Pet Mod Abilitypos: FINAL

Pokemon Modified: Sceptile-Mega
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability: Fighting Cod
This Pokemon's Water-Type moves are Fighting-type and have 1.2x base power.
Type: Grass/Fighting
Stats: 80 HP / 155 Atk / 90 Def/ 75 SpA/ 95 SpD / 135 Spe
Movepol Changes: N/A compared to this mod's sceptile.
Competitive Role: Strong, fast pivot with STAB fighting flip turn and strong attacks. Has pretty good coverage and STAB priority. Can also use SD.

Pokemon Modified: Ponyta (Still Eviolite Compatible)
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability: Turn Away
When this pokemon uses a Fire-Type move, it switches out.
Type: Fire
Stats: 70 HP (+20) / 115 Atk (+30) / 55 Def / 65 Spa / 65 SpD / 105 Spe(+15)
BST: 475 (+65)
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: click fire move and get out ez

Pokemon Modified: Pikachu (Still Light Ball Compatible)
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
This pokemon's Electric-type moves have 1.5x Base Power, draws electric moves in for +1 SpA.
Type: Electric
Stats: 65 HP (+30) / 65 Atk (+10) / 60 Def (+20) / 65 SpA (+15) / 60 SpD (+10) / 105 Spe (+15)
BST: 420
Movepool Changes; N/A
Competitive Role: Fast attacker with absolutely no defensive capabilities, can use NP to boost up and sweep. Good speed too.
click button
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Pokémon: Rhydon (Eviolite-compatible)
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Lightening Rod
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon's accuracy is raised by 30%, and its weight is halved.
Typing: Ground / Rock
Stats: 105 / 130 / 120 / 45 / 45 / 40 (485 BST)
Movepool Changes: + Slack Off
Competitive Role: Lightening in the sense of both bringing light and making something lighter. Rhydon's tremendous Eviolite-boosted physical bulk lets it switch into Fire-types and Raticate, and it can threaten Lanturn with Earthquake and Sceptile with never-miss Megahorn. Slack Off keeps it around longer and Stone Edge appreciates the accuracy boost. Carbink can be teched around with Iron Tail. Hates Lapras though.

Pokémon: Pachirisu
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Rain Away
New Ability Effect: When this Pokémon is damaged by an attack, it summons heavy rain for five turns (eight holding a Damp Rock). Recovers 1/16th of its maximum HP at the end of each turn during heavy rain.
Typing: Electric
Stats: 60 / 45 / 100 / 75 / 120 / 95 (495 BST)
Movepool Changes: + Weather Ball, Calm Mind
Competitive Role: Weather setter but with Sand Spit + Rain Dish instead of just Drizzle. Can set up with Calm Mind but wishes it had better recovery. Nuzzle, U-turn / Volt Switch, and Super Fang give it fun support.

Pokémon: Sableye-Mega
Ability Modified: Magic Bounce
New Ability Name: Magic Bonds
New Ability Effect: When this Pokémon is damaged by an attack, the attacker suffers recoil equal to 1/8th of the damage it inflicted.
Typing: Dark / Ghost
Stats: 110 / 105 / 75 / 105 / 115 / 90 (600 BST)
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: Big fat special wall, but fairly vulnerable to status and physical moves. Ability is always nice for chip - the amount is low because of its high HP and access to Recover.
adding a mega later

Pokémon: Dunsparce
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name:
Sun Day
New Ability Effect:
Sets Sun for 5 turns, 8 if holding Heat Rock.
100/90/90/85/85/65 (515)
Movepool Changes:
+ U-Turn
Competitive Role:
Sun setter to enable that archetype if we want. Base form Dunsparce can set Rocks and heal so I didn't need to add those. Bulk isn't spectacular but it's not supposed to be an omnipresent defensive Pokemon, and we need a Ground with at least passable bulk.

Pokémon: Pikachu (light ball incompatible)
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name:
Enlightening Mod (me)
New Ability Effect:
On switch-in, the opponent's type gets changed to pure Psychic. (i have such a massive iq that it quickly spreads to those around me)
65/55/60/115/80/105 (480)
Movepool Changes:
+ Psychic, Healing Wish
Competitive Role:
Pivot machine. Doesn't learn anything to hit Psychic super effectively but coming in on a Ground makes it impossible for them to block your Volt Switch. Healing Wish is a cool option for choice item sets.
Pokémon: Aggron-Mega
Ability Modified: Filter
New Ability Name: Tilter
New Ability Effect: This Pokemon’s Attack is raised by 1 when it reaches ½ or less of its max HP
Typing: Steel / Dark
Stats: 80 / 135 / 180 / 60 / 105 / 70 (BST: 630}
Competitive Role: Defensive Steel, can go for straight hazard sets or a Curse + Body Press set . Extra Dark typing gives it a pretty good stab and allows it to combat Sableye and Raticate-Alola better. Hitting lower health makes it tilt allows it to set up quicker which is nice.

Pokemon: Togedemaru
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Frightening Bod
New Ability Effect: Pokemon making contact with this Pokemon have their Attack lowered by 1 stage.
Typing: Electric / Steel
Stats: 90 / 108 / 83 / 40 / 88 / 111 {BST: 520}
Movepool Changes: + Knock Off
Competitive Role: Fast Electric pivot and defensive option. Has key utility in Nuzzle, Knock Off, Wish and U-Turn alongside solid stats to be very customizable in what it can do, while punishing physical attackers

Pokemon: Dodrio
Ability: Run Away
New Ability Name: Runway
New Ability Effect: This Pokemon’s Speed is raised by 1 stage if it attacks and KOs another Pokemon.
Typing: Fighting / Flying
Stats: 60 / 115 / 90 / 60 / 60 / 110 {BST: 495}
Movepool Changes: + Close Combat, U-Turn
Competitive role: Sweeper / Offensive pivot with a really solid offensive typing and boosting ability.
:ss/Marowak-alola:not thick club compatible btw
Pokemon: Alolan Marowak
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Viking God
New Ability Effect: Raises Attack stat by 1 stage when a pokemon faints
Typing: Ghost / Fighting
Stats: 60 / 110 / 80 / 50 / 80 / 95 | 475
Movepool Changes: + Close Combat, -Swords Dance
Competitive Role: Strong wallbreaker with good dual STAB, can snowball teams if Viking God activated.

might do the rest later
Oops! All Gen I Fire Types!


"The light holds resolute here!"
- Blemishine (Arknights)
Pokémon: Rapidash
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Rush Away
New Ability Effect: The user switches out after having its Speed stat raised. (in similar fashion to Eject Pack)
Stats: 85 (+20)/110 (+10)/60 (-10)/70 (-10)/70 (-10)/105 (BST: 500 (BST unchanged))
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: Now you might be thinking "doesn't Blueclipse's Ponyta already do something like this?". Here's where Rush Away differs. While Rush Away may be detrimental at first glance, it turns the poor choice for a main STAB move Flame Charge into a deceptively useful pivot move especially because it doesn't get U-turn and forcibly switching yourself out on your Flare Blitzes may become a bit too annoying if you'd rather sweep the foe's team with the fire horse's good Speed stat in question. With Rush Away, its Agility turns into a fast makeshift Teleport, surprising players who expects a boosting move to be used for its intended purpose. While its stats may be OK on paper — its defensive stats are actually bad for a Pokémon whose STAB move(s) have recoil, so its Defense and Sp. Def stats have been decreased to give increases to its HP stat. Flame Charge is physical and it would really would like to have it in one of its moveslots with its new pivoting capabilities, so its Attack is now at a slightly better 110 as its Sp. Atk drops down to 70. There is also potential into giving it a Salac Berry, as it can safely switch itself out at low health after Flare Blitz/Wild Charge recoil, but that might be a super niche strategy that I would see struggling to get used.

"Pierce the blue sky, blaze of purgatory!"
- Stella Vermillion (Chivalry of a Failed Knight)

Pokémon: Charizard-Mega-Y
Ability Modified: Drought
New Ability Name: Draught
New Ability Effect: When the user enters the battlefield (or gains the Ability upon changing to it on the field), it sets up a Tailwind on the user's side automatically.
Stats: 78/84 (+10)/103 (+30)/154 (+40)/115 (+30)/100 (-10) (BST: 634)
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: Tailwind, in singles play, sees relatively little use compared to with doubles play. Draught turns that on its head. Instead of summoning heavy sunlight with Drought, it summons a tailwind with Draught. This does weaken its Fire moves somewhat with the absence of sunlight, and without the benefits of Graze, Focus Blast and Hurricane regain what risk they lost from it. Sacrificing the almighty Timbs for its Mega Stone means that, despite it massive boon its summoned Tailwinds offers it and its team, carrying U-turn in one of its moveslots carries a huge risk it wouldn't have in its base form trying to attempt a fast pivot role - all thanks to Stealth Rock. Mega Evolving decreases its base Speed by 10, which lessens the impact that Tailwind would have on itself had it kept its 110 Speed tier. Its offensive boosts are a bit more modest than on the usual vanilla Mega Charizard Y but its Defense and Sp. Def stats are given huge buffs, turning it into something that can hit hard and take hits hard - but is this all worth it for massive vulnerability to Stealth Rock damage and Focus Blast and Hurricane misses going back to dealing NO damage at all?
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Pokémon: Dodrio
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Run Awry
New Ability Effect: This Pokemon’s Recoil and crash damage moves have 85% Accuracy and 1.5x Power
Typing: Normal / Flying
Stats: 75 / 120 / 75 / 60 / 65 / 115
Movepool Changes: + High Jump Kick
Competitive Role: Strong walllbreaker / offensive pivot

Pokémon: Marowak-Alola
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Frightening Body
New Ability Effect: Contact moves targeting this Pokémon use the opponents weaker attacking stat
Typing: Fire / Ghost
Stats: No change
Movepool Changes: No change
Competitive Role: Regular Alolan Marowak with more defensive utility

mega coming soon
Ability Modified: Filter
New Ability Name: Spitter
New Ability Effect: This Pokemon's physical moves lower the opponent's special defense by 1 stage.
Typing: Steel/Rock
Stats: 80/120(+10)/120(+0)/120(+60)/110(+20)/80(+10)
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: Mixed wallbreaker that trades typing for massive firepower, can also be used as a sweeper with Autotomize.

Pokémon: Seaking
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Fishing Rod
New Ability Effect: While active on the field, Water type Pokemon are unable to switch out.
Typing: Water/Grass
Stats: 80/112/65/65/100/88
Movepool Changes:
+Seed Bomb, Taunt, Synthesis.
-Swords Dance.
Competitive Role: Trapper and physical attacker with a neutral matchup against its main targets.

Pokémon: Rapidash-Galar
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Run A Way
New Ability Effect: This Pokemon's Speed is 1.5x, but it can only select the first move it executes.
Stats: 75/100/70/80/80/95
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: (Garm, is that you?!)
Wallbreaker/Cleaner that can be walled easily, but is incredibly threatening to every offensive Pokemon.
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Seaking :swsh/seaking:
Threatening Red - This Pokémon takes 30% less damage from Pokémon with lowered stats.
+ Razor Shell, Rock Tomb, Lunge, Skitter Smack, Leech Life

Mega Charizard Y :swsh/charizard-mega-y:
Tough - This Pokémon takes 10% reduced physical damage for each positive Status modifier it has.

Rapidash :swsh/rapidash:
Sun Award - This Pokemon summons Sunny Day if it attacks and KOes another Pokemon. If it is already active, it resets.
+ Spark, Thunderbolt, U-Turn, Volt Switch, Thunder
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I should probably make things for my own mod more consistently huh

Reject the ninja way, return to gun-fu
Pokémon: Nincada
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Gun Away
New Ability Effect: Whenever this Pokémon switches out, it automatically attacks the opposing Pokémon with a BP 40 Steel type physical contact move. (This damage is calculated after pivot moves but before the switch itself)
Typing: Bug / Steel
Stats: 81 HP / 115 Atk / 120 Def / 40 SpA / 70 SpD / 110 Spe (536 BST)
Movepool Changes: + U-Turn, First Impression, Lunge, Iron Head, Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Swords Dance, Bulk Up
Competitive Role: Imagine Durant but it’s as funny to switch out as it is to switch in. Slap it on a Mon that evolves into two different gimmicky motherfuckers, and it’s still not close to how gimmicky those evos are because they’re Ninjask and Shedinja. Anyway, this is a big offensive pivot, and if codable, it could essentially hit two different STAB moves by clicking U-Turn.

Redwood trying to make good physical electric mons part eleventy-two
Pokémon: Zebstrika
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Lightning Armor
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon is immune to recoil, and its Normal type moves become Electric type and deal 1.2x damage
Typing: Electric
75 HP / 100 Atk / 73 Def / 80 SpA / 73 SpD / 106 Spe (507 BST)
Movepool Changes: + Icicle Crash, Leaf Blade
Competitive Role: A physical Electric mon with a good relative speed, good STAB move, and decent coverage

This sub was brought to you by the nonexistent Sky Cup
Pokémon: Mega Charizard X
Ability Modified: Tough Claws
New Ability Name: Tough Sun
New Ability Effect: Effects of Drought
Typing: Fire / Dragon
Stats: 78 HP / 134 Atk / 88 Def / 119 SpA / 100 SpD / 115 Spe (634 BST)
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role: Physical Sun Setter, should fuck with Sceptile, just watch out for EQ
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Pokémon: :ss/thievul:
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name:
Done Away
New Ability Effect:
If the opposing Pokémon is at 25% health or lower, this Pokemon's attacks do 25% more damage.
Dark / Psychic
70 / 38 / 88 / 137 / 132 / 90
Movepool Changes: +
Competitive Role:
Thievul functions now as a devastating wallbreaker. Its 137 base Special Attack will likely dent anything that doesn't resist it, while Done Away lets it power through weakened opponents.
Pokémon: Zebstrika
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Smiting God
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon’s Electric moves do 1.25x damage and ignore Protect/Substitute to Dark, Poison, and Ghost type Pokémon
Typing: Electric
Stats: 75 / 100 / 63 / 100 (+20) / 63 / 116 (517)
Movepool Changes: n/a
Competitive Role: mixed wallbreaker that now has more types it hits for high damage off of its only stab as well as destroying any stall mons of those types

Pokémon: Rattata
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Pun Away
New Ability Effect:
This Pokémon gains the effects of every ability of every Pokémon on your team
Typing: Normal
Stats: 72 (+42) / 72 (+16) / 72 (+37) / 72 (+47) / 72 (+37) / 72 (432)
Movepool Changes: +mew’s movepool
Competitive Role: Mew with any 5 abilities at once but with all stats equal to Rattata’s highest stat, which is its mediocre speed. It can do pretty much anything but is held down by bad stats.

Pokémon: Aggron-Mega
Ability Modified: Filter
New Ability Name: Fighter
New Ability Effect: This Pokémon gets STAB from fighting type moves. Fighting type moves hit Ghost types.
Typing: Steel/Rock
Stats: 80 / 135 / 180 / 60 / 105 / 70
Movepool Changes: n/a
Competitive Role: Aggron’s strongest move, Body Press, is now even stronger.
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Pokemon: Pikachu-PhD (not Light Ball compatible)
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Lightning PhD
New Ability Effect: When a Pokemon with this ability sets Electric Terrain, raises its SpA and Spe by one stage each.
Type: Electric/Psychic
Stats: 70/85/50/105/110/110 (Total: 530)
Movepool Changes: + Alolan Raichu's movepool
Overview: A slightly buffed Alolan Raichu statwise that also has a way to do a Special Dragon Dance. I don't know if Pikachu PhD is allowed, but the ability name was right there, so I had to try and use it.
Pokémon: Pincurchin
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Blighting Bog
New Ability Effect: While this Pokemon is active, all newly applied special conditions become Poisoned instead.
Typing: Electric/Poison
Stats: 68/91/145/101/100/15 (520 BST)
Stat Changes: +20 HP, -10 ATK, +50 DEF, +10 SPA, +15 SPD, +0 SPE
Movepool Changes: + Shadow Ball, + Toxic, + Volt Switch, + Sludge Bomb.
Competitive Role: Poison hell.
If you wanted to, it also has access to Curse, so you could build something like Curse/Recover/Zing Zap/Poison Jab.

Pokémon: Aggron-Mega
Ability Modified: Filter
New Ability Name: Killer
New Ability Effect: This Pokemon's Ghost-type moves have 1.3x power. After this Pokemon uses a Ghost-type move, it adds the Ghost type to itself.
Typing: Steel/Dragon
Stats: 80/130/160/130/60/70
Stat Boosts: 0/+20/+40/+70/-30/0
Movepool Changes: + Phantom Force, + Shadow Ball, + Grudge
Competitive Role: Lets Aggron be able to use ghost moves, and could potentially be a mixed attacker. Killer allows Mega Aggron to gain Ghost typing after having used a Ghost move, so after 1 Curse or a Shadow Ball, it has access to three total STABs and two attacking stats it can hit with. It is a little slower, though. It has an easier time leaning into it's physical side, though you'll have to be very wary of special attacks.

Pokémon: Oddish (no eviolite)
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Rise Away
New Ability Effect: Levitate clone, but user can mysteriously avoid Stealth Rocks as well.
Typing: Grass/Poison
Stats: 85/75/90/90/110/40 (490 BST)
Movepool Changes: + Aromatherapy, + Defog, + Fly, + Bounce, + Magnet Rise.
Competitive Role: anti-sceptile, anti-hazards. Has it's methods of being dealt with but has a couple solid uses for now.
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Pokémon: Alolan Marowak
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Frightening Rod
New Ability Effect: Draws in Ghost type moves and raises the user's Attack by 1 stage. Ghost immunity.
Typing: Fire/Ghost
Stats: 60/80/110/50/70(-20)/65(+20)
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role:
Having 3 immunities in Ghost, Normal, and Fighting plus the ability to raise its attack and newfound speed points (especially when paired with flame charge) it can tear through an unprepared team

Pokémon: Galarian Rapidash
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Shun Away
New Ability Effect: When hit by a Poison type move the attacker is forced to switch out into a random pokemon. Takes 1/2 damage from Poison moves and immunity to Poison status
Typing: Fairy/Fighting
Stats: 65/100/70/80/80/105
Movepool Changes: +Sacred Sword,
Competitive Role:
With a currently unused type combination it has wholly unique stabs and with ground coverage can hit all types neutrally. Its good speed and access to swords dance it can make for a great sweeper

Pokémon: Mega Sceptile
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Lightning Sod
New Ability Effect: Grass type moves become Electric type and deal 1.2x damage
Typing: Electric/Ground
Stats: 80/145(+40)/95(+20)/65/95(+10)/140(+30)
Movepool Changes: N/A
Competitive Role:
A fast attacker with decent bulk and a decent defensive type, along with strong physical STABS and good coverage (fighting, water, rock)

Pokémon: Wooloo (no eviolite)
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Spun Away
New Ability Effect: Before the user faints, attempts to use Rapid Spin
Typing: Normal/Fighting
Stats: 84/81/110/81/90/94 (BST: 530)
Movepool Changes: +Body Press, Slack Off
Competitive Role: does cotton guard + body press stuff with reliable recovery and a one-time rapid spin when it faints. Does not have much utility besides that, as its movepool is barren. will most likely run cotton guard+body press+slack off and either normal stab or thunder wave


Pokémon: Zebstrika
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Flying Rodeo
New Ability Effect: User's moves with less than 100% Accuracy have 1.25x power, user's moves with 100% Accuracy have .75x power.
Typing: Electric/Flying
Stats: 75/95/68/110/68/96 (BST: 512)
Movepool Changes: +Air Slash, Hurricane
Competitive Role: now a flying type. a sizable boost to special attack gives its overheats more oomph. it is forced to use a weaker volt switch as a result of this ability, and all of its buffed moves (Thunder, Hurricane, Overheat) have the inherent risk of low accuracy.
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Just discovered the mod, and I absolutely love the concept. Hope I’m not too late for subs (if so ignore this and I’ll just jump in next slate). In the meantime :


Pokémon: Electrike (no eviolite)
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Light Nimrod (biblical hunter)
New Ability Effect: This pokemon’s physical moves use its speed stat instead of attack in damage calculation.

Stats: 67 / 45 / 65 / 90 / 80 / 95 [BST : 442]
Movepool Changes: - Agility
Competitive Role: Basically, it will always rock a choice scarf, which acts as both scarf and band when you think about it. I’ve already toned its speed down a few times because an ability like this one can quickly get out of hand. Keep in mind that since its speed accounts for physical damage, it is free to invest in SpA or HP, according to what you want. Should fulfill the role of a basic cleaner / revenge killer, with Crunch for stab and elemental fangs for coverage.
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Sorry for the holdup, I’ve been busy with school stuff

It’s time for vetoes
Seaking :swsh/seaking:
Threatening Red - This Pokémon takes 30% less damage from Pokémon with lowered stats.
+ Razor Shell, Rock Tomb, Lunge, Skitter Smack, Leech Life
Threatening Red’s name doesn’t really match its effect, either change the name to better match the effect or change the effect to better match the name (for this one, I recommend the former)

Pokémon: Rattata
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Pun Away
New Ability Effect:
This Pokémon gains the effects of every ability of every Pokémon on your team
Typing: Normal
Stats: 72 (+42) / 72 (+16) / 72 (+37) / 72 (+47) / 72 (+37) / 72 (432)
Movepool Changes: +mew’s movepool
Competitive Role: Mew with any 5 abilities at once but with all stats equal to Rattata’s highest stat, which is its mediocre speed. It can do pretty much anything but is held down by bad stats.
Not only does the ability’s name not match its effect, that kind of ability in a mod like this would be way to centralizing on any Mon. I’d suggest changing the effect to better match the name or just a complete overhaul

Pokémon: Pincurchin
Ability Modified: Lightning Rod
New Ability Name: Blighting Bog
New Ability Effect: At the end of each turn, 30% chance to Poison opposing Pokemon.
Typing: Electric/Poison
Stats: 68/91/145/101/100/15 (520 BST)
Stat Changes: +20 HP, -10 ATK, +50 DEF, +10 SPA, +15 SPD, +0 SPE
Movepool Changes: + Shadow Ball, + Toxic, + Volt Switch, + Sludge Bomb.
Competitive Role: Passive poison spreader and physically bulky mon. Slow pivot. Being immune to Paralysis and Poison can help it move around easier and is a big plus if it decides to go offensive. Can abuse Venoshock or Hex coverage with either Poison from Sludge Bomb, Toxic, Toxic Spikes or Blighting Bog, Paralysis from Thunder Wave or Discharge, or Burn from Scald. This thing spreads status like no other.
If you wanted to, it also has access to Curse, so you could build something like Curse/Recover/Zing Zap/Poison Jab.
Due to how much the effect is left up to change, Blighting Bog is simply uncompetitive, and this hard to build around. I’d suggest changing the ability entirely.

You have 24 hours from this post to fix these vetoes, then voting will begin.
This is an explanation and nerf, not a change, but the reason this ability is called Pun Away is because Abilitypos is a meta where the only mons that exist are the ones that are voted in, (I think so, if not, go ahead with the veto) and all the abilities are changed to be phonetically similar and mildly funny, you could say every ability in this mod is a pun, and thus Pun Away would let you use any of the puns. Also I changed it to only give you one ability.

Pokémon: Rattata
Ability Modified: Run Away
New Ability Name: Pun Away
New Ability Effect:
This Pokémon gains the ability of the last Pokémon on your team
Typing: Normal
Stats: 72 (+42) / 72 (+16) / 72 (+37) / 72 (+47) / 72 (+37) / 72 (432)
Movepool Changes: +mew’s movepool
Competitive Role: Mew with any ability but with all stats equal to Rattata’s highest stat, which is its mediocre speed. It can do pretty much anything but is held down by bad stats.
The veto period is over, and everything’s legal, but we’ll call Vipotis’ Threatening Red Threatening Body instead

Also BOTW Enjoyer you can just edit your original post next time, the reply saves the old info anyway.

With that, voting is open. It’ll close on Friday 11:00 PM EDT. Good luck everyone!
Lightning Rod:
1. Viking God (r1dude)
2. Enlightening Mod (DuoM2)
3. Threatening Body (Vipotis)
4. Blighting Bog (Yveltal for PU)

Run Away:
1. Sun Award (Vipotis)
2. Rise Away (Yveltal for PU)
3. Gun Away (RedwoodRogue)
4. Pun Away (BOTW Enjoyer)

Mega Ability:
1. Tilter (APaidActor)
2. Killer (Yveltal for PU)
3. Draught (leafsaber47)
4. Tough (Vipotis)
Lightning Rod: Viking God, Frightening Body, Frightening Bod (SV), Lightning PhD, Lightning Nimrod, Flying Rodeo,
Run Away: Rise Away, Sun Award, Runway (SV)
Mega Ability: Magic Bonds, Tilter (SV), Killer, Tough