LC Morelull


name: Defensive
move 1: Spore
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Moonblast
move 4: Synthesis
item: Eviolite
ability: Effect Spore
nature: Bold
evs: 196 HP / 236 Def / 76 SpD

Morelull's niche over Foongus is being a check to Fighting-types and Grookey that isn't weak to Psychic, letting it also check Psychic Fangs Tyrunt and Carvanha. Morelull also offers teams key resistances to Ground- and Dark-type moves. Effect Spore gives Morelull a chance to punish Pokemon using contact moves, such as Flip Turn Carvanha and Mienfoo. Foongus and Ferroseed both wall Morelull and are immune to Spore; Natu can deal with these Pokemon thanks to Magic Bounce and Heat Wave. Morelull is greatly threatened by Poison-types such as Koffing and Mareanie and Fire-types such as Ponyta and Vulpix. Ground-types such as Diglett and Onix and Water-types such as Frillish and Staryu can deal with these Pokemon. In return, they benefit from Morelull dealing with Grookey and Staryu.

- Written by: [[Aurora, 109385]]
- Quality checked by: [[Fiend, 208173], [Acehunter1, 430377]]
- Grammar checked by: [[DC, 449990]]
Last edited:

name: Defensive
move 1: Spore
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Moonblast
move 4: Synthesis
item: Eviolite
ability: Effect Spore
nature: Bold
evs: 196 HP / 236 Def / 76 SpD

Morelull performs a similar role to Foongus as a Grass-type Fighting-type and Grookey check, with better bulk to compensate its lack of Regenerator. Morelull's main draw over Foongus is that it is not weak to Psychic its typing, which gives it useful resistances to Ground and Dark while not making it weak to Psychic. This allows it to check Pokemon such as Carvanha and Tyrunt that could otherwise hit Foongus super effectively with Psychic Fangs while still being able to check Fighting-types and Grookey lacking Acrobatics. Moonblast hits Tyrunt, Mienfoo, and Timburr super effectively, further distinguishing Morelull from Foongus. Strength Sap can be run over Giga Drain to provide Morelull with both reliable recovery and a way of crippling physical attackers in one moveslot. However, Strength Sap heals Natu switch-ins due to Magic Bounce and triggers Pawniard's Defiant, making it a risky option. Honestly, I'd cut this, and say on the Synthesis slot why it's better than Strength Sap, ex. Synthesis gives Morelull reliable recovery, and is better than Strength Sap, which risks healing Natu switch-ins and triggering Pawniard's Defiant. Effect Spore gives Morelull a chance to punish contact moves, such as Carvanha's Flip Turn and Mienfoo's U-turn and Fake Out, with status. (Poison-types, such as Foongus and Koffing, greatly threaten Morelull. Natu can offensively pressure these Pokemon with Psychic. It can also deal with another check to Morelull in Ferroseed thanks to Magic Bounce and Heat Wave.) I'd put Foongus and Ferroseed together as Pokemon that wall Morelull and are immune to Spore, and Natu can check both with Magic Bounce and offensively pressure them with Psychic and Heat Wave. Morelull is also shut down threatened by Fire-types. Flash Fire Ponyta, bulky Water-types such as Frillish and Mareanie, and trappers such as Diglett can account for this shortcoming. Morelull is greatly threatened by Poison-types, like Koffing and Mareanie, and Fire-types like Ponyta and Vulpix. Ground-types like Diglett or Onix or Water-types like Frillish or Staryu help deal with them. In return, Morelull covers opposing Grookey and Staryu. (or something like that) This is only a suggestion, but I felt you could combine those two points. I cut Mareanie because it doesn't make as much sense on a Morelull team.

- Written by: [[Aurora, 109385]]
- Quality checked by: [[Fiend, 208173]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]

name: Defensive
move 1: Spore
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Moonblast
move 4: Synthesis
item: Eviolite
ability: Effect Spore
nature: Bold
evs: 196 HP / 236 Def / 76 SpD

Morelull performs a similar role to Foongus as a Grass-type Fighting-type and Grookey check, with better bulk to compensate its lack of Regenerator. Morelull's main draw over Foongus is that it is not weak to Psychic its typing, which gives it useful resistances to Ground and Dark while not making it weak to Psychic. This allows it to check Pokemon such as Carvanha and Tyrunt that could otherwise hit Foongus super effectively with Psychic Fangs while still being able to check Fighting-types and Grookey lacking Acrobatics. Moonblast hits Tyrunt, Mienfoo, and Timburr super effectively, further distinguishing Morelull from Foongus. Strength Sap can be run over Giga Drain to provide Morelull with both reliable recovery and a way of crippling physical attackers in one moveslot. However, Strength Sap heals Natu switch-ins due to Magic Bounce and triggers Pawniard's Defiant, making it a risky option. Honestly, I'd cut this, and say on the Synthesis slot why it's better than Strength Sap, ex. Synthesis gives Morelull reliable recovery, and is better than Strength Sap, which risks healing Natu switch-ins and triggering Pawniard's Defiant. Effect Spore gives Morelull a chance to punish contact moves, such as Carvanha's Flip Turn and Mienfoo's U-turn and Fake Out, with status. (Poison-types, such as Foongus and Koffing, greatly threaten Morelull. Natu can offensively pressure these Pokemon with Psychic. It can also deal with another check to Morelull in Ferroseed thanks to Magic Bounce and Heat Wave.) I'd put Foongus and Ferroseed together as Pokemon that wall Morelull and are immune to Spore, and Natu can check both with Magic Bounce and offensively pressure them with Psychic and Heat Wave. Morelull is also shut down threatened by Fire-types. Flash Fire Ponyta, bulky Water-types such as Frillish and Mareanie, and trappers such as Diglett can account for this shortcoming. Morelull is greatly threatened by Poison-types, like Koffing and Mareanie, and Fire-types like Ponyta and Vulpix. Ground-types like Diglett or Onix or Water-types like Frillish or Staryu help deal with them. In return, Morelull covers opposing Grookey and Staryu. (or something like that) This is only a suggestion, but I felt you could combine those two points. I cut Mareanie because it doesn't make as much sense on a Morelull team.

- Written by: [[Aurora, 109385]]
- Quality checked by: [[Fiend, 208173]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
amgp check :blobpex:
its kind of late so don't kill me if this is a tiny bit wonky
add remove (comment)
ac/rc add/remove comma
asc/rsc add/remove semicolon

View attachment 440552

name: Defensive
move 1: Spore
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Moonblast
move 4: Synthesis
item: Eviolite
ability: Effect Spore
nature: Bold
evs: 196 HP / 236 Def / 76 SpD
ivs: 0 Atk
(im just adding this in here because it is definitely something you should add maybe
idk if im allowed to do this)

Morelull's niche over Foongus is being that it is a check to Fighting-types and Grookey Grookey and various Fighting-types that isn't weak to Psychic; letting it also check Psychic Fangs Tyrunt and Carvanha. Morelull also offers teams key resistances to Ground- and Dark-type moves. Effect Spore gives Morelull a chance to punish contact move users with status, such as Carvanha's using Flip Turn and Mienfoo's using U-turn and Fake Out, with status. While Foongus and Ferroseed both wall Morelull and are immune to Spore; Natu can help deal with themse Pokemon for Morelull thanks to Magic Bounce and Heat Wave. Morelull is greatly threatened by Poison-types(rc) such as Koffing and Mareanie; (rc,asc) and Fire-types(rc) such as Ponyta and Vulpix. Ground-types(rc) such as Diglett and Onix;(rc,asc) and Water-types(rc) such as Frillish and Staryu(rc) can deal with these Pokemon. In return, Morelull deals with beats opposing Grookey and Staryu.(repetition, optional)

- Written by: [[Aurora, 109385]]
- Quality checked by: [[Fiend, 208173], [Acehunter1, 430377]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
implemented a few bits of that, thanks. I don't think you need to worry about IVs in future because PS's teambuilder sets them to 0 automatically if the Pokemon isn't carrying any physical attacks.
implemented a few bits of that, thanks. I don't think you need to worry about IVs in future because PS's teambuilder sets them to 0 automatically if the Pokemon isn't carrying any physical attacks.
if you import a set, no.
thats only if you press the "guessed spread" button.
Remove Add Comments
AC = Add Comma, RC = Remove Comma, AH = Add Hyphen, RH = Remove Hyphen

View attachment 440552

name: Defensive
move 1: Spore
move 2: Giga Drain
move 3: Moonblast
move 4: Synthesis
item: Eviolite
ability: Effect Spore
nature: Bold
evs: 196 HP / 236 Def / 76 SpD

Morelull's niche over Foongus is being a check to Fighting-types and Grookey that isn't weak to Psychic, letting it also check Psychic Fangs Tyrunt and Carvanha. Morelull also offers teams key resistances to Ground- and Dark-type moves. Effect Spore gives Morelull a chance to punish Pokemon using contact moves, such as Flip Turn Carvanha using Flip Turn and Mienfoo using U-turn and Fake Out,(RC) with status. Foongus and Ferroseed both wall Morelull and are immune to Spore; Natu can deal with these Pokemon for Morelull thanks to Magic Bounce and Heat Wave. Morelull is greatly threatened by Poison-types,(RC) such as Koffing and Mareanie,(RC) and Fire-types,(RC) such as Ponyta and Vulpix. Ground-types,(RC) such as Diglett and Onix,(RC) and Water-types,(RC) such as Frillish and Staryu,(RC) can deal with these Pokemon. In return, they benefit from Morelull deals dealing with opposing Grookey and Staryu.

- Written by: [[Aurora, 109385]]
- Quality checked by: [[Fiend, 208173], [Acehunter1, 430377]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1]]
GP 1/1. [DC, 449990] Be careful of excessive comma usage, as it disrupts the flow of the sentences.