Pet Mod Ultimate Middle Cup (Slate 3: Pupitar, Metang, Zweilous, Sliggoo)

Approved by the Pet Mods Mods
:ss/zweilous: :ss/drakloak: :ss/fraxure:

Ultimate Middle Cup
Description: This is a National Dex based micrometa in which only the middle Pokémon can be used. The Pokémon will be changed and buffed to an OU power level. Slates consist of 4 Pokémon.

Movesets: You can add or remove any move that you want. You can add up to 15 moves and remove up to 15 from a Pokémon's moveset. Custom moves are not allowed.

Types: If you are changing a Pokémon's typing, at least one of its old types must be part of the new typing.

Abilities: These can be added and removed freely. Custom abilities are allowed. (Up to 1 per sub, 2 if it has a Mega/Form) You can give preexisting customs on new mons.

Other Additions: Any Pokémon whose final evolution had a Mega/Form/Z-move/G-max will also get one. (Gabite -> Mega Gabite)

Remember, despite there being a lot of freedoms on what you can change, subs must still remain balanced and make sense flavorwise.

Note: Due to the Pokémon being much stronger, Eviolite will be banned.


New Moves:
Removed Moves:

Competitive Description:

Name: Luxio
Type: Electric/Dark
Abilities: Strong Jaw/Intimidate, Anger Point
Stats: 100/130/75/70/60/102, 537

New Moves: Bulk Up, Swords Dance, Volt Tackle
Removed Moves: None

Competitive Description: Hits very strong with Strong Jaw boosted Crunch and has decent speed, allowing it to be a good set-up sweeper.
Voting Rules:
Submission Phase: 5-6 days
Voting Phase: 2-3 days

You may vote for a maximum of 3 people for each Pokémon. You may only vote your own sub in 1st place for one Pokémon.
1st place vote = 3 points
2nd place vote = 2 points
3rd place vote = 1 point
The person with the most points for each single Pokémon will have their sub added to the mod.
The person with the most points overall (from all of their subs) will get to chose a mon for the next slate.

To-Do List:

:fraxure:Double Iron Bash :fraxure:
:drakloak:Regic Boat :drakloak:

This is my first time running a mod so if anything is missing or you need more clarifications about the rules feel free to let me know.
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Hall Of Fame
Slate 1: :grotle: :monferno: :prinplup: :luxio:
:grotle:: megaspoopy000
:monferno:: anaconja
:prinplup:: Albatross
:luxio:: JosJet

Slate 2: :krokorok: :duosion: :klang: :lampent:
:krokorok:: megaspoopy000
:duosion:: megaspoopy000
:klang:: BT89
:lampent:: lavarina

Slate 3: TBD
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Name: Prinplup
Type: Water/Ice
Abilities: Adaptability (Technician)
Stats: 90 / 60 / 120 / 90 / 90 / 80 (530 BST)

New Moves: Freeze-Dry, Triple Axel, Frost Breath, Roost, Ice Shard, Flip Turn
Removed Moves: None

Competitive Description: Is forced to run HDB, but besides that it's a solid SR setter out of an unresisted STAB combination in Water+Freeze-Dry, Water/Ice isn't too awful defensively, and so it can use its decent bulk to take a hit or two, alternatively it can elect less power on Water STAB for a strong Frost Breath with Technician.

Name: Monferno
Type: Fire/Dark
Abilities: Intimidate (Mountaineer*)
Mountaineer*: On the turn the user switches in, it evades all Rock type moves, including Stealth Rock
Stats: 90 / 100 / 100 / 60 / 80 / 120 (550 BST)

New Moves: Fire Lash, Parting Shot, Rapid Spin, Obstruct, Pursuit, Knock Off, Dark Pulse
Removed Moves: None

Competitive Description: Intimidate combines well with Fire Lash and Parting Shot to be a potent stat drop spreader, thus turning it into a solid pivot for its allies to more safely come in and keep momentum, Mountaineer is also a solid alternative to act as hazard control with Rapid Spin while also discouraging Ghost types from coming in with Knock Off. Obstruct also does good synergy with Pursuit to ensure the Def drop is abused if it triggers.
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Name: Prinplup
Type: Water/Fairy
Abilities: Swift Swim/Prideful*
*This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon.
Stats: 94/86/88/125/103/60 (556)
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Misty Explosion, Charm
Removed Moves: Agility
Competitive Description: A special attacker that can stack up SpATK boosts with Prideful. Dragon types can't hit this thing, though it's still slow which makes it able to be hit easily.

Name: Grotle
Type: Grass/Ground
Abilities: Solid Rock/Strong Jaw
Stats: 95/115/125/75/95/46 (541)
New Moves: Psychic Fangs, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Jaw Lock, Poison Fang
Removed Moves: -
Competitive Description: Slow physical attacker with Solid Rock that cuts down SE attacks by a quarter or Strong Jaw that boosts bite moves.
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Well, my first pet mod turned out to be a flop. If I dont get around 3 more people to sub I will have no choice but to end the mod due to lack of activity.

Anyways, I said I would be lenient on vetoes but:
Name: Prinplup
Type: Water/Ice
Abilities: Adaptability / Technician
Stats: 90 / 60 / 120 / 120 / 90 / 90 (570 BST)

New Moves: Freeze-Dry, Triple Axel, Frost Breath, Roost, Ice Shard, Flip Turn
Removed Moves: None

Competitive Description: Is forced to run HDB, but besides that it's a solid SR setter out of an unresisted STAB combination in Water+Freeze-Dry, Water/Ice isn't too awful defensively, and so it can use its decent bulk to take a hit or two, alternatively it can elect less power on Water STAB for a strong Frost Breath with Technician.
Adaptability with these stats and a good offensive type is way too much for this to have. Either lower the stats or change adaptability.

That is all. There are 24 hours left for people to fix their vetoes (just bob lol) and for people to sub.

Pls sub guys
Name: Prinplup
Type: Water
Abilities: Regenerator
Stats: 90/75/70/105/70/110 (BST: 520)
New Moves: Flip Turn/Nasty Plot/Thunderbolt/Focus Blast
Removed Moves: -Stealth Rock, Defog
Competitive Description: Offensive Regen mon.

Name: Grotle
Type: Grass
Abilities: Thick Fat
Stats: 100/85/120/85/85/50 (BST: 525)
New Moves: Slack Off, Aromatherapy, Rapid Spin, Body Press
Removed Moves: -Swords Dance
Competitive Description: Defensive hazard turtle.

Name: Monferno
Type: Fire/Dark
Abilities: Prankster/Iron Fist
Stats: 70/100/75/100/75/100 (BST: 520)
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Knock Off,
Removed Moves: -Stealth Rock, Close Combat
Competitive Description: Mon that fits a lot of roles, from set up sweeper, physical/special breaker to mixed pivot(also this thing has Slack Off which is cool)
Name: Grotle

Abilities: Overgrow / Regenerator [HA]
Stats: 105 / 119 / 86 / 119 / 86 / 30 [545 BST]
New Moves: Power Gem, Stone Edge, Spiky Shield, Taunt
Competitive Description: epic regen mon is epic, SR, Wallbreaking, Walling, is there anything this can't do?

Name: Monferno

Abilities: Blaze / Sheer Force [HA]
Stats: 88 / 130 / 88 / 88 / 88 / 88 [570 BST]
New Moves: Earth Power, Earthquake, Sludge Bomb
Removed Moves: Flare Blitz
Competitive Description: the definition of a brainless breaker, you can either go SD or choose the special route and SFLO your way into the enemy's rectum, ur choice really

Name: Prinplup

Abilities: Torrent / Midas Touch* [HA]
Stats: 94 / 97 / 88 / 66 / 103 / 64 [512 BST]
New Moves: Nuzzle, Plasma Fists, Liquidation
Custom: Midas Touch: Pokemon hit by this Pokemon's Contact moves take 1.5x damage from Fire and Electric attacks.
Competitive Description: The Counter to the tier future Steel/Fairy's and Poison/Dark's and other exceedingly good typings that usually don't have an answer, now, most of them will fall to 2 or 3 Plasma Fists!

Name: Luxio

Abilities: Flare Boost / Guts
Stats: 80 / 85 / 80 / 85 / 80 / 135 [545 BST]
New Moves: Zing Zap, Moonblast, Slack Off
Competitive Description: funny unpredictable mon, scary breaker of walls and bones
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Name: Monferno
Type: Poison/Dark
Abilities: Iron Fist / Anticipation
Stats: 84 / 98 / 82 / 98 / 82 / 91 (535 BST)
Movepool Changes:
+ Knock Off, Darkest Lariat, Pursuit, Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb
- Flare Blitz, Fire Blast, Overheat
Competitive Description: everyone loves their poison dark. great typing allows it to sd or np or set rocks and uturn.
I cba to work out the BST so just calculate them yourselves and pretend I did it x

Name: Prinplup
Type: Water / Fairy
Abilities: Defiant / Natural Cure
Stats: 94/96/98/81/76/30

New Moves: Roost, Flip Turn, Knock Off, Play Rough
Removed Moves: None

Competitive Description: A nifty utility mon, combining a great typing and naturally good movepool with added boons in Natural Cure + Roost to aid in its longevity and Flip Turn. This all makes Prinplup an excellent role compressor: it can act as hazard setter, hazard control, anti-Defog, defensive or offensive pivot, physical wall, and physical attacker. Pretty groovy if you ask me
Pls make a Discord for this mod ^^
Name: Luxio

Abilities: Rivalry / Vajra
Turns the user's Dark moves into Electric moves and boosts them by 20%.
Stats: 80 / 120 / 79 / 95 / 79 / 70 [523 BST]
New Moves: Pursuit, Superpower, Assurance

Competitive Description: Vajra is an ability that would allow Luxio to check prospective Water-types in the meta. Electric Pursuit, in particular, is an interesting convention as it allows Luxio to pressure opponents in a nuanced way. Vajra is currently playable in Megas for All, and I think the idea could be further explored in a Micrometa setting. The option to use items also allows Luxio to run things like Scarf/Choice which could really make this fit a useful niche! Crunch is also a reliable STAB option. This ability provides Luxio with great physical Electric-type attacks.

Name: Prinplup

Abilities: Rain Dish / Defiant
Stats: 84 / 76 / 111 / 101 / 88 / 63 [523 BST]
New Moves: Pain Split, Feather Dance, Flip Turn (Roost? - This might be too much for this mon since its typing and bulk are not bad, but it really depends on how the meta develops, it’d also be really easy to add/remove Roost from this in the future.)

Removed Moves: Defog

Competitive Description: This Prinplup would work as a physically defensive Water-type for the meta. It’d also work as a rocks setter and defog deterrent. While Defiant doesn’t boost its main attacking stat, it allows for boosted Flip Turns. Since it’s physically defensive, it also isn’t fully checked by Luxio as it can live Pursuit, or predict a Pursuit and Pain Split.
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Name: Grotle
Type: Grass / Ground
Abilities: Regenerator / Lockdown (This pokemon takes 0.5x damage from trapped targets.) (HA)
Stats: 75 / 103 / 115 / 75 / 85 / 77

New Moves: Jaw Lock, Earthquake, Shore Up, Sleep Powder, Parting Shot
Removed Moves: none

Competitive Description: funni!!! bulky regen, sets rocks, puts things to sleep, and is fat. grass/ground is quite sad a defensive typing, but it can be worked around. Lockdown can also work to its advantage. with a set like Parting Shot / Jaw Lock / Shore Up / EQ.
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The meta lives!!!! Thanks guys for all the awesome subs I really appreciate it. Submissions are now closed.

Voting Rules:
You may vote for a maximum of 3 people for each Pokémon. You may only vote your own sub in 1st place for one Pokémon.
1st place vote = 3 points
2nd place vote = 2 points
3rd place vote = 1 point

Eligible Submissions:
Name: Grotle
Type: Grass/Ground
Abilities: Solid Rock/Strong Jaw
Stats: 95/115/125/75/95/46 (541)
New Moves: Psychic Fangs, Fire Fang, Ice Fang, Jaw Lock, Poison Fang
Removed Moves: -
Competitive Description: Slow physical attacker with Solid Rock that cuts down SE attacks by a quarter or Strong Jaw that boosts bite moves.
Name: Grotle
Type: Grass
Abilities: Thick Fat
Stats: 100/85/120/85/85/50 (BST: 525)
New Moves: Slack Off, Aromatherapy, Rapid Spin, Body Press
Removed Moves: -Swords Dance
Competitive Description: Defensive hazard turtle.
Name: Grotle

Abilities: Overgrow / Regenerator [HA]
Stats: 105 / 119 / 86 / 119 / 86 / 30 [545 BST]
New Moves: Power Gem, Stone Edge, Spiky Shield, Taunt
Competitive Description: epic regen mon is epic, SR, Wallbreaking, Walling, is there anything this can't do?
Name: Grotle
Type: Grass / Ground
Abilities: Regenerator / Lockdown (This pokemon takes 0.5x damage from trapped targets.) (HA)
Stats: 75 / 103 / 115 / 75 / 85 / 77

New Moves: Jaw Lock, Earthquake, Shore Up, Sleep Powder, Parting Shot
Removed Moves: none

Competitive Description: funni!!! bulky regen, sets rocks, puts things to sleep, and is fat. grass/ground is quite sad a defensive typing, but it can be worked around. Lockdown can also work to its advantage. with a set like Parting Shot / Jaw Lock / Shore Up / EQ.

Name: Monferno
Type: Fire/Dark
Abilities: Intimidate (Mountaineer*)
Mountaineer*: On the turn the user switches in, it evades all Rock type moves, including Stealth Rock
Stats: 90 / 100 / 100 / 60 / 80 / 120 (550 BST)

New Moves: Fire Lash, Parting Shot, Rapid Spin, Obstruct, Pursuit, Knock Off, Dark Pulse
Removed Moves: None

Competitive Description: Intimidate combines well with Fire Lash and Parting Shot to be a potent stat drop spreader, thus turning it into a solid pivot for its allies to more safely come in and keep momentum, Mountaineer is also a solid alternative to act as hazard control with Rapid Spin while also discouraging Ghost types from coming in with Knock Off. Obstruct also does good synergy with Pursuit to ensure the Def drop is abused if it triggers.
Name: Monferno
Type: Fire/Dark
Abilities: Prankster/Iron Fist
Stats: 70/100/75/100/75/100 (BST: 520)
New Moves: Dark Pulse, Knock Off,
Removed Moves: -Stealth Rock, Close Combat
Competitive Description: Mon that fits a lot of roles, from set up sweeper, physical/special breaker to mixed pivot(also this thing has Slack Off which is cool)
Name: Monferno

Abilities: Blaze / Sheer Force [HA]
Stats: 88 / 130 / 88 / 88 / 88 / 88 [570 BST]
New Moves: Earth Power, Earthquake, Sludge Bomb
Removed Moves: Flare Blitz
Competitive Description: the definition of a brainless breaker, you can either go SD or choose the special route and SFLO your way into the enemy's rectum, ur choice really
Name: Monferno
Type: Poison/Dark
Abilities: Iron Fist / Anticipation
Stats: 84 / 98 / 82 / 98 / 82 / 91 (535 BST)
Movepool Changes:
+ Knock Off, Darkest Lariat, Pursuit, Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb
- Flare Blitz, Fire Blast, Overheat
Competitive Description: everyone loves their poison dark. great typing allows it to sd or np or set rocks and uturn.

Name: Prinplup
Type: Water/Ice
Abilities: Adaptability (Technician)
Stats: 90 / 60 / 120 / 90 / 90 / 80 (530 BST)

New Moves: Freeze-Dry, Triple Axel, Frost Breath, Roost, Ice Shard, Flip Turn
Removed Moves: None

Competitive Description: Is forced to run HDB, but besides that it's a solid SR setter out of an unresisted STAB combination in Water+Freeze-Dry, Water/Ice isn't too awful defensively, and so it can use its decent bulk to take a hit or two, alternatively it can elect less power on Water STAB for a strong Frost Breath with Technician.
Name: Prinplup
Type: Water/Fairy
Abilities: Swift Swim/Prideful*
*This Pokemon's Special Attack is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and knocks out another Pokemon.
Stats: 94/86/88/125/103/60 (556)
New Moves: Dazzling Gleam, Moonblast, Misty Terrain, Misty Explosion, Charm
Removed Moves: Agility
Competitive Description: A special attacker that can stack up SpATK boosts with Prideful. Dragon types can't hit this thing, though it's still slow which makes it able to be hit easily.
Name: Prinplup
Type: Water
Abilities: Regenerator
Stats: 90/75/70/105/70/110 (BST: 520)
New Moves: Flip Turn/Nasty Plot/Thunderbolt/Focus Blast
Removed Moves: -Stealth Rock, Defog
Competitive Description: Offensive Regen mon.
Name: Prinplup

Abilities: Torrent / Midas Touch* [HA]
Stats: 94 / 97 / 88 / 66 / 103 / 64 [512 BST]
New Moves: Nuzzle, Plasma Fists, Liquidation
Custom: Midas Touch: Pokemon hit by this Pokemon's Contact moves take 1.5x damage from Fire and Electric attacks.
Competitive Description: The Counter to the tier future Steel/Fairy's and Poison/Dark's and other exceedingly good typings that usually don't have an answer, now, most of them will fall to 2 or 3 Plasma Fists!
Name: Prinplup
Type: Water / Fairy
Abilities: Defiant / Natural Cure
Stats: 94/96/98/81/76/30

New Moves: Roost, Flip Turn, Knock Off, Play Rough
Removed Moves: None

Competitive Description: A nifty utility mon, combining a great typing and naturally good movepool with added boons in Natural Cure + Roost to aid in its longevity and Flip Turn. This all makes Prinplup an excellent role compressor: it can act as hazard setter, hazard control, anti-Defog, defensive or offensive pivot, physical wall, and physical attacker. Pretty groovy if you ask me
Name: Prinplup

Abilities: Rain Dish / Defiant
Stats: 84 / 76 / 111 / 101 / 88 / 63 [523 BST]
New Moves: Pain Split, Feather Dance, Flip Turn (Roost? - This might be too much for this mon since its typing and bulk are not bad, but it really depends on how the meta develops, it’d also be really easy to add/remove Roost from this in the future.)

Removed Moves: Defog

Competitive Description: This Prinplup would work as a physically defensive Water-type for the meta. It’d also work as a rocks setter and defog deterrent. While Defiant doesn’t boost its main attacking stat, it allows for boosted Flip Turns. Since it’s physically defensive, it also isn’t fully checked by Luxio as it can live Pursuit, or predict a Pursuit and Pain Split.

Name: Luxio

Abilities: Flare Boost / Guts
Stats: 80 / 85 / 80 / 85 / 80 / 135 [545 BST]
New Moves: Zing Zap, Moonblast, Slack Off
Competitive Description: funny unpredictable mon, scary breaker of walls and bones
Name: Luxio

Abilities: Rivalry / Vajra
Turns the user's Dark moves into Electric moves and boosts them by 20%.
Stats: 80 / 120 / 79 / 95 / 79 / 70 [523 BST]
New Moves: Pursuit, Superpower, Assurance

Competitive Description: Vajra is an ability that would allow Luxio to check prospective Water-types in the meta. Electric Pursuit, in particular, is an interesting convention as it allows Luxio to pressure opponents in a nuanced way. Vajra is currently playable in Megas for All, and I think the idea could be further explored in a Micrometa setting. The option to use items also allows Luxio to run things like Scarf/Choice which could really make this fit a useful niche! Crunch is also a reliable STAB option. This ability provides Luxio with great physical Electric-type attacks.

Voting is now open and will last around 48 hours!
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:grotle:: megaspoopy000, Regic Boat, lavarina
:monferno:: anaconja, bobsican, megaspoopy000
:prinplup:: bobsican, albatross, JosJet
:luxio:: JosJet, megaspoopy000
:grotle:: regic boat, r1dude, lavarina
:monferno:: bobsican, megaspoopy000, r1dude (i dont think anaconja's sub is legal now that i see it? because the typing completely changed despite the rules stating it must keep at least one of its old typings.)
:prinplup:: megaspoopy000, Albatross, lavarina
:luxio:: JosJet, megaspoopy000
:grotle:: megaspoopy000, Regic Boat, lavarina
:monferno:: anaconja, bobsican, megaspoopy000
:prinplup:: albatross, JosJet, bobsican
:luxio:: JosJet, megaspoopy000
(i dont think anaconja's sub is legal now that i see it? because the typing completely changed despite the rules stating it must keep at least one of its old typings.)
You are actually correct on this. I hadn't paid attention to the typing. Since it wouldnt be fair to anaconja if I disqualified it or forced them to change it at this point in time, im gonna make an exception to this rule for this sub only. Their sub is gonna stay legal.
Voting has concluded. Once again I thank everyone who subbed.

On to the fun stuff, the winners!!!

:grotle:: With 9 points:
Name: Grotle

Abilities: Overgrow / Regenerator [HA]
Stats: 105 / 119 / 86 / 119 / 86 / 30 [545 BST]
New Moves: Power Gem, Stone Edge, Spiky Shield, Taunt
Competitive Description: epic regen mon is epic, SR, Wallbreaking, Walling, is there anything this can't do?

:monferno:: With 8 points:
Name: Monferno
Type: Poison/Dark
Abilities: Iron Fist / Anticipation
Stats: 84 / 98 / 82 / 98 / 82 / 91 (535 BST)
Movepool Changes:
+ Knock Off, Darkest Lariat, Pursuit, Dark Pulse, Sludge Bomb
- Flare Blitz, Fire Blast, Overheat
Competitive Description: everyone loves their poison dark. great typing allows it to sd or np or set rocks and uturn.

:prinplup:: With 10 points:
Name: Prinplup
Type: Water / Fairy
Abilities: Defiant / Natural Cure
Stats: 94/96/98/81/76/30

New Moves: Roost, Flip Turn, Knock Off, Play Rough
Removed Moves: None

Competitive Description: A nifty utility mon, combining a great typing and naturally good movepool with added boons in Natural Cure + Roost to aid in its longevity and Flip Turn. This all makes Prinplup an excellent role compressor: it can act as hazard setter, hazard control, anti-Defog, defensive or offensive pivot, physical wall, and physical attacker. Pretty groovy if you ask me

:luxio:: With 12 points:
Name: Luxio

Abilities: Rivalry / Vajra
Turns the user's Dark moves into Electric moves and boosts them by 20%.
Stats: 80 / 120 / 79 / 95 / 79 / 70 [523 BST]
New Moves: Pursuit, Superpower, Assurance

Competitive Description: Vajra is an ability that would allow Luxio to check prospective Water-types in the meta. Electric Pursuit, in particular, is an interesting convention as it allows Luxio to pressure opponents in a nuanced way. Vajra is currently playable in Megas for All, and I think the idea could be further explored in a Micrometa setting. The option to use items also allows Luxio to run things like Scarf/Choice which could really make this fit a useful niche! Crunch is also a reliable STAB option. This ability provides Luxio with great physical Electric-type attacks.

And with a grand total of 24 votes, megaspoopy000 gets to choose one of the mons for the next slate. (You can dm me your choice or make a post here on the thread)

Congrats to all the winners!

Slate 2 will come any time tomorrow.
wow, what an honor, not only did I win with my favourite line, I get to choose my second fav line to be the absolute next;
And of course, I choose the one, the classiest: :ss/Lampent:Laaampent∼
Congrats to the other winners!
Name: Krokorok
Type: Ground/Fighting
Abilities: Intimidate / Strong Jaw
Stats: 80 / 112 / 85 / 75 / 85 / 94 (531 BST)
Movepool Changes:
+ Close Combat, Gunk Shot, Parting Shot, Bulk Up, Ice Fang, Thunder Fang
Competitive Description: ideal scarf mon.

Name: Duosion
Type: Psychic / Fairy
Abilities: Overcoat / Gooey / Regenerator
Stats: 85 / 80 / 80 / 115 / 100 / 30 (490 BST)
Movepool Changes:
+ Moonblast, Teleport, Knock Off
Competitive Description: futureport mon.

Name: Klang
Type: Steel / Electric
Abilities: Clear Body / Static / Volt Absorb
Stats: 95 / 95 / 95 / 95 / 95 / 50 (525 BST)
Movepool Changes:
+ Knock Off, Giga Drain
Competitive Description: ideal vest mon.

Name: Lampent
Type: Ghost / Fire
Abilities: Flash Fire / Flame Body / Levitate
Stats: 80 / 80 / 85 / 135 / 85 / 35 (500 BST)
Movepool Changes:
+ Nasty Plot, Aura Sphere
Competitive Description: ideal otr/tr abuser mon.