Smog Awards 2021: Results

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i hope everyone who voted for me steps on lego
Glad I didn’t win the meme category or I’d have to come back

Appreciate the people who voted for me! I’m glad my Discord shitposting is memorable enough for y’all :^) , but for social media, Kris is a powerhouse and should have won that tbh.

This site has a lot of unsung heroes who contribute to it every day, and they deserve all the praise and appreciation, both those that were nommed and weren’t. Y’all are awesome and worth sticking around for. n_n
OMG TheCoastsOfToast your avi won again!

Thanks everyone that voted it, for me it required a lot of time, work, and watching a full book of Avatar TLoA while drawing it. Your recognition and love for it makes it worth! (Besides, TCoT rocks it on PS!)

With that being said, I want to shout out Brumi, Clem and sharp_claw for their amazing nominated avis! Their names link to their Art galleries (sharp when yours??), go give them love! I have seen these three users not only grow, but work untiringly for a long time now, and the passion and level they put are difficult to compare. They deserve all the recognition and laurels too!

A little note and suggestion, could this category next year: a. only nominate avis applied to PS that year? If this is a prize for what's done over the year, that seems only fair too, (I was as surprised as everyone when Kirby entered the list again, I literally nommed other avis); and b. SO the artists, at least on the results sheet if you want people to vote based on the avi and not the artist?

Thanks again and grats to all the winners, y'all are amazing! (and BP is a weeb indeed)

yo, I'm Tristan, 24, I've been playing competitively for 9 years :swole: :swole:
Loyal, Free Spirited, Funny, Kinky, Smart, Geeky, Classy, Punk Rock, I Enjoy Video Games, Anime, Rock\Metal Music, Sports, Good Food Tattoo's, Wine, I Love Animals,
'number one XY NU player'

'number one XY middle cup player'

'top 10 ORAS NU player'

'team king crabs'

'team stinky stunkys'

'team Tangela ever after'

'team Olympia omastars'

'number one BW RU player'

'number one SM NU player' 2 times

'number one SS NU player' 4 times

'number one SS MIX AND MEGA player'

'top 10 SS NFE player'

'5 final 4's'

how is he enigmatic???? he literally tells you himself all you need to know about him in his about, do your research guys
View attachment 411587

i hope everyone who voted for me steps on lego

Legos don't hurt that bad honestly.

View attachment 411611

yo, I'm Tristan, 24, I've been playing competitively for 9 years :swole: :swole:
Loyal, Free Spirited, Funny, Kinky, Smart, Geeky, Classy, Punk Rock, I Enjoy Video Games, Anime, Rock\Metal Music, Sports, Good Food Tattoo's, Wine, I Love Animals,
'number one XY NU player'

'number one XY middle cup player'

'top 10 ORAS NU player'

'team king crabs'

'team stinky stunkys'

'team Tangela ever after'

'team Olympia omastars'

'number one BW RU player'

'number one SM NU player' 2 times

'number one SS NU player' 4 times

'number one SS MIX AND MEGA player'

'top 10 SS NFE player'

'5 final 4's'

how is he enigmatic???? he literally tells you himself all you need to know about him in his about, do your research guys

And his website has even more information!!
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