Resource Natdex OU Simple Questions, Simple Answers

When I initially looked at the sample teams a while back, I saw that there was one featuring M-Latias and Reuniclus. I started trying to use this team because my favorite Pokemon was on it, but then I saw that it got removed from the samples. Could someone tell me why this happened?
When I initially looked at the sample teams a while back, I saw that there was one featuring M-Latias and Reuniclus. I started trying to use this team because my favorite Pokemon was on it, but then I saw that it got removed from the samples. Could someone tell me why this happened?
glad ur a fellow reuniclus lover

we updated the samples after NDWC (natdex world cup) as many players had dumped their teams + we had a few submissions in the team bazaar already. of course the team is by no means unviable, but to account for metagame shifts / making samples that reflect the overall meta, we changed the current batch.
glad ur a fellow reuniclus lover

we updated the samples after NDWC (natdex world cup) as many players had dumped their teams + we had a few submissions in the team bazaar already. of course the team is by no means unviable, but to account for metagame shifts / making samples that reflect the overall meta, we changed the current batch.
thanks for the response, that's good to hear. I don't know if these count as a simple questions but I figured I'd ask them anyways(they're about the reuni team):
-how do you deal with crawdaunt, hoopa-u, specs lele, charizard-x, weather teams and tapu fini when it has taunt? i feel like they just wreck me
-is that reuni speed just to creep past gastrodon?
-what does exactly 80 speed do for skarm?
-who eats knock offs when toxapex needs that shed shell?
-what is the best way to deal with serperior? i typically use chansey but at +6 its can fall to 2 leaf storms if i get paraed, and i hate it when lati gets paralyzed, also sometimes it has leech seed or taunt

idk what i'm doing so sorry if these questions are rly dumb
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thanks for the response, that's good to hear. I don't know if these count as a simple questions but I figured I'd ask them anyways(they're about the reuni team):
-how do you deal with crawdaunt, hoopa-u, specs lele, charizard-x, weather teams and tapu fini when it has taunt? i feel like they just wreck me
-is that reuni speed just to creep past gastrodon?
-what does exactly 80 speed do for skarm?
-who eats knock offs when toxapex needs that shed shell?
-what is the best way to deal with serperior? i typically use chansey but at +6 its can fall to 2 leaf storms if i get paraed, and i hate it when lati gets paralyzed, also sometimes it has leech seed or taunt

idk what i'm doing so sorry if these questions are rly dumb
I assume u talk about this team?
Most pokemon you mentionned naturally have a strong matchup against this team, but you have some ways to play around them - even though they still are rough to face for this team. I personally think Gliscor should be Knock Off, so i will assume this is the move it is running in this team.
One solution is usually trying winning first with MLatias or Reuniclus - especially MLatias - which can finish weakened teams, so keep in mind this is an important out in case of bad MU - especially since they sometimes will have to take heavy damages with their wallbreaker to check your wincondition, which can be a winning trade for you. Playing aggressively and try to predict when the opponent is going to send their breaker to cripple them with a certain move or just KO them is also a way if the matchup is really deseperate (like clicking focus blast on reuniclus when you think your opponent will expect a Recover and try to send crawdaunt). You also have to pay attention to the hazard game of course, as it can either reduce your possibilities of counterplay against the opposing team or improve it if you can push stuff in the range of your win conditions.

There might be some oversights on my part in this post as well - so if anyone has something to add feel free.
-Crawdaunt :crawdaunt:
If its band: you can scout the move it locks into with Toxapex. If it locks into Crabhammer Toxapex can stay against it, otherwise you can go gliscor, which takes heavy damages but outspeed and can roost faster against it, and takes only 50-60 once it lost its Toxic Orb (Make sure to find an opportunity to trigger the Toxic Orb beforehand though!). Once this is done, you might be stuck in a weird situation where you spam roost and the opponent spams knock off, which is annoying even though roost + poison heal outdamages Knock Off slightly. If you think they will continue to spam Knock, at some point you can Knock their choice band, which will leave it unable to break Pex. Gliscor will be severely weakened after this interaction, as well as pex to a lesser extent, which can be taken advantage of by other teammates like Heatran.
If its SD: Good luck lol. Skarmory can revenge kill Crawdaunt thanks to sturdy + Body Press. You can also lure it with Reuniclus since LO Knock Off do not kill it, if they try to force Reuniclus out with crawdaunt:
252+ Atk Life Orb Adaptability Crawdaunt Knock Off vs. 252 HP / 180+ Def Reuniclus: 354-421 (83.4 - 99.2%) -- guaranteed 2HKO.
Trying to chip them as much as possible is also a plan, especially since they are limited by LO.
-Hoopa U :hoopa unbound:
In general, good luck. Even winning with MLatias is hard because Hoopa-U can check MLatias pretty well if its band - though after a CM boost, MLatias is obscenely fat so NP and Specs variant might have an hard time against it.
Your counterplay against band is probably trying to catch it on a double switch or something. Trying to PP Stall Hyperspace Fury by spamming recovery moves could work. Maybe. Fortunately this mon (and crawdaunt) are very uncommon, and their niche pretty much is destroying fat lol. Just so you know, band hoopa/daunt is fully checked by pex or mola + dark resist, as you can scout what it locks into.

-Specs lele :tapu lele:
Some mons in this team can stay against it and click their recovery move to scout what it locks into: Chansey in particular do not take more than 60 from anything Lele throws at it including Psyshock, so it can safely scout it. Reuniclus, Gliscor (if not Psychic) and Skarmory can all take a hit from full and scout the move, though this should be avoided if you need them to be healthy to check something else. When this is not possible, you will have to try to dance around its coverage - which is risky but honestly you don't have much other options once it hits the field. +1 Mega Latias can be annoying to Lele since after a mystical fire, Moonblast only does around 50%.
Try to limit its opportunity to enter the field safely as much as possible. Try to analyze the team preview before the start of the game to figure out in what scenarios Tapu Lele can enter the game: is there pivots that can bait Toxapex in and pivot against it to bring Tapu Lele? In what scenarios Tapu Lele could try to double switch into something it threatens? Those questions aren't always obvious for the untrained eye but this is part but already thinking about it help you getting better at the game.
Stacking hazards to limit Lele's opportunities as much as possible is sometimes an option too!

-Zardx :Charizard mega X:
Rough MU too. Trying to get up rocks is a good idea, although ZardX can try to setup vs chansey. A way to deal with it is toxicing it with Pex - as it eats +1 Earthquake - and try to dance around it. If you don't need Chansey you can try to bait flare blitz with Skarm and sack Chansey on it, to force huge recoil on it.

-Weather teams:
MLatias is very important, as it is both a scary win condition against those teams and a very useful mon defensively, as it checks Manaphy or Venusaur. Against Rain the biggest threat is probably M-Swampert, as you don't have a clear cut answer to it. You will have to try to not let it get free entry, and once it hits the field you gotta dance around it a bit with Pex, Skarmory and maybe Mega-Latias. If it's Weavile rain you will have to outplay your opponent a lot as you need mlatias to check mana but also can be trapped by Weavile. Otherwise, once ferro and mpert are in range of MLatias you have good odds to win. Against sun try to set rocks as soon as possible as this playstyle is very vulnerable to chip in general. Try to keep MLatias for Venusaur, as it is sometimes paired with other breakers that attempt to lure MLatias such as sun boosted Firium Z Blaziken. I don't think sand teams are a very huge issue (though honestly i'm not very sure what they look like nowadays lol - same with hail - or if it is even seen as a distinct archetype)

-Taunt Tapu Fini :tapu fini:
Glisc outspeeds it and knock it, from there it will be much easier to deal with in the long run - once PHeal is activated it kinda can switch into it. Try to force chip onto it, with hazards or moves like seismic toss or EQ. You can get some chip on it by going pex once lefties are knocked off, scald a few times and then regen off the damages taken.

-It outspeeds Pex that try to creep reuniclus i imagine? I honestly don't know

-Skarm with speed outspeeds MMawile, so you can ID faster than it, or just roost against TPunch/Fire Fang sets to win through helmet damages.

-Sometimes Pex is the only thing that can afford to switch into the knock user (like against Weavile), even if you need the shed shell. It's rough, it's sad, it's unfair and we want to cry but it's usually not the end of the world and you usually still have ways to play around matchups once this is lost.

-Serp is nasty against that kind of builds yeah. Aside from trying to prevent it to get in for free i don't think there is much you can do aside from accepting taking the para on Latias :[

Oh of course if it's taunt Serperior this team explodes and the forfeit button is our only remaining friend in this rough battle.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask, i hope this was insightful
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Hi! I've been learning the NatDex tiers recently, though particularly the lower power level tiers because I kinda dislike OU and UU. RU has been interesting, although I've actually been enjoying a pseudo NDNU tier lately. I've heard there might be other pseudo NDNU groups other than mine, and I was curious if anyone has the resources to let me know where those are so I can look into them?
Hi! I've been learning the NatDex tiers recently, though particularly the lower power level tiers because I kinda dislike OU and UU. RU has been interesting, although I've actually been enjoying a pseudo NDNU tier lately. I've heard there might be other pseudo NDNU groups other than mine, and I was curious if anyone has the resources to let me know where those are so I can look into them?
I think Ryuji or Dorron might know, iirc they were involved with ndnu as a concept a while ago (not sure if it still exists though)
I think Ryuji or Dorron might know, iirc they were involved with ndnu as a concept a while ago (not sure if it still exists though)
There was a NDNU server while NDRU was at its lowest, which didn't help at all but had the opposing effect. I left it so I don't know anything about it but I haven't seen anybody mention it in a while so I'll ask the owner (KJLX) to answer this.

Personally I don't think NDNU should be a thing anytime soon, maybe even not in Gen 9. NDRU took a lot of time from invested people to become relevant in the forums, and its first appearance wasn't even in the ND forums but in the RUSD II. NDRU doesn't still have an active ladder neither, so what's the point of already investing in another tier that could potentially not even have a challengeable format (NDRU got it two months ago, three months before Gen 9 release).

and also ryuuji hasn't been involved in neither's development so you tagged him for no reason >:(
For the past couple of months I have building lots of teams. I recently came up with this one and it seems pretty good. Could someone give advice?

For future reference you generally wanna put these in the RMT subforum

Your team is fine, personally I'd go max speed on Sciz and maybe Mana too, but it should be okay. Webs themselves are kinda bad tho, just as a warning
Why is mega Kangaskhan banned in this format?
Checks to it are extremely limited and your counterplay is narrowed down to, for the most part, trying to out-offense it (it has good bulk, so this is difficult to do) and stuff like contact punishment (fair counterplay but even then, it just clicks Seismic Toss and 2HKOs the entire tier). Parental Bond kinda just breaks the Pokemon in general, letting it significantly wear down would-be checks like Ferrothorn and Landorus-T. It's nearly impossible to switch into with numerous coverage moves to hit Normal-resistant foes like Aegislash (a bad Pokemon anyways, but some might consider using it to check Mega Kangaskhan) and Heatran.
Gen 8 ou player here
So I decided to try out a bit of nat dex today and checked the VR, and noticed that skewda wasn't in it which is crazy to me seeing how that mon is on pretty much every rain team in gen 8 ou

There's the answer to your question
Hmm but you could use both skewda and pert-mega right? Sure skewda provides like no defensive utility but it can hold a choice band meaning it'll hit much harder
252+ Atk Choice Band Barraskewda Liquidation vs. 248 HP / 16+ Def Scizor-Mega in Rain: 222-262 (64.7 - 76.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Swampert-Mega Waterfall vs. 248 HP / 16+ Def Scizor-Mega in Rain: 148-175 (43.1 - 51%) -- 4.7% chance to 2HKO
Hmm but you could use both skewda and pert-mega right? Sure skewda provides like no defensive utility but it can hold a choice band meaning it'll hit much harder
252+ Atk Choice Band Barraskewda Liquidation vs. 248 HP / 16+ Def Scizor-Mega in Rain: 222-262 (64.7 - 76.3%) -- guaranteed 2HKO
252 Atk Swampert-Mega Waterfall vs. 248 HP / 16+ Def Scizor-Mega in Rain: 148-175 (43.1 - 51%) -- 4.7% chance to 2HKO
Barraskewda faces a lot of competition but if you really think it's viable then go make a solid case for it in the Viability Rankings. You'll need high tier replays in order to make your case however (idk what's considered high tier tho, like 1600+)
Rain is often seen as a quite "solved" playstyle in natdex, as very effective 6s already have been found and barraskewda rains is just considered subpar compared to the more standard rains

If you wanna learn more about rain in natdex, i could recommand you to read this post
Fyi Skewda is not that bad of a mon on rain, the thing is what does it offer over other stuff / that MPert doesn't already offer? Stuff like AGren and Manaphy already hit really hard under rain, provide other utility like Spikes / Fat breaking, and with AGren specifically is generally a more potent breaker in specific matchups since it clicking its STAB moves much more often, and Barra is often relegated to clicking Flip Turn most of the time, and sometimes has to predict with its coverage, why do that when you can click Dark Pulse or click Tail Glow and then kill everything with +3 Z (in manaphys case) In case of weavile in particular, Weavile offers the utility in removing the ever present MLatias, with barra just adds on weakness too. If we didn't have the options we did, I imagine Barra would be a mainstay as well, but our current choices offer much more than barra does on rain currently.
To add to this, how will the new generational shift be handled? (Can't transfer moves from older gens)

Will any move that a pokemon can have in Gen 7 or Gen 8 be usable in Gen 9 Nat Dex?
What about using Gen 9 exclusive moves on the same set as Gen 7-8 moves?

EDIT - Somewhat outdated due to the new Gen 9 discussion thread
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