Double Battle Metagame.

So I want this thread to contribute to Double Battles only as seeing very few people actually do Double Battles anyway. Now feel free to post any movesets, combos, etc to this thread.

Now please use this format when you want to post some movesets.

Pokemon @ Item
EV Spread
~ Move One
~ Move Two
~ Move Three
~ Move Four
2 vs 2 Slowbro and Slaking Combo re-borned into the 4th Gen.


Slowbro @ Leftovers
Own Tempo
252 Def / 212 HP / 44 SpD Bold
~ Ice Beam
~ Psychic
~ Skill Swap
~ Swagger



Slaking @ Leftovers
240 HP / 165 Spd / 105 Atk Jolly
~ Slack Off
~ Earthquake
~ Return
~ Shadow Claw / Fire Punch

This is an old combo that was used back in 3rd gen play that I have revised a bit. The EV Spreads need some help with. The reason Slowbro doesn't have Slack Off is because it would eventually die to Slaking's boosted up Swagger Earthquakes ( The reason I don't have Surf as well on Slowbro it would damage Slaking). Anyway after Slowbro faints you probally want to send out a Special Attacker thats immune to Ground attacks ( Hint Gengar or Azelf.). The point of this combo anyway is to get rid of Slaking's horrible ability and boost its attack power up with Swagger. Than watch as Slaking will sweep. Remember this combo takes time to create. Also its probally not a good idea to lead off with these 2 because of a Salamence + Gyarados lead.
Double Battles Combo Claydol and Aerodactyl


Claydol @ Leftovers
236 HP / 176 SpA / 96 Def Relaxed
~ Ice Beam
~ Light Screen
~ Earthquake
~ Reflect



Aerodactyl @ Leftovers
252 Atk / 216 Spd / 40 HP Jolly
~ Fire Fang / Fire Blast
~ Earthquake
~ Rock Slide
~ Substitute

Ok here is Claydol the defender of this couple and Aerodactyl is the attacker. The great thing about this is people will expect Claydol to blow up so they Protect which gives you a free turn to use Light Screen / Reflect and give your Aerodactyl a chance to Sub up. Now you can go on out and let Claydol use the other shield or attack with it. The reason Aerodactyl has Fire Fang / Fire Blast is to deal with Bronzong and Skarmory ( I don't know how offten you see the Flying Metal Tin Can in Doubles.) Now proceed to sweep with attacks coming from both Aerodactyl and Claydol.
Finally, a good Double Battle thread. Most people forget they even exist since Single Battles are much easier to comprehend.


Vaporeon @ Leftovers
Water Absorb
188 HP, 252 Def, 68 SpA Bold
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Shadow Ball
~ Yawn/Fake Tears


Lapras @ Leftovers
Water Absorb
164 HP, 92 Def, 252 SpA Modest
~ Surf
~ Thunderbolt
~ HP [Ground]
~ Toxic

Two Water Absorbers helping each other, the sight of it all. This works best with Rain Dance support. Obviously, Surf deals damage to both opponents and heals your partner. Ice Beam on one and Thunderbolt on the other means you can effectivly cripple your two opponents. Hidden Power on Lapras kills electrics trying to ruin the fun while Shadow Ball hits ghosts trying to spook you with Thunderbolt. Yawn/Fake Tears means a switch, which allows for Lapras to use Toxic on the switch. I would personally use Fake Tears because you really hurt them if they stay in and you poison them if they stay out. If you use Yawn, they could activate the Sleep clause and destroy your PHazing ability.
Flygon@ Life Orb
Dragon Claw
Fire Blast

HP Ice/Flash Cannon
Magnet Rise

Basically, you hit both opponents with waves of powerful electric/ground moves. Protect on Magnezone in case a faster EQ user is out, trying to kill you off before you can Magnet Rise. If you prefer to use EQ on Flygon first turn, and protect over magnet rise.

Hastily made, I'll come back with pics and EVs later. Worked well in ADV when I had magneton :P
I always love double battles. Here's one of my favourite combos, revised for D/P:

Heracross@ Choice Band/Choice Scarf/Life Orb
Nature: Adamant/Jolly
EVs: 252 Att / 252 Speed / 6 HP
Ability: Swarm
- Megahorn
- Stone Edge
- Focus Punch
- Earthquake

Togekiss @ Leftovers
Nature: Calm
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 32 SpAtt / 144 SpDef
Ability: Serene Grace
- Follow Me
- Protect
- Air Slash
- Aura Sphere

Follow Me + Focus Punch is still a high risk-high reward combo. On the one hand you're guaranteed to get it off at least once. On the other hand, you're locked into one attack unless you choose a Life Orb, which I'd suggest be the best option for Heracross in this situation.

With Togekiss good defences and 2 immunities (Ghost and Ground) he can be a useful Follow Me user. Putting Earthquake on Heracross is usually bad coverage, but with 2v2 it's probably more prudent, especially when there'll be very little switching. You can always change this with Night Slash if you prefer killing off Gengar easier.
Well, this is from my old RMT and no one looked at it.

Azelf @ Choice Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 6 SAtk
Naughty Nature (+Atk, -SDef)
- Explosion
- Psychic
- Flamethrower
- Thunderbolt
Azelf's real job here is to Explode...nothing else. The last 3 moves are filler I guess. Could be handy against random Gyaradoses and Gengars

Explosion is such a deadly move in doubles, and Azelf is no exception. With 383 Attack, it hurts A LOT. Too bad that they downgraded Explosion's power, otherwise it would've OHKOed Groudon at 500 BP. Explosion here is obviously used to set up a Trick Room, something you'll see on like the rest of my guys.

Naughty is used here instead of Adamant to keep its special attacks powerful. It also helps take Sucker Punches and stuff, which explains why it isn't Lonely.

If I’m taking this to ubers, Azelf will have about 330 Attack, mainly to prevent Dialga in my team from getting killed in a combination of Explosion and Heatran’s Flamethrower in the sun. Grass Knot > Thunderbolt in ubers.

Azelf is paired up with either


Bronzong @ normal resist berry
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Atk /136 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Trick Room
- Flash Cannon
- Explosion
- Hypnosis
So this is Zong, something that sets up Trick Room. The Normal resist berry allows it to take an Explosion. It already resists it, but CHes can happen and I don't want my strategy to be ruined because of that. Anyways, after setting up a TR, it can either blow up or attack the opponent. The set may look horribly unsuppportive aside from Trick Room, but I have my reasons. Explosion is also fun. Flash Cannon to finish off Endeavored foes and Hypnosis is....hypnosis

Sassy here so it can take random Fire Blasts and stuff.


Dusknoir @ King's Rock
Trait: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Atk / 252 SDef
Sassy Nature (+SDef, -Spd)
- Trick Room
- Shadow Punch
- Fling
- Brick Break
Why can't Spiritomb learn Trick Room?
This is easy. Basically, Azelf Explodes and this sets up a TR. Shadow Punch to "hurt" other Ghosts I guess. Fling is no laughing thing here. It is like Fake Out, minus the +1 priority, but hits Ghosts and is able to be used on turns that are not the first. Brick Break is…Brick Break. Despite the “OR”, Dusknoir is still part of the team. It’s just that Zong and Noir aren’t out at the same time. Of course, this set looks lol until…


Smeargle @ Focus Sash
Trait: Own Tempo
EVs: 0
Relaxed Nature (+Def, -Spd)
- Endeavor
- Protect
- Shadow Sneak
- Spore
After seeing era404’s videos of the Japanese tournament finals, and after looking into Obi’s award-winning JAA tactic, I decided to pick a Smeargle for my own team. With Trick Room, this thing is faster than pretty much anything, Endeavoring all opposition into 12 HP. Focus Sash isn’t exactly a requirement, but it is the absolute best item you can use on this thing, allowing it to cause more chaos in case someone decides to use a priority move on this thing. Spore is obvious, and combined with Fling or Fake Out, it allows this to be set up. Shadow Sneak for the Shedinja factor. Protect if I don’t want Sash to get wasted yet. Tyranitar would prevent the Sash from working, though, but it doesn’t mean Smeagle’s dead, unlike the previous Obi mode.


Shiftry @ Macho Brace
Trait: Early Bird
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SAtk
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Fake Out
- Dark Pulse
- Explosion
- Protect
Yet another Exploder. Dark Pulse to deal with Ghosts. Protect because I said so, and Fake Out to help Smeargle. Shiftry stands at about 74 speed with macho brace and 0 IVs in speed. Early Bird is obvious. With this, I don’t have to fear random sunlight boosting my speed.

Heatran @ Shuca Berry
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 208 Def / 48 SAtk
Quiet Nature (+SAtk, -Spd)
- Flamethrower
- Taunt
- Protect
- Explosion

This is my anti Taunter taunter. The EVs allow Heatran to survive a Rhyperior Life Orbed Earthquake in doubles. Anyways, the point of this is to Taunt slower Taunters like Dusknoir and Spiritomb, while it provides the nice fire resistance and packs a decent amount of power too.
A New Combo that I think has not been used yet. Lickilicky and Dusknoir. I'm not sure if this could work.


Lickilicky @ Life Orb
Own Tempo
252 Atk / 172 HP / 84 Def Brave
~ Earthquake
~ Explosion
~ Swords Dance / Return
~ Helping Hand



Dusknoir @ Leftovers
252 HP / 180 SpD / 76 Atk Sassy
~ Imprison / Helping Hand
~ Shadow Sneak
~ Protect
~ Trick Room

So this is something that I went and made to make Lickilicky an animal. Choose Imprison if you don't like your opponent using Protect when your Lickilicky is using Earthquake / Explosion or Helping Hand if you want to boost up Lickilicky's Earthquake or Return by 1.5 that turn and adding the Life Orb in effect wow! A 1.95 boost! You want Protect here to shield yourself from you own Lickilicky's Earthquakes ( Wow thank you for being a Ghost type Explosion immune.) The reason Lickilicky has Helping Hand is to help Dusknoir KO Gengars / Mismagiuses in one hit that might try to ruin your fun after the Trick Room turns are up. Note Lickilicky and Dusknoir get Helping Hand as a Pokemon XD Gale of Darkness move.
Jibaku, I looked at your team. I just didn't comment on it. No time like the present, though, right?

Anyhow, as Exploison teams go, this is quite a good one. Azelf arguably makes the best exploder in any tier that allows it due to its high Attack and Speed. So I'll say right now, you have a good team. You should train it if you haven't already.

However, your team is highly dependent on Explosion and Trick Room. These are two very common strategies that are even fairly common together. I have two Doubles teams and both have a good shot at beating this team. The first team has a Ghost-type with Taunt that could survive Azelf's Explosion and prevent Dusknoir's Trick Room. The second has a Pokémon with Damp (as well as a different Pokémon with Taunt to stop Trick Room). Also, anything with Focus Sash can survive the Explosion and Taunt the Trick Room user. Taunt is a very commonly used move in Doubles to prevent setup, especially Trick Room.

Again, I'm not saying that it's a bad team. I'm just saying that you'll want to keep this stuff in mind when using it. Also, depending on where you plan to use it, the Level 1 Smeargle may not fly. In PBR random Wi-Fi, levels are automatically adjusted to 50. Even in D/P, most opponents will opt to scale their Pokémon to Level 50 or 100. On a personal note, I think all matches should have Pokémon scaled to a specific level, because the various Level 1 sets, while creative, are a bit cheap. If you're planning on waiting until Competitor to use this, then that's another story. I have no idea if they plan to enforce level scaling.
^ Let him repost his team or post it in that topic. lol

@Toothache: I love that combo! It's the only reason I beat the Orre Colossuem in Pokémon XD! Except I was using a Clefable and Breloom.

Too bad Heatran is the only Flash Fire Lava Plume user. That would be an awesome combo.

@Chrismosar: Walls are completly useless in Double Battles unless they have a special job to do like Exploding or Spinning. You will rarely see Blissey in a Double Battle.
I have heard a lot about this one here I'm not sure who made it though. Zapdos and Electivire Combo.


Zapdos @ Leftovers
252 HP / 220 Def / 36 SpA Modest
~ Discharge
~ Hidden Power Grass
~ Light Screen
~ Roost



Electivire @ Expert Belt / Life Orb
Motor Drive
252 Atk / 252 Spd / 6 HP Adamant
~ Cross Chop
~ Ice Punch
~ Thunderpunch
~ Earthquake

The point of this two Pokemon together is two boost up Vire's speed while Discharge is also going to hit your opponent's Pokemon. Hidden Power Grass on Zapdos is for Swamperts and Rhyperiors that might ruin you. ( I doubt Hidden Power Grass would KO those two anyway in one hit, but hey mabye some hax in shining armor could help you). Light Screen to help these two Pokemon survive longer from Special Hits. Roost will help Zapdos greatly. Remember readers this combo is ruined by Claydol and Flygon.
Zapdos looses the ground resistance with Roost, and Earthquake is such a great move in Double Battles, I don't think it would work. Maybe T-Wave instead, because that way would could increase Electivire's speed without hurting him.
The reason Discharge is there because it will raise Vire's speed also while hitting the opposing Poke'mon. Motor Drive grants Vire immunity to all electric attacks also
For Ubers:

@Leftovers / Salac Berry / Life Orb
Evs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd
Jolly/Adamant Natured
~ Swords Dance
~ Earthquake
~ Dragon Claw / Shadow Claw
~ Stone Edge / Overheat / Fire Punch / Substitute


~ Follow Me

So Sentret uses Follow Me, hopefully getting killed while Groudon Swords Dances or Sets up a Sub. Than this comes in:

Evs: 252 HP, 200 Def, 156 SDef
Bold Natured
~ Helping Hand
~ Protect
~ Solarbeam
~ Grass Whistle

Has unlimited sun to provide an endless flower gift and give a helping hand boost. This = pain! Never tried it but it looks good enough on paper.
I have two Doubles teams and both have a good shot at beating this team. The first team has a Ghost-type with Taunt that could survive Azelf's Explosion and prevent Dusknoir's Trick Room. The second has a Pokémon with Damp (as well as a different Pokémon with Taunt to stop Trick Room). Also, anything with Focus Sash can survive the Explosion and Taunt the Trick Room user. Taunt is a very commonly used move in Doubles to prevent setup, especially Trick Room.
The thing is, I edited the team a bit, so Taunt might not be the best option out there unless your ghost is faster than Heatran

Kingdra @ Wet Rock
Swift Swim
252 Spa/242 HP/16 Spe and Modest
~ Rain Dance
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Dragon Pulse


Toxicroak @ Black Sludge
Dry Skin
252 Att/ 240 Speed/18 HP and Jolly
~ Substitue
~ Focus Punch
~ Sucker Punch
~ Stone Edge

Toxicroak WILL NOT DIE in double battles. Dry Skin (Rain Dance + Surf) + Black Sludge = 3 / 8 recovery a turn. So you can Sub up, and get healed immediately. I've tested it and Surf does NOT mess up Focus Punch. Kingdra need almost need speed EVs to outspeed everything, and if it kills one of the opponents, then Toxicroak will be able to get off his Focus Punch with out worrying about being ganged up on.
The thing is, I edited the team a bit, so Taunt might not be the best option out there unless your ghost is faster than Heatran

But I was under the impression that you weren't leading with Heatran. You were leading with Azelf and either Bronzong or Dusknoir. Is that no longer the case?
But I was under the impression that you weren't leading with Heatran. You were leading with Azelf and either Bronzong or Dusknoir. Is that no longer the case?
This team is basically built for stuff like the JAA, where you get to see your opponent's pokemon, so that's why Heatran is also there. If not, then I'll generally lead with Azelf, although sometimes I may move over to Heatran when I have a distinct feeling he/she will have a Taunter. It is also possible for me to add Protect > Hypnosis on Bronzong if that's the case, allowing me to switch out to Heatran as Zong protects on the Taunt/anything else the opponent does
Gengar + Tyranitar

Gengar @ Leftovers
252 SpAttack/ 252 Speed/ 6 HP
Confuse Ray
Shadow Ball

Tyranitar @ Focus Sash
Sand Stream
252 Attack/ 252 Speed/ 6 HP
Stone Edge
Ice Beam

I dont like that Sand Stream still hits Gengar, but leftovers covers that. Anything that hits Tyranitar will hopefully be burned or confused by Gengar. Tyranitar hits Ghost and Psychic with ease, and Dark is kind of fragile (Plus a STAB'ed Stone Edge hits for a huge amount.) Strong water pokemon, or a Lucario (if he hits through confusion) can cripple Tyranitar, but will die to the next attack.

Kingdra @ Wet Rock
Swift Swim
252 Spa/242 HP/16 Spe and Modest
~ Rain Dance
~ Surf
~ Ice Beam
~ Dragon Pulse


Toxicroak @ Black Sludge
Dry Skin
252 Att/ 240 Speed/18 HP and Jolly
~ Substitute
~ Focus Punch
~ Sucker Punch
~ Stone Edge

Toxicroak WILL NOT DIE in double battles. Dry Skin (Rain Dance + Surf) + Black Sludge = 3 / 8 recovery a turn. So you can Sub up, and get healed immediately. I've tested it and Surf does NOT mess up Focus Punch. Kingdra need almost need speed EVs to outspeed everything, and if it kills one of the opponents, then Toxicroak will be able to get off his Focus Punch with out worrying about being ganged up on.
I'm going to try this the next time Nintendo has a Double Battle Tournament.