enough repeated sightings for this fear of being incidentally twitch streamed enough that people start to recognize me, from twitch and livestreams.

Pretty silly fear that feels out of place in this thread now but I reckoned it was bizarre enough to be interesting.