Pet Mod [Gen 8] OptiMons V2 - 8th Slate: (R)ather (U)nderpowered


formerly megaspoopy000
Approved by DuoM2


Welcome to OptiMonsV2, a Pet Mod where each Pokemon is optimized to their full extent. Here's the guidelines to define what 'optimized' means:
  1. A Pokemon becomes optimized once they have been given all of the necessary tools to be used to their highest ability. Be it a small change, be it a big change: a Pokemon has its limits. Nothing is broken, intentionally at least.
  2. No Pokemon will be injured, or de-optimized if you will. No Uber Pokemon will be dropped down with nerfs allowed, as that defeats the entire purpose of optimizing a Pokemon.
  3. In order to create an optimization, think of a Pokemon's inherit flaws. Then, work around these flaws by including slight tweaks to turn these flaws into non-issues. That will make a Pokemon fully optimized.
  4. Once a Pokemon is optimized, it can be amended if the community decides that a.) the optimization makes the Pokemon too powerful, or b.) the optimization turns out to not be as useful as expected.
Here is an example of an optimized Pokemon:



Cursola [Optimized]
Abilities: Regenerator | Filter | [HA] Perish Body
Stats: 80 HP / 70 Atk / 85 Def / 145 SpA / 130 SpD / 45 Spe [BST 555]
Added Moves: Recover.
Summary of Changes: +20 HP, -25 Atk, +35 Def, +15 Spe

Here's an example of an Optimized Pokemon from the First Version, Cursola's key flaws include a middling physical bulk, a crippling weakness to the Dark type, and therefore, to Knock Off, and a lack of recovery that didn't allow it to act as a Spd Tank. However, giving it the ability Regenerator, and bumping up its Physical Bulk, would make it so it can now actively perform as one of the best Spd Walls in the meta. That, alongside granting it the Dark type, so it only now bolsters one weakness, even if it's such an important one as Fairy, and giving it the ability Filter and Recover, this coupled with its incredible Spa and Bulk, gives it the chance to become an incredible Set-Up Sweeper with Calm Mind, run its old Specs set, and even more. Even with all that, Cursola it's still not overpowered as it suffers from being revenge killed fairly easy by any strong physical pokemon that outspeeds it, which is almost all of them.

If you'd like to use the above format, here's the code!

:ss/pokemon: or :sm/pokemon: that you necesitate here.png[/IMG <--and a square bracket here
pokemon [Optimized]
Added Moves:
Summary of Changes:

Here are some common questions which will be asked:
  • What are the set limitations / common sense rules?
Although input from the community is obviously the goal, I'd like to reserve the right to have the ultimate decision fall upon me (and a council, if it garners support). Since we don't want anything asinine or something that's just not completely filled with idea behind it, then just having me or a council do it makes most sense to me. I feel like since optimization is tweaking of already existing, addition shouldn't be too much. I feel like it's more of a logical standpoint. Typing, too, but only in specific rare cases. Here's an example. Giving Dunsparce 105 Speed since it's based slightly off a bumble bee, so Ribombee has high speed, so Dunsparce should as well. That is not an optimization, it's a reach and a half. However, making Dunsparce Normal / Poison is logical, as it's based off of a serpent, and does optimize it in that it neutralizes its Fighting-type weakness and gives it a new set of resistances to work with. Obviously more would be added, but the first example is overzealous and not logical to me.
  • What actually determines if a Pokemon is to be optimized?
Here's how I see it. Mega Evolutions give Pokemon the ability to be optimized. For example, Charizard wasn't a good Pokemon in OU compared to before it became able to Mega. Becoming OU viable is the goal, or even just make it a tier higher. For example, making Kangaskhan a lot more viable in RU than it might be already. The gap between NU and OU is very rarely going to be fixed. That isn't the point. The goal in my eyes is to make a Pokemon the best version of themselves. A 2.0 if you will. My example, Primarina, is now viable in OU, logical and would be able to hold its own. The way I see it, it's like giving a Pokemon an ability to get the spotlight that Mega Pokemon receive, without making them Mega Evolutions or giving the "vibe" of a Mega. The purpose of this is to optimize a Pokemon so that they've essentially become a 2.0 of themselves, without breaking the Pokemon's identity. Making Primarina very fast and strong while lowering defenses to make up for it erases Primarina's base. I want to see Tyranitar to Tyranitar-Mega: similar concepts, but with one having a unique twist (higher bulk and Speed). I do not want to see a Diancie to Diancie-Mega: exchange defenses with attacking stats to create a whole new concept. The concept should be intertwined with the base Pokemon. This makes it not arbitrary or opinionated as if we went with how Diancie's Mega Evolution did, people could easily argue it wasn't optimized because it lost the base form in itself and became an entirely new object. I want it to be seen as an upgrade, not an evolution.

Some clarifications:

- This Pet Mod is based on National Dex. Eventhough the original mod was based on Gen 8, I've decided to keep the Pokemon that were optimized on the first version, due to deeming them not only viable, but fun to play with and against, and not centralizing/problematic (in the most part).

- Propositions to be Council are open! I intend to have around 5 council members, so if you are interested and are fairly experienced within the pet mod community or just normal Pokemon, DM me!

Have fun!
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1st Slate
P(U)oor Rendition

:ss/palossand: :ss/togedemaru: :ss/galvantula:
These are Pokemon that have, since they have been released, felt short even in the sets they were most comfortable on, and in actuality, are banished to the literal joke of a tier that is PU, so can we bump them up at least a tier or 2?
Sub slate will last between 4-5 days, GL<3​
First sub to this Pet Mod so please tell me if I get something wrong ^-^


Palossand [Optimized]
: Soul Drain (Dark-type -Absorb clone) / Sand Veil / Water Compaction (HA)
Stats: 85 / 75 / 110 / 115 / 95 / 35
Added Moves: Beachquake* (Special Earthquake), Nasty Plot
Summary of Changes: +15 SpA, +20 SpD

Palossand's main problems are having low Special Defense, being weak to Knock Off and although it has Shore Up, it has a okay defensive typing (5 weaknesses, 3 resists and 3 immunities) and is very passive. +15 SpA along with a better Special Defense stat allows it to tank more hits, use Shore Up more usefully, and makes it no longer be passive, which is also why it gained a new Special move and Nasty Plot. Soul Drain also allows it to become immune to Knock Off, which is extremely useful. However, it does have some of the weaknesses the same as before: Palossand can struggle somewhat with threats that its typing would otherwise allow it to check, though (shamelessly copied from Palossand's analysis.)
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Palossand [Optimized]
: Water Compaction* / Pressure / [HA] Sand Stream
Stats: 100 / 60 / 130 / 110 / 75 / 40 [515 BST]
Added Moves: Flip Turn.
Summary of Changes: +15 HP, -15 Atk, +20 Def, +10 Spa, +5 Spe
Description/Role: with 4 immunities, 3 of them springing solely from typing, and pivoting along with better bulk, palo can now be a better SR setter, while not losing momentum and being absolutely NOT passive with its stabs, whatever you choose to use, or just be a Physical tank and use a toxic set, whatever you like really.
Custom: Water Compaction: This Pokemon has its Def raised by 1 when hit by a Water move; Water immunity.

Togedemaru [Optimized]
: Iron Barbs / Lightning Rod / [HA] Sturdy
Stats: 115 / 120 / 73 / 40 / 73 / 96 [517 BST]
Added Moves: nada wachin
Summary of Changes: +50 HP , +22 Atk, +10 Def
Description/Role: Toge has 2 Principal roles in the tier that it enhabits, Scarf and Wish Passer, this new spread allows it to fulfill both of those roles a LOT better, a higher hp means bigger wishes, and a better atk stat means better striking and pivoting!

Galvantula [Optimized]
: Compound Eyes / Fluffy / [HA] Swarm
Stats: 77 / 70 / 60 / 97 / 80 / 108 [492 BST]
Added Moves: Recover.
Summary of Changes: +7 HP, -7 Atk, +20 Spd
Description/Role: galv is web, and that is fact, so how make galv better? more web! easy
(an immense increase in bulk and recovery allows Galvantula to set webs anytime that it needs throughout a match)
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Palossand [Optimized]
Abilities: Water Compaction / Water Absorb
Stats: 85 / 75 / 115 / 105 / 85 / 35 (500 BST)
Added Moves: Body Press, Will-o-Wisp, Hex
Summary of Changes: +5 Def, +5 SpA, +10 SpD
Description/Role: ive used palossand in aaa before and the main thing it lacks is presence. body press should help it against various dark or normal types while will-o-wisp is more consistent than scorching sands. hex is there cause why doesnt it get hex


Togedemaru [Optimized]
Abilities: Iron Barbs / Surge Surfer / Sturdy
Stats: 75 / 118 / 73 / 60 / 73 / 96 (500 BST)
Added Moves: Swords Dance, Drill Run, Ice Fang
Summary of Changes: +10 HP , +20 Atk, +10 Def, +20 SpA
Description/Role: mons dire so gotta go with something drastic. togedemaru becomes a p good electric terrain abuser with doubled speed and decent (albeit weak) coverage.


Galvantula [Optimized]
Abilities: Oblivious / Compound Eyes / Unnerve
Stats: unchanged
Added Moves: Taunt, Memento
Summary of Changes: none
Description/Role: this mon doesnt need that much you just want to prevent mons from removing the webs immediately so add taunt. should distinguish itself enough from ribombee in that regard

edit: now it has oblivious so it cant be shut down by faster leads and memento so it can die easier
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Togedemaru [Optimized]
: Iron Barbs / Magnet Pull / Sturdy
Stats: 85 / 108 / 78 / 50 / 83 / 96 (500 BST)
Added Moves: Drill Run, Rapid Spin, Spikes, Iron Defense, Body Press
Summary of Changes: +20 HP, +10 Atk, +15 Def, +10 SpA, +10 SpD
Description/Role: Fast momentum mon & trapper akin to the likes of Magnezone, feat. Spikes and Removal allow it to take certain steels without momentum and abuse them for what they are. Drill Run allows it to give Heatran something to be afraid of, and spikes+spin gives it something to do with those turns that it's trapping, or using encore alongside iron defense / body press to attempt to go for game out the bat with possible rapid spin speed increases. Wish allows even a bulkier pivot set to exist alongside the added bulk. Lots of potential.


Galvantula [Optimized]
: Compound Eyes / Unnerve / Irritation*
Stats: 70 / 82 / 60 / 107 / 70 / 110 [499 BST]
Added Moves: Nuzzle, Grass Whistle
Summary of Changes: +5 Atk, +10 SpA, +10 SpD, +2 Spe
Description/Role: Galvantula as a webs setter is already pretty okay. Webs mons as a whole have to be pretty carefully done, because webs are arguably one of the strongest hazards just due to how important speed control is in the metagame. We're gonna give some quality of life stat increases, but also give Galvantula as a niche as a Hex style status cleaner as well that can spread its own status. No setup, but Irritation might make up for that.
Irritation: This pokemon has their moves power multiplied by 1.5 if the opponent is statused

Togedemaru [Optimized]
: Iron Barbs / Motor Drive / Sturdy
Stats: 95 / 120 / 94 / 35 / 73 / 103 [530 BST]
Added Moves: Volt Tackle, Drain Punch, Moonlight, Stealth Rock
Summary of Changes: +30 HP, +22 Atk, +31 Def, -5 SpA, +10 SpD, +7 Spe
Description/Role: Improves its two best sets, Wish and Scarf. Better bulk makes defensive sets a good check to mons like Weavile, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, and Arctozolt while also being able to come in on choiced attackers like Kartana with correct predictions and punish uturns with Iron Barbs. Moves like Super Fang and Nuzzle provide good utility while avoiding passivity by being able to set up rocks and uturn out. Scarf gains more power and coverage which allows it to hit mons like Ferrothorn and Kartana, and gains a more power electric stab move in Volt Tackle. With its higher speed, banded is a possible set that allows it to 2hko mons it would normally struggle with like Lando.

Palossand [Optimized]
Abilities: Water Compaction* / Sand Stream
Stats: 85 / 65 / 110 / 100 / 95 / 35 [490 BST]
Added Moves: N/A
Summary of Changes: -10 Atk, +20 SpD
Custom: Water Compaction | Current effect + Takes half damage from Water-Type attacks
Description/Role: Palossand’s Ultra Moon Dex Entry mentions it whipping up sandstorms to halt opponents in their tracks, so that’s exactly what this sub does. Combining it’s naturally good bulk with Sandstorm and it’s signature move Shore Up makes Palossand a very difficult Pokémon to remove from the field. It also fills the role of a Stealth Rock Setter, and combined with its recovery and the fact that it’s a natural spinblocker could make difficult to stop it from keeping them up across a game. Of course, all these upsides have to have downsides somewhere, and the spinblocking ghost type causes a pretty big one. Knock Off will likely hit hard, and it’s susceptible to being pursuit trapped thanks to it having no form of switching moves. It also has no way of boosting its offence, leaving it stuck with it’s base 100 SpA to attack with.
Hi! this is the first batch of reviews for the mod!

First sub to this Pet Mod so please tell me if I get something wrong ^-^


Palossand [Optimized]
: Soul Drain (Dark-type -Absorb clone) / Sand Veil / Water Compaction (HA)
Stats: 85 / 75 / 110 / 115 / 95 / 35
Added Moves: Beachquake* (Special Earthquake), Nasty Plot
Summary of Changes: +15 SpA, +20 SpD

nothing is particularly wrong with this one, but have in mind that after this slate, and for the duration of the mod, relatively heavy custom stuff like Beachquake and Soul Drain won't be allowed.


Galvantula [Optimized]
Abilities: unchanged
Stats: unchanged
Added Moves: Taunt
Summary of Changes: none
Description/Role: this mon doesnt need that much you just want to prevent mons from removing the webs immediately so add taunt. should distinguish itself enough from ribombee in that regard

this feels heavily underwhelming for what the mod is asking for, could you buff this sub in any particular way that may help web-setting or status spreading more? if so, do it, please<3


Galvantula [Optimized]
: Compound Eyes / Unnerve / Irritation*
Stats: 70 / 82 / 60 / 107 / 70 / 110 [499 BST]
Added Moves: Nuzzle, Grass Whistle
Summary of Changes: +5 Atk, +10 SpA, +10 SpD, +2 Spe
Description/Role: Galvantula as a webs setter is already pretty okay. Webs mons as a whole have to be pretty carefully done, because webs are arguably one of the strongest hazards just due to how important speed control is in the metagame. We're gonna give some quality of life stat increases, but also give Galvantula as a niche as a Hex style status cleaner as well that can spread its own status. No setup, but Irritation might make up for that.
Irritation: This pokemon has their moves power multiplied by 1.5 if the opponent is statused

Irritation would also be vetoed after this slate, sub is good otherwise

Ok, that's it! fix your subs if necessary, voting will start in approximately 24 hours<3
First Slate is up! Voting starts now; You can vote for 3 submissions for each mon, 1st place is 3 points, 2nd place is 2 points, and 3 place is one.
Self-vote CAN'T be 1st place.
(anaconja's galvantula is vetoed due to still being underwhelming in various ways)​

:togedemaru: anaconja, megaspoopy000
:galvantula: Noctrine, anaconja, megaspoopy000
:palossand: Low-Key, Ludicrousity, anaconja
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??? galvantula doesnt need that much to be a good web setter it already has high speed and speed control so giving it ways to circumvent defog and taunt should be enough
but that's, in my opinion, not nearly as optimized as it could be, you could have given it ways to punish Rapid Spin, make the web setting doable latter in the game by improving its defensive capabilities, and so much more. The way I see it, you sub lacks power, but I will unveto it in good faith.

You can all now vote for anaconja's Galvantula.
Voting will last approximately 24 hours, Good Luck to all.
here's my votes:
:palossand: anaconja, Ludicrousity, Low-Key
:togedemaru: NotCopen, megaspoopy000, Noctrine
:galvantula: anaconja, Noctrine, megaspoopy000

And, with that, its a wrap!
Congrats to the winners;


Palossand [Optimized]
Abilities: Water Compaction* / Sand Stream
Stats: 85 / 65 / 110 / 100 / 95 / 35 [490 BST]
Added Moves: N/A
Summary of Changes: -10 Atk, +20 SpD
Custom: Water Compaction | Current effect + Takes half damage from Water-Type attacks
Description/Role: Palossand’s Ultra Moon Dex Entry mentions it whipping up sandstorms to halt opponents in their tracks, so that’s exactly what this sub does. Combining it’s naturally good bulk with Sandstorm and it’s signature move Shore Up makes Palossand a very difficult Pokémon to remove from the field. It also fills the role of a Stealth Rock Setter, and combined with its recovery and the fact that it’s a natural spinblocker could make difficult to stop it from keeping them up across a game. Of course, all these upsides have to have downsides somewhere, and the spinblocking ghost type causes a pretty big one. Knock Off will likely hit hard, and it’s susceptible to being pursuit trapped thanks to it having no form of switching moves. It also has no way of boosting its offence, leaving it stuck with it’s base 100 SpA to attack with.
Ludicrosity's Palossand!


Togedemaru [Optimized]
: Iron Barbs / Motor Drive / Sturdy
Stats: 95 / 120 / 94 / 35 / 73 / 103 [530 BST]
Added Moves: Volt Tackle, Drain Punch, Moonlight, Stealth Rock
Summary of Changes: +30 HP, +22 Atk, +31 Def, -5 SpA, +10 SpD, +7 Spe
Description/Role: Improves its two best sets, Wish and Scarf. Better bulk makes defensive sets a good check to mons like Weavile, Tapu Koko, Tapu Lele, and Arctozolt while also being able to come in on choiced attackers like Kartana with correct predictions and punish uturns with Iron Barbs. Moves like Super Fang and Nuzzle provide good utility while avoiding passivity by being able to set up rocks and uturn out. Scarf gains more power and coverage which allows it to hit mons like Ferrothorn and Kartana, and gains a more power electric stab move in Volt Tackle. With its higher speed, banded is a possible set that allows it to 2hko mons it would normally struggle with like Lando.
NotCopen's Togedemaru!


Galvantula [Optimized]
Abilities: Oblivious / Compound Eyes / Unnerve
Stats: unchanged
Added Moves: Taunt, Memento
Summary of Changes: none
Description/Role: this mon doesnt need that much you just want to prevent mons from removing the webs immediately so add taunt. should distinguish itself enough from ribombee in that regard
and anaconja's Galvantula!

Discussion will last 24 hours, have fun!
since no one else is doing it, i might as well do it myself:

:palossand:: an incredible mixed wall and rocks setter, due to blocking rapid spin, and that can now hold its ground against and even check physical waters not named Urshifu.
252+ Atk Choice Band Barraskewda Liquidation vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Water Compaction Palossand: 146-174 (39 - 46.5%) -- guaranteed 3HKO
4 SpA Palossand Earth Power vs. 0 HP / 0 SpD Barraskewda: 169-199 (64.2 - 75.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

:togedemaru:: an incredible Scarf and Wish passer, able to even run banded sets to wallbreak, set SR, or evengo more defensively with a bulkier sets.

:galvantula:: a now anti-defog galvantula that's immune to taunt should improve the state of Webs HO kind of significantly, shouldn't it? It looks like a great companion to Palossand

Discussion ends in 4 hours!
Well might as well add my thoughts.

:palossand: doesnt do much in OU, still takes too much from the things it is supposed to be checking like urshifu/zapdos/chomp. Passive too, can only put out rocks and cant even block spin as there are not even really any spinners in OU bar eleki.

:togedemaru: super cool mon wonder who subbed this

:galvantula: webs arent very good in general so it doesnt change that much, still dont think webs are gonna be a viable playstyle even if you gave it every tool in existence. Would be cool it ubers tho.
2nd Slate: Iniciating.
:ss/samurott: :sm/delphox: :sm/torterra:

These are starters, the first companions in your adventure, but this are, particularly weak ones, to say it lightly, which have always fallen short because of their gimmicks or sets being replaceable by other similar or better pokemon, or just not being up to the task.
can we give em a little boost by improving on their best sets?

Slate will last 4-5 days, GL<3​

Samurott [Optimized]
: Torrent / Tough Claws
Stats: 95 / 110 / 95 / 75 / 70 / 100 [535 BST]
Added Moves: Ice Fang
Summary of Changes: +10 Atk, +10 Def, -33 SpA, +30 Spe
Description/Role: tc goes hard. has a good statline but kind of mediocre stabs and coverage.


Delphox [Optimized]
: Blaze / Magic Guard
Stats: 75 / 59 / 92 / 104 / 100 / 104 [535 BST]
Added Moves: Recover, Volt Switch, Earth Power
Summary of Changes: -10 Atk, +20 Def, -10 SpA
Description/Role: i like fire psychic for being a good check to stuff like lele. mguard helps it not rely on hdb and i lowered spa but gave it more coverage so it can hit things like heatran.


Torterra [Optimized]
: Overgrow / Rock Head
Stats: 95 / 119 / 105 / 56 / 85 / 75 [535 BST]
Added Moves: Head Smash, Body Press
Summary of Changes: +10 Atk, swapped SpA and Spe
Description/Role: took a page out of blaze black and made it a big wood hammer abuser since i doubt defensive sets are going anywhere. but i gave it body press just in case it can.
Delphox [Optimized]
Abilities:Blaze(Flame Body)
Added Moves:Energy Ball
Summary of Changes:+10 HP,+10 Def,+10 SpDef
Description/Role:Changing the Psychic type to Fairy gives it a handy immunity to Dragon and removes the pesky weakness to Knock Off and Pursuit. It didn’t really get any use out of its abilities, so I gave it Flame Body for the potential of a convenient Burn. Buffed its bulk to make it harder to revenge kill. Energy Ball is just a stronger option than Grass Knot on most Waters.

Torterra [Optimized]
Abilities:Overgrow(Thick Fat)
Added Moves:Shore Up
Summary Of Changes:+10 HP,+10 Atk,+10 Def
Description/Role:Torterra has…problems, to say the least. Its biggest problem is that it’s weak to Fire and Ice, two really good offensive types. Thick Fat solves that problem and the problem of it not having a good ability. With this and a buff to stats it can actually take on the likes of Heatran, unboosted Zard-MX, and Victini quite well. It can also take on other physical attackers such as Tyranitar. Synthesis is bad and Shore Up is better.
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Delphox [Optimized]
Blaze / Serene Grace
Stats: 89 / 49 / 72 / 114 / 100 / 111 [535 BST]
Added Moves: Lava Plume, Aura Sphere, Moonblast, Morning Sun, Teleport
Summary of Changes: +14 HP, -20 Atk, +7 Spe
Description/Role: Increased spatk and speed, and access to Nasty Plot and Focus Blast it a terrifying wallbreaker. Increased bulk and Teleport helps reduce its weakness to Pursuit, while also helping it serve as a check to mons like Lele, Kart and Serp. Serene Grace allows more defensive sets to abuse Lava Plume burn, while still helping offensive sets with Moonblast drops or Fire Blast burns. Morning Sun makes its healing far more consistent then wishtect, while still remaining potentially abusable.
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This pm seems innovative, guess I'm into it.
Samurott [Optimized]
Typing: Water/Fighting
Abilities: Torrent / Adaptability
Stats: 95/117/85/118/70/70 [BST: 555]
Added Moves: Flip Turn, Aura Sphere
Summary of Changes: +17 atk, +10 spatk
Description/Role: Made many offensive sets much scarier with good STAB and adaptability, now samurott can also spam a strong flip turn on walls switching in, aura sphere is a good tool to break chansey/blissey if you decided to go all on special side. I see no need for buffing the speed stat since it would requires a lot of points to outpseed the base 80s and 90s, 70 is decent as a wallbreaker imo.

Delphox [Optimized]

Abilities: Blaze/Dazzling
Stats: 100/51/85/114/100/111 [BST: 561]
Added Moves: U-turn, Taunt
Summary of Changes: +25 hp, -18 atk, +13 def, +7 speed
Description/Role: With Dazzling, delphox now immunes to priority moves, that includes pursuit, sucker punch and aqua jet. 111 base speed is pretty neat since it helps you outspeed the 110s. 100 hp increases the hp passed through wish, U-turn helps you pass it smoother. Taunt effectively shuts down blissey and chansey, turning them into a set up opportunity.

Holy it's been 40 mins already, might do the torterra later.

Torterra [Optimized]
Abilities: Overgrow/ Comatose
Stats: 105/114/115/75/90/56
Added Moves: Rapid Spin, Heat Crash
Summary of Changes: +10 hp, def, +5 atk, spdef
Description/Role: A tank behemoth that can't be chipped down by statuses, can serve as a good hazard setter/spinner, but capable of threatening Ferro and those pesky metal birbs with Heat Crash.
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