Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion

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We are voting on Cyclizar, not Shed Tail. Shed Tail is not broken because Orthworm uses it to the effect of being viable, but not problematic. In fact, it is even UU. Cyclizar’s characteristics such as high speed, Regenerator, and even perhaps other movepool utility enable Cyclizar with Shed Tail to be problematic.

You cannot isolate the move, but you can clearly isolate the Pokemon for its whole presence. The same goes for Rage Fist and Annihilape — we clearly have to look at Annihilape in this instance.
Assuming these principles to be true
1. Cyclizar with Shed Tail is broken
2. Cyclizar without Shed Tail is not broken
3. Orthworm with Shed Tail is not broken

We can say that Shed Tail, as a move standing alone, does not render mons broken. But is there no consideration of the fact that Shed Tail is essentially Baton Passing a substitute, and Baton Pass itself already has been banned? Cyclizar without Shed Tail seems like it could be an interesting mon, so it just kinda sucks that it could be fired into the sun when such action probably wouldn't be necessary absent Shed Tail
At least people isn't asking to ban SR anymore.
That's thanks to the huge influx of defoggers and boots. (And now rapid spinners) There were certain metagames such as gen iv where they were quite oppressive and the move in theory is poorly designed: A move requiring one turn of setup shouldn't be capable of dealing 50% on entry to a mon with a rock weakness. Spikes and toxic spikes are comparatively balanced by their once-poor distribution, pokemon that are immune to them, the requirement of the investment of multiple turns, and even pokemon that remove them on entry.

Players seem to like the nuanced interactions of hazard-stacking and removal but that doesn't refute the idea that SR is a fundamentally poorly designed mechanic.
While not trying to burst your bubble, I'm under the impression that unlike Houndstone the move is shared by multiple mons and therefore qualifies for a ban of the move rather then the mon.
Basculegion supposedly will have last respects which will probably end with Las Respects banned rather than either mon (and allowing for a team of RU Good Boys)
I wonder how OU would look like if every single one of the suspect tests went to ubers.
OU would be unrecognizable and stall teams would be anywhere.
The correlation here is really flawed, especially given that every test besides 1 resulted in a ban last generation and stall was still decidedly worse than generations prior. I think you need to see the specific metagame and how stall functions (see: very restricted) before making any sweeping conclusions.
I wonder how OU would look like if every single one of the suspect tests went to ubers.
OU would be unrecognizable and stall teams would be anywhere.

>OU unrecognizable
Have you seen it lately? It's possibly one of the most imbalanced jank metas we have had in years as of now. Most of the bans/suspects are just common sense.
A number of Pokemon clearly stand out, and are likely to be addressed. Ordinarily good Pokemon are not going to be. It’s that simple
It honestly looks like a lot of the top dog stuff is either plausibly going to be on the radar, or is already there. It's going to be interesting to see what happens in the upcoming weeks.
I’m a newer player but would like to see Garg tested if possible. Salt Cure+ it’s ability is extremely difficult to stop. And if you guess the wrong spread (spdef or def), you take huge chip on the mon you switched in. Being forced to run covert cloak, which is a pretty low utility item besides the salt chip immunity, or another garg to stop it seems like an indication of an uncompetitive mon.

On a more serious note:
Genuinely don't think there's any other "broken" Mons in the tier in its current state. Find Annihilape managable; Espathra is annoying but managable; Chien Pao strong but weak to rocks, priority users and helmet so its managable.
Once Chi Yu gets banned (hopefully) , things could change a lot, could see other Mons actually reach a broken state
I hate to do this, but I played him again... not their fault though, for real.
Chi-Yu: The Movie.
As I thought, them not clicking Shard in game 1 cost them the game lmao. Also monke go brr. This is why I hate seeing Rage Fist Apes (either Prime or Annih). You just start racking up stacks on the move and start unga bunga smashing things to bits. I've actually resorted to just being like "okay, burned. Now I just sit on your face and never swing at you unless I know I can kill you." And that's without running into it with my Heracross.
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It honestly looks like a lot of the top dog stuff is either plausibly going to be on the radar, or is already there. It's going to be interesting to see what happens in the upcoming weeks.

Almost all of the top dog stuff being tested is new stuff, though. Gen 9 has a very obvious amount of power creep, and while it's been great for the game overall? It definitely means a higher than usual amount of sorting things out.

I'd be a lot more worried if gen 9's changes were causing us to look at more than a handful of old mons. Especially when those mons (Dragonite, Dragapult, kinda Volcarona) were quite good to begin with.
But is there no consideration of the fact that Shed Tail is essentially Baton Passing a substitute, and Baton Pass itself already has been banned?
Baton Pass and Shed Tail are really not comparable at all. The primary use of Baton Pass (which caused it to be banned) is to pass stats. Whether or not passing Substitutes is balanced is not very relevant to why it was banned.
Cyclizar without Shed Tail seems like it could be an interesting mon, so it just kinda sucks that it could be fired into the sun when such action probably wouldn't be necessary absent Shed Tail
Orthworm with Shed Tail could also potentially be an interesting Pokemon (though perhaps not in OU), so there is still collateral to doing it the other way around. Unless there's an argument that Shed Tail is also broken on Orthworm, banning Cyclizar is the best move.
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Chi-Yu: The Movie.
As I thought, them not clicking Shard in game 1 cost them the game lmao. Also monke go brr. This is why I hate seeing Rage Fist Apes (either Prime or Annih). You just start racking up stacks on the move and start unga bunga smashing things to bits. I've actually resorted to just being like "okay, burned. Now I just sit on your face and never swing at you unless I know I can kill you." And that's without running into it with my Heracross.
That's the problem, they're literally skilless mons that are way too oppressing and overcentralizing for the meta. I stand behind my thoughts that Chi-Yu, Chien-Pao and Annihilape gotta go, ain't no way they're healthy for the game.
Almost all of the top dog stuff being tested is new stuff, though. Gen 9 has a very obvious amount of power creep, and while it's been great for the game overall? It definitely means a higher than usual amount of sorting things out.

I'd be a lot more worried if gen 9's changes were causing us to look at more than a handful of old mons. Especially when those mons (Dragonite, Dragapult, kinda Volcarona) were quite good to begin with.
Yeah, I don't blame you. Personally, my only issues with Tera are looking at specific mons; Ape, Dnite, and <>< just to name a few. Ape becomes a lot more annoying to deal with -- especially if Tera Fire (can't be burned now), DNite and ESpeed -- need I say more? and grass fish just... Yeah. Good luck properly checking that thing.

That's the problem, they're literally skilless mons that are way too oppressing and overcentralizing for the meta. I stand behind my thoughts that Chi-Yu, Chien-Pao and Annihilape gotta go, ain't no way they're healthy for the game.
Panther is 50/50 for me, but otherwise I'm in full agreement.
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Gonna talk about each mon on the radar before Finch says “sources indicate that Big Chungus is on the tiering radar”

This is gonna be from most broken to least broken. (Besides Garg who I covered already)

: 252 SpA Choice Specs Beads of Ruin Tera Fire Chi-Yu Overheat vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Toxapex in Sun: 245-289 (80.8 - 95.3%) -- 50% chance to OHKO after Stealth Rock

: Something that requires 2-3 mons to take it down is not healthy. You need to dedicate two slots. A fast wisp user, and Dozo to be safe in front of it. Worsened by the fact it can switch into U-Turns and weak hits to boost up Rage Fist early game is nuts. You either have to run stall or offense. Otherwise you are automatically at a big disadvantage vs this thing. TL;DR, Get rid of that monkey!

: While some argue Shed Tail is broken, Orthworm is not anywhere close to baffling as Cyclizar. With Torn-T speed tier, Regen, and spew of resistances + an immunity, it has more than enough opportunities to get up a Shed Tail. The difference between an offensive threat and an offensive threat given a free switch with a Substitute breaks them. Something like Espathra or Dnite goes from strong but manageable to win buttons. Its not just exclusive to HO either, on BO builds it can bring in something like Band Pao in for free without needing to double switch or anything. Orthworm with Shed Tail is balanced by having slow speed. Cyclizar especially with a scarf can get one off easily. I’m definitely advocating for a suspect.

: Pao has the same problem as Ape, requiring 2-3 checks to it on a team which can flop if it is SD. My theory was that Tera Dark was pushing it over the edge, but since that isn’t the reality we live in, Pao needs to be suspected. Band Tera Dark Crunch alone 2HKOs nearly the entire tier with rocks up. With Tera Dark removing its rock weakness. Its not even easy to rkill either, it outspeeds everything unboosted besides Pult who fears Ice Shard/Sucker. Any scarfer or rkiller looking to rkill Pao has to resist both Shard and Sucker. Even Scizor can fall to Sucker after enough chip. I was hesitant about banning it, but playing with Band variants has convinced me enough.

: Espathra is mostly due to Cyclizar. While I think it is ridiculous rn, it would be smarter to look at Cyclizar first before touching the ostrich. Without Shed Tail, Espathra’s setup opportunities get cut by half. If Tera breaks it too much even with Shed Tail out of the equation, then we should suspect Espathra.

: Cheese stick man. I think the support for suspecting it will dwindle down once we get rid of the biggest problems. With them gone I believe it will be easier to run Boots spam or other options to handle it. Ghold basically makes this metagame into Gen 5 NU with how it brings the hazard game into 50/50s. However Boots, Tusk, and also the addition of Cinderace in the metagame keeps hazards in check. We should treat Ghold like ADV Ttar. Just like how in Gen 3 you had to account for Sand + Spikes. In this gen you have to account for Spikes minus Sand (F in the chat for Drill).

: After weeks of dealing with this thing, I don’t think it is close to broken. Its checks are easily to slot onto a team and I have not ran into issues with halting a sweep from it. Can be stopped with burns, RH chip, Dozo, Valiant can take an E-Speed and kill it, Ting-Lu can Whirlwind it out, etc. It also runs into a 4MSS. It wants Roost to set up vs fatmons, it wants Fire Punch to hit Balloon Dengo and Corv, it wants Ice Spinner to 1v1 BU Tusks and do enough dmg to Chomp + Ting-Lu. The meta has reacted surprisingly well with Dnite, even when Tera is into consideration.
The only reason a couple of mons are still legal in OU was the suspect test taking forever. Now that it's over and the community voted to ban abusers of tera rather then the mechanic itself there is so much that needs to go.

Don't kid yourself, the current state of OU is horrible balance wise. Banning the 3+ mons that either delete playstyles entirely or turn games into instant coinflips on team preview will solve alot of the issues.

Bruh, more then just shed tail needs to be quickbanned lol. Like you can't seriously believe that Fish/Ape are healthy or skill based.

Chi-Yu quickban isn't even up for discussion. However I'm unsure if Annihilape deserves quickban. I think it's broken but it's no Palafin
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