Tournament Neverused Snake Draft III: Manager Signups

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art credit: Zephyr2007
hosted by: Finchinator, ken_, & roxie

With generation 9 right around the corner and SV NU happening around February, we will host our final team tournament now. If you wish to manage in NUSD, please post in this thread to express your interest in managing. Player sign-ups are scheduled to go up next week. We will determine the number of teams based on manager sign-ups and internal discussions, but it will either be 6 or 8.

Team Name:
Co-manager (if you have one):
Why would I make a good manager?:

The qualifications we are looking for are:
  • Experience in NU tournaments (most notably NUPL, NUSD, and official tournaments)
  • Experience managing and/or leading
  • Involvement in the community
  • Competence™ (we reserve the right to make any necessary judgment calls)
If you wish to add any information to your sign-up as to why we should pick you or a funny meme, it may help your chances of getting picked.


Here is the format for this year's Neverused Snake Draft tournament:
  • x3 SS NU
  • x1 SM NU
  • x1 ORAS NU
  • x1 BW NU
  • x1 DPP NU
  • x1 ADV NU
  • x1 GSC NU
  • x1 RBY NU + Sleep Moves Ban

Signups will remain open until October 30th at 11:59 pm GMT-4 or when suitable 8 pairings sign up.
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Team Name: Trans Rights Togedemarus
Co-manager: Honorary co-manager Dawn (gsc nu prodigy)
Why would I make a good manager?: I suck at this game but I almost beat aim and am not scared of the big bad rby nu, also i might start gsc nu depending on the pool :eyes:
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