Smogon Simple Questions & Suggestions Thread

Does Smogon still actually accept meme Smogdex entries?

An example of what I mean:
not really, we've had a bunch of cool ones happen in earlier days when we had a smaller community but they're the kind of thing that just doesn't work out well if put up as a formalised process, so these days the shitmons just get a "if you really insist on using it then here's a set but honestly please use x instead" sample set.
Would it be possible, within a suspect run, let's say you face a friend you know you have no chance to beat and you are very close to win. Is it allowed to put the game on a hiatus to win another game within and get reqs?
Would it be possible, within a suspect run, let's say you face a friend you know you have no chance to beat and you are very close to win. Is it allowed to put the game on a hiatus to win another game within and get reqs?
Eventually the game will resolve no matter how long you leave it open for, meaning it will be counted when your reqs are verified.
to another extent, do you need to have reqs when the deadline is reached or when you screenshot them?
Well more specifically when the reqs are verified, this is why you're advised not to continue using the account you got reqs with after you achieve them.
I have been told I could post a policy suggestion here, i hope I am at the right place this time. But here we go

Following smogon standards, draft leagues ensure the first 5/8 of sign ups make it in.
This rule has been shown to disadvantage most players in europe for this specific format.
I would like to suggest removing this smogon rule specifically for draft leagues.

Generally speaking the smogon draft leagues open past midnight (at 12 gmt +0)
The average time in which the treshold for guaranteed spots is reached has been under 6 hours in the past 3 leagues. The maximum is reached a lot later, ensuring everyone has a chance to sign up.

Even when you are the first to sign up in waking hours living in a gmt +1 timezone you will be randomized. On top, i have been told you get banned if you let someone else login and sign you up on the forums.

The reasoning the rule exists is ensuring bad timezones can still make it.
What it ends up doing instead, is ensuring people with less interest signing up days later can make it over the first people in europe with a healthy sleep schedule.
A first come first serve, or a 4/5 signups rule would be more fair in this instance
Hi, my friend recently told me that the account Simonn was disabled on pokemon showdown. I know I don’t have a badge or much clout but was wondering if I could potentially have this. I have recently started smogon to play tournaments but don’t have any accounts that are noticeably me and given my irl name and smogon name is Simon, would appreciate if I could get the Simonn name for tournaments. Nws if this isn’t allowed but wanted to ask.
Hello. I new here and have questions about Smogon and Pokemon Showdown themselves.

What exactly is Smogon? Is it just a Pokemon battling standards body and nothing else?

What is the relationship between Smogon and Pokemon Showdown? Could Pokemon Showdown realistically exist without Smogon and vice versa?

Are there any competitors to Smogon? Surely in the past the battling scene had many competing standards bodies, but what about today?

Are there any competitors to Pokemon Showdown? If not, what factors drive the addition of new features into the simulator?

Does Pokemon Showdown have any legal issues? With Nintendo's iron rule over its IPs it seems odd that PS can even exist.
Hello. I new here and have questions about Smogon and Pokemon Showdown themselves.

What exactly is Smogon? Is it just a Pokemon battling standards body and nothing else?

What is the relationship between Smogon and Pokemon Showdown? Could Pokemon Showdown realistically exist without Smogon and vice versa?

Are there any competitors to Smogon? Surely in the past the battling scene had many competing standards bodies, but what about today?

Are there any competitors to Pokemon Showdown? If not, what factors drive the addition of new features into the simulator?

Does Pokemon Showdown have any legal issues? With Nintendo's iron rule over its IPs it seems odd that PS can even exist.

Hello, and welcome! I'll try and answer these as best as I can, but I wasn't around for much of the applicable history, so if I make a mistake or someone wants to elaborate, by all means anyone hop in.

1. Smogon's a bunch of things. Besides battling standards, it's a place to write publish competitive content for the public, discuss and tutor on the metagames from those standards, host tournaments, talk about Pokemon more casually, and make art and articles for competitive and casual Pokemon, among other things. Via Discord (and Showdown if you think about it), it also indirectly hosts live chats on all sorts of topics.

2/4. These questions kind of overlap. Over the years, the primary simulator of Smogon and other competitive Pokemon fans has changed. Pokemon Battle Simulator / Porygon's Big Show and Shoddy Battle come to mind; only the most veteran users on this site remember Shoddy's heyday, I imagine. Then came Pokemon Online, which is the closest thing I'd call to a Showdown competitor I can think of. It's extremely much smaller than PS, though.

In the ancient Pokemon Online days of 2011, Zarel (then using the handle 'aesoft') created Showdown as a competitor to PO that was closer integrated with Smogon. Showdown is Smogon's official battling and tournament simulator, but the integration goes deeper: besides Showdown being made by a Smogon badged user, it is co-owned by chaos (the owner of Smogon), and its staff and user communities overlap greatly (though certainly not fully).

These days, with no need to compete with PO, Showdown keeps improving for the same reason Smogon keeps releasing analyses and articles: a wonderful team of behind-the-scenes specialists volunteer out of a shared desire to improve the platform and respond to community desires.

If PS and Smogon were inexplicably split somehow, Smogon would likely find/use/create a different simulator, like in the PO days, while PS would maintain much of its existing community and PS-specific or not-really-rules-determined formats like Random Battle, Challenge Cup, (Natdex) Anything Goes, Custom Game, etc.

3. Pokemon Perfect is the closest thing to come to mind. However, it is vastly smaller: I hopped on, and, while there was a post in the last 24 hours, there were no online users. Serebii is an active xenforo Pokemon discussion forum, but since they have less competitive focus than us, I see them more as a complement and less as a competitor. While not functionally active at this time, Azure Heights, home of Porygon's Big Show, is a great place to see the history of competitive pokemon.

5. This one's a bit above my paygrade, but from being around the sim a long time, staffing it, and talking to admins, here is Some Things Of Uncertain Importance That Might Interest You.

Showdown is a super valuable resource for the community of VGC, Pokemon's official battling format. It the best place for VGC players to test and play without slowly creating legal competitive-ready Pokemon in-game: a lot of official-event-competing-and-winning VGC players would be real mad if PS got aggression. Also, they'd be more pressured to hack Pokemon in to test different teams and strategies without spending 36 hours a day getting competitive-ready Pokemon, and we know Gamefreak has no love for hacking.

Showdown is less a competitor to the actual games than you might think. We don't offer a campaign mode or unique characters/music/cutscenesetc., and Gamefreak themselves have cared less and less about beyond-campaign battling (what PS does) in the games themselves: just look at the decline in battle facilities after Gen 5. In fact, since we are free, we're an outlet to familiarize yourself and fall in love with the Pokemon and mechanics, which may convince people to buy actual Pokemon games who wouldn't otherwise.

We license music from them, which shows that us and them are ok sitting at the Business Table™ with each other and doing IP business.

Hope this helps :psyglad:
re: pokemon perfect, it's still fairly active whilst being smaller, and a lot of tours/circuits/etc. are hosted there, & they have a different tiering system. it's mainly oldgen focused and definitely worth a checkout if you are into that stuff
Hi, I was recently looking into trying to start my own pokemon showdown custom server so a friend and I can mess with customizing pokemon and fixing bad ones, but the process seems ridiculously complicated. The githubs for the downloads aren't nearly beginner friendly and the people in the linux discord have taken me as far as they can go. Does anyone have any experience with making a custom server? Or any resources on how to actually make it? Any help at all would be massively appreciated :)
Hi, I was recently looking into trying to start my own pokemon showdown custom server so a friend and I can mess with customizing pokemon and fixing bad ones, but the process seems ridiculously complicated. The githubs for the downloads aren't nearly beginner friendly and the people in the linux discord have taken me as far as they can go. Does anyone have any experience with making a custom server? Or any resources on how to actually make it? Any help at all would be massively appreciated :)
I've actually attempted this before but all the cloud hosting options require monthly/annual payments unless you manage to get an old version of PS! (Herokuapp which is the only good free option can't host newer PS!).
I've actually attempted this before but all the cloud hosting options require monthly/annual payments unless you manage to get an old version of PS! (Herokuapp which is the only good free option can't host newer PS!).
Personally it's just a server for me and a friend to test some fun balance changes and therefore doesnt ever need to be online when I'm not, so if your goals are similar, you can host the server on your pc, just be careful who you give the IP to!

Otherwise, if your pc is beefy enough, you can attempt to set up a VM to run consistently in the background with you needing to be on the pc. I have experience with the VM part (The better part of 2 days wasted now) but my issue is actually setting up the server. If you know how to actually do the server setup, I'd be more than thankful if you could message me and help me out, and in return I can try and help you with the VM stuff!
In general, why is Lum Berry preferred to Flame Orb?

The majority of Pokemon who run Lum Berry are physical attackers who are looking to avoid being burned. So while Flame Orb will make you status immune, it will also halve your attack and chip you down each turn. Flame Orb is just not worth it without Guts, especially now in Gen 9 where Tera can allow you to become immune to the status condition that scares you the most.
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The majority of Pokemon who run Lum Berry are physical attackers who are looking to avoid being burned. So while Flame Orb will make you status immune, it will also halve your attack and chip you down each turn. Flame Orb is just not worth it without Guts, especially now in Gen 9 where Tera can allow you to become immune to the status condition that scares you the most.

also many lum berry users are super offensive & just need to heal it off once to do a huge amount of damage (in older gens stuff like lum berry dragonite or garchomp come to mind, with the lum letting them take one will-o and continue sweeping/breaking huge holes)
Please consider the creation of an introduction forum for newer (and older!) users to create threads about themselves. Each user would be limited to 1 thread. I feel this should be implemented because it would allow people to search for things like say, "Animal Crossing" in that forum and possibly make new friends they would otherwise not know about. In addition, I feel that it would be beneficial for players to be able to familiarize themselves with different members of different communities, as, in my opinion, Smogon has evolved into a place where people come not just to play competitive Pokemon but to make friends.
When I try to visit this website it says that my ip is banned?? idk where to ask for help and idk why its banned TwT (currently using my phone internet)