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  • Hey, since California was mentioned in the opinions thread, what if that region was just a Japanified L.A. County, like a Kanto-fornia?
    Let's not get too out-of-control with Types. Before I comment on the Types, I would say I myself have made a "Rubber-type" (along with an "Alien-type") as I do think it's an element that isn't properly represented and could be used to add needed Type match-ups & roles. Won't go into details here, if you'd like to know more can PM me.
    So the "Artificial Types": Silicon is covered by Rock-types, War covered by Fighting-types, Oil & Acid covered by Poison-types, Abyss likely more of a "trait" (like being an Ultra Beast), Rust sounds like it would be a status condition, Gold covered by Steel, Soap covered by Water & possibly Normal-types too. Elastic is the only one I agree with and that's because I made one with the above mentioned Rubber-type.
    i was thinking soap was original and based lol

    But these types were likely intentional forks of existing ones for humans to make monetary gains off of Pokemon, even if the Pokemon that emerged from these types were byproducts that started off more dangerous than the original intent.
    I'm already hyped in anticipation of your hot takes and theories in the mysteries and conspiracies thread for when Legends: Arceus comes out haha. Hopefully there will be a lot to dissect!
    Thanks, though that's a few years away, who knows how much GF will spoil before then. ;)
    firehouse or jimmy johns?
    bb skarm
    bb skarm
    you have never had a sub from firehouse or jimmy johns ? you definitely have got to be the first person ive ever met with that title
    The only sub places near me is Subways (there was Blimpies but it closed down).
    bb skarm
    bb skarm
    Subway is solid for sure love that place
    nice avi lol
    Thanks! If they're going to push Dynamax as the newest feature might as well make it my avatar.
    Have I ever told you that I love how you always manage to be up-to-date with your profile pictures?
    Thanks! :bloblul: As soon as I saw the Dynamaxed Pikachu I knew it had to be my next Avatar. I tried to make the numbers look like clouds but sadly didn't come out quite the way I wanted, but I'm just happy they had this image in the perfect position. Aside Pikachu being the series mascot, I wonder if they also did this because we're going to get this exact same shot in the anime.
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    You make good points, as per usual. :)
    You're still my personal Nr°1 OI poster. :)
    I think that's the case with everyone. If you're not playing GO then there's really nothing going on with OI at the moment. Once Gen 8 news starts that'll hopefully draw back in posters and with that they'll post in other threads as well. Though curious when the news will drop, and how (like will it be in a Direct? And if so it's own Direct or part of a Nintendo Direct?)?
    Max. Optimizer
    Max. Optimizer
    I haven't been keeping up with that lately to be quite honest with you. I'm active on Smogon's Wi-Fi Discord server a lot, I usually get my news from there when people post links to articles, announcements etc. I'll make sure to let you know in case I can get some information. My 3rd anniversary is coming up in 4 days. I remember when I first joined. Your posts in OI originally inspired me to post there as well. :)
    I'm happy to hear my posts inspired you to post more! :)
    Congrats on your 3rd year anniversary! :D May you have many more joyous years here on Smogon!
    Would like to be more active on the Discord but sadly my schedule is kind of packed. @~@
    Well the badge is never the important part (just keep up the great contributions my friend)
    The Badge is a symbol showing recognition from the community that my work is appreciated. Of course I would still keep on doing what I do (and keep trying to improve myself) regardless, but at the same time it feels good having a visible representation that all I'm work is being read and well received. :)
    Yeah I know I just meant that the important part is you keep up the great contributions as best you are able to even if you hadn't gotten the badge yet
    The badges are always a nice bonus but the important part is keeping up what earned you the badge to the best of your ability
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