OM [Mix and Mega] Solgaleo

Solgaleo @ Metagrossite
Ability: Full Metal Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sunsteel Strike
- Psychic Fangs
- Flare Blitz / Crunch
- Morning Sun

The premier Steel-type in Mix and Mega, Solgaleo is an incredibly versatile Pokemon. With Metagrossite, it gets a potent base 137 Speed and Tough Claws, as well as increased bulk and Attack. Offensively, its STAB moves are only resisted by Slowbro and Steel-types; between Crunch and Flare Blitz, it has the choice of which will be able to reliably wall it. Defensively, it shuts down dangerous sweepers like Dragon Dance Kyurem and Geomancy Xerneas just by existing, and a resistance to -ate Speed allows it to bypass common revenge killers such as Entei with just a little chip. As a result, it can act as a backup wallbreaker, revenge killer, and cleaner in one set. Thanks to solid bulk and its slew of resistances, Solgaleo has no shortage of opportunities to come in, and with Morning Sun, it can continue to do so throughout the match. In order to make the most of Solgaleo, it is advisable to run it alongside Pokemon that can cover for some of Solgaleo's weaknesses without giving up too much momentum, like Slowbro, Landorus-T, and Blissey.

Check out this OMPL X game between ez and Ivar57 to see Metagrossite Solgaleo in action:
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Not sure how slashes work for spotlights, if they are ok, I would slash crunch with flare blitz, since it helps get past the bros you mentioned.

Could add a section about possible teammates, not sure if that puts you over the character limit, but probably not strictly necessary

If you can find one, a replay where solg does well would be cool, since most people arent gonna be familiar with mnm most likely.

Other than some little things, looks great! QC 1/1 when implemented
Not sure how slashes work for spotlights, if they are ok, I would slash crunch with flare blitz, since it helps get past the bros you mentioned.

Could add a section about possible teammates, not sure if that puts you over the character limit, but probably not strictly necessary

If you can find one, a replay where solg does well would be cool, since most people arent gonna be familiar with mnm most likely.

Other than some little things, looks great! QC 1/1 when implemented
They're not absolutely forbidden as far as I can tell, so I implemented this, but I'm not confident it's an improvement.

I have the characters to do a short bit on teammates but currently lean no? Will add if you're sure though.

Replay acquired.
add remove conjecture
Solgaleo @ Metagrossite
Ability: Full Metal Body
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sunsteel Strike
- Psychic Fangs
- Flare Blitz / Crunch
- Morning Sun

The premier Steel-type Pokemon in Mix and Mega, Solgaleo is an incredibly splashable pick versatile Pokemon. With Metagrossite, it gets a potent base 137 Speed stat and Tough Claws, as well as other miscellaneous benefits, to complement its natural advantages increased bulk and Attack I assume, be specific about the "miscellaneous benefits". Offensively, its STAB moves are only resisted by Slowbro and Steel-types; between Crunch and Flare Blitz, it has the choice of which will be able to reliably wall it. Defensively, (comma) it shuts down dangerous sweepers like Dragon Dance Kyurem and Geomancy Xerneas just by existing, and a resistance to -ate-boosted Extreme Speed -ate Speed allows it to bypass common revenge killers such as Entei with just a little chip. As a result, it can act as a backup wallbreaker, speed control revenge killer, and cleaner in one Pokemon set. Thanks to solid bulk and its slew of resistances, (comma) Solgaleo has no shortage of opportunities to come in, and with Morning Sun, (comma) it can continue to do so throughout the match without getting overly worn down. In order to make the most of Solgaleo, it is advisable to run it alongside Pokemon that can cover for some weakness of Solgaleo can you be specific about the weaknesses? without giving up too much momentum, like Slowbro, Landorus-T, and Blissey.
GP 1/1!


GP Team done
"-ate" refers to the group of abilities that modify normal-types moves (Pixilate, Aerilate, Refrigerate, Galvanize). "-ate Speed" is using those abilities in conjunction with Extreme Speed to get priority moves of different types. Pixilate, Aerilate, and Refrigerate are all abilities in MnM that are used with with Extreme Speed, and Solgaleo resists all three.