National Dex Rate my Sticky web team

i tried to do a sticky web team i went with something quite classic although i am not very convinced of shuckle but i will talk about it in its description

Shuckle @ Mental Herb
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sticky Web
- Stealth Rock
- Encore
- Final Gambit it really the best web sticky lead we have? i mean ok it has stealth rock encore sturdy with mental herb to prevent taunt but i always thought that many pokemon just can 2HKO shuckle and then make it useless to have those other 3 moves that are not sticky web there is really no other pokemon that can do other than set sticky web and then go down? I thought of pokemon like galavantula that can paralyzed opposing pokemon with thunder wave and with thunder and hidden power ice can threaten almost all the defogers of the metagame or slurpuff that has magic coat to bounce azard and umburden with the focus sash to weaken the opponent with endevour or block defog or rapid spin with explosion but every time I see a sticky web team I always see shuckle used are my doubts unfounded? I hope you can answer me

Scizor-Mega @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 108 HP / 252 Atk / 148 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
- Dual Wingbeat
as the first offensive pokemon I chose scizor mega thanks to its excellent typing it can switch on numerous pokemon and with sticky web support it is not always reliant on bullet punch to hit fast pokemon superpower allows scizor mega to hit steel type such as magnezone or heatran dual wingbeat is a strong coverage option with technician bullet punch is scizor mega main stab EVs 148 Spe è per outspeed modest magnezone and specially defensive heatran

Bisharp @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
next i chose bisharp is a staple in Hyper offensive teams thanks to defiant dissuades the opposing team from using defog knock off and iron head is for stab and sucker punch is for priority

Blacephalon @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Substitute
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
next i chose blacephalon originally i wanted to put volcarona but then i thought i didn't need speed boost as i already had the sticky web so i chose blachephalon for extra power for the set i chose calm mind sub set

Thundurus-Therian (M) @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
next i chose thundurus-t he too is a staple in sticky web team thanks to his coverage and a nasty plot he can only be stopped by revengkiller and sticky web is here to avoid this as well thunderbolt is stab focus blast hit tyranitar kyurem and steel tipe hidden power ice hit ground type and grass type fightium z boost focus blast and grants him a hit with no miss possibility

Serperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 56 HP / 200 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Glare
- Substitute
as the last pokemon I chose serperior is another staple in the sticky web teams for its ability to spread paralysis with glare leaf storm and for stab an boost substitute takes advantage of more passive pokemon hidden power fire ensures serperior is not walled by ferrothorn mega scizor and corviknight EVs 56 HP are used so that rotom-w's hydro pump and ferrothorn power whip don't break substitute
Fire/rock coverage gets your whole team I'm especially worried about fire(granted I don't know the meta like at all so maybe these two types together are uncommon in coverage?) Maybe Serperior doesn't really fit here.

Does Blacephalon really like HDB? I mean maybe, since you can't afford to run defog anywhere. But I just wonder, cause it's so frail.
rock moves the only pokemon i'm thinking about are garchomp and tyranitar both stopped by scizor-mega fire type heatran but mega scizor and thundurs-t have coverage serperior behind the sub can parallelize it bisharp +2 knock off 1HKO heatran blachepalon maybe it's the only one that he suffers but with the sub and calm mind it is not said that he can stop him charizard y I stop him with thundurus-t victini and volcarona could be a problem only if they have HDB but thundurus at +2 is so powerful that none of these pokemon can stop him blacheplaon has HDB to keep as much HP as possible to do more sub
Oh right sub. It sounds like even less mons are viable here than BSS, there may not be enough variety in fire move users to threaten your team, as you say.

I don't really know what all is seen, for instance mega Camerupt threatens you all over I think. But I haven't seen it in RMTs, as a teammate or a mentioned threat. So it must not be a thing.
Hi Luigamer,

I haven't done any RMT before but allow me to make some suggestions.

First, on Shuckle, generally toxic is often used over encore, this allows Shuckle to make progress into defoggers that could otherwise spam defog on it all day even if encored. Shuckle is a great webs setter due to its pretty phenomenal bulk. You could try using Araquanid as an alternative sticky webber, as it has a positive matchup against the fairly common non-rock move Landorus-T lead. Its water stab is very strong.

Bisharp is a great call on webs offense and I would definitely keep it.

Mega Scizor shares a good amount of checks with Bisharp. It is typically a good mega for its ability to pivot and revenge kill with bullet punch. On webs, bullet punch is much less important, and you don't tend to pivot as much. For this reason, I'd reccomend a wallbreaking mega, particularly Mega Heracross, whose immediate offense outclasses Scizors and threatens common walls such as Toxapex and even Skarmory. You can also run SD on Mega Cross, with webs patching up its middling speed, it has great potential to sweep unprepared teams.

I would make Blacephalon a specs variant with 3 attacks and trick to cripple a Chansey or Blissey that may want to come in. Blacephalon doesn't have much longevity so calm mind and boots sets tend to be less effective in abusing its insane offense.

Serperior has a negative or neutral matchup into a lot of the common removal in this tier and doesn't exert enough immediate pressure to prevent defogs. Its speed is great, but you have webs, so you don't need it as bad. I would probably make this slot into an SD timid Kartana with a z move to improve sweeping potential. Banded Kartana would function as a wall breaker as well.

Thundurus T is fun; I don't think it needs plot at all to get kills. I would probably reccomend a zapdos in this slot instead as it would help significantly in your rain matchup with its greater defensive utility. Hope this helps.
araquanid has the same problem i said about shuckle is slow and most of the time it sets sticky web and then goes down without being able to do anything else regarding toxic on shuckle it is definitely a bad idea the best defoggers in the tier are tapu fini gliscor and corviknight all 3 immune to toxic encore would definitely have more uses scizor mega this set is not the pivot one i chose scizor mega because it can switch into numerous pokemon that generally stop these types of teams (pokemon like tapu lele weavile kyurem garchomp mega latias and others ) while maintaining an excellent offensive presence toxapex and skamory are not that big of a deal dual wingbeat boosted by technician can break toxapex and thundurus-t can use skarmory as setup blachepalon chansey and blissey I don't think they are that big of a deal because sub + ghost type means they can't touch me so i just use them as setup and then the beat over hit serperior's role is not to prevent defog that is the role of bisharp the role of serperior is that of spreed paralysis especially for flying types and clean up at end game thundurs-t need nasty plot for sweep opposing team moreover I don't need zapdos especially the defensive one I have serperior for rain and this is a sticky web team a hyper offensive team i don't need defensive pokemon
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I get your point on Shuckle and how Aaraquinid may follow suit. Your only other good option for Sticky Webs is probably Slurpuff. Sash Unburden does more than webs into death. Idk, but there's Orbeetle too. Someone else in this meta ran Ribombee.
Well like I say idk much of the meta, but type-wise 3 mons resist Poison and 4 Steel on your team, so you could easily run Slurpuff if it's considered viable in the 1st place(this I don't know.)

EDIT: I'm just skeptical of Shuckle for the reasons you say, and that it has only Final Gambit for offence(and it's the weakest Final Gambit in the game.)
I get your point on Shuckle and how Aaraquinid may follow suit. Your only other good option for Sticky Webs is probably Slurpuff. Sash Unburden does more than webs into death. Idk, but there's Orbeetle too. Someone else in this meta ran Ribombee.
This is not true, Slurpuff sees very very little usage as it serves little to no purpose compared to other setters such as Ribombee or Shuckle, which have more utility and do more outside of webs.
Well like I say idk much of the meta, but type-wise 3 mons resist Poison and 4 Steel on your team, so you could easily run Slurpuff if it's considered viable in the 1st place(this I don't know.)

EDIT: I'm just skeptical of Shuckle for the reasons you say, and that it has only Final Gambit for offence(and it's the weakest Final Gambit in the game.)
You run final gambit not because of the damage it does, but because of the momentum, effectively serving the same purpose as a slow U-turn, letting in a breaker of your choice for free.
i tried to do a sticky web team i went with something quite classic although i am not very convinced of shuckle but i will talk about it in its description

Shuckle @ Mental Herb
Ability: Sturdy
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sticky Web
- Stealth Rock
- Encore
- Final Gambit it really the best web sticky lead we have? i mean ok it has stealth rock encore sturdy with mental herb to prevent taunt but i always thought that many pokemon just can 2HKO shuckle and then make it useless to have those other 3 moves that are not sticky web there is really no other pokemon that can do other than set sticky web and then go down? I thought of pokemon like galavantula that can paralyzed opposing pokemon with thunder wave and with thunder and hidden power ice can threaten almost all the defogers of the metagame or slurpuff that has magic coat to bounce azard and umburden with the focus sash to weaken the opponent with endevour or block defog or rapid spin with explosion but every time I see a sticky web team I always see shuckle used are my doubts unfounded? I hope you can answer me

Scizor-Mega @ Scizorite
Ability: Technician
EVs: 108 HP / 252 Atk / 148 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Superpower
- Dual Wingbeat
as the first offensive pokemon I chose scizor mega thanks to its excellent typing it can switch on numerous pokemon and with sticky web support it is not always reliant on bullet punch to hit fast pokemon superpower allows scizor mega to hit steel type such as magnezone or heatran dual wingbeat is a strong coverage option with technician bullet punch is scizor mega main stab EVs 148 Spe è per outspeed modest magnezone and specially defensive heatran

Bisharp @ Life Orb
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Knock Off
- Iron Head
- Sucker Punch
next i chose bisharp is a staple in Hyper offensive teams thanks to defiant dissuades the opposing team from using defog knock off and iron head is for stab and sucker punch is for priority

Blacephalon @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Beast Boost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Substitute
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
next i chose blacephalon originally i wanted to put volcarona but then i thought i didn't need speed boost as i already had the sticky web so i chose blachephalon for extra power for the set i chose calm mind sub set

Thundurus-Therian (M) @ Fightinium Z
Ability: Volt Absorb
EVs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Thunderbolt
- Focus Blast
- Hidden Power [Ice]
next i chose thundurus-t he too is a staple in sticky web team thanks to his coverage and a nasty plot he can only be stopped by revengkiller and sticky web is here to avoid this as well thunderbolt is stab focus blast hit tyranitar kyurem and steel tipe hidden power ice hit ground type and grass type fightium z boost focus blast and grants him a hit with no miss possibility

Serperior @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 56 HP / 200 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power [Fire]
- Glare
- Substitute
as the last pokemon I chose serperior is another staple in the sticky web teams for its ability to spread paralysis with glare leaf storm and for stab an boost substitute takes advantage of more passive pokemon hidden power fire ensures serperior is not walled by ferrothorn mega scizor and corviknight EVs 56 HP are used so that rotom-w's hydro pump and ferrothorn power whip don't break substitute
I think this webs team seems fairly standard by National Dex standards; you have a good amount of counterplay to hazard removal, you're using the optimal abusers of webs in Thundurus-T, etc. IMO you can always consider Mega Heracross > Mega Scizor, as it is a similar abuser of webs that can potentially function almost as well as Scizor outside of webs as well. Good team!
Oh right sub. It sounds like even less mons are viable here than BSS, there may not be enough variety in fire move users to threaten your team, as you say.

I don't really know what all is seen, for instance mega Camerupt threatens you all over I think. But I haven't seen it in RMTs, as a teammate or a mentioned threat. So it must not be a thing.
Mega camerupt is completely unviable except maybe on TR teams, its unlikely you'll ever run into one in normal play
blacephalon's sub set is not walled by chansey with the sub can't be touched by toxic or other status move and blacephanlon is a ghost type so he can't break the sub with sismic toss why everyone still believe chansey is a problem for blacephalon ? against toxapex on scizor mega i was using dual wing beat is roost really necessary on this type of set?