SV OU Triple Unaware Stall


:sv/clodsire: :sv/dondozo: :sv/skeledirge: :sv/corviknight: :sv/gholdengo: :sv/garganacl:

Hi! This is my self-made stall team, featuring triple unaware. Unaware is a good ability, as you cannot be overpowered by many set-up sweepers. I want to find ways to improve this team. While it is doing quite well, I want it to be even better.

Team History:
Back then, I did not run bootspam, and ran blissey and pex. Then, I realised this team is weak to chi-yu and was forced to run spdef moon over blissey with dragon tail as 4th move. After chi-yu was banned, I removed blissey and moon and replaced them with azumarill and ting-lu. Until a found out azumarill DIES to tera dark banded pao and was forced to add a taurus from. Eeveeto suggested water Taurus if I didn't need burn or already had one. I then added bootspam to beat hazardstack. Then, after the pao ban, I realised that ting is for balance and replaced it with corviknight. In place of water Taurus, I added SpDef ground nacl to beat mixed valiant.

One of the unaware mons. Covert cloak is a tech as it prevents shadow ball fishing. I added EQ to replace haze after espathra ban, and ran double hazards. This acts as a special wall of this team and helps beat many special sweepers.
Another unaware mon. Dondozo counters almost all physical threats used in OU, and I used resttalk+curse to make it as least passive as possible, with sweeping potential. Tera grass resists dondozo's base wealnesses.
The last of unaware mons. I used physical defense to make it super annoying with WoW. It is also not passive and can 1v1 garganacl sometimes. Hex hits quite hard due to having the same power as draco meteor against a statuses target coming from uninvested special attack.
In this gen, the main sources of damage for stall is hazards. Gholdengo is the best guardian of a team that uses 2 different hazards, and provides actual offence with NP and dual stabs.
Corviknight is bulky and can remove hazards for clodsire, and can also fuck HO by removing screens with defog. I find it to also deal surprising damage with STAB brave bird.
Due to how popular tusk is, I want 2 rockers on my team. Furthermore, it is the team's only bulky mixed wall. It can answer annoying fat killer mixed valiant which is a great thing.
There's only 1 lol.
REMOVING U-TURN ON CORV? This is a stall team which does not need momentum.

Hydreigon could break this with np+taunt. Can't find a way out.
This applies only to sd, as dd can be handled with curse on dozo. Haxorus is a crazy stall killer with mold breaker + SD.
Baxcalibur hits extremely hard. I believe banded can 2HKO dondozo with glaive rush.
:sv/garganacl: (with EQ)
The only user with covert cloak is clodsire, but EQ can ruin it hard.
If you struggle with bax, try Tera fairy on dondozo, and if you want, body slam over liquidation. Also, I do not believe your team desperately needs hazards, since you have both garganacl and skeledirge to force progress, so if you want, you could add haze > stealth rock on clodsire, for hatterene and stuff like that. If you really want, you don’t even need to run gholdengo, so you could find something that better suits your team. A weird idea is covert cloak pex with infestation to handle garg and maybe even hydreigon. Feel free to experiment!
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If you struggle with bax, try Tera fairy on dondozo, and if you want, body slam over liquidation. Also, I do not believe your team desperately needs hazards, since you have both garganacl and skeledirge to force progress, so if you want, you could add haze > stealth rock on clodsire, for hatterene and stuff like that. If you really want, you don’t even need to run gholdengo, so you could find something that better suits your team. A weird idea is covert cloak pex with infestation to handle garg and maybe even hydreigon. Feel free to experiment!
Apologies for a late reply, but I added fairy Dozo and haze clod. Thanks!
Just curious, what threats do you check with skeledirges unaware that dondozo doesn't check? It does seem kind of redundant to have 2 unaware physical walls.
Off the top of my head, the main Mons it checks is choiced breloom and meow ( with the right predictions), and mixed valiant pretty easily, and main volc counter, but SpDef is probably a better set on this, or even a mixed wall. It helps if either of the other unawares go down