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Hi, we are matched for BH ghosting tour. I am UTC+13, my team are UTC-8 and you are UTC+1 right? It's a bit awkward since we are 9 and 12 hours apart. I think we should try either weekends any time or weekday 6:30 - 7 am your time (9:30 pm and 6:30 pm for us). We are more free during weekends. Please let me know what you think.
Opponent for stab ssnl, available to play in the morning from 8am-11am from Sunday-Friday my time (usually unless I work in the morning). Can play at almost anytime on Wednesday and Thursday. Not available for Saturday. When you wanna play? I'm gmt-5
Hey, we are paired for OMPL. I am GMT+2 and can play wednesday, Thursday from 5pm to 9pm my time. I am a little busy this weekend i cant play Friday but Saturday night or sunday the whole day
Ssu cantu fattu di turchinu,
Ti conto una storia d'amore,
Chì si pò nasce Aiaccini,
È esse Bastiacciu di core,
Sta sera a voce di Furiani,
Tutt'a tribuna Petrignani,
Cant'a Corsica simu noi,
Simu noi è solu noi...
I’d like to play 19 June, 25 June, or 26 June for World Cup. I’ll be available pretty much all day my time those days. I’m GMT -8, so I doubt we can make weekdays work. I could do like 7 pm my time on a weekday if I had to.