Other Tiers Adv Staaabmons

Hey Advers! I had this idea with some friends, that what if adv had a staaabmons mode? Eg: everything can get every ability (almost) as well as being able to learn all the moves that are part of their stab combo. This leads to some interesting things, like flying types getting aeroblast for instance (mence rejoices). I'm working with friends on what will be banned as well as the challenge command, but hopefully this metagame will be up and running soon!

All OU clauses are active

Only one unique ability per team (all abilities must be different in team builder)

Abilities: soundproof, truant, speed boost, pure power, huge power, arena trap, magnet pull, chlorophyll, swift swim, wonder guard
Moves: sacred fire, espeed, belly drum, mean look, block, spider web
Pokemon: Slaking

/challenge gen3ou@@@Stabmons move legality, !obtainable abilities, ability clause=1, -slaking, -soundproof, -truant, -speed boost, -pure power, -huge power, -arena trap, -magnet pull, -chlorophyll, -swift swim, -wonder guard, -sacred fire, -extreme speed, -belly drum, -mean look, -block, -spider web
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custom game exists
will you ban regigigas? or am i stupid (iirc it is in adv)
why ban soundproof
why ban truant apart from entrainment/skill swap (which idk if even exists in adv)
Have really enjoyed discussing this in the ADV Community cord so far! Just going to vomit out a lot of my initial thoughts and ideas.

RIP Truant pass. BlockPass Lax+Skill Swap Truant Pass Celebi/Blissey + A DD Protect mence woulda been busted LOL

Either way, some cool ideas I have had are Serene Grace Choice Band Aerodactyl, 60% Rock Slide Flinch is insane. Rock Head Volt Tackle Jolteon is also an interesting idea on spikes teams perhaps. I think Pokemon such as Celebi, Sceptile, even Ludicolo getting access to Spore is really interesting, potentially a problem? Because also, such as in Hoenn Gaiden, Snorlax now will have access to Lovely Kiss, and Blissey. As well as psychic types like Starmie having access to Hypnosis. Then again now any pokemon can have Natural Cure, so maybe not. I think slapping Insomnia on a pokemon when the other 5 are carrying broken abilities wouldn't be a bad idea. Flygon, Swampert, and Claydol setting spikes is pretty hilarious. Tyranitar is somehow a huge winner from STAB, gaining access to Knock Off and Spikes, because of Pupitar being a Ground type. That could be mega busted. But then again you have the potential balance of more pokemon getting Rapid Spin now, literally all of the Normal Types, again namely Blissey, Snorlax, hell even fast bulky ish threats like Tauros and SPIKES IMMUNE DODRIO? Speaking of which Mence finally gets good flying stab in AEROBLAST, along with Aerodactyl. I really think the one ability per team rule is cool because ADV is so top heavy when it comes to ability viability, and also a small pool of great abilities. It will be interesting to see how like, basically most teams having a Natural Cure, Intimidate, Levitate, Thick Fat/Volt Absorb, Sand Stream mon will fare. One other thing I just thought of, should we also limit Spider Web? Could ScizorPass be that threatening LOL idk. TailGlow pass Scizor?????? Also one fun random idea, I wonder if Skill Swap+Color Change on anything would be cool, idea is Color Change kind of sucks, and because this is AAA, you will surely obtain a crazy good ability. Volt Absorb on Vaporeon/Skarmory/Gyarados is fucking nuts by the way. Anything being able to run Trace is also kind of cool, now anything can reverse trap Magneton/Dugtrio. LOL Maybe something could take super advantage of Dugtrio like Salamence, and just Sub Up and DD?

Excited to build some teams for this metagame soon, I'd love to see what others come up with! ADV OM's has soooo much fucking potential. Like its the best tier, contains the best metagame of all time in my opinion (ADV OU), I think that greatness transfers over to other things ADV has to offer, (like ADV 1v1)

custom game exists
will you ban regigigas? or am i stupid (iirc it is in adv)
why ban soundproof
why ban truant apart from entrainment/skill swap (which idk if even exists in adv)
regigigas is gen 4
soundproof prevents roar from working which counters degenerate BP strats
truant can be skill swapped (which exists in ADV)
I think Gen 3 AAA was an OM spotlight a long time ago, but Sand Veil was legal. Think I had a team of Volt Arbsorb Skarmory, Intimidate Swampert, Thick Fat Celebi, Sand Veil Zapdos, Sand Stream Armaldo, Levitate Metagross, and Flash Fire Forre as an ADV noobiekins, Immunity Porygon2 can replace Zapdos maybe

Interested in seeing what adding STABMons ruleset brings

Think you forgot to include Wonder Guard ban haha

Can Deoxys-Defense, and Deoxys-Speed be unbanned? Does Rough Skin have potential?

EDIT: wait any pokemon can have Drought or Drizzle, Chlorophyll and Swift Swim should definitely be banned
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First impressions:


Snorlax @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure/intimidate
- Baton Pass
- Recover/wish
- Super Fang/body slam/shadow ball
- Roar/rapid spin/lovely kiss

Snorlax is undoubtedly the winner of adv staaabmons. It gets the instant recovery it needed, and thanks to slow baton pass, it's able to make up for lost ground from spinning/recovering. Natural cure helps with passive damage from poison and burn, and intimidate helps with physical attackers. At this point lax is a better blissey due to better mixed bulk and the ability to be offensive.


Starmie @ Leftovers/petaya berry
Ability: drizzle/volt absorb/torrent
- Calm Mind
- Recover/substitute
- Surf/hydro pump
- Ice Beam/psycho boost/thunderbolt

This thing is terrifying. The cm set is fast and strong, and the torrent petaya set is disgusting in rain. Overall, starmie got a lot more offensive, no more defensive mie. It does need rain, so it's more of a late game cleaner, but it is a powerful one at that.


Jirachi @ Leftovers
Ability: Serene Grace/No Guard/shell armor
- Meteor Mash/dynamic punch/calm mind
- Psycho Boost/wish
- Fire Punch/psychic
- Ice Punch/Thunder

Meteor mash is very good with serene grace, unfortunately jirachi has pretty bad physical attacks outside of dynamic punch and hidden power. Psycho boost hits like a truck, especially with boosts, and shell armor helps you win cm wars.


Exeggutor @ Leftovers
Ability: Chlorophyll
- Hidden Power [Fire/Electric/Ice]
- Solar Beam/calm mind
- Leaf Blade
- Psycho Boost/psychic

New chlorophyll sweeper just dropped. Pretty self explanatory, either calm mind and boost or nuke shit with solar beam/psycho boost. Hp electric is for non volt absorb skarm and waters, fire is for steels in general, ice is for skarm again.


Moltres @ Petaya Berry/leftovers
Ability: Blaze
- Agility/willo wisp/morning sun
- Substitute/Aeroblast
- Fire Blast/flamethrower
- Hidden Power [Grass/Electric]

This thing is crazy. Outspeeds everything, kos everything, not even blissey is safe:
+1 252+ SpA Blaze Moltres Fire Blast vs. 44 HP / 0 SpD Blissey: 362-427 (54.6 - 64.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
And that's without sun. This thing can cleave through teams without flash fire, and even teams with them fear it. It can also run a mixed set with aeroblast and healing, allowing it to continually be a threat.


Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb
- Recover
- Rapid Spin
- Refresh
- Surf

Vaporeon wins just as much as the normals but a little more, as it get normal moves from Eevee, but has a much better defensive typing. Volt absorb is required so you aren't steamrolled by rain, but the moves are customizable. You can run any mix of support moves from lovely kiss to rapid spin. Refresh/recover is very nice when dealing with status so you can get in and spin away spikes whenever you need to. Overall very good pokemon, well paired with lax and skarm.


Steelix @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate/flash fire/water absorb
- Protect/explosion
- Earthquake/rock slide
- Spikes/Toxic
- Roar

Last mon I'll talk about in this post. Essentially a better base skarm, but with some interesting things it has going for it. Levitate allows it to beat eqers like dd gyara, flash fire allows it to check sun somewhat, though it fears strong grass stab. Rain is easier as you are immune to thunder and water stab, only being weak to ice beam. Spikes lets you take advantage of being passive, and toxic is a more immediate way of doing the same thing. Eq is a powerful stab move, and rock slide lets you hit the flying types of the tier, ie gyara, mence, nite, aero. Boom is boom, roar is mandatory due to lix's job being checking fly spam. Overall a versatile mon and loves this format.

In other news I am working on getting a command so we can actually play this, I'm excited for peoples ideas!
Gen3 doesn't have a lot of abilities that newer gens do so some of the more op/centralizing stuff in aaa/bh in modern gens isn't around. I think levitate is insane because it is a spikes immunity and bc there are so much less moves eq immunity is worth a lot. levitate jirachi instantly seems super annoying, and even like levitate milotic or something random gets a huge buff bc spikes immunity and eq immunity. frankly levitate jirachi seems busted as hell and borderline invincible, plus wish and host of moves. wish calm mind psychic tbolt, what's the answer? there isn't much.

weather abilities are some of the best stuff available and weather is permanent... I think moltres would shine as it gets morning sun and has better bulk than Charizard. morning sun/wisp or toxic/flamethrower hp grass great sun setting tank, and chlorophyll wouldn't be restricted to shitty mons and you could just use chlorophyll on anything strong. not sure about rain setters. starmie would be pretty strong offensively.

i think levitate is just super busted on a ton of stuff. spikes immunity is huge, and being immune to earthquake makes some stuff have basically no weaknesses and gives others (like swampert) rock/ground resist. levitate raikou, levitate swampert, levitate jirachi, levitate blissey, levitate suicune whatever it would all work. other immunity abilities like volt absorb or flash fire would be good too. weirdly distributing moves doesn't actually do that much with a few big exceptions like spore, so I think this is just gonna be a lot like ADV OU with a lot of stuff levitating. like mence/aero get drill peck which is nice but won't fundamentally change how the tier works that much. intimidate is also a good ability that a bunch of stuff could use for sure.
like mence/aero get drill peck which is nice but won't fundamentally change how the tier works that much.

They get aeroblast, so fly spam is much more dangerous. Also because of sun and rain I think levitate will actually be a less common ability on steels with things like flash fire and water absorb checking huge rain and sun threats like eggy and kingdra. Another thing to keep in mind is steels can't run every ability. They have to run only one, so every steel gets broken by something, be it fire moves ground moves or fighting moves. They'll be annoying (especially cm levitate rachi) but your own steels will help a lot with taking coverage and wearing down those threats.

All OU clauses are active

Only one unique ability per team (all abilities must be different in team builder)

Abilities: soundproof, truant, speed boost, pure power,* huge power,* arena trap,* magnet pull,*
Moves: sacred fire, espeed*, belly drum,* mean look, block, chlorophyll*, swift swim*, wonder guard*
Pokemon: Slaking

*: Banned on non-native users
Chlorophyll and Swift Swim aren't moves :woop:Honest mistake
Hi guys Arty here i lost my account (it was on my highschool email account,) but i played some staaab with a few friends and have updated the challenge code!
/challenge gen3ou@@@Stabmons move legality, !obtainable abilities, ability clause=1, -slaking, -soundproof, -truant, -speed boost, *pure power, *huge power, *arena trap, *magnet pull, -chlorophyll, -swift swim, *wonder guard, *extreme speed, *belly drum, -mean look, -block, -spider web, -suction cups

I just want to talk about a few developments
1. Trapping is absolutely necessary, as without it defense is ridiculously hard to break. With volt absorb vaporeon+flash fire skarm you easily wall both fire/grass/psychic and electric/ice/water coverage effortlessly, and with the sturdy special sponge of recover lax, teams become nearly unbreakable on the special side. tbolt+hp fire mag is able to trap both volt absorb and flash fire skarm consistently.
2. Physical walls are a little harder to make consistent. Huge attackers like Medicham and Heracross can definitely rip teams to shreds so while ghosts don't get any new moves I think they are required on defensive teams. Levitate Dusclops is interesting as it doesnt crumple immediately to heracross's hp ghost or medichams psycho boost like gengar, though gar has the advantage of speed.
3. Weather offensively is interesting, and I certainly haven't come close to solving it yet. with skarmvap standing in the way of special attackers, weather abusers are forced to run awkward coverage to force their way through. I do think stuff like sub petaya blaze blast burn moltres have the ability to blow past their checks through sheer power, but i haven't been able to pull it off. I do think the threat of sun and rain are threatening enough that fat teams need a sand stream user, but who the best one is remains to be seen.
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