SPOILERS! General Pokémon Anime Discussion

Really happy to see they are allowing this story to have a conclusion, specially after last week's episode ended in a "the show must go on" note.
It's been a long journey, with some seasons being harder to swallow than others, but in the end a fun adventure to follow.
Now I wonder how this last arc will end like, it really seems like they may want to focus on the reserves, we may get a conclusion to some story lines, but we all know the GS Ball will always remain a mystery and Giovanni will get away with everything.
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An 11 episode fan-service wrap up makes not just ending on the Leon battle make more sense. This is the good bye they wanted to give Ash
Crazy to believe it finally happened.

Seems like the new series is continuing the "all over the world" approach, which is a bit of a shame since I'd honestly like a straight forward (or, as straight forward as you could expect from the anime) telling of SV. But still interested in how they handle it.
I haven't watched the anime consistently since I was a little kid, so I'm sorta blown away that they're finally ending this era.

I can't imagine I'll catch up with the anime anytime soon (I'm sure as hell not gonna marathon those hundreds of episodes in a month, hell I never even finished the 2nd season lmao), but I might have to watch this send off for Ash. It feels crazy that such a constant in mons is going to end after 25 years!
It'll never happen, but what would be freaking incredible is if someone says to Ash "wow, can you believe it's been 26 years since your journey began?" and for Ash to be like "yeah, but in my head I've always been 10 years old" and then the camera zooms out of his eye and we see that he's actually 36 years old and all this time him being 10 has just been an illusion, us seeing him as a child the entire time while actually he's grown up and we never noticed

The poster's cool. I like how everyone is here, even Nebby & Larvitar

I wonder if the only reason Haunter isn't here or the flashback is beacuse he has Gengar and they dont want to double up lol.
Omg, Pikachu is not going to lose against a Bread Dog? Finally the anime is ending. Even if it is not the type of ending I hoped. Ash is still 10 and has gone through 7 regions...
Well, Leon was the strongest trainer and suddenly making a random never before mentioned person the stronger or put a challenge would be stupid. Curious what the new series will be about.
Dang, wasn't expecting this at all. Makes sense that Ash's story is wrapped up though, as there isn't much he can grow from here now that he's champion (at least that'd be interesting to watch for 100+ episodes). I do like they made the 11 episode miniseries to pull out all the fanservice before dropping Ash (hopefully bringing back movie exclusive fan-favorites like Latias).

I think my bigger disappointment is that the new anime series won't be starting until next April. I was hoping both anime series could run concurrently, but I suppose that ain't an option here. I am interesting in seeing what the new series is all about and have no doubts Ash will make some cameos here and there in it.
I'm old enough to remember when people thought the Johto saga would be "the end of Ash" and the show was going to end back then. That was 2002.

25 years later, it's surreal to think this is actually happening. Ash's character wrapping up, the anime actually ending, and a new series with new protagonists?

This feels like a running meme/joke the fandom had about Ash leaving for the last 20 years actually happening. In retrospect Ash beating Leon, and most of his old companions returning this series, were very obvious signs we were in the "endgame" of the series. I just never believed they'd do it.
Ash's time as protagonist is really ending, huh. Never thought I'd see the day.

Anipoke for the past few years has really been doing the unexpected. First Ash becomes a Champion, then he becomes World Champion and the greatest Trainer who ever lived, and now he's actually being retired as the protagonist.

If you had told me all this would happen years ago I wouldn't have believed it for a second. For the longest time it felt like Ash was gonna be confined to being stuck in the old infinite loop of "he travels region, meets new companions, gets badges, competes in League and then loses" for all eternity, but now that loop has not only been broken, but it's fully over. Ash has not only won, but his time is over.

Honestly? I'll miss Ash a lot. Ash Anipoke has had many highs and lows over the years but it's been one hell of a ride, he's been around since my childhood, back when I started Pokemon with Gen 4 he was there, and he's been around for years since. And Ash and his friends all hold a special place in my heart. Especially some of my favorite characters like Dawn, Brock, Serena, Clemont, Iris, Cilan, etc. I'll always cherish these characters as they were a big part of my formative years.

In any case, though, I'm looking forward to these new protagonists and what new adventures they'll offer for Gen 9. As much as I'll miss Ash, Riko and Roy have potential and I can't wait to see what they'll do this time.
This feels like a running meme/joke the fandom had about Ash leaving for the last 20 years actually happening. In retrospect Ash beating Leon, and most of his old companions returning this series, were very obvious signs we were in the "endgame" of the series. I just never believed they'd do it.
I'm pretty much in the same boat, as you might be able to tell from the pfp change. I don't wanna get too ranty about my pokeani feelings, but frankly for a good while now I've assumed that the show was simply too set in its ways, too rigidly tied to branding for a change of this magnitude to occur. I had accepted that for better or worse, Ash was too much of an ambassador of Pokemon as an IP for his retirement to ever be a serious option on the table. That his neverending story would continue to play out for generations to come, the attempts at finality Journeys made being a well-intentioned but ultimately horribly short-sighted gaffe, a grand finale that could never be. I believed with all my heart that they would lackadaisically stumble into some Best Wishes-esque narrative nightmare where he would be sent on schoolboy hijinx to Paldea with not a care as to his previous accomplishment. But in the end, it appears as if that comically bleak, cynical attitude was thoroughly thwarted. I must say, I couldn't be happier.

All that said, I can't help but wonder what has compelled them to take this gamble. Have ratings and merch sales been declining deeply enough and for a long enough time that they feel a massive shakeup is in order? Or is it a new guard of showrunners who want to take this series new places brand recognition be damned and were able to convince corporate to give the greenlight?
This might be a supremely hot take, but I'm super glad this also likely means the retirement of the Team Rocket Trio. Their shtick wore out its welcome over a decade ago since they heavily contributed to the show's formula and stagnation, plus their continued inability to turn over a new leaf eroded their sympathetic qualities. At some point you just ask yourself why you give a shit about their sob stories when they refuse to change course.
Surprising they’re ending the Ash arc, but honestly felt like this should’ve happened after DPP or BW seasons.

I also thought Goh was shaping up to be a natural successor to Ash given how well his character played in Journeys.

Yeah I'm in fact glad, I think a new character was much needed I feel like DP was probably around the time Ash should've been retired.

What I'm shocked about is Pikachu is also being retired, now that's interesting because everyone and their moms know who Pikachu is and I feel like continuing Pikachu's legacy was the best way to market Pokémon in general but I'm glad we can move on.
ngl I think I almost got tears in my eyes when I found out. Even though I do recognize that it was bound to happen eventually, with younger viewers having less of a connection to him/how much he'd improved since earlier in the series.

While it was obviously long overdue, these are also the characters I grew up with, especially Team Rocket who were my favorite characters besides Brock. I just loved their personalities and dynamic, and episodes focusing around them/their backstories were often some of my favorites. The whole stalking and trying to capture Pikachu thing definitely got old a while ago, but at least in the more recent seasons they often had unrelated jobs/adventures. S/O to the episode they made a podcast show and Brock unknowingly had a crush on Jessie's voice. But overall I hope they get a happy ending. maybe they'll finally catch pikachu

As for this final season, I loved how they made a bunch of characters come back. Some of the notable ones were Dawn becoming a reoccurring character, Iris becoming BW2 Iris, and Paul making a comeback (given I haven't seen that actual episode yet). I also liked Ash's team, specifically them being fully evolved and a mix of popular and new mons. Though I do wish Ash used more of his old mons in this series, specifically in the final tournament. Would've been a more exciting win if Ash had at least used his more iconic/funny mons like his Charizard, Infernape, Muk, etc. Also if Ash maintained his XY persona.

While it is a little early to be wondering, I am curious if these new characters will also become the new Ash, followed to different regions. Since otherwise it does suggest a more similar formula to the Adventures manga, given not as "mature" content, in that there will be new characters to follow in each region, with potential reoccurring roles.

But speaking of reoccurring, I do hope the older characters pop up at some point, whether it be in the new series or another special. Like I said, as overdue as this was, I'm still gonna miss Team Rocket. Ash too I guess.

edit - I forgot to mention that I always wanted Ash to have an 11th birthday episode and say something like "This year went by so quickly!", so keep your fingers crossed for this finale special.
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Retiring Ash (& Pikachu?)/My Quick Thoughts:
Well, I'm in utter shock. My first real exposure to Pokemon was the anime, it was way back in elementary school when Pokemon came out, and I first heard about it from classmates and out-of-school friends. I knew about the games but wasn't sure if I wanted them until I got more familiar with this new craze. In enters the anime. I'd watch the repeats during the weekdays when I got home and new episodes every Saturday morning. That Hannakah my mom & dad bought me and my brother Gameboys (Color, I got the teal, brother got the tranparent) and copies of Red & Blue (I got Blue, brother got Red; funny enough I would pick Charmander/Charizard and my brother would pick Squirtle/Blastoise). From then on I was a fan.

My only really other big memory of the early days of the anime was the 1st Movie & 2000, both which I saw in theaters (and I remember the Burger King promotion for the first one).

Even when I got older I always made sure to see the new episode, whether on Saturday morning or when they ran the re-run of the new episode. I don't think I saw anymore movies in the theaters but I would catch it when it aired on TV. Also true for any specials they did like Pokemon Chronicles or Master of Mirage. Though at this point my interest was more in the games than the show, the show was still an important part of the experience. Even when Ash's (or Team Rocket's) shenanigans began to fall on the childish side, I was still more in it just for the world of Pokemon and the battles (as well as seeing what other activities they did with Pokemon).

I was able to stick with it... up until the middle of Sun & Moon. Looking back I can now see the merits of Sun & Moon, but even now I feel it was a major departure going from showing the game experience to doing a slice of life (and even when they did some of the game stuff it sometimes felt off, don't get me started on how they handled the Alola League). I pretty much stopped watching it, BUT I kind of didn't need to as I had Serebii and online forums (like here on Smogon) that would tell & show me all I really needed to know (and if there was any clips I wanted to see they were usually clipped and put on Youtube).

To wrap up these general thoughts, I'm glad to be here to see Ash's story (as protag at least) comes to a close with him on top. Those 11 specials look like they'll be some fanservice filled good times.

Out With The Old, In With The New:
And I'm also glad we're FINALLY moving on from Ash. As Celticpride said, it felt like they should have gone away from Ash's journey after DP (also not have him battle Tobias, instead just have him maybe defeat the Sinnoh Elite Four, have a close battle with Cynthia but lose, then face the Sinnoh Battle Frontier and win that, and have Ash end on that high note). BW should have been a time we moved on to new protags, maybe have specials where we check in on Ash, but otherwise do the Special/Adventure manga formula.

Going to wait to hear what they have planned for the Gen IX Arc. I hope they stick to Paldea, it's already set up to use the slice of life setting they've recently fallen into but also blueprints with 3 stories they can have the characters pop in and out of as the plot demands. Will I get back into the anime and start watching it again. Eh, we'll see, though admittedly probably not; not needing to watch a 20~ minute episode and just seeing the highlights in a few minutes much more fits into my schedule.

I wonder if the only reason Haunter isn't here or the flashback is beacuse he has Gengar and they dont want to double up lol.

Makes sense Pokemon like Haunter, Raticate, & Beedrill aren't there as Ash didn't really spend any significant time with them. Haunter wasn't really "with" Ash but more agreed to follow him but as soon as it felt like it it left to do its own thing (and came back when it felt like it but not to really help Ash but more cause mischief; luckily Sabrina found it funny). Ash regretted trading Butterfree for Raticate and had it reversed (even when on a sinking ship) so probably not good memories there. And Ash just gave Beedrill to Casey cause it fit her team better than his.

The Pokemon I'm surprised to see though is Ambipom. I guess it makes sense why it would be there, even though it ultimately decided to go with Dawn (trading places with Buizel who was more into battling), when it first appeared they built up to Ash catching it and it did help Ash win in the early Sinnoh Gyms. And unlike the Raticate trade, it was a trade with one of Ash's companions and in the best interest of both Aipom & Buizel, so had plenty of good memories.

Curious if we'll be seeing any of Team Rocket's old Pokemon.

All that said, I can't help but wonder what has compelled them to take this gamble.

Probably to shake things up. Back in Best Wishes you can begin to tell the anime team were starting to get a bit tired. It's why XY felt more like a shonen series at times, Sun & Moon was a slice of life (mixed with other things on whatever the writers whims were), and finally Galar just tossing the region idea out and having a world tour. Wouldn't surprise me this was all planned sometime during Sun & Moon, liking not being restricted so decided to make Ash Champion so that he could next gen then compete in a Champion League to become the Top Champion to finally end his story (and it just so happened Gen VIII gave them the perfect story & character(s) to do that with).

Now the anime team can pretty much do anything they want. New characters, no "baggage" from previous gens, just gotta include stuff from the current gen which is no problem as that provides plenty of story potential.

This might be a supremely hot take, but I'm super glad this also likely means the retirement of the Team Rocket Trio.

Especially as this now means we can give more focus on the actual villain teams of that gen. I'm not as sour on the Rocket Trio, they mean as much to the anime as Ash did, and hopefully in those 11 specials they also give them a nice send off (apparently you can comfortably retire from Team Rocket as the recent appearance of Cassidy & Butch showed; Infact I'm surprised Giovanni never tried forcing the Rocket Trio into an early retirement just to get them off his back).

What I'm shocked about is Pikachu is also being retired
I'm just going to assume they're just going to give one of the new characters a Pikachu anyway

Place your bets, PLACE YOUR BETS!

I'm betting they're going to announce a new side series of Pikachu Shorts!

As for the main anime, they could maybe have a recurring Pikachu character appear once an episode or every so often, not being part of the main cast but certainly at least witnessing what's going on (maybe even act as audience surrogate at times).
Not a huge fan of the apparent decision to only have Misty and Brock be the main companies for the final run.

Sorry, but that is just unnecessary nostalgic overload. The trio's run was only good in Kanto.

Overall, as much as I will miss Ash, I am good with the decision to retire him. He won the World Championship. Unless they were willing to age him and have some actual character growth, he was tapped out. I wish they did have more companions present at the final battle with Leon and if he used more reserves during the whole season but he won the title. I can't complain.