(Little) Things that annoy you in Pokémon

In particular Other M's samus direction was specifically because of Sakamoto iirc. It was what he wanted her to sound like. The rest of the VO was more or less fine

Most VO in games are fine, one might say. Especially these days.

I think a perfectly reasonable compromise would be the Fire Emblem Approach: characters get a few stock lines or voice clips that are applied to the majority of cutscenes, then major story cutscenes include a few more unique Lines for the situation (such as exclaiming a character's name), and finally the biggest cutscenes (which in FE's case are often presented as fully animated videos rather than visual novel + in-engine models) are given full voice acting for the couple minutes they tend to last.
I get what you mean here, this is how Awakening & Fates worked, but SOV & Houses were fully voice acted (even minor NPCs) and Hopes only cut back on voiced camp dialog (Cutscenes, map dialog and supports all remain fully voicd)

but yeah I think that'd work nice for Pokemon. In fact I think that's how Masters works? Bunch of tap lines, some key barks for misc dialog, and then some fully voiced lines here & there.
I admit, I have a thing about random asymmetry; I hate that only one of the Galar birds signatures has anything to do with the type they homage (and in the one way nobody would want homaged) or that Fishious Rend is included in a category of moves when Bolt Beak isn’t. But one particular one that bothers me is the case of Jolteon.

The Eevelutions have famously shallow movepools, but most of them have at least one relevant Non-HP coverage option (at least in terms of covering offensive shortcomings in game)-
Vaporeon: Ice Beam
Flareon: Superpower, Solar Beam
Espeon: Dazzling Gleam
Umbreon: Iron Tail
Leafeon: X-Scissor
Glaceon: Freeze-Dry, Water Pulse
Sylveon: Psyshock, Mystical Fire

Now, Jolteon did have such an option in Signal Beam. But Signal Beam doesn’t exist anymore, so now Jolteon has nothing in terms of such coverage. So they had symmetry but removed it with the removal of Signal Beam, and while it probably didn’t hurt a lot of users that much Jolteon is definitely worse off without it now that it lacks HP, as it would at least have something for many Grass types (and not have to rely on a Normal move for coverage because of just how bad its movepool is now). Honestly Jolteon deserves some new “relevant” option in SV to make up for losing Signal Beam, at least to hit Grass.
[Yes I know it still has Pin Missile. Do you think Jolteon is built to use Pin Missile in a post-Gen 1 environment?]
I admit, I have a thing about random asymmetry; I hate that only one of the Galar birds signatures has anything to do with the type they homage (and in the one way nobody would want homaged) or that Fishious Rend is included in a category of moves when Bolt Beak isn’t. But one particular one that bothers me is the case of Jolteon.

The Eevelutions have famously shallow movepools, but most of them have at least one relevant Non-HP coverage option (at least in terms of covering offensive shortcomings in game)-
Vaporeon: Ice Beam
Flareon: Superpower, Solar Beam
Espeon: Dazzling Gleam
Umbreon: Iron Tail
Leafeon: X-Scissor
Glaceon: Freeze-Dry, Water Pulse
Sylveon: Psyshock, Mystical Fire

Now, Jolteon did have such an option in Signal Beam. But Signal Beam doesn’t exist anymore, so now Jolteon has nothing in terms of such coverage. So they had symmetry but removed it with the removal of Signal Beam, and while it probably didn’t hurt a lot of users that much Jolteon is definitely worse off without it now that it lacks HP, as it would at least have something for many Grass types (and not have to rely on a Normal move for coverage because of just how bad its movepool is now). Honestly Jolteon deserves some new “relevant” option in SV to make up for losing Signal Beam, at least to hit Grass.
jolteon does have access to shadow ball......but so do all of the eeveelutions, so it's still asymmetrical
I hate that only one of the Galar birds signatures has anything to do with the type they homage (and in the one way nobody would want homaged)
Let me guess, Freezing Glare?

Water Pulse also doesn’t mattered much for Glaceon due to how late Glaceon usually be and with how weak Water Pulse is at the time of obtention. Glaceon would run Freeze-Dry anyways but at least that’s something.
I admit, I have a thing about random asymmetry; I hate that only one of the Galar birds signatures has anything to do with the type they homage (and in the one way nobody would want homaged) or that Fishious Rend is included in a category of moves when Bolt Beak isn’t. But one particular one that bothers me is the case of Jolteon.

The Eevelutions have famously shallow movepools, but most of them have at least one relevant Non-HP coverage option (at least in terms of covering offensive shortcomings in game)-
Vaporeon: Ice Beam
Flareon: Superpower, Solar Beam
Espeon: Dazzling Gleam
Umbreon: Iron Tail
Leafeon: X-Scissor
Glaceon: Freeze-Dry, Water Pulse
Sylveon: Psyshock, Mystical Fire

Now, Jolteon did have such an option in Signal Beam. But Signal Beam doesn’t exist anymore, so now Jolteon has nothing in terms of such coverage. So they had symmetry but removed it with the removal of Signal Beam, and while it probably didn’t hurt a lot of users that much Jolteon is definitely worse off without it now that it lacks HP, as it would at least have something for many Grass types (and not have to rely on a Normal move for coverage because of just how bad its movepool is now). Honestly Jolteon deserves some new “relevant” option in SV to make up for losing Signal Beam, at least to hit Grass.
[Yes I know it still has Pin Missile. Do you think Jolteon is built to use Pin Missile in a post-Gen 1 environment?]

You list Iron Tail for Umbreon, but it is universal to the Eeveelutions like Dig, Shadow Ball, Stored Power, Mud-Slap, Bite, Double Kick, Rock Smash, and Synchronoise are. Vaporeon, Glaceon, and Espeon all also had Signal Beam when it existed. Outside of the metric ton of non-Ice Beam Ice moves Vaporeon can get, You also forgot Grass Knot for Espeon, Psychic for Umbreon, Knock Off and Aerial Ace for Leafeon, Aqua Tail for Glaceon, and Magical Leaf for Sylveon. Also, for whatever reason, all of the Gen I and II Eeveelutions except Vaporeon can learn Zap Cannon in Gen II.
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You list Iron Tail for Umbreon, but it is universal to the Eeveelutions like Dig, Shadow Ball, Stored Power, Mud-Slap, Bite, Double Kick, Rock Smash, and Synchronoise are. Vaporeon, Glaceon, and Espeon all also had Signal Beam when it existed. Outside of the metric ton of non-Ice Beam Ice moves Vaporeon can get, You also forgot Grass Knot for Espeon, Psychic for Umbreon, Knock Off and Aerial Ace for Leafeon, Aqua Tail for Glaceon, and Magical Leaf for Sylveon. Also, for whatever reason, all of the Gen I and II Eeveelutions except Vaporeon can learn Zap Cannon in Gen II.

Provably should’ve been clearer. When I said “relevant” coverage, I meant coverage that naturally covers the deficiencies of a Pokémon’s STAB (as in covers stuff that resists or is immune to STAB). Knock Off is useful for Leafeon competitively, but in terms of the type chart Dark doesn’t really do much for Grass in this regard. I also didn’t count Double Kick and Mud-Slap because they’re basically unmoves. That said, thanks for pointing out some stuff I missed like Umbreon Psychic and Dig Leafeon. Though come to think of it, why does Leafeon of all Eevelutions get Knock Off when Umbreon doesn’t? That is a bit weird.
Signal Beam
Partially related, but I'd like to know why some moves were removed in Generation VIII.
Signal Beam is, as far as I know, far from broken or useless:
  • Bug is resisted by seven types (including meta-defining ones)
  • Bug-type Max Move is one of the less relevant Max Moves
  • 75 BP is good for a coverage move but not overwhelming
  • 10% secondary chance to confuse is negligible
  • Overshadowed in high-level play by Bug Buzz
  • Even Psychic-type Pokémon (who benefit from Bug-type coverage) prefer Focus Miss
And yet Slam, a worse version of Strength, managed to stay unchanged.
Partially related, but I'd like to know why some moves were removed in Generation VIII.
Signal Beam is, as far as I know, far from broken or useless:
  • Bug is resisted by seven types (including meta-defining ones)
  • Bug-type Max Move is one of the less relevant Max Moves
  • 75 BP is good for a coverage move but not overwhelming
  • 10% secondary chance to confuse is negligible
  • Overshadowed in high-level play by Bug Buzz
  • Even Psychic-type Pokémon (who benefit from Bug-type coverage) prefer Focus Miss
And yet Slam, a worse version of Strength, managed to stay unchanged.
Because Gen 8 was all about making move pools shallower, it's why a lot of the new Pokémon don't so much have a move pool as a move puddle.
Partially related, but I'd like to know why some moves were removed in Generation VIII.
Signal Beam is, as far as I know, far from broken or useless:
  • Bug is resisted by seven types (including meta-defining ones)
  • Bug-type Max Move is one of the less relevant Max Moves
  • 75 BP is good for a coverage move but not overwhelming
  • 10% secondary chance to confuse is negligible
  • Overshadowed in high-level play by Bug Buzz
  • Even Psychic-type Pokémon (who benefit from Bug-type coverage) prefer Focus Miss
And yet Slam, a worse version of Strength, managed to stay unchanged.
Looking at the list of mons that learn it, the bulk are Water, Electric, and Psychic. Very few bug-types. All I can think is they wanted to eliminate it because it was more useful as coverage than as STAB. Which feels like a bad reason, TBH. If they're going to do that, remove Ice Beam from the water-type movepool.
Looking at the list of mons that learn it, the bulk are Water, Electric, and Psychic. Very few bug-types. All I can think is they wanted to eliminate it because it was more useful as coverage than as STAB. Which feels like a bad reason, TBH. If they're going to do that, remove Ice Beam from the water-type movepool.

... well, the analogy does not exactly fit because all but two Ice-type Pokémon can learn Ice Beam, whereas less than half of the existing Bug-type Pokémon could learn Signal Beam.
Because Gen 8 was all about making move pools shallower, it's why a lot of the new Pokémon don't so much have a move pool as a move puddle.
Looking at the list of mons that learn it, the bulk are Water, Electric, and Psychic. Very few bug-types. All I can think is they wanted to eliminate it because it was more useful as coverage than as STAB. Which feels like a bad reason, TBH. If they're going to do that, remove Ice Beam from the water-type movepool.
More realistical and less angrysmogonerontheinternet answer:

They removed moves that had very little actual usage.
Almost no pokemon used Signal Beam in VGC/BSS, pretty much every pokemon that learned Signal Beam naturally would usually also learn Bug Buzz, and it was a tutor move in almost every game where it was featured meaning that outside of facilities (which already had very little usage) most players wouldn't exactly go out of their way during the main story to grind BPs for... Signal Beam instead of actually good tutor moves like Iron Head or the elemental punches.

The removal of the moves was likely due to both reducing bloat and reducing "carry over time": every move requires the animation to be remade (or at very least ported over) in the next games, unless literally 0 of the present pokemon would learn it.
GameFreaks already struggles with making it in time for release dates, so cutting moves that are basically never used was a nobrainer, it's all animations that don't have to be carried over, as well as overally reducing redundancy in movesets on top of it.
And yes, this does apply to Pursuit too, I don't recall Pursuit ever being used in VGC since the main format became doubles outside of... maybe once in a blue moon. The fact large majority of VGC pokemon carries Protect makes 4MSS even worse, and switching is way less common in first place due to how dangerous giving up half of your turn is in the faster paced meta of doubles, and I'm somewhat confident you had a similar scenario in BSS where with the "bring 3 out of 6" scenario, there's less swapping and Stall is rather about stalling the timer than actually swapping around.
They very likely looked at their data from VGC teams and said "well noone uses this and all pokemon that learn it have higher BP moves at comparable levels or via TM, it's safe to remove".

The only notable exception to this are 3 moves: Hidden Power was likely removed because it encouraged hacking: getting certain legendaries with a specific Hidden Power was already a pain, and if you needed multiple hidden powers you had no way other than praying the rng gods on GTS, resetting your cartridge, or owning multiple carts (and still having to go through the game multiple times just for the postgame catches too).
Frustration and Return were likely removed because they messed up with QR codes: a lot of events are played via QR codes, and these 2 moves were known to mess with them as QR codes standardize friendship to the base value preventing these moves from having their intended 102 base power.
Frustration and Return were likely removed because they messed up with QR codes: a lot of events are played via QR codes, and these 2 moves were known to mess with them as QR codes standardize friendship to the base value preventing these moves from having their intended 102 base power.

Even though they had the ridiculously easy workaround of "if Frustration, use minimum friendship; if Return, use maximum friendship; if neither, keep as default".
Voice acting has never been something I've desired in my Pokémon games, I've never really understood the demand.

Unless they wanna bring back the Stadium / PBR style announcer in battle because yes please.

I guess in my case, it just makes the game seem more alive.

I'll take either voice acting or going back to the older way they made monster cries. Cries like Honchkrow, Archeops and Slaking have been ruined for me with the newer sound design. Heck, I'll even take Pokemon Stadium's sound design over the newer way they make cries.

The only notable exception to this are 3 moves: Hidden Power was likely removed because it encouraged hacking: getting certain legendaries with a specific Hidden Power was already a pain, and if you needed multiple hidden powers you had no way other than praying the rng gods on GTS, resetting your cartridge, or owning multiple carts (and still having to go through the game multiple times just for the postgame catches too).

This could have been avoided by allowing players to change the Hidden Power type in a customizable way no different from how you usually would with most moves, since that's the incentive of going for different IVs. Alternatively, they could also just make stat maxing system NOT suck so hard compared to older and newer monster collectors.

Since they continue to do neither, it's no surprise people still find ways to hack anyway or default to a simulation.
Hidden Power was likely removed because it encouraged hacking: getting certain legendaries with a specific Hidden Power was already a pain, and if you needed multiple hidden powers you had no way other than praying the rng gods on GTS, resetting your cartridge, or owning multiple carts (and still having to go through the game multiple times just for the postgame catches too).

I'd like to note that Hidden Power is in Legends: Arceus (and the tagalong side "remake" they call BDSP), but in those cases it is completely exclusive to Unown.

Considering Gen 8 from the start basically completely changed Toxic's distribution to make it more limited instead of a universally learnable move, I think they decided to repurpose Hidden Power from day 1 during Gen 8's conception to basically change it from a move any Pokemon can learn to being Unown's signature move. I think the decision to do this happened even during SwSh development and it only became fully realized once Unown returned in PLA. Because Unown was absent from SwSh and never made it into either DLC, Hidden Power was absent accordingly.

And then come Legends: Arceus (and I guess BDSP lol) where Unown is in the game, and Hidden Power comes back as its special signature move.

It's like how many signature moves were "cut" from SwSh but returned once the mons who learn them returned, in this case while Hidden Power wasn't a signature move previously, I think they planned from the start to retcon Hidden Power into being Unown's signature move.
The lack of Signal Beam bothers me because it feels like it being cut due to low usage ignores the rest of the situation i.e. the removal of Hidden Power. A lot of Electric-types have limited coverage, so Bug was a usable though not ideal way to get around grass-type resists. Signal beam just happened to be outclassed by HP Ice which could also answer Ground. But, of course, cutting options never actually widens the pool because "nobody uses this in the current meta" is a reason for cutting.
I highly doubt "low usage" is an actual reason they got rid of Signal Beam. Like, you really need to take a step back, then to the left, to look at the moves that did stay such as but not limited to:
-Vise Grip
-Super Sonic
-Magnetic Flux
-Mat Block
-The like four variations on Growl

It's reasons like this that I think it might have been in the bin of moves where they just didn't get to it for one reason or another. Perhaps the existence of Bug Buzz DID put it at lower priority? But also maybe it was just in the wrong spot of the list at the wrong time relative to the others they worked on.

Battle Spot Singles is an officially recognized and laddered format where plenty of Tyranitar sets used Pursuit. What's the excuse there?
I presume they just don't want Pursuit in the meta anymore. Unlike HP I can't say I get why, maybe they just want switching to be stronger or thought it had enough "risk" to it without the presence of taking damage?
Where as with Knock Off they still like the interplay with items, so they kept it in, but they took away its huge spread. Same with Toxic.
Battle Spot Singles is an officially recognized and laddered format where plenty of Tyranitar sets used Pursuit. What's the excuse there?
As someone who plays BSS, Pursuit was a relatively rare move: Only AV Tyranitar and Alolan Muk would run it, and primarily on stall teams who needed Mega Gengar, Woubufett, and Gothitelle removed because those are huge threats to stall.

As for Signal Beam, while it was overshadowed by HP Ice because the latter hits Ground and Dragon in addition to Grass, it was still a good move for Electric types on Single Player playthroughs. It was one reason why the Mareep line was so good as Electric type attackers: They had wide movepool for Single Player, like Dragon Pulse, Fire Punch, Power Gem, and Signal Beam giving them much better coverage compared to other Electrics. So for a Single player perspective, I believe that Signal Beam should stay.