SS OU New To Teambuilding

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I am a beginner who really wanted to use Aqua Tail Garchomp. That's about all there is to this. My peak is the 1300s which mainly came because of this team in particular and because of another really weird weather control team I made.

Geb (Garchomp) @ Leftovers
Ability: Rough Skin
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Substitute
- Swords Dance
- Aqua Tail
- Earthquake
Of course we have to start with our core member. Geb the Garchomp. I usually use him against the first set up mon sent out and attempt to get my sub and sd. He's really good at killing Lando-T which was the main concern for me. But he also acts as a counter for mons like Corviknight since the defog set can't get rid of one sub with body press which lets me SD. I could've run fire fang instead of aqua tail, but i thought the unpredictability would cause more blunders.

Tiye (Tapu Lele) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Psychic Surge
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Moonblast
- Focus Blast
- Psychic
My next member was Tapu Lele, this was mainly because of her fairy typing being really good and because, well Lele. She's an exceptional clean up sweeper when everyone's already taken damage and her being scarfed allows me to outspeed a lot of things which lets her act as somewhat of the speed control. I mainly use her for her quick stab psychics and moonblasts but her switch in focus blast on ferro, heatran, magnezone and other steel types allows her to start chipping on some very strong defensive steel mons. Focus blast also hits around 35 percent on Corviknight which isn't amazing but is a great move nonetheless.

Kek (Tyranitar) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP / 88 Def / 168 SpD
Careful Nature
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake
- Stone Edge
- Ice Punch
While I was looking at this team, I figured that I should just make a sand team and to help a sand team, I either had to add Hippo or T-tar, and i ended up picking T-tar for its offensive capabilities. It is usually seena s a set up stealth rocker so most people try to run taunt's or lando-t against this. Ice punch was to take care of some dragon types that I could definitely live hits from, like specs dragapult. Though this should mainly be kept healthy for the weather it provides, I thought it'd also be a great offensive threat, which is why i banded it. I could probably switch up its EV's to make it a little better, but I liked the offense mixed with its specially defensive nature. Fire punch was to deal chip damage to things like corviknight, buzzwole, rillaboom and others or to try and bait in a ferro and two tap it.

Tatanen (Ferrothorn) @ Leftovers
Ability: Iron Barbs
EVs: 252 HP / 80 Def / 176 SpD
Careful Nature
- Leech Seed
- Knock Off
- Power Whip
- Stealth Rock
Here's Ferrothorn. He exists and that enough is strong. He leech seeds defensive mons and leech helps on switch in, most times forcing a mon out to not take too much chip. I decided to run Power whip instead of gyro ball simply because I knew that grass moves are kind of important against mons like hippo fini and rain teams. It was a nice check to koko and I added it because of its stealth rocks. I wanted at least one mon who could force corviknights to defog or even tornadus. If i read them, I could start the leech seed cycle. But other than that, ferro is just an amazing mon to round out a teams weaknesses.

Shu (Corviknight) @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 SpD
Impish Nature
- Body Press
- U-turn
- Defog
- Roost
Another mon who needs no explanation. Corviknight added body press. That's all that really needs to be said. This mon allows a lot of things to be in range for Lele to come in a pick up a kill or just to deal solid chip damage. It's also used as a bulky defensive option and a very solid specially defensive option. Defog allows my mons to stay relatively healthy on switch in and roost allows stall battles to end in a pretty good result for me. I ran pressure on it because I wanted stall to be annoyed and it's the regular OU Defog set. Not much else to say about it.

Slowbro @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Relaxed Nature
- Scald
- Teleport
- Future Sight
- Slack Off
Originally on this team, I had a defensive rotom-wash for it's volt switching capabilities, but I found myself getting rocked by very simple things and I wanted more reliability. Slowbro acted as damage control for urshifu, buzzwole, corviknight, and other physical mons. It just felt better in the team than rotom and outperformed it as well. It's scald allows possible burns, teleport is an incredible momentum switcher and future sight enables me to force dark types to come out versus things like T-tar sometimes for free kills or just to start chipping down stronger attackers.

I've been watching Pokeaim, Blunder, Emvee and other creators for some time now, so I just wanted to try out my skills. Clearly the skill gap in this game was greater than I could've imagined so all advice and criticism is greatly appreciated. Thank You :)
So first things first, I do NOT condone that Ttar set. If you’re going band, you need to be at least going max attack. Do some damage, kill shit. On that note, I also don’t think Ttar really even fits here tbh. I just don’t see how it’s wallbreaking services help Lele or Garchomp at all. Also, your team is rather weak to Tapu Lele. Corv can kinda cover Lele but still gets 2HKOd by focus blast and probably just dies to a thunder. You also have no attack on chomp, which as a SD sweeper, is kinda a no go. You may also wanna run scale shot to boost speed.
Aqua tail garchomp doesn’t really exist run scale shot as pyranitar said. with boosted speed garchomp can outspeed some revenge killers and pick up the kill on them.

Might consider changing slowbro to slowking for special bull because your team is pretty weak to it, scarf/specs kills and outspeeds like everything on the team
Aqua tail garchomp doesn’t really exist run scale shot as pyranitar said. with boosted speed garchomp can outspeed some revenge killers and pick up the kill on them.

Might consider changing slowbro to slowking for special bull because your team is pretty weak to it, scarf/specs kills and outspeeds like everything on the team

Imo it's better to stick with slowbro since without it, physical attackers such as gapdos and urshifu would be a problem. Ferro + corvi + slowbro deals with specs lele just fine too though you may need to predict a bit. Heavy duty boots on slowbro would make it easier to deal with lele too, since slowbro can also take a moonblast from lele and then switch out while gaining back its hp with regenerator
I'd make ferrothorn max def with an impish nature, since it doesn't really need any spdef investment for anything, and it'll help with pokemon like weavile and landorus. Also if you want to deal with corviknight better, you way want to run thunderbolt over psychic on your lele
252 SpA Tapu Lele Thunderbolt vs. 252 HP / 88 SpD Corviknight: 204-242 (51 - 60.5%) -- 89.1% chance to 2HKO after Leftovers recovery
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Hi! I will try to help you with your team as it is a really cool one and you actually did pretty well altho i would make some changes here :toast:

Major changes:
:toxapex:>:slowbro: Slowbro is a good pivot for sure but Toxapex is overall better and helps more vs wallbreakers such as Dragapult, Blacephalon and Rillaboom.

Minor changes:
:garchomp: Scale Shot>Substitute, Sub is for sure a good move but Scale Shot besides being a useful STAB that still does a nice damage to Pokemons such as Tornadus, it boosts your Speed allowing you to become a powerful setup sweeper. With Lele + Ttar you should be alright but as u like it we can just keep Chomp as it's a good mon overall. Also note that Aqua Tail isn't really unexpected as it's one of the most used moves on the 4th slot of SD sets, along with Fire Fang and eventually Stone Edge.

:tapu-lele: Use Future Sight>Psychic here as FS + Band ttar are a really powerful combination with basically no switch-in.

:tyranitar: no need to use this bulky, just maximize his attack and speed as you are band (adamant is fine) and band is a used set so not really unexpected as you think, especially with lele. We also like Heavy Slam for mons like Clefable and Crunch as second STAB as it hits most of the mons in the Metagame and especially with Future Sight it can be very powerful.

:corviknight: :ferrothorn: They are fine, i would just maximize a defense without splitting randomly some EVs.

The team with those suggestions would look like this:
Those are little things but i think it will help you a lot :)
I hope this is helpful and feel free to ask any question!
I'm sorry but that's a ass set on ttar and garchomp. Scale shot, swords, sub, fire fang. t tar should be stone edge, e quake, crunch. pursuit. anyways good job keep grinding. *thumbs up*
I'm sorry but that's a ass set on ttar and garchomp. Scale shot, swords, sub, fire fang. t tar should be stone edge, e quake, crunch. pursuit. anyways good job keep grinding. *thumbs up*
yeah, it was lol. I was trying to justify garchomp's hp for added bulk, but it's just not useful. Figured that out when i switched it's set to a more standard one. And ttar was my spdef mon, but since then, I listened to someone else's comment and added spdef pex and that rounded the team off a lot better. went from 1250 to 1400, not anything incredible. But slowly getting better.