VGC Help a noob!


Hey, thanks for taking an interest in my post.

I am new to competitive pokemon and I would like to learn as much as possible so any help of any kind will be appreciated, be it advice, recommendations or whatever you can think of.

Today I want to drop my VGC regulation D team from pokemon SV. I would like your help to improve this team (which is not very good from my point of view) and to see all the errors.


Torkoal @ Charcoal

Ability: Drought
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Heat Wave

- Yawn

- Clear Smog

- Protect

I have decided to add Torkoal because in this pokemon it is a fundamental pillar in the team. Thanks to his ability, it allows Jumpluff to be the fastest pokemon on the team and to be able to help the rest of the team with his moveset. Torkoal has Heat wave as moves, it is a powerful attack of the same type that is empowered by charcoal with a chance to burn. I decided to put Clear smog on it for possible stat boosts on the opponent, Yawn so I could pressure the enemy and force a switch out of a troublesome pokemon. Finally Protect to predict an attack directed at him.

Toekoal has no attack at all to reduce confusion damage and as slow as possible to ensure weather.


Jumpluff @ Mental Herb

Ability: Chlorophyll
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 180 HP / 76 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
- Strength Sap

- Sleep Powder

- Leaf Storm

- Tailwind

Jumpluff is the support of the team. With Strength sap it allows you to lower the attack of your opponents and recover a lot of life, in addition, it activates Annihilape's ability. Sleep power to put the most problematic pokemon to sleep. Leaf storm is a powerful attack of its same type that almost always manages to leave its neutral resistance opponents with half health, in addition, it deals with water-type pokemon. Finally Tailwind allows the rest of the team to be faster than the opponents.

I was thinking about putting Taunt or Rage Power on it, but I need your opinion.


Thundurus (M) @ Magnet

: Prankster
Level: 50
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
- Taunt

- Thunderbolt

- Protect

- Sludge Bomb

I needed a fast pokemon in the case of not having Tailwind and a pokemon that can deal with the water type despite resisting its attacks due to Torkoal's Drougth. I decided to add Thundurus that was previously taken by a Galar Articuno. Thundurus has Taunt for Amoonguss and other nuisances that will allow it to act faster thanks to his ability. He has Thunderbolt boosted by his type and the Magnet item for water and Tornadus type pokemon. Protect because in doubles he is always a good option. And finally Sluge Bomb for grass type pokemon, Enamorus, other fairies and Amoonguss himself. He is as fast and offensive as possible since he needs someone fast and strong.


Arcanine-Hisui @ Safety Goggles

Ability: Rock Head
Level: 50
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Flare Blitz

- Extreme Speed

- Head Smash

- Protect

I decided to add Hisui's Arcanine because of its Rock, Fire, and ability that allows it to hit Flying-types like Thundurus hard with Head Smash. Arcanine is equipped with the Safety Googles for possible Spores from Amoonguss or Sleep Power from other pokemon annoyers. Its Flare Blitz is a weather-boosted attack from Torkoal and its same type that will not receive recoil from the ability.


Annihilape @ Lum Berry

Ability: Defiant
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Shadow Punch

- Drain Punch

- Bulk Up

- Protect

I added this pokemon because it needs some strong physical and resistant pokemon. It carries as a Defiant ability that can be activated thanks to Jumpluff's Stregth sap. It has Shadow punch as a strong attack of its same type. Drain punch to be able to be more resistant and last longer in combat. It has Bulk up so it can boost its offensive and defensive stats and last even longer. Finally the Lum Berry to prevent status changes, especially the burn


Landorus-Therian (M) @ Life Orb

Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- U-turn

- Stomping Tantrum

- Protect

- Rock Slide

Finally the last pokemon. Landorus allows you to resist physical blows from enemies thanks to its Intimidate ability, plus it's a good option if you're looking for an offensive ground-type pokemon. I didn't add Ursaluna due to Landorus's ability and because Landorus is a bit faster. Landurus has the Life orb equipped to increase his attacks. He has U-turn so he can switch pokemon if threatened by a rival pokemon. He has Stomping Tantrum as a strong attack of its own type, Protect in order to defend itself and prevent opposing attacks. And Rock slide to hit both pokemon from the rival team hard.

Finally, I would like you to mention problems with my computer, since I myself feel that everything that should not work is not working.

Thank you for your interest and sorry for my low level of English.


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Hi, welcome to Smogon! I am locking your RMT for the time being as the forum rules require that you provide at least three lines of descriptions for each Pokemon to explain their roles. Please read the rules carefully and look at Team Showcase to see the detail we require. PM me with updated descriptions, and I will be happy to unlock this. Also, feel free to PM me if you need help or have any question. Have a nice day!

To PM someone on Smogon, go over their name on any of their post. It will display a little pop-up with a summary of their profile. Then, hit the "Start conversation" button and you will be able to write a PM just like you write a regular thread.

Why did you choose this Pokemon?
What do the EV spreads do and why do you have it?
What are all 4 moves for?

edit: unlocked for user to edit in descriptions
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Why is Torkoal trying to be even slower? I see no tr, though perhaps to counter tr? So ok. But don't run Charcoal on defensive imo(not too sure it's ok on offensive, but neither here nor there,) try Heat Rock if you really need sun, or leftovers or Heavy-Duty Boots even. Moves seem fine!

Leaf Storm just seems bad on Jumpluff, I'd run Giga Drain, SloarBeam, something like that. IF it's even viable, it'd be w/ a grass tera to up the(admittedly low cause base 55 SpA) damage.

Annihilape is meant to use Rage Fist, however even if it didn't have that, Shadow Punch is too weak. For like a Scarf set you could consider Shadow Claw. Fyi, Rage Fist starts weak but goes up 50 BP per hit you take. Standard is probably still max HP 0 Atk, but your way has some merit so I'm not too picky over that.

The rest is fine imo. Well there is a large rock/ice weakness, but I tend to critique sets not the overall, cause that always seems overwhelming if it's not my own team and I've used it.

Hey, thanks for taking an interest in my post.

I am new to competitive pokemon and I would like to learn as much as possible so any help of any kind will be appreciated, be it advice, recommendations or whatever you can think of.

Today I want to drop my VGC regulation D team from pokemon SV. I would like your help to improve this team (which is not very good from my point of view) and to see all the errors.

View attachment 524982

Torkoal @ Charcoal View attachment 524990
Ability: Drought
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
IVs: 0 Atk / 0 Spe
- Heat Wave View attachment 525022
- Yawn View attachment 525021
- Clear Smog View attachment 525023
- Protect View attachment 525004

I have decided to add Torkoal because in this pokemon it is a fundamental pillar in the team. Thanks to his ability, it allows Jumpluff to be the fastest pokemon on the team and to be able to help the rest of the team with his moveset. Torkoal has Heat wave as moves, it is a powerful attack of the same type that is empowered by charcoal with a chance to burn. I decided to put Clear smog on it for possible stat boosts on the opponent, Yawn so I could pressure the enemy and force a switch out of a troublesome pokemon. Finally Protect to predict an attack directed at him.

Toekoal has no attack at all to reduce confusion damage and as slow as possible to ensure weather.

View attachment 524983

Jumpluff @ Mental Herb View attachment 524991
Ability: Chlorophyll
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water
EVs: 180 HP / 76 SpD / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
- Strength Sap View attachment 525005
- Sleep Powder View attachment 525006
- Leaf Storm View attachment 525007
- Tailwind View attachment 525011
Jumpluff is the support of the team. With Strength sap it allows you to lower the attack of your opponents and recover a lot of life, in addition, it activates Annihilape's ability. Sleep power to put the most problematic pokemon to sleep. Leaf storm is a powerful attack of its same type that almost always manages to leave its neutral resistance opponents with half health, in addition, it deals with water-type pokemon. Finally Tailwind allows the rest of the team to be faster than the opponents.

I was thinking about putting Taunt or Rage Power on it, but I need your opinion.

View attachment 524984

Thundurus (M) @ Magnet View attachment 524992
: Prankster
Level: 50
Tera Type: Electric
EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
IVs: 0 Atk
- Taunt View attachment 525017
- Thunderbolt View attachment 525018
- Protect View attachment 525003
- Sludge Bomb View attachment 525020

I needed a fast pokemon in the case of not having Tailwind and a pokemon that can deal with the water type despite resisting its attacks due to Torkoal's Drougth. I decided to add Thundurus that was previously taken by a Galar Articuno. Thundurus has Taunt for Amoonguss and other nuisances that will allow it to act faster thanks to his ability. He has Thunderbolt boosted by his type and the Magnet item for water and Tornadus type pokemon. Protect because in doubles he is always a good option. And finally Sluge Bomb for grass type pokemon, Enamorus, other fairies and Amoonguss himself. He is as fast and offensive as possible since he needs someone fast and strong.

View attachment 524986

Arcanine-Hisui @ Safety Goggles View attachment 524993
Ability: Rock Head
Level: 50
Tera Type: Normal
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- Flare Blitz View attachment 525016
- Extreme Speed View attachment 525008
- Head Smash View attachment 525015
- Protect View attachment 525002

I decided to add Hisui's Arcanine because of its Rock, Fire, and ability that allows it to hit Flying-types like Thundurus hard with Head Smash. Arcanine is equipped with the Safety Googles for possible Spores from Amoonguss or Sleep Power from other pokemon annoyers. Its Flare Blitz is a weather-boosted attack from Torkoal and its same type that will not receive recoil from the ability.

View attachment 524988

Annihilape @ Lum Berry View attachment 524994
Ability: Defiant
Level: 50
Tera Type: Fighting
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- Shadow Punch View attachment 525019
- Drain Punch View attachment 525013
- Bulk Up View attachment 525014
- Protect View attachment 525001

I added this pokemon because it needs some strong physical and resistant pokemon. It carries as a Defiant ability that can be activated thanks to Jumpluff's Stregth sap. It has Shadow punch as a strong attack of its same type. Drain punch to be able to be more resistant and last longer in combat. It has Bulk up so it can boost its offensive and defensive stats and last even longer. Finally the Lum Berry to prevent status changes, especially the burn

View attachment 524989

Landorus-Therian (M) @ Life Orb View attachment 524996
Ability: Intimidate
Level: 50
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
- U-turn View attachment 525012
- Stomping Tantrum View attachment 525009
- Protect View attachment 525000
- Rock Slide View attachment 525010

Finally the last pokemon. Landorus allows you to resist physical blows from enemies thanks to its Intimidate ability, plus it's a good option if you're looking for an offensive ground-type pokemon. I didn't add Ursaluna due to Landorus's ability and because Landorus is a bit faster. Landurus has the Life orb equipped to increase his attacks. He has U-turn so he can switch pokemon if threatened by a rival pokemon. He has Stomping Tantrum as a strong attack of its own type, Protect in order to defend itself and prevent opposing attacks. And Rock slide to hit both pokemon from the rival team hard.

Finally, I would like you to mention problems with my computer, since I myself feel that everything that should not work is not working.

Thank you for your interest and sorry for my low level of English.

Hey Buddy here are some quick recommendations to improve your team. Torkoal Consider replacing Clear Smog with a coverage move like Earth Power or Solar Beam. Also, invest more EVs in Special Attack.Jumpluff Replace Leaf Storm with a utility move like Encore or Rage Powder. Consider using a Mental Herb. Thundurus Consider replacing Taunt with Nasty Plot and use a Focus Sash or Magnet as an item. Arcanine-Hisui Switch to the Intimidate ability and consider adding a move like Double-Edge or Wild Charge. Annihilape Consider using Close Combat instead of Drain Punch and choose either Lum Berry or Assault Vest as the item. Landorus-Therian Consider adding Earthquake to its moveset and try using Choice Scarf as an item.