Resource Pet Mods Workshop Thread

:torkoal: Weather Wars :pelipper:


Have you ever looked at Gen 5 OU and thought to yourself "not enough weather"? Of course you haven't, but I'm posting a dumb weather Pet Mod idea anyway. The basic premise is that it's a Gen 9 NatDex OU based metagame, but all Pokemon without Weather-related abilities are banned. Then we change the abilities of existing Pokemon into Weather-related ones through slates, with the goal of creating a balanced metagame.


Each slate will consist of 3 or 4 Weather-related abilities, either chosen by council or voted upon by players. You can make one submission for each ability, giving it to a pre-existing Pokemon of your choice. There will obviously be some flavor restrictions (you can't give Pelipper Drought), but they'll be fairly lenient (if it's Water-type, it can have Drizzle).

Let's say a slate has the following abilities:
1) Drizzle
2) Drought
3) Snow Warning
4) Sand Stream

An example submission for Sand Stream would look something like this:
Pokemon: Palossand
Abilities: Water Compaction / Sand Stream (replaces Sand Veil)
Flavor: It's literally made of sand.
Competitive: 75% recovery Shore Up go brr.


Weather Wars
You beat me to the (very original) name. Then again, I guess it doesn't matter too much if neither of these become real mods.

Anyway, I am once again asking for your feedback:
- Do you like the idea? If not, why?
- Is this even possible to balance, or will Rain just reign (heh) supreme?
- Should the submission format be made more flexible (broad themes instead of fixed abilities, liberty to make type/stat changes, etc), considering the unstable nature of the starting metagame?
:torkoal: Weather Wars :pelipper:


Have you ever looked at Gen 5 OU and thought to yourself "not enough weather"? Of course you haven't, but I'm posting a dumb weather Pet Mod idea anyway. The basic premise is that it's a Gen 9 NatDex OU based metagame, but all Pokemon without Weather-related abilities are banned. Then we change the abilities of existing Pokemon into Weather-related ones through slates, with the goal of creating a balanced metagame.


Each slate will consist of 3 or 4 Weather-related abilities, either chosen by council or voted upon by players. You can make one submission for each ability, giving it to a pre-existing Pokemon of your choice. There will obviously be some flavor restrictions (you can't give Pelipper Drought), but they'll be fairly lenient (if it's Water-type, it can have Drizzle).

Let's say a slate has the following abilities:
1) Drizzle
2) Drought
3) Snow Warning
4) Sand Stream

An example submission for Sand Stream would look something like this:
Pokemon: Palossand
Abilities: Water Compaction / Sand Stream (replaces Sand Veil)
Flavor: It's literally made of sand.
Competitive: 75% recovery Shore Up go brr.


You beat me to the (very original) name. Then again, I guess it doesn't matter too much if neither of these become real mods.

Anyway, I am once again asking for your feedback:
- Do you like the idea? If not, why?
- Is this even possible to balance, or will Rain just reign (heh) supreme?
- Should the submission format be made more flexible (broad themes instead of fixed abilities, liberty to make type/stat changes, etc), considering the unstable nature of the starting metagame?

ok this is a cool idea, i think that u should also add surges/terrains in it (i know it is gen 5 just code them as weather) + addd all weather dependent abilities (by that i mean swift swim, clorophyll,slush rush sand rush and even surge surfer all boost *2 on a certain weather, then we need sand/sun/rain(/gterrain/mterrain/ ice body ect...) so... with the terrain to balance rain i think it could be okay
ok this is a cool idea, i think that u should also add surges/terrains in it (i know it is gen 5 just code them as weather) + addd all weather dependent abilities (by that i mean swift swim, clorophyll,slush rush sand rush and even surge surfer all boost *2 on a certain weather, then we need sand/sun/rain(/gterrain/mterrain/ ice body ect...) so... with the terrain to balance rain i think it could be okay

Oh it's not Gen 5; it's based on Gen 9 OU, but it's inspired by the weather-based nature of Gen 5.

I could include Terrains now that I think about it: Hadron Engine, Quark Drive, Surge Surfer, and Unburden all look like good Terrain abusing abilities. But that would require changing the premise of the mod from weathers to field effects.

Adding the abilities to abuse weather is already part of the idea.
:arctozolt: Movetypos :arctozolt:

You liked Abilitypos, you liked Poketypos, here's the third round!
On the same basis as the two aforementioned Pet Mods, moves will have their names slightly changed, as a "typo", and their effects will follow on.
I would see this meta as a micro,
Submissions and Voting
- Submitters may submit moves with a name change, no category requirements (you can make a Shell Smash derivative a physical move)
- They also have to choose a Pokémon which learns the move, and they could modify its stats, ability and typing to fit the new move.
- Slates may elect conditions, as original games, type or category.

Sub Rules:
no fixed guidelines for now

:arctozolt: Uh, me
need some people and better coders
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:arctozolt: Movetypos :arctozolt:

You liked Abilitypos, you liked Poketypos, here's the third round!
On the same basis as the two aforementioned Pet Mods, moves will have their names slightly changed, as a "typo", and their effects will follow on.
I would see this meta as a micro,
Submissions and Voting
- Submitters may submit moves with a name change, no category requirements (you can make a Shell Smash derivative a physical move)
- They also have to choose a Pokémon which learns the move, and they could modify its stats, ability and typing to fit the new move.
- Slates may elect conditions, as original games, type or category.

Sub Rules:
no fixed guidelines for now

:arctozolt: Uh, me
need some people and better coders

could i be part of the council + if so could i still participate?
i really wanna see it become a real thing
Doll Pikachu IV.png
Doll Mime Jr. IV.png

In this gen 9 Ubers metagame based mostly on Banhammers we don't ban any pokemon, ever. Instead, we horrifically murder them by turning them into plushies! These plushies become items that certain Pokémon can hold to gain special atributes!

  • Pokémon that get transformed into plushies are effectively and permanently removed from the meta. They are voted by the submiters.
  • These dolls have special effects which are specified in each submission.
  • These dolls are removeable by usual methods unless the item specifies otherwise.
  • Council's only role will be to nerf or buff items accordingly.

Pokémon: Gholdengo
Reason for Ban: RIP bozo rest in piss.
Plushie effect: If held by a steel type, the user learns the move Make it Rain. Grants immunity to status moves.

Pokémon: Regieleki
Reason for Ban: Stop spamming electric attacks asshole.
Plushie effect: If user's current speed is faster than 500 speed, its electric attacks deal x1.5 damage

:mr. mime: Gekokeso
:alakazam: Anyone who would be up to the task of coding this.
Pet Mod Name: GSC CAP
Pet Mod Concept: The CAP Project attempts to design Pokémon with a distinct, specific role that will be viable in the GSC OU metagame.
Explanation: So, last gen there was this Pet Mod known as RBY CAP, run by DuoM2, that died out rather unfortunately. So, I figured, why not try out the next generation? As expected, there are going to be states like modern CAP: a concept, checks/counters, stats/typing, learnset, and - if there are volunteers and coders - playtesting to create a pokemon optimised for their intended purpose in the GSC OU.
Miscellaneous: If DuoM2 responds, I'll also like permission to bring in the two finished RBY CAPs for this Pet Mod as well.
If DuoM2 responds
hi lmao

The big problem with RBY CAP (and one I'd expect to happen here as well) was that CAP as a whole does not mesh well with the typical things that make Pet Mods what they are. What ended up happening for both RBY CAP slates was one step of the process ended up getting dominated by a submission the less-experienced players think is cool for a reason that doesn't end up being super practical from a competitive standpoint, then the whole rest of the process for that mon is ruined. A huge chunk of the more experienced RBY players dropped out at that point and everyone else was left scrambling to salvage what there was. I don't know if more standard CAP is ever like this or if there's anything to make that different, like maybe its dedicated community of CAP mains makes it less prone to that issue, but this format didn't really make much sense as a standard Pet Mod.

My biggest suggestion would be to run some GSC Flash CAPs with a dedicated crew on a Discord server or something and submit that as a Solomod. If you end up doing that, you're more than welcome to include the two existing RBY CAP mons for it if you have a place for them. I'd love to see how it turns out either way!
Megas : Eclipsed

Megas: Eclipsed is a Pet Mod concept that asks a simple question; what if Mega Evolution was introduced a generation later than it actually was, replacing Z-Moves and making Gen 7 the debut of Mega Evolution?

This Gen 7 Pet Mod retcons every existing Mega Evolution and Primal Reversion out of the game, as well as blacklists these mons from getting a Mega in the future. However, to compensate, all the Pokemon who lost their Mega Evolutions -- barring Ubers and Legendaries that are above the power level of OU even without their Megas -- qualify to receive new Alolan Forms and potentially Regional Evolutions to make up for their lost power boost.

With every Mega removed, that makes way for a new generation of Megas to replace them, with any mon from Generations 1-7 that didn't get one on the table. This should lead to a Mega-focused meta with a more distinct flavor to distinguish it from something like Megas 4 All or Megas Revisited and stand on its own.

To summarize:
  • All existing Megas are banned.
  • Any Pokemon from Gens 1-7, excluding the above, qualify to receive a Mega.
  • All the Pokemon who lost their Megas, excluding the obviously broken ones, qualify to receive an Alolan Form and even a Regional Evolution to compensate.
  • In addition, preexisting Alolan Forms will only get Megas if their base counterparts receive one as well, with the two distinct forms sharing a Mega Stone.
Slates would follow a general theme that narrows down the Pokemon viable for submissions. The Pokemon's base stats and typing would remain untouched, although additions and removals to movepools are allowed to be made. Mega Evolutions must increase their BST by 100 points exactly, either through adding or subtracting points from any stat except HP, and the Mega must retain at least one of its base form's types. Custom elements can only be introduced as new abilities exclusive to a Mega, Alolan Form, or Alolan Form's Mega.

:vanilluxe: IceLevelIncarnate
:unown-question: Any generous coders or competitive gurus
Megas : Eclipsed

Megas: Eclipsed is a Pet Mod concept that asks a simple question; what if Mega Evolution was introduced a generation later than it actually was, replacing Z-Moves and making Gen 7 the debut of Mega Evolution?

This Gen 7 Pet Mod retcons every existing Mega Evolution and Primal Reversion out of the game, as well as blacklists these mons from getting a Mega in the future. However, to compensate, all the Pokemon who lost their Mega Evolutions -- barring Ubers and Legendaries that are above the power level of OU even without their Megas -- qualify to receive new Alolan Forms and potentially Regional Evolutions to make up for their lost power boost.

With every Mega removed, that makes way for a new generation of Megas to replace them, with any mon from Generations 1-7 that didn't get one on the table. This should lead to a Mega-focused meta with a more distinct flavor to distinguish it from something like Megas 4 All or Megas Revisited and stand on its own.

To summarize:
  • All existing Megas are banned.
  • Any Pokemon from Gens 1-7, excluding the above, qualify to receive a Mega.
  • All the Pokemon who lost their Megas, excluding the obviously broken ones, qualify to receive an Alolan Form and even a Regional Evolution to compensate.
  • In addition, preexisting Alolan Forms will only get Megas if their base counterparts receive one as well, with the two distinct forms sharing a Mega Stone.
Slates would follow a general theme that narrows down the Pokemon viable for submissions. The Pokemon's base stats and typing would remain untouched, although additions and removals to movepools are allowed to be made. Mega Evolutions must increase their BST by 100 points exactly, either through adding or subtracting points from any stat except HP, and the Mega must retain at least one of its base form's types. Custom elements can only be introduced as new abilities exclusive to a Mega, Alolan Form, or Alolan Form's Mega.

:vanilluxe: IceLevelIncarnate
:unown-question: Any generous coders or competitive gurus
Although you make it a point to differentiate it from M4A and Megas Revisited, I feel it is still not different enough. At the end of the day, you are giving Megas to Pokémon currently without them, so the creative process heavily overlaps with that of M4A especially. Additionally, the thing with the megas turning into regional forms will probably turn into some sort of derivative of Mega Revolution, a Pet Mod from last gen. While the ideas in this mod are cool, they have already been covered fairly extensively, unfortunately.

what if every pokemons had a special form once using their specific z-move,

what if pokemon gained a move once mega evolving,

what if gigamax gived u a third type,

what if tera added a boost to a stat?

this is z-mega

it will be in three slates,

first : creating the moves for mega and forms for z-moves

second : testing to see if it is balanced + gigamax added type

third re-testing and adding boost for all the types

exemple of submision:

mega tortank

shell break
+3 atk,+3spe,-1def,-1spdef



for round 2

cinderace, +fighting

for round 3

ground,+1 atk
:sv/melmetal: :sv/meltan:
The Buddy System
Overview: This is a doubles based metagame, however it plays a bit differently than regular doubles. When starting the game or switching in, two Pokémon switch in, the "Main" Pokémon and the "Buddy" Pokémon. The Main's job is basically the same as a normal Pokémon's, but the Buddy's job is specifically as a support for the main one. It can either be with healing, protecting, or just straight up extra damage. Submissions will be done in groups of 2, with one person working on the Main, and the other on the Buddy.
1. Switching in works similar to singles. When you switch in or out a Main, the Buddy also follows them. This means that there are a total of 12 Pokémon per team.
2. If the Main faints, then the Buddy also faints. However, the Main will continue fighting if the Buddy faints, though obviously it'll be at a disadvantage.
3. The Main cannot target their own Buddy at all, meaning that their own Buddy cannot be damaged or affected in any other way by their own Main.
4. Any other mechanic will work the exact same way as Doubles.

What limits should be placed on the Buddy to ensure that it only works as a Support? (only 2 moves/no items/etc.)
Should custom elements be allowed?
And the big one: Is this even codeable?
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Not to post again so soon, but Megas: Eclipsed flopped and inspiration struck, so... hope this is fairly unique!

:raichu-alola::weezing-galar: Regionals Rumble :kleavor::tauros-paldea-blaze:

Regionals Rumble is a Gen 9 micrometa Pet Mod focused on regional forms, regional evolutions, and the much more recent but similar phenomena of convergent species. We'll be starting with the following roster of Pokemon...
:raticate-alola::raichu-alola::sandslash-alola::ninetales-alola::dugtrio-alola::persian-alola::golem-alola::muk-alola::exeggutor-alola::marowak-alola::perrserker::rapidash-galar::sirfetch'd::weezing-galar::mr. rime::cursola::obstagoon::darmanitan-galar::runerigus::stunfisk-galar::slowbro-galar::articuno-galar::zapdos-galar::moltres-galar::slowking-galar::decidueye-hisui::typhlosion-hisui::samurott-hisui::arcanine-hisui::electrode-hisui::kleavor::ursaluna::wyrdeer::overqwil::sneasler::lilligant-hisui::basculegion::basculegion-f::zoroark-hisui::braviary-hisui::goodra-hisui::avalugg-hisui::tauros-paldea-combat::tauros-paldea-blaze::tauros-paldea-aqua::clodsire::wugtrio::toedscruel:
... and rebalancing them to give them all a role or competitive niche in this meta, as this collection of mons is all over the tiering spectrum, from ZU to Ubers. But that's not all, as we'll also be adding Regionals of our own as well! Submitted Regionals would have unique restrictions to reflect how they were handled in their respective generations, so...

Alolan Forms :raichu-alola:
  • Can NOT have Regional Evolutions
  • Can keep one type or replace it/both types
  • Can have a signature move OR ability OR neither
Galarian Forms :weezing-galar:
  • Can have Regional Evolutions
  • Can keep one type or replace it/both types
  • MUST have a signature ability
  • Can have a signature move
Hisuian Forms :kleavor:
  • Can have Regional Evolutions
  • Can keep one type or replace it/both types
  • MUST have a signature move
  • Can NOT be submitted with abilities, users would suggest existing abilities and vote on that later
Paldean Forms :tauros-paldea-combat:
  • Can introduce multiple formes for a single Regional
  • Can keep one type or replace it/both types
  • Can NOT have a signature ability
  • Can have a signature move
Convergent Species :wugtrio::toedscruel:
  • Can NOT share a type with its base species
  • Can have a signature move OR ability, must pick one or the other
The first couple slates would focus on rebalancing the existing Regionals, to establish and stabilize a power level for the meta. We'd then transition to introducing Regionals, where slates would limit which of the above category you could submit, as well as introduce a secondary theming that narrows things down further.

oh and tera is banned, is bad :psygrump:
Not to post again so soon, but Megas: Eclipsed flopped and inspiration struck, so... hope this is fairly unique!

:raichu-alola::weezing-galar: Regionals Rumble :kleavor::tauros-paldea-blaze:

Regionals Rumble is a Gen 9 micrometa Pet Mod focused on regional forms, regional evolutions, and the much more recent but similar phenomena of convergent species. We'll be starting with the following roster of Pokemon...
:raticate-alola::raichu-alola::sandslash-alola::ninetales-alola::dugtrio-alola::persian-alola::golem-alola::muk-alola::exeggutor-alola::marowak-alola::perrserker::rapidash-galar::sirfetch:weezing-galar::mr. rime::cursola::obstagoon::darmanitan-galar::runerigus::stunfisk-galar::slowbro-galar::articuno-galar::zapdos-galar::moltres-galar::slowking-galar::decidueye-hisui::typhlosion-hisui::samurott-hisui::arcanine-hisui::electrode-hisui::kleavor::ursaluna::wyrdeer::overqwil::sneasler::lilligant-hisui::basculegion::basculegion-f::zoroark-hisui::braviary-hisui::goodra-hisui::avalugg-hisui::tauros-paldea-combat::tauros-paldea-blaze::tauros-paldea-aqua::clodsire::wugtrio::toedscruel:
... and rebalancing them to give them all a role or competitive niche in this meta, as this collection of mons is all over the tiering spectrum, from ZU to Ubers. But that's not all, as we'll also be adding Regionals of our own as well! Submitted Regionals would have unique restrictions to reflect how they were handled in their respective generations, so...

Alolan Forms :raichu-alola:
  • Can NOT have Regional Evolutions
  • Can keep one type or replace it/both types
  • Can have a signature move OR ability OR neither
Galarian Forms :weezing-galar:
  • Can have Regional Evolutions
  • Can keep one type or replace it/both types
  • MUST have a signature ability
  • Can have a signature move
Hisuian Forms :kleavor:
  • Can have Regional Evolutions
  • Can keep one type or replace it/both types
  • MUST have a signature move
  • Can NOT be submitted with abilities, users would suggest existing abilities and vote on that later
Paldean Forms :tauros-paldea-combat:
  • Can introduce multiple formes for a single Regional
  • Can keep one type or replace it/both types
  • Can NOT have a signature ability
  • Can have a signature move
Convergent Species :wugtrio::toedscruel:
  • Can NOT share a type with its base species
  • Can have a signature move OR ability, must pick one or the other
The first couple slates would focus on rebalancing the existing Regionals, to establish and stabilize a power level for the meta. We'd then transition to introducing Regionals, where slates would limit which of the above category you could submit, as well as introduce a secondary theming that narrows things down further.

oh and tera is banned, is bad :psygrump:
Poketypos already has convergent evolutions as its main theme so I would advise just sticking to regular regional forms and evolutions.
Poketypos already has convergent evolutions as its main theme so I would advise just sticking to regular regional forms and evolutions.
I understand the concern, but Poketypos has just convergents, and they're implemented differently here with the restrictions in place. Plus we'll have new and existing regionals in play while Poketypos only has the two existing convergents among all their customs.
:sv/melmetal: :sv/meltan:
The Buddy System
Overview: This is a doubles based metagame, however it plays a bit differently than regular doubles. When starting the game or switching in, two Pokémon switch in, the "Main" Pokémon and the "Buddy" Pokémon. The Main's job is basically the same as a normal Pokémon's, but the Buddy's job is specifically as a support for the main one. It can either be with healing, protecting, or just straight up extra damage. Submissions will be done in groups of 2, with one person working on the Main, and the other on the Buddy.
1. Switching in works similar to singles. When you switch in or out a Main, the Buddy also follows them. This means that there are a total of 12 Pokémon per team.
2. If the Main faints, then the Buddy also faints. However, the Main will continue fighting if the Buddy faints, though obviously it'll be at a disadvantage.
3. The Main cannot target their own Buddy at all, meaning that their own Buddy cannot be damaged or affected in any other way by their own Main.
4. Any other mechanic will work the exact same way as Doubles.

What limits should be placed on the Buddy to ensure that it only works as a Support? (only 2 moves/no items/etc.)
Should custom elements be allowed?
And the big one: Is this even codeable?

can the buddy atk the main like flower trick meowscadara on tauros-blaze,
also the buddy might just be an nfe lvl 80 (sorryy for my lttle post)
Name Pending

So here's an interesting idea I had with two working parts. It might be better to have one of these parts without the other, and there may end up being a lot of room to improve this, but I think it could be fun. Before the mod "starts," there will be a period where every user who wants to participate submits three Fakemon visible to everyone else. No customs will be allowed except for maybe ones that are already coded somewhere on DH, not decided on that yet. Then, there will be two steps that rinse and repeat through the rest of this mod's lifespan until we get around 45ish Fakemon in total.

The first of these two steps is "approvals." Some Fakemon from the total pool of submissions before will be accepted, but not just through voting. Current idea is that there will be three Fakemon accepted per round - one will be from a popular vote, one will be chosen by the council, and one will be chosen by the winner of some game. Maybe it'll be whoever wins most in a few rounds of hangman, maybe you'll have to pick a number 1 to 10,000 and I pick whoever gets closest, maybe it'll be Jackbox or maybe it'll be a roomtour of this mod or some other meta. Whoever wins gets to pick which Fakemon gets added.

The second step is "changes." It wouldn't be fair if someone subbed a fat Water/Psychic-type only for a Water/Fairy-type to end up ruling the meta and leaving their sub with no chance to make an impact. So here, I'll leave people a chance to make their sub different by changing a certain amount of things on it. I don't want people to be able to sub things that are completely different from the last round, so I may limit it in a way like this - you can only change individual stats by 20 / BST by 40 in total per sub each round, you can change either a sub's ability or one of their types once every five rounds, and you can add and remove one move each once every five rounds. This should prevent you from completely morphing your Fakemon into something completely different without a substantial amount of time.

Some questions -
  • Does this idea sound fun to you?​
  • Should approvals be done in a different way? Should fewer / more be accepted per round? I had the ideas of one Fakemon being chosen through RNG every round, and I could also give more than one slot to peoples' votes although I'm not sure if that would kill the point for some people.​
  • Not really a question but if anyone has other ideas for games for approvals let me know. Currently have the ones listed plus Uno.​
  • Are the limitations in the changes round too harsh or loose? The bottom line is that people need to be able to make changes that can take effect if there's repeated change over time, but they cannot dramatically change their sub too often. Can I do this in a better way?​
  • Anyone especially like or dislike the idea for customs?​
  • It's entirely possible for someone to have all three of their subs get accepted. Since it sounds like it could be fun, should there be some kind of bonus for this person? Is there even a good way to reward someone?​
  • does anyone know what to call this lmao​
  • Is there anything not covered here that you'd like to mention? I'm all ears.​

EDIT: There was some talk on the Discord and I'm probably just going to have approvals and nobody will be able to change their subs after the mod starts. If nobody feels especially strongly that it should be kept, then I'll need to have vetoes and stuff.
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Pet Mod Name: Move Remix
Pet Mod Concept: OU-based mod where every real move is removed and only user-submitted moves are added. Think fakemon metas but its a fakemove meta.
Explanation: Each slate has 2 parts: move submission and move distribution.
Miscellaneous: Biggest question I have is how playtesting will work because there will be a lot of very limited learnsets in the beginning of the mod.
Make some basic moves that all Pokemon can learn, make some type-specific moves, basically just make some things up before the mod starts.
If you do this, I’d personally recommend keeping the type-basic moves consist of just 40 BP flavor moves, that way these are practically guaranteed to get usurped as time goes on. This will, of course, cause a imbalance of power when the first wave of moves come around, but that issue will occur one way or another, so it’s not all to much to worry about early on imo.
So I had some ideas bouncing around my head and though to see what people think about them.

Pet Mod Name: Legendary Clash

Pet Mod Concept: Do you love Legendary Pokémon? Do you wish some of them were stronger? Legendary Clash creates a metagame made completely of Legendary and Mythical Pokémon and tries to buff some of the stronger ones so that all of the Legendaries are usable.

Explanation: Only Pokémon found on Serebii's List of Legendary Pokémon would be able to be used in the tier. The buffing of less used and weaker legendaries would be done by slates that would takes about 2 weeks, a week for the creation of the buff and then another for voting. The slates would be based on certain themes (such as Fire-Type legendaries or Hoenn Legendaries) or groups (such as the Swords of Justice or the Legendary Beasts).

Miscellaneous: Probably will launch with two tiers, an OU and an Ubers format once it is playable, with the Ubers being the box legendaries and other mons that would obviously be too much for the metagame, like Arceus and Deoxys.
Pet Mod Name: Pokémon Legends: The Darkest Day (Galar)

Pet Mod Concept: Based off an old PetMod by YoungDramps (I think?), Pokémon Legends: Hoenn, Pokémon Legends: The Darkest Day gives the Galar Region the Pokémon Legends treatment, including brand new regional forms, new moves, new abilities, new forms for our existing pokémon, and more.

Explanation: Slates would be created to fit certain roles that are needed for balance wise or lore wise. Most slates would take 2 weeks, one for creation and another for voting, be certain important slates would takes longer like the starters and the legendaries. There will also be free slates to let the community run wild and create any Pokémon they would like. These slates would be veto by me or a council if one is created. These slates would still be 2 weeks, 1 for creation and the other for vetos and corrections.

Miscellaneous: Would launch with the current Gen 8 Tiers and metagame at the time of creation, minus some mons that we take for regional forms or that don't make sense in the past (like Porygon and the likes) since there is no Diagla/Palkia powers explanation that can be used. Plan to launch with an OU and Ubers formats with support for lower tiers coming later on, depending on how the PetMod does.
Pet Mod Name: Pokémon Legends: The Original Dragon (Unova)

Pet Mod Concept: Also based off the old PetMod by YoungDramps (I really think that is who made it), Pokémon Legends: Hoenn, Pokémon Legends: The Original Dragon gives the Unova Region the Pokémon Legends treatment instead. This would icluding brand new regional forms, new moves, new abilities, and new forms for existing Unova Pokémon, including creating the Original Dragon.

Explanation: Slates would be created to fit certain roles that are needed for balance wise or lore wise. Most slates would take 2 weeks, one for creation and another for voting, be certain important slates would takes longer like the starters and the legendaries. There will also be free slates to let the community run wild and create any Pokémon they would like. These slates would be veto by me or a council if one is created. These slates would still be 2 weeks, 1 for creation and the other for vetos and corrections.

Miscellaneous: Would launch with the Unova Regional Dex being the only available Pokémon (BW2 Regional Dex so that there is more than just the Unova Mons) with them tier to being in the same tiers as Gen 5 and the PetMod would launch with 2 playable formats, Regular (OU) and Ubers. If it gets support, would create lower tiers to be playable.
Pet Mod Name: Trainer's Souls

Pet Mod Concept: Powerful Trainers leave a mark on this world, a mark than Pokémon can take advantage of. This is based off another PetMod I saw some time ago (I have no idea who made it or what it is called), Trainer's Souls gives each Player's Team a certain benefit based on who soul they channel, which the souls are for all of the Gym Leaders, Elite Four Members, Champions, Rivals, and other important story characters.

Explanation: Each important trainer would have a soul made to represent them, these souls giving buffs to certain groups of Pokémon. These slates would be 3 weeks, 1 for creation, 1 for vetos and corrections, and the last for voting. Slate themes would be based on groups of trainers such as a certain regions Gym Leaders, Elite Four, and Battle Facility Leaders (1 Group at a time) or the Champions or Rivals across all games. Eventually there will also be a slate for anime characters.

Miscellaneous: I have no idea how this would be implemented into PS, I am thinking uses the avatar or create a player soul pokémon that is added to the team to give their buffs but I am not a programmer so I have no idea if those ideas would work.
Pet Mod Name: G-Max Rumble

Pet Mod Concept: What if Eternatus' power traveled through space and time into Generation 9? G-Max Rumble (I am so proud of this name for no reason) takes the existing G-Max Pokémon and creates new G-Max Pokémon to fight it out in a metagame consisting of only themselves.

Explanation: The G-Max Pokémon would be changed to always be in the G-Max form just without the Buffed HP or Max Moves. There G-Max move would be recreated into a normal signature move and the G-Max Pokémon would get a new signature ability based off of the abilities they normally have. Here is an example: G-Max Charizard would have the new ability Blaze Power (very original I know) the boosts his special and fire-type moves by 1.5x when he is in the sun or under 33.33% health. He would have the Signature move called Wildfire which damages the opponent slightly each turn. Slates would first be based on small groups of previous G-Max Pokémon and updating them to this new ruleset (Urshifu will be banned at first, might test it in later), then move on the other Galar Pokémon, and then open submissions. The slates will mostly have a theme after the original G-Maxs are complete, these theme will either be for balance or just because they sound really cool. Slates would last 3 weeks, 1 for creation, 1 for vetos and corrections, and 1 for voting.

Miscellaneous: THERE IS NO DYNAMAXING IN THIS PETMOD! The G-Max Pokemon can be selected by just typing in G-Max and the Pokemon's name. I know I was going to be asked a lot of questions about that. Also Tera is banned for the moment, but there is an opportunity to add it in later pending on how the metagame develops.
Pet Mod Name: Loremons

Pet Mod Concept: We have never seen certain Pokémon, only heard about them in myths and legends. But what if we found these Pokémon?

Explanation: Certain Pokémon have been hinted at through dex entries or lore or that just make sense in the game world yet we have never seen them. Loremons aims to create these creatures and use them to battle. Some examples of what I am considering as "lore" to work off of is the follow: The "Full" Regidraco, Other Regis Regigigas made, Creature that Porygon is based off of, Creature the Legendary Beast are based off of (My thinking is that Ho-Oh made the Beasts in these Pokémon's image), another member of the Lake Trio to represent another aspect of human life, etc. Slates would be done in 3 weeks, 1 for creation, 1 of vetos and corrections, and 1 for voting. The slates will mostly be open submission but some may ask for specific lore, like new Regis.

Miscellaneous: This will likely be a shorter mod than others due to it having such a specific theme.
Name: Book of Legends

Pet Mod Concept: Paradox Pokémon have become a fan favorite in a very short amount of time. But what it these Pokémon were not restricted to past and future? Based of the Book of Enigmas by Albatross (By the way, is that still active? It hasn't been posted on since May 5th.), The Book of Legends creates Paradox Pokémon based of every main legendaries (Mewtwo, Ho-Oh, Giratina, and the likes) themes in a metagame that is exclusively made of Paradox Pokémon.

Slates would take 3 weeks, 1 for creation, 1 for vetos and corrections, and 1 for voting. The Open Slates would take 2 weeks, 1 for creation and the other for vetos and corrections. Any Pokémon that gets past those stages is added (This might change later on, but this is the plan right now). The first few slates would be looking something like this
Slate 0: Paradox Abilities and Items
Slate 1: Mewtwo Paradoxes
Slate 2: Tower Duo Paradoxes
Slate 3: Weather Trio Paradoxes
Slate 4: Creation Trio Paradoxes
Slate 5: Tao Trio Paradoxes
Slate 6: Aura Trio Paradoxes
Slate 7: Light Trio Paradoxes
Slate 8: Legends of Galar Paradoxes
Slate 9: Paradox Duo Paradoxes/ Past & Future Paradoxes
Slate 10+: Open Slates

- What of these Mods would you be interested in creating and playing in?
- Which of these do you believe would be better as a Solomod instead?
- Do you think they would get approved to become PetMods?

Edit: I added 3 more ideas because I have time and thoughts that won't leave me alone.
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So I had some ideas bouncing around my head and though to see what people think about them.
Hey! Gonna briefly go over all of these.

Pet Mod Name: Legendary Clash
Pet Mod Name: G-Max Rumble
Pet Mod Name: Book of Legends
Lumping these three together. They're all very similar in that they're mostly just "put together micrometa of x group of Pokemon." I don't really think Book of Legends in particular does anything interesting, paradoxes are fun conceptually but aren't very well-suited to having a Pet Mod based around them. G-Max Rumble basically only adds to this by mandating a custom move which I don't really think is enough.

I think Legendary Clash is the one I'd take from these and actually probably my favorite of all of the ones in your post in my opinion, although I do have something I'd want to add to it. I don't think there should be an Ubers and an OU as opposed to just basing the whole thing around Ubers and buffing the legendary Pokemon that aren't Ubers-viable to that level. We don't have any mods centered around Ubers's meta yet and this would be a fairly straightforward way of making one, should be nice.

Pet Mod Name: Pokémon Legends: The Darkest Day (Galar)
Pet Mod Name: Pokémon Legends: The Original Dragon (Unova)
Yeah these aren't different enough from A New Legend to feel like their own thing, and Dramps is still active in this community. If you do want to run one of these, you'd be fine to ask his permission, but otherwise that'd just be stealing his idea which we wouldn't allow. I'd also leave it to the community to decide what region to base this around and leaving all of them on the table, like I think last time that was the first slate. Otherwise though I know some people who are very fond of A New Legend and would probably enjoy seeing a new rendition of it.

Pet Mod Name: Trainer's Souls
This is identical to Trainer Support which was not especially popular during its time, and I don't really see reason for this to pan out any differently. Would avoid this one.

Pet Mod Name: Loremons
I feel like the scope of this mod may end up fairly limited, like there might not be enough mons to base this off of or you might not be able to make enough varied submissions off of something like an original Regidrago for example. If you want to push this idea it'd be best to come up with a set list of these and see where to go from there, or this would actually be a good one to choose for a Solomod if you'd like to do that instead.

Otherwise I should mention something that applies to all of these. If you do end up running a Pet Mod, I wouldn't have slates that run several weeks long. You'd be surprised just how much activity happens on the first few days, and if too much time passes between peoples' activity then interest might start to trail off quickly. I can't really suggest one flat time because it's different for each mod but you'll get a feel for it as you go on with running it, although in this case it also won't hurt to get a council member or two that's run a Pet Mod before to give you pointers on this.

Let me know if any of this is unclear or you have any other questions!
Hey! Gonna briefly go over all of these.

Lumping these three together. They're all very similar in that they're mostly just "put together micrometa of x group of Pokemon." I don't really think Book of Legends in particular does anything interesting, paradoxes are fun conceptually but aren't very well-suited to having a Pet Mod based around them. G-Max Rumble basically only adds to this by mandating a custom move which I don't really think is enough.

I think Legendary Clash is the one I'd take from these and actually probably my favorite of all of the ones in your post in my opinion, although I do have something I'd want to add to it. I don't think there should be an Ubers and an OU as opposed to just basing the whole thing around Ubers and buffing the legendary Pokemon that aren't Ubers-viable to that level. We don't have any mods centered around Ubers's meta yet and this would be a fairly straightforward way of making one, should be nice.

Yeah these aren't different enough from A New Legend to feel like their own thing, and Dramps is still active in this community. If you do want to run one of these, you'd be fine to ask his permission, but otherwise that'd just be stealing his idea which we wouldn't allow. I'd also leave it to the community to decide what region to base this around and leaving all of them on the table, like I think last time that was the first slate. Otherwise though I know some people who are very fond of A New Legend and would probably enjoy seeing a new rendition of it.

This is identical to Trainer Support which was not especially popular during its time, and I don't really see reason for this to pan out any differently. Would avoid this one.

I feel like the scope of this mod may end up fairly limited, like there might not be enough mons to base this off of or you might not be able to make enough varied submissions off of something like an original Regidrago for example. If you want to push this idea it'd be best to come up with a set list of these and see where to go from there, or this would actually be a good one to choose for a Solomod if you'd like to do that instead.

Otherwise I should mention something that applies to all of these. If you do end up running a Pet Mod, I wouldn't have slates that run several weeks long. You'd be surprised just how much activity happens on the first few days, and if too much time passes between peoples' activity then interest might start to trail off quickly. I can't really suggest one flat time because it's different for each mod but you'll get a feel for it as you go on with running it, although in this case it also won't hurt to get a council member or two that's run a Pet Mod before to give you pointers on this.

Let me know if any of this is unclear or you have any other questions!

Thank you for your advise! :blobthumbsup:
Pet Mod Name: Regional Forms

Pet Mod Concept: Self-explainatory: we start a brand new literation of Regional Forms for existing Pokémon, some who can have their own exclusive evolutions.

Explanation: A fusion of the original two, which I elaborate here:

A legal submission must include at least one stage as a Regional Form, who can then either have a New Stage Evolution (:Linoone-Galar: to :Obstagoon:) or a Replacement Evolution (:Wooper-Paldea: to :Clodsire: rather than Paldean :Quagsire:).
Regional “counterpart” to existing Regional Evolutions — which as of late are :Perrserker:, :Obstagoon:, :Mr. Rime:, :Sirfetch’d:, :Runerigus: , :Cursola: and :Clodsire: — are not allowed. This also applies to accepted New Stage/Replacement Evolutions.
You also cannot submit an evolution of the original counterparts even if their regional variants have one. (Ex. Johtonian :Cursola:/Hoennian :Obstagoon: is invalid)
Pokémon that are already part of three-stage evolutionary line (i.e. Pichu to Raichu, Cleffa to Clefable) are not allowed to received a New Stage Evolution; they are only eligible for a Replacement Evolution. (Ex. A Regional Form Pikachu may instead evolve into a Gorochu, rather than a Regional Form Raichu further evolving)
Existing Regional Forms are ineligible for submission. (Ex. You cannot add a New Stage Evolution to :Darmanitan-Galar: or :Tauros-Paldea: a Replacement Evolution to :Zorua-Hisui:; You are, however, allowed to have a New Stage Evolution/Replacement Evolution on, ex, Alolan Trubbish)
"No more than +/- 30 in any single stat. You cannot increase a Pokemon's higher attack/defense if the difference between both attacks/defense is more than 50. [...] You may swap a Pokemon's stats before modifying them, but the gap rule still applies to the new higher stat."
New Stage Evolutions can have up to six new Moves that their pre-evolution(s) cannot learn. If you decided to give it a new Type and that the Pokémon was single-typed, then ten extra Moves (preferably for STAB and/or flavor) will be added.
Original branched evolutions can each receive a New Stage Evolution as long as it respects the conditions required for one. Otherwise, it’s Replacement Evolutions instead. A New Stage Evolution or Replacement Evolution can be branched as well, but no more than two branched evolutions per line.
For Flavor/Design, be sure to give Height and Weight to all Regional Forms; Weight is especially important as it involves moves like Low Kick and Grass Knot.
Not every canon Regional Form with BST below 485 and are single-stage or stage 1 evo needs a New Stage Evolution. Things like :Marowak-Alola: and especially :Darmanitan-Galar: will go overkill with a New Stage Evolution. The rest that would be compatible for a new evolution are fine.
Replacement Evolutions follows the same rules as standard Regional Variants (Same BST), but with a new name instead of “[Regional Pre-Fix] Pokémon”, and be sure that the design is drastic from the original evolution.
Due to taking place in NatDex (where Mega Stones and Z-Moves can be used), no Move goes “unusable”. In addition, custom move/ability variations are permitted (Ex. A Fairy-type Fake Out, or a Sp. Atk lowering Intimidate). However, entirely new mechanics are banned (Ex. An Ability that sets up a permanent Trick Room; a move that crits if it is not-very-effective); any custom must be derived from GF's Gen IX toolbox.
You may vote for up to 6 lines per slate, each person is allowed 1 self-vote for every two other submissions, though it cannot be your first choice.
Miscellaneous: Current council is just me, and coders are more than welcome to join.
Any additional thoughts are welcome.
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What? X is evolving?!

Pet Mod Concept: Every Pokémon, as long they fit the right criteria, will gain a brand new evolution!
Explanation: Based on the Megas for All mod, the community would be able to send their ideas for a new evolution for a old pokémon. Now is not like you can evolve ANYTHING, there is certain criteria that needs to be followed
In order to the pokémon to be able to evolve:
  • Its BST has to be lower than 500
  • It can't have a alternate form with more than 500 BST (ex: Wishiwashi)
  • It has to be a first or second stage (Ex: Jumpluff can't evolve)
  • It can't mega evolve (Ex: Slowbro)
  • It can't be a sub-legendary, legendary, mythical, or Carbink
  • The same evolution can be given to two different mons as long as it makes sense (ex: Volbeat and Illumise)
  • If the species's regional variant has an evolution (Ex: Linoone), you have the option to make an regional variant of that evo (Ex: Obstagoon-Hoenn)
  • If the species can evolve already, it can't have more than 2 evolutions.
Evolution Limitations:
  • Its BST can't be lower than its pre-evo, and it can't exceed 555 (Reason: Arcanine is the highest non legend aside from crippled by abilities or alternate forms)
    • Exception 1: If the mon is a second stage and is in the slow exp group, its BST can also be 600, in this case now its a Pseudo-Legendary (Ex: Lanturn)
    • Exception 2: If the evolution has Wonder Guard, its BST can't be higher than its pre-evo, and it can't exceed 400 unless it has 1HP like Shedinja. (Unfortunately I can't think of a better implementation)
  • It can have a maximum of one Signature Move and Ability
  • The evolution can have alternate forms:
    • Alternate forms also follow the 555 BST limit
    • The maximum amount of non-asthetic forms it can have is 3
    • It can't be a Mega Evolution or a G-max form
    • Paradox Forms must have a different dex number, a BST of 570 and it can only have the Protosynthesis or Quark Drive Abilites
  • The evolution can't be Sub-Legendary, Legendary, Mythical or an Ultra Beast
  • A Pokémon can also recieve a pre-evolution (Aka a Baby form), whose BST can't be higer than its Evo.
  • The maximum amount of total evos a pokémon can have is 3 (Tyrogue, for example), though the reccomended is 2 (exception: Eevee, of course)

Please let me know if there's anything I missed :)
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