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  • I'm not sure if you'll ever see this, but if one day you ever decide to take a peek at the site out of curiosity years later, I wanna say thanks for being my friend. I really appreciate the friendship you extended to me when I first joined the site. I've made a lot of great friends on here since and it started with you. I hope life treats you well and you find happiness and success in whatever you do
    Hi, we play for mg1 tour. I am -3, can play almost everyday just depending on the time. When do you wish to play ?
    Hey I'm your opponent in the vtm tour I'm gmt+1 and I'm able to fight at around 7pm my time, does that time work for you too?

    tour plaza winter ssnl, im gmt+1, when do you wanna play
    rather 3pm but otherwise ye
    i got class at 3:15 for you so 3pm wouldnt work, can u do 2:30 or should we do another day
    ah fug. i can TRY but i cant promise to be there in time; ill tell you tomorrow if im online or not at 2:30 pm, if im not we'll just reschedule tomorrow
    i do wonder what ability miraidon runs in BH, i wish someone could enlighten me on this topic
    hello we play in cc1v1 my gmt is +7, im available 10-12am gmt +7 in weekends and only available at around 9pm on weekdays when do we wanna game?
    Hi we're paired for RBY PU, I'm +0. Can do Thu 8-9pm, Fri 7-11am, all Sun up to 9pm, lmk what works.
    Just wanted to reach out again, Sunday's still same as, except midday period has other tour matches now
    Yo we play for RBY PU, I'm GMT 0 so lmk what works for you I'm fairly flexable
    Just checking if you're still down, I think we gotta play either today or tomorrow if you're still in
    take the win sorry
    np it's g
    Kick-off STAB. I'm GMT+1. I'm NOT free Wednesday, but I can play today or tomorrow. Lmk what work.
    4:30pm your time today?
    Hello Ducky, we play for the Inverse Blitz Hackmons Tradebacks Double Elim RBY BTAAASKREGG Swiss tour. For the tier of choice I am picking Shared Power Godly Gift Camomons Monotype GSC GGBTREV. I'm free from 11:58 pm on Sunday till the dl,lmk when.
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