Tournament BDSPPL - Managers Signups

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NUPL Champion
Welcome to the first Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Premier League! This thread is for the signups for those who wish to manage in the tour. The host for BDSPPL are dex and Tuthur.

There will 6 teams for this tournament.
When signing up, YOU MUST SIGN WITH AN ASSISTANT MANAGER and state who they are. Assistant manager must confirm in the thread. Managers and Assistant Mangers will be able to purchase themselves for 15k credits each prior to the draft if they wish to do so.

Please sign up using the following format:
Team Name:

BDSP Ubers
Signups will close on Saturday, April 9 at 11:59 PM GMT+2.
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Team Name: tbd (IT WILL BE GREAT) ((reserving spheal as a mon if possible))
Manager: me
Co-Manager: Lalaya
I have been playing bdsp for 2002902903022 years, and participated in multiple discord side tours with it, both building and playing, and am active in the community. Outside of BDSP I am currently managing OMPL and managed NDPL last year, and (inshallah) going to manage NDWC, have managed a few discord side tours as well (with great results). Lalaya is a larper (OU council, RO) in this tier + gets ZERO bitches and needs the clout from this to get some.
Team Name: tbd (IT WILL BE GREAT) ((reserving spheal as a mon if possible))
Manager: me
Co-Manager: Lalaya
I have been playing bdsp for 2002902903022 years, and participated in multiple discord side tours with it, both building and playing, and am active in the community. Outside of BDSP I am currently managing OMPL and managed NDPL last year, and (inshallah) going to manage NDWC, have managed a few discord side tours as well (with great results). Lalaya is a larper (OU council, RO) in this tier + gets ZERO bitches and needs the clout from this to get some.
> 10yo and has scroller (confirm)
Team Name: kuroro lucarios :lucario:
Manager: dunoks
Co-Manager: ryuji
I’ve won uu snake, currently managing uufpl, and I'm first in bdsp circuit leaderboard. Ryuji managed in ndwc, and we both know the playerbase, we believe we are able to make a good team with a good atmosphere.
Team Name: kuroro lucarios :lucario:
Manager: dunoks
Co-Manager: ryuji
I’ve won uu snake, currently managing uufpl, and I'm first in bdsp circuit leaderboard. Ryuji managed in ndwc, and we both know the playerbase, we believe we are able to make a good team with a good atmosphere.
logo team.png

u forgot the logo (confirming)
Team Name: Vitality Vespiquens
Manager: -Howkings
Co-Manager: Mihowk

Howkings is one of the best manager on smogon, he's managing in RoAPL, helped Raiders to win SPL and managed a lot of other teams on Discord and PS always hitting at least playoffs. I don't have this palmares but I'm just cooler than lalaya :3
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