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Paired for Saber. GMT-4. Free weekdays after 5pm and technically most of the weekend, but I'm on call this week so I would prefer to play later in the day.
Bh open available to play in the morning from 8am-11am from Sunday-Friday my time (usually unless I work in the morning). Can play at anytime on Wednesday and Thursday. Not available for Saturday. When you wanna play? I'm gmt-5
Hey. We're matched for Saber. I can probably play during weekday evenings (besides today, tomorrow, or Friday) or weekend mornings. Let me know what works for you. I'm UTC-5.
Hello, when would you like to play for OMFL? I'm GMT -6 and I'll be free Friday night after 6pm and all weekend. Traveling for work this week so apologies for the condensed schedule.
You missed our match at 7 pm Central on Saturday. Please contact me in the next 2 days for a new time for a match or I'll be forced to take an activity win.