NOC Smalltown Hotel Mafia - Game Thread (MAFIA WINS)

TBF this dichotomy doesn't play out in practice if realiti or AG die first because there are no kills that preserve that mentality as viable in terms of teams existing. Realiti's main scumbud equity was with Hal, AG's main equity was with you, Tommy's was with me. Arguably they can kill skipper but skipper is really an essential third for me + Tommy team no one else slots in in a way that preserves me + Tommy making much sense.

So yeah actually I guess it wasn't lost, there would have been a real chessy endgame in terms of kills and stuff too.

I'm still sad and/or salty that I targeted every nk the night before they died. FML.

I think we kill you if realiti flips then just vote hal tomorrow and win
This is a news broadcast brought to you by the Clouds news channel.
Friends, citizens, and of course my beloved allies. It's me, yer ol' pal Horace. Today marks one week since me and the lads got caught up in that whole hotel business, and I want to set the record straight. By now you've probably seen footage of me getting angry and using some language one may consider unparliamentary... and perhaps keeping a cap on it is something I should seek help about. However I think that anyone else would be the same in that situation. 14 of us trapped in the middle of a holiday within the confines of a murderer's playground. I know a good number of people watching will know these people and I'm sure had I met them under any other circumstances, we'd all be laughing together and having a couple of pints, sharing our life experiences. To all those affected, I'm sorry. I'm proud to have played a part in ensuring the safety of Max and Alice, but I have 11 failures to haunt me for the rest of my life. The Byrland Metropolitan Police have been leading an incredible investigation, and we sincerely hope we can get to the centre of this unmitigated tragedy. Thank you.

The cameras turn off and Horace walks back inside the Prime Minister's residence, where his fellow survivors Max and Alice await. A moment of silence fills the room, broken by a singular word...


Duskfall98, Aura Guardian, and realiti have all survived. They were Horace Jackson the Role Swapper, Alice McKevan the 1-Shot Poisoner, and Max Spartacus the 1-Shot Gladiator. They were also all Mafia.

The game has ended. Mafia has won.
jailkeeper only protects from kills not abilities so if he targeted me I'd still be motivated
Oh, right. And I just saw in the graveyard chat that yeah, Psy jailkept me.
Once per night you may target a player and stick a lockout key in their keyhole, trapping them in their room. This will protect them from being killed that night. It will also prevent them from using their action that night.
our night actions were just crazy unlucky ok maybe the bus driver d1 was incorrect but it was totally unreasonable. losing town jailkeeper so early really hurt with the exception of one or two players and it wasn't even a kill the mafia wanted which made it depressing as hell.

the day 2 vote was just so incredibly sad literally 2/3 votes are mafia and if we get one it really opens up the game for us because both realiti/aG were going to be tough finds. the way celever shifted the vote towards oden i was just thinking there was something super sus with that and how he was treating me. i tried to make a big play by driving celever and LS, with the idea that, ok these are two strong town roles BUT i'm also concerned they might be mafia. if one of them dies, the other is confirmed town, otherwise we're ok with 2 strong town roles with the only downside that they could mafia. I was really concerned that was the case the way d3 played out and that i would look a little stupid.

the other thought was i swap me and nuxl and make the self preservation play because i am probably the strongest role tied with tracker. LS/celever being mafia made me consider this but i decided i wanted to risk it anyways and doing this wouldn't even confirm nuxl town because i was also worried about him being deepmafia. in hindsight maybe i was overly worried about that.

i thought LS was likely mafia d3 because she took so long to claim result and i didn't really like tracking AG there BUT i mean if AG does the kill that's vote there then it's a different game. i can maybe get not protecting LS if you are concerned she was mafia, but i'm surprised celever didn't given the p consistent town read. could've been a huge result but ofc the risk of a lie there is game ending.

day 4 wasn't good but there is a very strong tendency to vote the low activity player, i think we all have a subconscious bias against allowing low effort mafia from winning hence they always get voted out. i personally would've gone for celever with the idea that he was protecting dusk all game, pushed the oden misvote, and then totally bungled the kill delay. i was thinking along the same line as nuxl and would've probably gone for a celever vote. on the whole, it really did probably have to be a dusk v realiti vote and hope for the best but yea, hard to win after that.

gg. i really liked this setup and setups like this. role madness is just more fun and more interesting