Tournament One Hit Wonder Tournament - Round 8

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la pobreza me está respirando en la nuca Marce
is a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Dedicated Tournament Host

Approved by Tier Leaders
Hosts: luisin, DerpySuX

Do you feel lucky? This is your tournament!
Organized by the BSS Community where will you try your luck and only OHKO moves are allowed!
Items are allowed!

You can create your team with 6 pokemon with the best luck to hit moves with 30% accuracy!

Specific Rules

  • This is a standard SV Battle Stadium Singles Regulation C Tournament.
  • Only OHKO moves are allowed.
  • Terastallization is not allowed.
  • The tournament will be Best of Three. The tournament is Double Elimination.
  • Matches are to be played on Pokemon Showdown/SmogTours.
  • Replays must be saved and POSTED. Matches without a replay will not count as completed. If you don't want to risk forgetting to save replays play on Smogtours as it's automatic there.
  • In an event of a timeout, the player who times out will lose that game unless the opponent grants a rematch.
  • Activity calls and coinflips will be done by myself and the pick command on Pokemon Showdown respectively.

Standard Rules

  • Matches will be played in the Singles, Regulation C format.
  • All Pokémon will be set to Level 50 automatically.
  • Players pick 3 of their 6 Pokemon at team preview.
  • Species Clause: No two Pokemon in the same team can have the same National Pokedex number.
  • Item Clause: No two Pokemon in the same team can hold the same item.

Item Restrictions
Players cannot use the following item:
  • Focus Sash
  • Air Balloon
Pokemon Restrictions
Players cannot use the following Pokemon:
  • Abomasnow
  • Beartic
  • Chien-Pao
  • Cryogonal
  • Glalie
  • Cubchoo
  • Snover
Ability Restrictions
  • Sturdy
  • Pressure


Challenge code:
/challenge gen9battlestadiumsinglesregulationc @@@ -All Pokemon, +Camerupt, +Copperajah, +Cufant, +Dondozo, +Donphan, +Dugtrio, +Garganacl, +Hippowdon, + Mudsdale, +Naclstack, +Ting-lu, +Torkoal, +Whiscash, +Barboach, +Diglett, +Hippopotas, +Mudbray, +Nacli, +Phanpy, +Bisharp, +Haxorus, +Kingambit, +Klawf, +Fraxure, +Axew, +Pawniard, -All Moves, +Guillotine, +Fissure, -Focus Sash, -Air Balloon, -Sturdy, -Pressure, Terastal Clause

Round 8 Winners:

Vertigo  vs  Emboar02
Zerkas  vs  CronusVGC
JustFranco  vs  Ribombun
 vs  Natcrozma
DerpySuX  vs  SpectralThief
Easter Bliss  vs  memedose46
The Squash
 vs  Fluore
Gondra  vs  Mathy

Round 8 Losers:

DragonPhoenix333  vs  Kodiak_45
Kennedy  vs  Mitsuki
ikiarihS  vs  zaaya
 vs  7DyRex
emma  vs  Leru
Lechen  vs  A-drago destroyer
Guishark  vs  rarre
 vs  Venousbog

The players that send us (DerpySuX and luisin) to the losers bracket will get 15 USD, and the players that eliminate us from the tournament will get 20 USD!
so... good luck SpectralThief

Only OHKO moves are allowed if you use any other move you’re disqualified.

Deadline for Round 8 will be Jul 2 at 4:59PM GMT-7.
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Calling act. Opponent asked to play today at 8, I told them I was available all day at 3, and waited for an hour with no reply despite my opponent being online multiple times during the day and never replying to anything I said. I have other commitments to attend to this week and am not too keen on attempting to schedule again with an opponent who doesn’t communicate.
Calling act. Opponent asked to play today at 8, I told them I was available all day at 3, and waited for an hour with no reply despite my opponent being online multiple times during the day and never replying to anything I said. I have other commitments to attend to this week and am not too keen on attempting to schedule again with an opponent who doesn’t communicate. View attachment 529742
Everyone knows this actwin call is not gonna happen on monday. I just messaged you by discord, hit me there whenever u wanna play soon. I will be around for a couple of hours
Everyone knows this actwin call is not gonna happen on monday. I just messaged you by discord, hit me there whenever u wanna play soon. I will be around for a couple of hours
I literally waited for you all day. I work 50+ hours a week and gave you over an hour to get back to me from our scheduled time. I have other things to do on my other day off, I would be inclined to make room in my schedule for you had you actually been responsive or respectful. Instead of telling me an activity call isn’t going to go through because it’s not late in the week try showing up for the set at the time you scheduled.
I literally waited for you all day. I work 50+ hours a week and gave you over an hour to get back to me from our scheduled time. I have other things to do on my other day off, I would be inclined to make room in my schedule for you. Instead of telling me an activity call isn’t going to go through because it’s late in the week try showing up for the set at the time you scheduled.
Ok, so I missed a time on Monday. There is 6 days to play a tour where u just gotta click guillotine or fissure. Instead of writing these messages prob u better just write me in discord asking to chall. Idk prob thats more efficient than fishing an act on monday. Its a fun tour, please lets dont bring negative behaviors. We must find a solution!
I’m out with friends right now and do not intend to make them sit around while I play a set and I work every other day for 10+ hours. My one other day off is dedicated to other commitments I have made.
Sure, lmk what other time works for u around the week. I can most of days. Cuz haha monday, not working dude. Snap out of it.
I literally waited for you all day. I work 50+ hours a week and gave you over an hour to get back to me from our scheduled time. I have other things to do on my other day off, I would be inclined to make room in my schedule for you had you actually been responsive or respectful. Instead of telling me an activity call isn’t going to go through because it’s not late in the week try showing up for the set at the time you scheduled.
I’m out with friends right now and do not intend to make them sit around while I play a set and I work every other day for 10+ hours. My one other day off is dedicated to other commitments I have made.

if you were with friends, didnt you make them sit around while writing that message and checking this thread? where's the logic if its a set that takes 4 mins max.
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