Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C Analysis Reservations


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:sv/ting-lu:Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C Analyses:sv/chien-pao:

Get ready to ruin someone's day, its time for the third incarnation of Battle Stadium Singles!

If you're new to analysis writing, or suck at remembering grammar stuff like me, I highly suggest you check out these GP threads!​

New Terms for Scarlet and Violet
Spelling and Grammar Standards
Grammar-Prose Team Queue

QC Members

Thick Fat Azumarill
Butch Hardnight
cant say
The Squash

Members with Dex Edit Access

All QC Members

The Format

With Regulations being rather short, we're doing shorter analyses with a different format than you may be used to! We've added a new feature for Regulation C, it'll be Bold in the sample analyses! Below, here's a "sample" analysis, and the actual onsite analyses for Dragonite, Flutter Mane, Baxcalibur, and Iron Bundle below it!

Sample Analysis

name: Let's a go!
move 1: High Jump Kick
move 2: Dynamax Cannon
move 3: Victory Dance
move 4: Fire Punch / Ice Punch
item: Life Orb / Safety Goggles
ability: Shadow Tag / Arena Trap
nature: Jolly
tera type: Flying / Fire
evs: 252 HP / 84 Def / 172 SpD


* Use the first bullet for the most important part: quickly explain the main selling point of this set!

* **Label your bullet points!**: Anything after the first bullet point should be labeled. If you're justifying a move, then name the bullet point after the move. If it's about an single EV spread, important mechanic, or teammate, then come up with a label that best describes the topic!

* **No need to talk about obvious stuff**: If a move is obvious, there's no reason to give it a bullet. No reason to say "use High Jump Kick and Dynamax Cannon for STAB". Only mention them if its something that isn't self explanatory!

* **Fire Punch versus Ice Punch**: Move choices can be worth a bullet too. For example if Ice Punch lets this Pokemon cover Dragonite, while Fire Punch beats Gholdengo, that is worth mentioning. use "versus" to get the point across that you're picking between certain moves.

* **Mario's Goomba Stomp Strategy**: Not every Pokemon needs this, but if there's a REALLY specific and important thing to say about a Pokemon, you can label it in a descriptive way. Think stuff like needing neutral natures + mints for trick.

Other Options

* **Put viable moves that don't fit on the moveset here**: Other Options is finally back! This is for moves that do exist / are viable, but are tough to fit in for whatever reason. Feel free to describe why the move can be harder to justify too.

* **Not everyone Pokemon needs this section!**: If you listed all the viable stuff, no need to scrape the bottom of the barrel, just don't include this section then!

Tera Types

* **Tera Dependency - (insert category here)**: The new feature! Here, spend 1-2 sentences explaining how important Terastallization is to this set! While certain Pokemon may require special custom stuff, these categories in the hide tag should cover most Pokemon!

Tera Dependency - High: This is for Pokemon that often need to Terastallize for their set to function. Think stuff like AV Pokemon weak to Flutter Mane, or just bad typings in general.

Tera Dependency - Medium: The middle ground, Pokemon that often Terastallize to fix some problems, but generally don't need it to work.

Tera Dependency - Low: These are for Pokemon that are totally fine with not Terastallizing, but can still benefit from it at times.

Tera Dependency - Very Situational: These are for the rare Pokemon that usually almost NEVER Terastallize except for special edge cases.

Tera Dependency - Almost Required: These are for the rare Pokemon that REALLY need to Terastallize, or their set just doesn't work. Think stuff like Pokemon that need Terastallization to have an effective STAB, or have some sort of key coverage move the set NEEDS to function.

* **Flying**: Except to see this one a LOT! Tera Types are very important in this metagame, so almost every Pokemon will have this section, especially if the tera type is not baked into the set such as "Normal Dragonite for Extreme Speed" kind of stuff.

* **Fire**: Even if a Pokemon isn't getting at Tersastallizing, most Pokemon will still want this section, just because the nature of the mechanic can lead to weird situations happening in a match.

* **Fighting**: Some Pokemon have a LOT of viable tera options, including more niche ones to consider. Sometimes, QC might ask you to include these without slashing them in the set.

EV Spreads

* **252 HP / 84 Def / 172 SpD with Careful**: If a Pokemon has a rather non obvious EV spread, explaining it is generally worth it!

* **252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Spe with Careful**: Generally, only list 252 / 252 spreads if the Pokemon has multiple EV builds. Otherwise, those tend to be pretty obvious, and don't need any writing at all!

For Pokemon that have choices in other areas to make, these sections can also be included!



Don't forget the credits! How they work is: when you go to a user's profile, notice the number at the end of the address bar: that's the number you gotta put in!

Written by:
Quality checked by:
Grammar checked by:

Here are some examples that are onsite already, where you can see how the new Tera Dependency Bullet Point can be used!

Flutter Mane
Iron Bundle

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:sv/chi-yu: RESERVATIONS:sv/wo-chien:

When reserving a Pokemon, keep this stuff in mind!

  • Try to get your analysis to the QC stage when its reserved ASAP. For each day you wait, I'll bug you more, and may even yank the analysis if there's 0 progress without reason!​

  • While you are free to do all the sets in a Pokemon's analysis, you DON'T have to! For some very versatile Pokemon such as Scream Tail, doing all the sets can be quite troublesome, so feel free to just reserve SOME sets of 1 Pokemon! That being said, please only reserve 1 Pokemon at a time!

  • REMEMBER, THIS IS NOT OU! OU and Battle Stadium Singles are drastically different metagames, even if they sometimes share similar casts of threats. If your analysis looks like its written with OU in mind, it'll be reassigned right away!​
  • Once your analysis is posted, it needs 1 QC check and 1 GP check for it to go onsite! You need to make the changes QC and GP request of you to get stuff onsite!

  • If a totally new set gains traction in the Pokemon discussion, we'll put the set up for reservation here. Reserve it, and simply make a new thread for it!

If you want to see what's done so far, check out the Battle Stadium Singles Page, which lists everything that has sets onsite on the bottom!

Highest Priority

All done for now!

Very High Priority

None right now!

High Priority

:azumarill: Substitute + Encore Azumarill - Unreserved

:glimmora:Offensive Glimmora and Defensive Glimmora - Both Unreserved

:azumarill: Belly Drum Azumarill - Unreserved

Medium Priority

:slither wing:Slither Wing (Offensive Sets) - Theorymon

:scream tail: Scream Tail (Wish Support) - Unreserved

:skeledirge: Offensive Skeledirge - Unreserved

:gyarados: Paralysis Support Gyarados - Unreserved

Low Priority

:ditto: Ditto - Aqua Jet

Anything else on the VR list on this page that doesn't have any page. Yes really!
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While I wait to watch the Mario movie for the 2nd time, it's time to get in the mood to play with Fire and for me to do Toxic Spikes + Whirlwind Iron Moth!
OK I of course chose some of the most annoying Pokemon to update tonight... so I'm gonna decompress with Toxapex!
I will be starting to steal unmons, starting with Paldean Tauros-B

Just note, we do have a Paldean Tauros-B analysis for series 2 that we can update a lot of aspects of for this without the need for more writing., so we don't need to put stuff through another GP check. However its def a mon that might have some new sets, so if you still want to do it, I'd focus on anything that isn't covered on this set.

Alternately, we've really tried to open up a focus on directly editing stuff on the dex when a total rewrite isn't needed, so if you'd prefer, you can just directly edit some stuff on the dex and just upload an updated Tauros-B for the Battle Stadium Singles format (what we're using for Regulation C and the future), and I can check and implement it pretty promptly (and give you the credit for it onsite too!)

Sorry of these alternate methods weren't clear, I'll make an announcement in a bit for more details on this!
Besides stuff in the C ranks, I got some experience with the Offensive Slither Wing sets so I'll do those tonight! I'll include the defensive sets too but probably not write them unless someone with experience can give me some good notes lol.
Does a pokemon need to have a rank to be taken here? I would assume so, but I think it should have a rank anyways, it's above the Moody 2 mons and Slowking in use, that is AV Alomomola(I only have used this set not wish/healing wish or w/e, and it's most common for the rare mon.)

I feel like I've only won often cause of this mon, from either Aqua Jet or, moreover, Mirror Coat. Stuff she has over the somewhat better stats Dondozo.
Does a pokemon need to have a rank to be taken here? I would assume so, but I think it should have a rank anyways, it's above the Moody 2 mons and Slowking in use, that is AV Alomomola(I only have used this set not wish/healing wish or w/e, and it's most common for the rare mon.)

I feel like I've only won often cause of this mon, from either Aqua Jet or, moreover, Mirror Coat. Stuff she has over the somewhat better stats Dondozo.

I'd wait a bit to do these, especially since the VR list will be updated in due time.
That's not on vr, but theorymon did nom it, so it should be ok to take:


EDIT: Can't do more unless Farigiraf or, better yet, Alomomola make it in VR. I don't have recent experience w/ anything else w/ a sorta standard set that is on VR, and isn't already done.
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Oh wow, I didn't even realize. My bad. I've seen it around so much I just assumed it was there.

I would say np, but ask someone who has credentials^^

EDIT: Sooo bored, so by the same token as Forretress will do Alomomola now. If she doesn't make the cut I'll save the post in a pastebin and delete it.
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Everyone ignores my analyses, but that's not my fault, so am I allowed to do another before they get(if they get) fully checked? There would just be one more, a set or two of a mon already up that I use differently.