Metagame Tier Shift

i think everyone owes you a thank you. also...
Meditation (Medicham) @ Choice Band
Ability: Pure Power
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Zen Headbutt
- High Jump Kick
- Thunder Punch
- Bullet Punch
Haha medicham go brrrrrr

Ran a calc on this cause it looked interesting, this is actually mental:

252 Atk Choice Band Pure Power Medicham Zen Headbutt vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Toxapex: 314-372 (103.2 - 122.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO
Been having a lot of fun with Jolteon, I’ve been using it as a Choice Specs mon and I’ve had a lot of success with it.

135 SpA hits hard and when paired with its blistering Speed of 155 it can cause mayhem with Choice Specs. 120 SpD is good as well to take a few special moves. It’s HP (65) and Defense (85) aren’t very good even after the boost but that can easily be overlooked in favor of its other stats.
I also have to give an honorable mention to Calm Mind, which it can also use if you want to be able to use all your moves at the cost of some power.


Speedy Choice Specs
Prickly Dog (Jolteon) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Quick Feet
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Tera Blast
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball
Oricorio Pom-Pom, Medicham, Polteageist, Light Clay, and Tera are now banned!!!
BoingKMagikarpIsAGTea GuzzlerG-LukeResult
Oricorio Pom-PomBANAbstainAbstainBANBANNED
Oricorio SensuBANAbstainAbstainDNBNOT BANNED

We banned a lot more things! (+ a few more announcements)
Terastralisation has been a controversial mechanic in almost all of the metagames it has graced, and Tier Shift is no different. The Terastral Phenomena allowed a lot of setup sweepers to simply pick and choose their checks, the most relevant of which include the Oricorio formes and Polteageist, although Terastralisation was of course relevant on a lot of other setup sweepers and attackers. Tera has been extremely centralising, and overall we decided it was too much for the metagame.

Some may argue that these two dancing birds are extremely similar and both deserved to be banned, but Pom-Pom's superior typing, allowing it more setup opportunities, got it the hammer here. While Sensu has a far better offensive typing, we hope that it will be kept in check by the lack of Terastralisation. Sensu will remain watchlisted.

I feel like this one is fairly obvious. The most common set running around ladder was Choice Band, boosting attack to ridiculous levels, and Trick to ruin any would-be-walls. Usually these traits, which is enough to render most balance and stall teams useless, would be enough to earn Medicham the ban hammer. But to add salt to the wound, Scarf sets tear apart any offensive teams, and setup variants, although less common, are game-ending if given the opportunity to go. Medicham is also extremely easy to fit onto most teams as a result of it's versatility as an attacker. This Pokemon is broken, enough said.

Shell Smash Stored Power
OK but for real, this Pokemon was insane. With 149 Special Attack and 85 speed, this thing was almost unstoppable once it got its boosts up, and finding the opportunity to smash up wasn't exactly difficult, with two immunities, and decent 60/80/129 bulk that was further bolstered under the effects of screens. The only things that can stand up to +2 Polt Stored Power are Blissey and Dark types, which all drop to Tera Fighting Tera Blast, with the exception of unmons Sableye and Spiritomb. But even these could drop on the occasion Polteageist was carrying Tera Fairy, which demonstrates the flexibility of this teacup to pick and choose how to annihilate its checks. Even disregarding Tera, Blissey drops to +3 Shell Smash Polteageist, which isn't hard for the Polteageist player to get up if Blissey is switching in on a Shell Smash. I could go on and on about how this mon is broken, but in the end I'm just really happy that this thing got quickbanned from RU because otherwise ladder would've been hell.

This might be a little bit less obvious, but the council felt that Screens HO has been a dominant playstyle in the meta. The most common setter is Grimmsnarl, but Klefki is another decent choice. The idea is simple: setup screens, go to a sweeper, and watch as the teams in front of you crumble. There are plenty of sweepers and cleaners to choose from, but I won't go into the specifics here because this post is already getting very long. Hopefully the loss of Light Clay will be enough to nerf this playstyle to the point where it isn't overbearing on the meta, like the Weathers.

Two more announcements!
I'd like to give a warm welcome to Natcrozma, who is joining our council! Give them a huge GZ. Their insight into the metagame has been incredible and will be indispensable in tiering desicions for the rest of the month, and onwards.
Sample team submissions are opening! To submit a team, you simply just post here in the main forum and give a quick description about it. If you're slightly less confident with your team, our Discord has an RMT channel, where we can give you constructive feedback before you unveil your beautiful team to the world!
:quagchamppogsire: Thank you all for playing this meta so far, and making this metagame so enjoyable to lead. Hopefully, the rest of the month will be as enjoyable (and hopefully less chaotic) as this opening week.

Tagging Kris to implement.​
Now that Medicham is gone and my Bulk UP + Tera Steel BP set with it, I'd want to share a team I'm 20-1 on the ladder with currently:

Kingambit @ Leftovers
Ability: Supreme Overlord
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch
- Kowtow Cleave
- Iron Head


Greninja @ Focus Sash
Ability: Protean
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Shadow Sneak
- Spikes
- Ice Beam
- Taunt


Squawkabilly-Blue @ Flame Orb
Ability: Guts
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Facade
- Brave Bird
- Quick Attack
- Protect


Quaquaval @ Focus Sash
Ability: Moxie
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 252 HP / 156 Atk / 100 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Aqua Step
- Bulk Up
- Roost
- Taunt


Iron Jugulis @ Choice Specs
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Dark Pulse
- Hurricane
- U-turn
- Earth Power


Braviary @ Leftovers
Ability: Defiant
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 144 SpD / 108 Spe
Careful Nature
- Substitute
- Bulk Up
- Roost
- Brave Bird

Spikes Bird-ish spam! Bulk Up mons work incredibly well currently with the meta seemingly centered around fast and strong physical mons, and after a single BU both Quack and Braviary live hits way too well. Taunt on Quack keeps status off you and can help with foggers, while braviary tends to beat all special attacking physical walls. Parrot and Jug get instant damage pressure on teams with the help of spikes and can force recovery turns on mons that would otherwise be able to handle Quack and Braviary. Gambit rounds out the team with a couple immunities, priority and generally being Kingambit.

This was gonna come way earlier, but I am a master procrastinator and welp this team is no longer usable lmao, but I still want to make a post about it.

The star of the team. Here Medicham runs max atk and speed with a jolly nature, the other 4EVs don't matter hugely. The idea is you get Medicham in and watch as everything blows up, with a selection of Close Combat (over High Jump Kick which folds to Ghosts, Protect, and my insanely bad luck), Zen Headbutt (which has a silly chance to flinch) and filler. I chose Thunder Punch for perfect neutral coverage but I didn't usually find myself using it, so perhaps Taunt or Bulk Up would have been better. The main USP of this set is that it gets to ruin fat builds and setup sweepers with Trick. Being able to essentially decommission a mon for the rest of the match can be huge, and helps Medicham and Chien-Pao later on. Tera Fighting for extra CC power, but I didn't really find myself clicking it often unless I thought Medicham literally 6-0d the other team.

LMAO RU BLISSEY ahem. This thing is the most INSANE special wall in any metagame ever. This set uses max defense to surprise physical attackers hoping to force it out, as 30 Defense is actually OK when you're backed up by the highest possible HP stat in the game. You could opt for rocks, but this Blissey has T-Wave, the mandatory Soft Boiled, Seismic Toss for reliable damage, and Shadow Ball to 2hko Polteageist (which is banned now, so this slot will probably change). Tera Fairy gives the pink blob actual resists, crucially to Fighting types. This takes something like Guts Ursaring Close Combat and turns it from a straight OHKO to barely doing 20%, which is a nice surprise factor if you want to get crucial chip damage, or (not in this case) T-Wave the mon down so Medicham or Pao.

Dozo does Dozo things. It's really fat, and sits on a lot of the physical attackers of the tier. Tera Grass turns the tables on the Grass and Electric types wanting to break Dozo straight up, which allows Dozo to either recover up, get a Curse off, or go for an attack. Curse allows Dozo to boost alongside physical setup sweepers, and Unaware means it 1v1s most of them from full health anyway. If this thing got Recover or Slack Off it would be insane, but it's stuck with Rest for recovery, which is unfortunate. Dozo's sheer bulk means this isn't too much of an issue most of the time, but it loses momentum to most special attackers unfortunately. Curse allows Dozo to function as a late game win-con, when there's nothing to break Dozo left. The one benefit of Rest is that Dozo is practically immune to Status.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and group these two mons together, because they have the same primary function: pivot Medicham in. Oricorio has a decent defensive typing against the tier (when you have boots on), with many key resistances (including fighting and fairy). It beats the tier's QDers thanks to Dancer, with the exception of Oricorio Pom-Pom when it hasn't Tera'd. Honestly, I couldn't think of a good Tera type so I went Tera Fairy for Oricorio, mainly so it doesn't get walled by Pom-Pom. Oricorio has a moveset of RevDance, Defog, U-Turn and Roost, and is trained to be specially defensive, unlike Bellibolt, whose unique ability makes it an excellent bulky Pokemon who I've trained to be physically defensive. Along with good bulk across the board, Bellibolt gets recovery, which allows it to function as a secondary check to some mons (although this is usually tenuous at best). I went for T-Wave again (because paralysis is funny and stops faster offensive mons) and Parabolic Charge (which allows for excellent longevity, although this could be switched out for a more agressive attack), and the mandatory Volt Switch.

Chien-Pao is busted. A functional attack stat of around 170 + a speed tier that beats most, if not all of the relevant Pokemon in the meta, and good STAB coverage (including a funny flinch move which has the ability to win by luck lmao). Sacred Sword is pretty much Chien-Pao's best coverage move, and I ran Tera Fighting for both a better defensive typing and a boost to SSword. I had Swords Dance on Chien-Pao but once again never found myself clicking it, so Taunt, Substitute, or priority could have been better picks. Yea I'm ngl this thing is busted

Proof I'm not bad btw. Medicham is defo gonna be hard to replace, but it was genuinely unhealthy for the tier as it invalidated so many slower builds, so I'm glad it's gone. Zoroark or Scyther could be somewhat ok replacements, but they can't replicate the impact that Medicham always left on a game. Tera going also hurts this team a fair bit, but nowhere near as much as it hurts the setup sweepers that I dread going up against.
Ive been consistently top 10 in ladder for TS, even cracking #1 a couple times, and i just wanted to share some thoughts and the team I've been using:

So first, just wanted to say i love this tier with a passion and i recommend everyone plays it. Okay, so sun and psychic terrain feel insanely strong. Even with the poltea ban, i have a feeling drednaw will replace the poltea spot, and indeedee hawlucha armorouge and drednaw will still be good. Sun is still insane with additions such as scovillain and charizard having insane stats, and protosynthesis mons getting stats (sandy shocks and slither wing). Torkoal runs eject button and everything else has momentum, so its hard to play around. One last thing, i dont agree with the tera ban but i can absolutely see why it gets banned. No tera should make the meta interesting. Now, the team I've used:

Head Joncho (Honchkrow) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Brave Bird
- Night Slash
- Sucker Punch

In my opinion, honch is one of the best mons in the tier. If a mon dies and the opponents mon is at low percentage, honch gets a free +1 and it snowballs from there. Most checks and resistences get 2hko'd so they cant switch in. Previously, tera steel allowed it to resist and kill fast fairies like scarf garde, or to eat ice shards and kill. Interested to see how this works w/o tera.

Iron ValiAIN'T (Gallade) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Psycho Cut
- Sacred Sword
- Leaf Blade
- Knock Off

This has been my medicham slot since day 1, because, well idk why, but it functions the same way. Now, with medicham gone, i expect gallade stonks to rise, and this should be your substitution. This paired with honch just allows you to end games when its 4-4. One of the two cleaners comes in and chips/kills a cpuple mons and the other finishes off. Turns out sharpness is borked and gallade 2hkos most everything, and ohkos a lot of mons that dont run bulk, especially with tera fighting.

Friend :) (Bellibolt) @ Leftovers
Ability: Electromorphosis
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Muddy Water
- Volt Switch
- Thunder Wave
- Slack Off

Idek how I can explain what this does for me, it takes hits and twaves or volt switches. Essentially making it glue for my team. Its an underrated defensive mon and is annoying for lots of teams to face. Without set up or choice band, this tanks every neutral hit, and live ground type moves too.

Fake Tusk (Donphan) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Ice Shard

I got tired of seeing great tusk in every single metagame ever so i opted for the cooler elephant. Meet fake tusk, who is good utility, similar to great tusk. You spin you knock you eq. If theres no rocks, this also serves as a beater to an opponents wincon. Ive been using this to beat scovillain and armorouge 1v1, but its good against like every team. Ive been thinking of running hdb, so sturdy always activates, but i think av makes it more annoying.

No Resists? (Flapple) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Hustle
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Grav Apple
- Outrage
- U-turn

Flapple huh? Yea for sure losing bc of hustle is tilting but after a +1 dd you have 1000 attack, and ~450 speed. Even the bulkiest mons are getting chipped a lot, and forces pressure on everything. If theres no fairies or steels (somehow) on the opponents team, flapple can get 6 kills in 7 turns. Running focus sash bc i didnt know what else to run. With no rocks, this serves as sturdy and can revenge most sweepers/threats. Ive used it both as a lead and a sweeper, and it excels in both. If your opponent has a passive lead rocker, free +1 +1. This. Hits. Hard.

Flower Mommy (Florges) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flower Veil
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Synthesis
- Moonblast
- Tera Blast

Finally, florges. Being max physdef and 175 or something spdef just allows this to tank a lot. Now, it hasnt been doing much for me lately, and i might change back to sylveon after tera ban, but its been crucial to my team. Cm + 1 turn healing is very good, and the bulk allows florges to live lots of hard hitting/super effective moves. Moonblast is one of the best moves in the game imo, and tera blast deals with steels, poisons, and fires- who resists fairy.

I've made a decent amount of teams and this is by far the best imo. Something about the way it meshes together makes it super effective to use and the results speak for themselves. I'm 83-28, and probably like 10 of them are due to gimmick teams and bad rng, but itll happen when using muddy water and hustle.
Weird theory idea:

Pincurchin @ Terrain Extender
Ability: Electric Surge
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Tera Type: Flying
Bold Nature
- Discharge
- Spikes
- Thunder Wave
- Memento

Hawlucha @ Electric Seed
Level: 100
Adamant Nature
Ability: Unburden
EVs: 104 HP / 252 Atk / 152 Spe
- Close Combat
- Acrobatics
- Thunder Punch
- Swords Dance

The EVs are set to use the bare minimum to make it the 2nd fastest pokemon possible, behind scarf electrode. Is it good? Eh, idk. Just something I thought up.
Oricorio Pom-Pom, Medicham, Polteageist, Light Clay, and Tera are now banned!!!
BoingKMagikarpIsAGTea GuzzlerG-LukeResult
Oricorio Pom-PomBANAbstainAbstainBANBANNED
Oricorio SensuBANAbstainAbstainDNBNOT BANNED

We banned a lot more things! (+ a few more announcements)
Terastralisation has been a controversial mechanic in almost all of the metagames it has graced, and Tier Shift is no different. The Terastral Phenomena allowed a lot of setup sweepers to simply pick and choose their checks, the most relevant of which include the Oricorio formes and Polteageist, although Terastralisation was of course relevant on a lot of other setup sweepers and attackers. Tera has been extremely centralising, and overall we decided it was too much for the metagame.

Some may argue that these two dancing birds are extremely similar and both deserved to be banned, but Pom-Pom's superior typing, allowing it more setup opportunities, got it the hammer here. While Sensu has a far better offensive typing, we hope that it will be kept in check by the lack of Terastralisation. Sensu will remain watchlisted.

I feel like this one is fairly obvious. The most common set running around ladder was Choice Band, boosting attack to ridiculous levels, and Trick to ruin any would-be-walls. Usually these traits, which is enough to render most balance and stall teams useless, would be enough to earn Medicham the ban hammer. But to add salt to the wound, Scarf sets tear apart any offensive teams, and setup variants, although less common, are game-ending if given the opportunity to go. Medicham is also extremely easy to fit onto most teams as a result of it's versatility as an attacker. This Pokemon is broken, enough said.

Shell Smash Stored Power
OK but for real, this Pokemon was insane. With 149 Special Attack and 85 speed, this thing was almost unstoppable once it got its boosts up, and finding the opportunity to smash up wasn't exactly difficult, with two immunities, and decent 60/80/129 bulk that was further bolstered under the effects of screens. The only things that can stand up to +2 Polt Stored Power are Blissey and Dark types, which all drop to Tera Fighting Tera Blast, with the exception of unmons Sableye and Spiritomb. But even these could drop on the occasion Polteageist was carrying Tera Fairy, which demonstrates the flexibility of this teacup to pick and choose how to annihilate its checks. Even disregarding Tera, Blissey drops to +3 Shell Smash Polteageist, which isn't hard for the Polteageist player to get up if Blissey is switching in on a Shell Smash. I could go on and on about how this mon is broken, but in the end I'm just really happy that this thing got quickbanned from RU because otherwise ladder would've been hell.

This might be a little bit less obvious, but the council felt that Screens HO has been a dominant playstyle in the meta. The most common setter is Grimmsnarl, but Klefki is another decent choice. The idea is simple: setup screens, go to a sweeper, and watch as the teams in front of you crumble. There are plenty of sweepers and cleaners to choose from, but I won't go into the specifics here because this post is already getting very long. Hopefully the loss of Light Clay will be enough to nerf this playstyle to the point where it isn't overbearing on the meta, like the Weathers.

Two more announcements!
I'd like to give a warm welcome to Natcrozma, who is joining our council! Give them a huge GZ. Their insight into the metagame has been incredible and will be indispensable in tiering desicions for the rest of the month, and onwards.
Sample team submissions are opening! To submit a team, you simply just post here in the main forum and give a quick description about it. If you're slightly less confident with your team, our Discord has an RMT channel, where we can give you constructive feedback before you unveil your beautiful team to the world!
:quagchamppogsire: Thank you all for playing this meta so far, and making this metagame so enjoyable to lead. Hopefully, the rest of the month will be as enjoyable (and hopefully less chaotic) as this opening week.

Tagging Kris to implement.​
finally, i can stop running wind rider brambleghast specifically to wall pompom
Laputa (Eelektross) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Discharge
- U-turn
- Giga Drain
- Dragon Tail

i've been playing a little ladder now that showdown is back up and this set has been working really nicely for me. this set is incredible in nu and it works well here too now that its stats are pretty huge (85/140/105/130/105/75). it soft checks a lot of things and dragon tail is a nice way of preventing set up. a coil set could also be really good, though maybe not as dominant as it is in nu. no tera would also make its set up potential a bit worse (not implemented on ladder yet though!)
Laputa (Eelektross) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Levitate
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpD
Sassy Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Discharge
- U-turn
- Giga Drain
- Dragon Tail

i've been playing a little ladder now that showdown is back up and this set has been working really nicely for me. this set is incredible in nu and it works well here too now that its stats are pretty huge (85/140/105/130/105/75). it soft checks a lot of things and dragon tail is a nice way of preventing set up. a coil set could also be really good, though maybe not as dominant as it is in nu. no tera would also make its set up potential a bit worse (not implemented on ladder yet though!)

eelektross is surprisingly good, and i can see a spatking/mixed set working fairly well. however, although 130 spatk is good, 140 atk is monstrous. here's the set i've been using, modified a bit from NU standard:

cthulhu fhtagn (Eelektross) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 240 SpD / 16 Spe
Careful Nature
- Thunder Punch
- Drain Punch
- Dragon Tail
- Coil

coil is great, but band could work too
eelektross is surprisingly good, and i can see a spatking/mixed set working fairly well. however, although 130 spatk is good, 140 atk is monstrous. here's the set i've been using, modified a bit from NU standard:

cthulhu fhtagn (Eelektross) @ Leftovers
Ability: Levitate
Shiny: Yes
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 HP / 240 SpD / 16 Spe
Careful Nature
- Thunder Punch
- Drain Punch
- Dragon Tail
- Coil

coil is great, but band could work too
its atk stat is really insane, though i think the bp of its moves are a bit lacking overall. coil still sounds good, but cb might end up being lacking.

on a related note, this is the team that I've been having success with. sandy shocks is surprisingly really good, it hits quite hard and can spike pretty easily thanks to how fast it is. chien pao is of course also great, it's really nice speed control and hits quite hard. i think it probably has enough checks to not get banned, not to mention that tera being gone means no tera dark crunch stuff. revaroom is cool too, has a really unique defensive type and learns some cool utility moves. i think it might be good to run toxic on it just cause bulky sweepers can be annoying. vaporeon also really takes over games a lot of the time lol, though i usually found myself having to tera it to really make it go crazy. might honestly have to rework the team once the bans are implemented.
Been having a lot of fun with Jolteon, I’ve been using it as a Choice Specs mon and I’ve had a lot of success with it.

135 SpA hits hard and when paired with its blistering Speed of 155 it can cause mayhem with Choice Specs. 120 SpD is good as well to take a few special moves. It’s HP (65) and Defense (85) aren’t very good even after the boost but that can easily be overlooked in favor of its other stats.
I also have to give an honorable mention to Calm Mind, which it can also use if you want to be able to use all your moves at the cost of some power.

View attachment 514011
Speedy Choice Specs
Prickly Dog (Jolteon) @ Choice Specs
Ability: Quick Feet
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Thunderbolt
- Tera Blast
- Volt Switch
- Shadow Ball
Now that Tera is banned, what should I replace Tera Blast (Ice) with? Should I change my entire Jolteon set or just the one move?
Being using this Trick Room team with moderate success:


If you play optimally you should be able to set up TR a minimum of 4 times. If you store Hat's Healing Wish and revive it with Rabsca it can heal itself to full HP and set up TR again guaranteed if it kept its Focus Sash (barring flinches and stuff).

Crabominable doesn't really need a Choice Band since it deals 1 billion damage with Never-Melt Ice boosted Ice Hammer and you really want to be able to switch to Close Combat in case a Steel type comes out. I don't like Life Orb either cuz it makes it harder to store a wish.

Even though Toxtricity is a bit fast for TR it's kinda necessary cuz sound moves go through Substitute which hard counters TR teams. It also hits absurdly hard with Boomburst (especially with Tera Normal since the ban still hasn't come into effect).

Lastly Eruption goes brrr. Would be cool to see if someone else could suggest more TR offensive cores. These 3 can deal w/ almost everything but if someone can cook smth better.
Been delaying writing this as I don't post on the forums often so I'm not too great at proving my point with eloquent words but I got to to #1 on the ladder with one team alone a simple sun team. I honestly believe that in gen 9 certain OMs like this one sun has come to beat out rain for the best weather team. To me this is because of the new paradox Pokémon that thrive from the weather and add some diversity to the type composition of the team which was also driven even further with the now banned terastalization mechanic.

This is the team here and the roles are pretty simple feel free to run it while the medicham ban has yet to be implemented. After that you can slot a mon of your preference into medicham's spot whether it is another wallbreaker, fat support or pivot mon or even drop some mons for others.

Tork's sole role is to set up sun and leave since heat rock banned you can't really waste turns trying to use a move when you got other mons that'll benefit from the effects of sun more. You can use heavy duty boots over eject button if you wish to preserve tork's longevity but I honestly got a lot more mileage out of usually momentum changing use of the eject button to get in one of the 2 sun benefitting wallbreakers.

Where do I begin with this demon 138 attack stats and 105 speed with the effects of chlorophyll this is easily one of the fastest mons in the tier under sun and honestly if this pokemon had a good physical fire type move to abuse under sun there would be nothing to stop it. This pokemon can easily win games the moment it gets onto the field under sun (which isn't as hard as it seems due to the other mons supporting it) with the only proper checks being blissey, oricorio baile and typhlosion. Whittle down the checks and scov can sweep.

My god I love this pokemon the base attack stat of groudon without the sun and then with sun active and it is holding a choice band it attack stat jumps up to over 800. It even functions as a revenge killer with one of the best priority attacks in the game First impression nabbing plenty of KOs. This beast can also pivot out reading a swap or absolutely wail on the Pokémon facing it with a devastating close combat. EQ can be swapped for flare blitz if you wish to strongly hit whatever mons that resist your STAB combination. God help us if with the home and DLC releases if this mon falls to any lower tier it might have to be banned.

:sv/sandy_shocks: :bw/scizor:

Bulky pivots Sandy shock and scizor usually make for excellent special and physical switch-ins respectively. Both can usually come in and depending on the flow of the match can get a safe pivot out into a wallbreaker or into another teammate to gain or maintain momentum.

Surprisingly medicham rarely came out for me unless I wanted to catch an opponent off guard with AV to tank a special attack and KO whatever specially offensive pokemon could pose a threat or if it was just trading KOs. This pokemon made its case for why it was banned because of the devastating choice sets but I genuinely got a lot of mileage from the few times it came out with its AV trailblaze set.

With the tera and medicham ban to be implemented I have begun to test on an alt account this team with medicham replacements to see which ones can bring out more synergy or just maintain the status quo will probably post that team(s) after some more testing.

Newcomer here and I'm wondering why veluza isn't talked about in this thread :smogthink:? Sure it's frail but I think it can make a sweep or two with the right predictions and switches. Veluza has a good atk stat and spatk (if you wanted to use stored power) and a pretty mediocre speed tier which can be fixed by fillet away, so I wonder? What's stopping it from becoming a threat??

New stats of veluza if you santed to know
HP - 90
Atk - 127
Def - 98
Spa - 103
Spd - 90
Spe - 95

Set that has potential
Veluza @ Petaya Berry
Ability: Mold Breaker
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 12 HP / 52 Def / 252 SpA / 192 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fillet Away
- Stored Power
- Surf
- Substitute

Credits to ashleyumu for this veluza set that inspired me to make this while scrolling through old Viability Rankings and then randomly thought abt this om while doing that
Ive been consistently top 10 in ladder for TS, even cracking #1 a couple times, and i just wanted to share some thoughts and the team I've been using:

So first, just wanted to say i love this tier with a passion and i recommend everyone plays it. Okay, so sun and psychic terrain feel insanely strong. Even with the poltea ban, i have a feeling drednaw will replace the poltea spot, and indeedee hawlucha armorouge and drednaw will still be good. Sun is still insane with additions such as scovillain and charizard having insane stats, and protosynthesis mons getting stats (sandy shocks and slither wing). Torkoal runs eject button and everything else has momentum, so its hard to play around. One last thing, i dont agree with the tera ban but i can absolutely see why it gets banned. No tera should make the meta interesting. Now, the team I've used:

Head Joncho (Honchkrow) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Moxie
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- U-turn
- Brave Bird
- Night Slash
- Sucker Punch

In my opinion, honch is one of the best mons in the tier. If a mon dies and the opponents mon is at low percentage, honch gets a free +1 and it snowballs from there. Most checks and resistences get 2hko'd so they cant switch in. Previously, tera steel allowed it to resist and kill fast fairies like scarf garde, or to eat ice shards and kill. Interested to see how this works w/o tera.

Iron ValiAIN'T (Gallade) @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Sharpness
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Psycho Cut
- Sacred Sword
- Leaf Blade
- Knock Off

This has been my medicham slot since day 1, because, well idk why, but it functions the same way. Now, with medicham gone, i expect gallade stonks to rise, and this should be your substitution. This paired with honch just allows you to end games when its 4-4. One of the two cleaners comes in and chips/kills a cpuple mons and the other finishes off. Turns out sharpness is borked and gallade 2hkos most everything, and ohkos a lot of mons that dont run bulk, especially with tera fighting.

Friend :) (Bellibolt) @ Leftovers
Ability: Electromorphosis
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Muddy Water
- Volt Switch
- Thunder Wave
- Slack Off

Idek how I can explain what this does for me, it takes hits and twaves or volt switches. Essentially making it glue for my team. Its an underrated defensive mon and is annoying for lots of teams to face. Without set up or choice band, this tanks every neutral hit, and live ground type moves too.

Fake Tusk (Donphan) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Sturdy
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Rapid Spin
- Earthquake
- Knock Off
- Ice Shard

I got tired of seeing great tusk in every single metagame ever so i opted for the cooler elephant. Meet fake tusk, who is good utility, similar to great tusk. You spin you knock you eq. If theres no rocks, this also serves as a beater to an opponents wincon. Ive been using this to beat scovillain and armorouge 1v1, but its good against like every team. Ive been thinking of running hdb, so sturdy always activates, but i think av makes it more annoying.

No Resists? (Flapple) @ Focus Sash
Ability: Hustle
Tera Type: Dragon
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Grav Apple
- Outrage
- U-turn

Flapple huh? Yea for sure losing bc of hustle is tilting but after a +1 dd you have 1000 attack, and ~450 speed. Even the bulkiest mons are getting chipped a lot, and forces pressure on everything. If theres no fairies or steels (somehow) on the opponents team, flapple can get 6 kills in 7 turns. Running focus sash bc i didnt know what else to run. With no rocks, this serves as sturdy and can revenge most sweepers/threats. Ive used it both as a lead and a sweeper, and it excels in both. If your opponent has a passive lead rocker, free +1 +1. This. Hits. Hard.

Flower Mommy (Florges) @ Leftovers
Ability: Flower Veil
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Synthesis
- Moonblast
- Tera Blast

Finally, florges. Being max physdef and 175 or something spdef just allows this to tank a lot. Now, it hasnt been doing much for me lately, and i might change back to sylveon after tera ban, but its been crucial to my team. Cm + 1 turn healing is very good, and the bulk allows florges to live lots of hard hitting/super effective moves. Moonblast is one of the best moves in the game imo, and tera blast deals with steels, poisons, and fires- who resists fairy.

I've made a decent amount of teams and this is by far the best imo. Something about the way it meshes together makes it super effective to use and the results speak for themselves. I'm 83-28, and probably like 10 of them are due to gimmick teams and bad rng, but itll happen when using muddy water and hustle.

Really stupid idea here, but how much would Wide Lens offset Hustle's acc drop?
Wide lens is almost certainly not worth it. I say this because having the chance to attack twice with sash is better than adding +8% to accuracy. Having the chance to attack twice makes the move 96% accurate, along with the other benefits of sash, such as being able to survive revenge killing attempts. The downside is rocks + you might get chipped during setup but those have to be accounted for anyway because Flapple is so frail so it's not a huge downside.
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I used a calculator and it says 0.50x

Anyways what mon's do y'all think are being slept on rn I think it's Veluza for me :worrywhirl:

thanks to all for explaining why funny magnifying glass is bad, and tbh have we looked at tink and copperajah? granted the goblin's stats don't get much better because it's only UU, but hey gives me a reason to use Bonk™️

and as for elephant cube, sheer force + an already high attack stat just gets obscene with RU stat boost.
thanks to all for explaining why funny magnifying glass is bad, and tbh have we looked at tink and copperajah? granted the goblin's stats don't get much better because it's only UU, but hey gives me a reason to use Bonk™️

and as for elephant cube, sheer force + an already high attack stat just gets obscene with RU stat boost.

I think the reason why people aren't using rajah is cuz of it's still mediocre speed tier ig. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯