SV OU Defensive Dragonite+Stored Power Hatterene Bulky Offense. Peaked no 1 at 2041

Espathra Dreaming

formerly pinecoishot
is a Tiering Contributor

Proof of Peak

Hi, I'm Pinecoishot and this is a fairly interesting Bulky Offense team that I built that really exploits common team structures that have been very popular recently. While I usually stick towards building and using Hyper Offense, I find myself being a bit bored with it recently due to how formulaic it feels to build with this metagame. During initial building around Calm Mind Hatterene, I noticed how Stored Power destroys common balance builds and how protect allowed it to scout scarf ghodengho, Chi-Yu, Chien Pao, and have even more recovery that does stack up with draining kiss. This immediately made me very interested to make a team that could support it vs these bulkier teams and have a very solid matchup vs more offensive teams that it can struggle with.

Team Overview


Kingambit @ Leftovers
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 112 HP / 252 Atk / 144 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Iron Head
- Kowtow Cleave
- Sucker Punch

Kingambit serves as the glue for this team. He acts as a defensive powerhouse who forces massive offensive presence throughout the game, only getting stronger towards the end. The natural bulk combined with an amazing defensive typing allows it to be the primary check for Gholdengo, Dragapult, Espartha, non Sacred Sword Chien Pao and helps vs many choices users like chi-yu. Tera fire allows it to beat volcarona, wisp users, Chi-yu who will lock itself into a fire move, and sacred sword chien pao.


Glimmora @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Toxic Debris
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Sludge Wave
- Earth Power
- Power Gem
- Spikes

Glimmora is the primary speed control and secondary hazard setter. With a base 130 special attack and amazing coverage, it’s very threatening vs offensive teams and vs defensive teams, spikes ends up being easily set throughout the game. Toxic debris also regulates gameplay and eases predictions, Teams either have a poison that has to come in forced or no poisons. Tera ground is for ohkoing gholdengo, and doing more damage to tusk,treads,pex and Garg. Usually don’t Tera this so feel free to expirement.


Great Tusk @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protosynthesis
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Rapid Spin
- Headlong Rush
- Close Combat

The primary hazard setter, secondary hazard control, and offensive threat. 99% of the time this is the lead, and you focus on a 1v1 with it. Also is usually a good counter lead to what they try to counter lead vs a potiential Glimmora lead which this team disguises well. Vs offensive teams you really want to trade this early with focus sash, while versus defensive teams you can keep it a long time and threaten rocks with a strong dual stab. While not usually a Tera user, water helps vs pao, scarf chi-yu and other random ice moves thrown out. I don’t think I even changed this into water once so feel free to change.


Hatterene @ Leftovers
Ability: Magic Bounce
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 180 Def / 76 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Stored Power
- Draining Kiss
- Protect

The star of this team, this set really excels in defeating fat while being useful vs offensive. CM Stored Power Drain Kiss allows you to sacrifice initial damage for amazing snowballing potiential while protect adds passive recovery and scouts vs scarf gholdengo, specs chi-yu, band pao and more. You can then proceed to act accordingly with Tera water which takes make it rain, icicle crash, overheat, or switch on a trick, dpulse and more with an ease of prediction. This also is the primary hazard control option taking on many rockers/spikes like chomp/tusks/and ting lu. The evs allow you to outspeed amoong, other hatt, dozo, and 24 speed pex which I faced multiple times.

Gholdengo @ Covert Cloak
Ability: Good as Gold
Tera Type: Flying
EVs: 176 HP / 252 SpA / 12 SpD / 68 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Make It Rain
- Recover
- Nasty Plot

Gholdengo does it’s funny thing of just saying no to status moves even further by saying no to all secondary affects this time. Are you tired of garganacl being annoying and spamming one move and protecting while your opponent pretends they are good with their pex defensive core in the back to make your whole team either die or waste recovery pp? I present to you covert cloak. This absolutely destroys all those annoying Garg balances and helps with nuzzle hatt I guess. What are they going to do when you nasty plot up, can Tera to be immune/neutral to weaknesses and ohko back while having multiple opportunities. Outside of the stall/Garg balance match up, it gets rid of Defog and can try to outplay vs rapid spin though sacking this usually isn’t smart. It also just takes hits stupidly well and threatens ohkoes and can add a check towards valiant. Tera flying is standard for tusk/chomp/treads and also just able to switch the type around if you need. While I stole the evs, and the person didn’t answer me to what they are for I assume the evs are for 220 speed mons who are speedcreeing 219 mons. HP and spedef just are for bulk. Bulky gholdengo is way too good outside of good as gold too.


Dragonite @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Multiscale
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Body Press
- Hurricane
- Ice Beam
- Roost

Dragonite instead of being the fake arceus set, decides to be a fake physical defensive wall With multiscale, this thing takes physical hits easily considering they aren’t super effective. Rocky helmet over heavy duty boots because of dual hazard control and helps vs Tera fairy kingambit, annihlape, and chips down tusks easily. Moveset is simple, hurricane for tusk/annihlape, body press for kingambit, who you outspeed, Chien pao after Tera, and ice beam for opposing Dragonite. Tera water just takes chien pao and ice attacks, also rarely clicked.

Scary Pokemon

:chi-yu: :chien pao: :Iron Valiant: 3 premier offensive Pokémon are scary, surprising right, but really you need to use natural resist and prediction with Tera to beat them. You have outs but you can be outplayed.

:Azumarill: Belly drum max speed ohkoes everything at +6, have to prevent set up which also isn’t easy as Dragonite loves to miss vs it.

:Roaring Moon: Band or DD with a dragon move is threatening, same deal of Trying to weaken it and play well with natural resists.

:Iron Hands: SD Drain Punch with leftovers can out damage and out heal easily

:Annihilape: Rest is a 6-0, hope they choke.
Thanks for reading, like most of my teams this is kinda weird, so it does take some getting used to, so be prepared to lose if you are going to try it before getting fully used to it. Other than that chi-yu getting banned will either help or hurt this team. While Chi-yu is a threat, it might make people expirement with balance more outside of boring Garg stuff that this team loves facing. Other than that I’m done so goodbye


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Hey really cool team, thanks for posting!

I guess some minor changes / questions is maybe going for Heavy-Duty Boots > Focus Sash on Great Tusk. I feel like Great Tusk provides good bulk where a sash might not be needed a majority of the time but I do understand the choice especially if you play entry hazards to a tee with Hatterene.

Lastly for Dragonite maybe go for Fire Spin > Body Press, I think it's something to consider to trap users. I've used a similiar set with Encore / Fire Spin stall, it's really underrated the only down side is you might have to also add Encore > Hurricane which I totally understand if you don't want to do.

Excellent team, and congrats on peaking #1.
Hey really cool team, thanks for posting!

I guess some minor changes / questions is maybe going for Heavy-Duty Boots > Focus Sash on Great Tusk. I feel like Great Tusk provides good bulk where a sash might not be needed a majority of the time but I do understand the choice especially if you play entry hazards to a tee with Hatterene.

Lastly for Dragonite maybe go for Fire Spin > Body Press, I think it's something to consider to trap users. I've used a similiar set with Encore / Fire Spin stall, it's really underrated the only down side is you might have to also add Encore > Hurricane which I totally understand if you don't want to do.

Excellent team, and congrats on peaking #1.

To explain a little bit. Tusks was also between lefties or focus sash, but vs ho /offensive teams I found tusks to be pretty bad vs them and found that It would usually find a switch do decent damage to a switch in then die or rocks and die. When I switched it to sash and was able to 1v1 mons that would stay in on it like pao/chi-yu, keep sash vs an azu/moon late game vs them it helped greatly vs that. And vs defensive teams it still did well so I viewed it as just a decent sacrifice for an item that would be more universally used. For Dragonite I tried fire spin encore/and just encore but I found that without bodypress, pao and kingambit became a lot more threatening, ice beam helps a lot vs dnite and hurricane vs ape. I also found most people now know of fire spin/encore and since I often switch it in and reveal helmet/damage they can predict that set leading to it being less potent than usual. I do think both changes are fair and would not oppose but just giving my thought process.
Really cool scarf glimmora build that i definitely havent lost to multiple times before (: Congrats on no1 and great team mate!
Would you change the dragonite set now that ape is gone? Or is this still your preferred set?

Dragonite can be changed from hurricane to a whatever you really want. Twave,tbolt,eq(use impish, we want to be faster than kingambit), encore, flamethrower are all good options. Hurricane is also still good, just not nessecary for annihlape. Also for tusks, focus sash can be switched for leftovers, heavy duty boots, or rocky helmet depending on preference. No chi-yu means you can’t get a surprise 1v1 on lead. Focus sash can be kept if you don’t like bd azumarill, or want to help vs pao but I prefer those items over it now that chi-yu is gone. You can also use Tera dark for hatt if you want to help vs Tera dark pao and keep a positive gholdengo mu.Other than that, the team stays the same for me.