Tournament PUPL VIII: Manager Signups

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art by Zephyri
Hello and welcome to PUPL 8! We're looking for 8 managing duos this time around, eight pairs of two. Managers are expected to have past PUPL experience, managed in a Smogon team tournament before, and/or be a major contributor to PU. Additionally, keeping a team name from last year is highly encouraged, but not a requirement! To manage, please post the following in one post:
  • Your team name (please refrain from inappropriate names)
  • Whether you plan to continue an existing team or not
  • If not, what team from last year do you want the retention rights to?
  • Why you and your co-manager deserve to manage
Managers can purchase themselves as players for a price of 10k + 1.5k per PUPL VII win. Managers are also expected to be active in their teamchat and respond quickly with substitutes or lineups. Player retains will be the player's price last year + 3k, as is generally the standard.

Example sign-up:
Hi, I'm Chloe, I'd like to manage the Really Good Rapidash-Galars with my good friend yogi! I have previous PUPL experience from playing in several of them, and yogi eats crayons recreationally and I think that we'd make an excellent managing pair based on our combined experience. We'd like the retention rights to the Snap Trappers!
The formats this year are as follows:

Manager signups will close June 12th, 10pm GMT-4, and player signups will be posted then with the chosen format and managers.

Last year's spreadsheet (to see last year's teams and potential retains)
hi i'd like to manage with mncmt. we both have experience with team tours & i've been very involved with pu the past few years. we'd like retention rights over deez nuts druddigons, as i managed that team last year. team name is detonating ribombies
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managing the m.A.A.d city magmortars again. managed last year making playoffs, managed puwc making it to finals as well as a lot of other team tour experience as a player and/or manager, currently in bdsp pl finals as manager for example. ManOfMany will be my assistant manager
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me and gorex would like to manage any team that’s left since we belonged to the magmortars last year and don’t want to randomly steal retention rights out of nowhere tbh… we both managed puwc and made playoffs, and we both have plenty of teamtour experience. team name tbd we will be the Cheeky Cinccinos

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me and gorex would like to manage any team that’s left since we belonged to the magmortars last year and don’t want to randomly steal retention rights out of nowhere tbh… we both managed puwc and made playoffs, and we both have plenty of teamtour experience. team name tbd we will be the Cheeky Cinccinos

confirming to form the fattest manager pair you've ever seen to date (and that i came up with the team name)
in, managing with Teddeh as my assman
we will be bringing back the Destructive Dedennes franchise, dont really care whos retention rights we get

obviously we've been out of the game for a while, but are still experienced in old gens + would make a lot of the new blood sweat bullets as the 2nd and 3rd winningest players in PU history. a revenge tour opportunity is sure to create some great storylines, and our activity will not be an issue.
I'm sorry nobody told me these were up!!

I would like to manage a team with omicorio, do not mind which team - if we get one we'd like to rename to Ten Carat Togedemarus (named after Ten Carat Hill!)

Outside of our sensational 2-12 combined week record in SMPL as managers, omi and I have a lot of experience as managers. I've managed in SCL, WCoP and various UU tournaments from UUPL to UUSD, while omi has managed in literally every tournament for every meta for absolutely no reason. I know the PU playerbase very well as someone who frequently plays SS PU and am very in touch with oldgens, DPP and BW in particular but I'm familiar in both SM and ORAS having made semifinals of PU Classic before. I've also participated in the last two PUPLs with good records and played in both PUWCs too! omicorio is probably the most slept on player. Went 5-1 in UUFPL no one cared. Upset me in DPP test games today no one cared. Ghosted ABR in stours lobby and people probably still won’t care. She's also very in touch with almost every playerbase on the site given she's one of the most social people out there. Neither of us will have any activity problems and we're both super excited to get the opportunity if it's presented to us!

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