Resource SV OU Bazaar - Teal Mask Edition

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Azelf + 4 Dancer Screen HO

This straightforward team featuring lead azelf & grimscreen + 4 difference dance sweeper.

:Azelf: good lead in this meta infested with :Great-Tusk: as rapid spinner while also replace :Landorus-Therian: who lose explosion.
:Grimmsnarl: self explanatory for setting screen, his IV spread is for mixed defensive.
:Lilligant-Hisui: is my favorite new mon as she is the only user of victory dance, who also has hustle ability to increase 1,5 of her firepower, the drawback of 0.8 accuracy can be boosted to 0.88 by wide lens
:Mew: while lose many of its moves, it can still be using as threatening DD sweeper with perfect coverage of physic fang/cc/crunch, adamant is preferred over jolly to maximize its firepower along with life orb
:Volcarona: traditional HO sweeper with tera ground its easily can destroy :Heatran: to pieces
:Kingambit: the last mon that preferred to go last for all 5 supreme overlord boost, tera fairy is to flip the matchup against its 4x weakness to fighting

This team is far from perfect but pretty fun to use
Updated after :Volcarona: ban, its succeeded by its future form :Iron-Moth:
Iron Moth @ Booster Energy
Ability: Quark Drive
Tera Type: Ground
EVs: 124 Def / 132 SpA / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Fiery Dance
- Sludge Wave
- Energy Ball
- Tera Blast
Quark Drive boost Speed is more important than SpA, it can boost its own SpA by fiery dance anyway

I can’t get enough of hex spam this gen. Gholdengo and Skeledirge have been two of the strongest additions to the generation, and with scarfers being generally less common thanks to the additions of booster energy and terastallization (the latter which really cramps your ability to force a switch with the threat of a revenge kill if it hasn’t been used yet), Dragapult is possibly even better than he was in gen 8. 3 ghosts on one team might seem like a lot, but with debatably the best speed control in the tier and general status flying left and right, the tough situations you put your opponent in are more often than not far tougher than the ones you put yourself in with your typing overlap. A few mons I want to highlight:

Ting Lu is the defensive backbone of this team, with obscene bulk that needs no introduction along with hazard support that is nigh impossible to counter either by preventing hazards from going up at all or by removing them later. Its weaker physical defense is shored up in part by the looming threat of burn from pult and dirge, and whirlwind discourages or punishes early use of booster energy mons. By now you know what ting lu does.

Physdef eject dengo is a fun innovation I came up with as a way to allow it to act as a spinblocker that sidesteps nasty 50/50s involving rapid spin vs [insert strong or SE move], getting to stay in if they click spin and immediately pivot to a spinner counter if they click knock off or another option. Great Tusk in particular must click choice banded or booster energy headlong rush to ohko you, one of which telegraphs itself and the other which, at the very least, certainly prevents spin.

Pult with double status + hex uturn is an absolute demon, making life extraordinarily difficult for offensive mons and boasting the most powerful hex on the team thanks to its spatk investment. It has decent enough natural bulk and a great defensive typing to come in on a hit or two even without investment, and it’s fast enough to rarely need to.

Finally, Enamorus drops the standard earth power in exchange for healing wish on this build, leaving you with an incredibly potent wallbreaker in its own right that also allows you to recover an overwhelmed Ting Lu, Gholdengo, or Skeledirge, or immediately apply massive pressure courtesy of Dragapult.

Skeledirge and Corv are relatively standard sets—with 3 boots users, 2 flying types, and rock resistance on the remaining 2 mons, defog is rarely necessary, but having the option is greatly appreciated. Iron defense allows you to withstand kingambit, bulk up tusk, dragonite, ursaluna, and, with tera, garg. Dirge eats the vast majority of special sweepers for breakfast while acting as a special tank and status spreader throughout the game.
As a long-time OM main i gotta say SV OU is one of my favorite OMs ive ever played. Never rly seriously got into any gen of ou till the past month or so but its been lots of fun so i wanna share some of the more goofy teams ive been using. do NOT expect sample material lol. That being said using these i was able to stay between 1850-2050 on ladder with them throughout the month consistently on a couple alts so they shouldnt be terrible either.

:rillaboom: :sneasler: :heatran: :landorus-therian: :iron valiant: :hawlucha:
This ones prob the best of these and it also picked up a wcop dub so im pretty happy about that. This teams funny af its just a really tech-heavy HO with a bunch of mons with insane "x-factor" that sequence for eachother pretty well + randomly autowin. Playing v this team for the first time it can be difficult to tell what u need to preserve and what u dont. I drop extender cause terrain often hurts me more than helps, and av helps with alot of matchups. Fairy lando looks like a meme but it helps out alot against things like spinner tusk & bax while keeping up pressure

:kingambit: :scream tail: :garchomp: :toxapex: :zapdos: :cinderace:
Idea of this team is if ur opponent does anything it gets punished. Scream tail, tspikes pex, pressure gambit, and sub pressure zap are all pp stall mons, helmet chomp+wish punishes contact attacks, weaker attacks just go into regen pex, hazards just get court changed. Alot of my games w this team im just sitting around doing nothing and stalling pp for 100 turns after which the mu is still even. Very cringe team. Also the gambits lowkey broken, it deserves a better home than this

:cryogonal: :slowking-galar: :tornadus-therian: :kingambit: :azumarill: :great tusk:
Cryogonal as a screener is definitely ass but it's fun asf when it works. this team is extremely straightforward

:wo-chien: :samurott-hisui: :gholdengo: :landorus-therian: :glimmora: :iron valiant:
This is just a goofy hazard stack team featuring random wo chien. Carried by samu ghold tbh

:toxtricity: :moltres: :ting-lu: :gholdengo: :decidueye-hisui: :iron valiant:
One of hazardstack's main weakness rn is that it's really difficult to punish ace. Noticed alot of cind teams were dropping ghosts and scarf tera normal tox eats those teams up. Last 2 are sketchy af

:magnezone: :baxcalibur: :dragonite: :kingambit: :iron valiant: :cresselia:
This one deserves an honorable mention cause it took me the entirety of 20 seconds to make the team and without using any brain cells climbed ladder faster than i ever thought was possible. It's just magpull + cress + 4 broken setup mons. Tbh it probably doesnt work as well anymore lol

:Cinderace: :Skeledirge: :Heatran: :Moltres: :Volcanion: :Rotom-Heat:
i made this team today it's good af
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As a long-time OM main i gotta say SV OU is one of my favorite OMs ive ever played. Never rly seriously got into any gen of ou till the past month or so but its been lots of fun so i wanna share some of the more goofy teams ive been using. do NOT expect sample material lol. That being said using these i was able to stay between 1850-2050 on ladder with them throughout the month consistently on a couple alts so they shouldnt be terrible either.

:rillaboom: :sneasler: :heatran: :landorus-therian: :iron valiant: :hawlucha:
This ones prob the best of these and it also picked up a wcop dub so im pretty happy about that. This teams funny af its just a really tech-heavy HO with a bunch of mons with insane "x-factor" that sequence for eachother pretty well + randomly autowin. Playing v this team for the first time it can be difficult to tell what u need to preserve and what u dont. I drop extender cause terrain often hurts me more than helps, and av helps with alot of matchups. Fairy lando looks like a meme but it helps out alot against things like spinner tusk & bax while keeping up pressure

:kingambit: :scream tail: :garchomp: :toxapex: :zapdos: :cinderace:
Idea of this team is if ur opponent does anything it gets punished. Scream tail, tspikes pex, pressure gambit, and sub pressure zap are all pp stall mons, helmet chomp+wish punishes contact attacks, weaker attacks just go into regen pex, hazards just get court changed. Alot of my games w this team im just sitting around doing nothing and stalling pp for 100 turns after which the mu is still even. Very cringe team. Also the gambits lowkey broken, it deserves a better home than this

:cryogonal: :slowking-galar: :tornadus-therian: :kingambit: :azumarill: :great tusk:
Cryogonal as a screener is definitely ass but it's fun asf when it works. this team is extremely straightforward

:wo-chien: :samurott-hisui: :gholdengo: :landorus-therian: :glimmora: :iron valiant:
This is just a goofy hazard stack team featuring random wo chien. Carried by samu ghold tbh

:toxtricity: :moltres: :ting-lu: :gholdengo: :decidueye-hisui: :iron valiant:
One of hazardstack's main weakness rn is that it's really difficult to punish ace. Noticed alot of cind teams were dropping ghosts and scarf tera normal tox eats those teams up. Last 2 are sketchy af

:magnezone: :baxcalibur: :dragonite: :kingambit: :iron valiant: :cresselia:
This one deserves an honorable mention cause it took me the entirety of 20 seconds to make the team and without using any brain cells climbed ladder faster than i ever thought was possible. It's just magpull + cress + 4 broken setup mons. Tbh it probably doesnt work as well anymore lol
Bro casually pulling up with meme teams made in minutes and taking on high ladder successfully, either a fast teambuilding god, crazy good ladderer, or both lol

Curious about pressure gambit, wouldn’t expect going for PP stalls with a mon that can alternatively just kinda kill things would work that well but you seem to believe in it and I don’t exactly have wcop or even high ladder experience to contest that

edit: also did u consider sandsear for that lando-t set? I’d expect the burn chance and slight power bump to be worth the miss chance
Bro casually pulling up with meme teams made in minutes and taking on high ladder successfully, either a fast teambuilding god, crazy good ladderer, or both lol

Curious about pressure gambit, wouldn’t expect going for PP stalls with a mon that can alternatively just kinda kill things would work that well but you seem to believe in it and I don’t exactly have wcop or even high ladder experience to contest that

edit: also did u consider sandsear for that lando-t set? I’d expect the burn chance and slight power bump to be worth the miss chance

LOL im flattered but the real answer is i just have way more hours on this game (even if not necessarily in OU) than im comfortable admitting publicly...

Yeah regular SD gambit is definitely better/more consistent. Pressure gambit is for sure a meme set haha; when I call it broken it's mostly in a tongue-in-cheek kind of way. But in practice Ive found it works more often than one would expect. Some of the advantages are you can 1v1 (and set up on) alot of usual gambit switchins like tusk/fires without teraing, as well as pp stall certain threats to help out your other mons. It can also instantly win games that regular gambit can't. However it also gets slowed down by things regular gambit would truck through (like ting lu), and losing out on sucker punch's utility as a priority move as well as the raw power of supreme overlord are two additional big disadvantages.

I did consider sandshear, it's for sure viable but personally I avoid sacrificing accuracy whenever I can (speaking as someone who usually runs aqua cutter on samurott over razor shell, something I believe even some top players have differing opinions on). While burns and some additional power are nice, I think missing a move is one of the worst turns that can happen in pokemon because it's essentially a free turn for your opponent, and those can often turn the tide of momentum in games. Idk if this makes sense but with earth power I always know exactly how good my lando is gonna be and that makes it easier to play with / plan games around. That being said if I knew whether sandshear got some important rolls I might find it worth it, or if my lando was in more of a support role firing off several ground moves per game into things I really want to burn, I'd also more strongly consider it. But i just value accuracy alot here.
Triple Booster Energy HO-v2

:samurott-hisui: :dragonite: :iron valiant: :iron moth: :kingambit: :great tusk:

Post-home has always been a mess and continues to be. So, here's just one, I hope still finds the success it deserves.

Pokepaste (team without the nicknames)

Team In Detail

I wanted to make it as simple as possible with roles being assigned to each mon keep the team structure together.

Hisuian Samurott: Classic hazard setter, Tera Ghost (for fun, but to block spin attempts)
Dragonite: Setup+Priority sweeper to swing momemtum back to you
Iron Valiant: Check for numerous stuff in the meta (Tera Steel+CM to get on your opponents nerves and to open holes in the opponent's team)
Iron Moth: To come in chase out basic threats and to build momentum with Fiery Dance boosts.
Kingambit: One to keep for comebacks
Great Tusk: Hazard Removal and Breaker


:iron valiant: :enamorus:

Both of these mons danger most of this team, with 4/6 of this team weak to their fairy STAB. Also, any fairy types can be quite troublesome due to Iron Moth not packing Sludge Wave (in common sets these days) leaving you to play smart and get predictions right with kingambit and other mons.

:slowking galar:

I guess you can say gambit deals with it but still needs a mention (if gambit is gone), yes, tusk is there but glowking still threatens this team a bit.


No spore blockers in this team so you have to have the right mon in against it or otherwise you might be screwed. And Iron Moth is maybe the only guy who can reliably slap Amoonguss (if it doesn't tera in to Tera Water).

Stall: Well, if you say, "Stall won't be a problem for me, even with this team", can't say I didn't warn you.


Thanks for seeing this team and hope it has some success. If you have any
complaints/concerns about the team, please highlight in a follow-up post.
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Triple Booster Energy HO-v2

:samurott-hisui: :dragonite: :iron valiant: :iron moth: :kingambit: :great tusk:

Post-home has always been a mess and continues to be. So, here's just one, I hope still finds the success it deserves.

Pokepaste (team without the nicknames)

Team In Detail

I wanted to make it as simple as possible with roles being assigned to each mon keep the team structure together.

Hisuian Samurott: Classic hazard setter, Tera Ghost (for fun, but to block spin attempts)
Dragonite: Setup+Priority sweeper to swing momemtum back to you
Iron Valiant: Check for numerous stuff in the meta (Tera Steel+CM to get on your opponents nerves and to open holes in the opponent's team)
Iron Moth: To come in chase out basic threats and to build momentum with Fiery Dance boosts.
Kingambit: One to keep for comebacks
Great Tusk: Hazard Removal and Breaker


:iron valiant: :enamorus:

Both of these mons danger most of this team, with 4/6 of this team weak to their fairy STAB. Also, any fairy types can be quite troublesome due to Iron Moth not packing Sludge Wave (in common sets these days) leaving you to play smart and get predictions right with kingambit and other mons.

:slowking galar:

I guess you can say gambit deals with it but still needs a mention (if gambit is gone), yes, tusk is there but glowking still threatens this team a bit.


No spore blockers in this team so you have to have the right mon in against it or otherwise you might be screwed. And Iron Moth is maybe the only guy who can reliably slap Amoonguss (if it doesn't tera in to Tera Water).

Stall: Well, if you say, "Stall won't be a problem for me, even with this team", can't say I didn't warn you.


Thanks for seeing this team and hope it has some success. If you have any
complaints/concerns about the team, please highlight in a follow-up post.
Letting you know your :iron moth: isn’t fully EV’d, looks like you never put the EVs you removed from spatk for booster speed into defense/spdef/hp
It's been a while since I posted here, but here's some teams I've had reasonable success with, mostly around the 1600-1750 range.

1. Birdgambit TR
:kingambit: :enamorus-therian: :slowking-galar: :great-tusk: :ursaluna: :hatterene:
Simplicity: 3/5
Consistency: 4/5
Game speed: 4/5
This team is a mix of the recent "German 6" WCOP team, and a personal semiroom team of mine.
Unlike other TR teams I've built, I've gone for a more standard BO build with only 2 setters.
Kingambit and Ursaluna are very straightforward slow but high-damage abusers, Tusk is a pivot notably running Head Smash for Dnite, Zapdos, and Enamorus, plus a psuedo "self-ko" move in emergencies.
Hatterene is balloon to allow it to set TR vs almost every Ground type in the tier, and Tera Fire makes you resist steel & fairy whilst boosting Mystical Fire to lure Gholds/Corvs to open up Luna. Glowking is Colbur+Fblast to lure Valiant and Gambit. Eerie Spell hits the aforementioned Valiant as well as Zamazenta, even behind sub (Eerie Spell is a sound move). It can also drain Magma Storm and Roost PP. Enam-T is a setup sweeper with near-unresisted coverage. It helps vs Tusk, Dnite and opposing TR, and can dissuade Samu-H from mindlessly clicking CE.

2. Brainless Rain 2.0
:pelipper: :floatzel: :basculegion: :golduck: :walking-wake: :pawmot:
Simplicity: 5/5
Consistency: 2/5
Game speed: 5/5
This is designed to be an "OU-blitz" style team, minimising the amount of time & skill needed to click a button each turn, and is a spiritual successor to my MonoWater+Ditto team I spammed post-home.
There is very little writeup needed for this because everything feels very self-explanatory - it is a very matchup-reliant team that takes advantage of any teams that lack multiple water resists. It is full of lure options like Tera Electric Blast Floatzel to lure Volcanion and Pex, Sub Psyfangs Legion to lure Pex and Gambit, Encore Golduck to lure setup mons. This team should aim to have Rain stay up almost the entire game, and should not stray away from sacking mons - trading an entire teamslot for 60% on a Dondozo or Toxapex can often win you the game. If you are struggling to break 1500s, this team is very easy to pilot and whilst very inconsistent, should net you a >50% winrate.

3. Screens HO
:dragapult: :baxcalibur: :cresselia: :enamorus: :zamazenta: :sandy-shocks:
Simplicity: 4/5
Consistency: 4/5
Game speed: 4/5
This team aims to take advantage of CM Cresselia to sweep through many teams, and features a hazard setter, a screens setter, 3 setup mons and an anti-lead Pult. Pult can just spam its moves to weaken most common leads, and on KO often leads to great setup opportunities for its teammates. Bax is unusally running Shard as its only Ice move, but I think this works best within the context of the team as a strong wallbreaker and cleaner. Cress is a very cheap and unfair mon that speaks for itself, double dance Enamorus works as a secondary sweeper-cleaner. Zamazenta sets screens vs a lot of mons multiple times per game, and runs Steel Beam to self-KO below 50% health. It also provides a much-needed Gambit switchin, which my HOs seem to struggle with. Sandy Shocks sets rocks near-guaranteed, and can waste opponent's resources early on to clear up the pathway for a setup victory.

4. Moltes Lokix BO
:moltres: :great-tusk: :zamazenta: :samurott-hisui: :lokix::gholdengo:
Simplicity: 3/5
Consistency: 4/5
Game speed: 3/5
This may be the worst and least tested team of the 4, but I thought I'd add an option for people to try one of my more experimental teams featuring two very underexplored mons. Moltres provides an actual counter to Valiant and Enamorus, with a pivoting move and a healing move and flame body to punish U-Turns. Lokix provides a very consistent and very strong priority move in First Impression that 2HKOs pretty much everything. With a strong pivot core and hazard control in the back, this team maximises the number of times Lokix gets to come in per game. It acts as both a revenge killer and a wallbreaker, and is generally my go-to Tera user, since Tera Bug gives it an insanely strong, effectively unresisted set of STAB moves, including very strong U- Turns, FI for priority revenge-killing, and Leech Life to spam vs walls. Tusk, Zama, Ghold and Samurott are all relatively standard, as far as I know. I hope to inspire a better builder & player than myself to get Lokix to the top of the ladder and back into the VRs :)

I can’t get enough of hex spam this gen. Gholdengo and Skeledirge have been two of the strongest additions to the generation, and with scarfers being generally less common thanks to the additions of booster energy and terastallization (the latter which really cramps your ability to force a switch with the threat of a revenge kill if it hasn’t been used yet), Dragapult is possibly even better than he was in gen 8. 3 ghosts on one team might seem like a lot, but with debatably the best speed control in the tier and general status flying left and right, the tough situations you put your opponent in are more often than not far tougher than the ones you put yourself in with your typing overlap. A few mons I want to highlight:

Ting Lu is the defensive backbone of this team, with obscene bulk that needs no introduction along with hazard support that is nigh impossible to counter either by preventing hazards from going up at all or by removing them later. Its weaker physical defense is shored up in part by the looming threat of burn from pult and dirge, and whirlwind discourages or punishes early use of booster energy mons. By now you know what ting lu does.

Physdef eject dengo is a fun innovation I came up with as a way to allow it to act as a spinblocker that sidesteps nasty 50/50s involving rapid spin vs [insert strong or SE move], getting to stay in if they click spin and immediately pivot to a spinner counter if they click knock off or another option. Great Tusk in particular must click choice banded or booster energy headlong rush to ohko you, one of which telegraphs itself and the other which, at the very least, certainly prevents spin.

Pult with double status + hex uturn is an absolute demon, making life extraordinarily difficult for offensive mons and boasting the most powerful hex on the team thanks to its spatk investment. It has decent enough natural bulk and a great defensive typing to come in on a hit or two even without investment, and it’s fast enough to rarely need to.

Finally, Enamorus drops the standard earth power in exchange for healing wish on this build, leaving you with an incredibly potent wallbreaker in its own right that also allows you to recover an overwhelmed Ting Lu, Gholdengo, or Skeledirge, or immediately apply massive pressure courtesy of Dragapult.

Skeledirge and Corv are relatively standard sets—with 3 boots users, 2 flying types, and rock resistance on the remaining 2 mons, defog is rarely necessary, but having the option is greatly appreciated. Iron defense allows you to withstand kingambit, bulk up tusk, dragonite, ursaluna, and, with tera, garg. Dirge eats the vast majority of special sweepers for breakfast while acting as a special tank and status spreader throughout the game.

I really enjoyed this team!
When trying it I had particularly problems with garganacl though. In it's normal form corviknight can deal with it, but when it teras to water or flying i really couldn't kill it. I thought about giving dragapult thunderbolt to deal with it, but not sure if dropping thunder wave or willowisp would be better. Iron valiant was also a problem sometimes, especially because you can never know it's moveset.
There were also other times when it just wasn't possible to break through a defensive mon. With nasty plot gholdengo sometimes could Apply more pressure, but leaving make it rain behind could also be a problem :/
I think corviknight really doesn't need defog here, so I suppose U turn would be a good exchange?
I really enjoyed this team!
When trying it I had particularly problems with garganacl though. In it's normal form corviknight can deal with it, but when it teras to water or flying i really couldn't kill it. I thought about giving dragapult thunderbolt to deal with it, but not sure if dropping thunder wave or willowisp would be better. Iron valiant was also a problem sometimes, especially because you can never know it's moveset.
There were also other times when it just wasn't possible to break through a defensive mon. With nasty plot gholdengo sometimes could Apply more pressure, but leaving make it rain behind could also be a problem :/
I think corviknight really doesn't need defog here, so I suppose U turn would be a good exchange?
I’m glad you liked the team overall!

SD Valiant essentially didn’t exist when I made this team and makes your life pretty hard, in theory skeledirge can handle it and appreciates being able to come in on any valiant set bar specs shadow ball but it’s gonna lose boots to SD val while trying to handle a number of other new special mons such as enamorus and zapdos in a spikes heavy meta, so it definitely can get overwhelmed. I’m honestly not sure what the best course of action is.

As for corv, you could definitely drop defog on it, but in a ceaseless edge world on a team that certainly pressures dengo fine it can be nice to have. I’m not terribly attached to it; I think I got a bit scarred by a game or two where really heavy hazards kinda dumpstered me, if I’m being honest. That said what I would do is make it covert cloak instead of lefties and just…wall the shit out of garg. This also lets you run tera ghost yourself for idbp gargs, which also lets you switch out of block garg. It’s not ideal, and garg is undeniably the team’s hardest matchup (what can I say, purifying salt alone basically hard counters hex spam conceptually before you even consider salt cure), but it should help.
I’m glad you liked the team overall!

SD Valiant essentially didn’t exist when I made this team and makes your life pretty hard, in theory skeledirge can handle it and appreciates being able to come in on any valiant set bar specs shadow ball but it’s gonna lose boots to SD val while trying to handle a number of other new special mons such as enamorus and zapdos in a spikes heavy meta, so it definitely can get overwhelmed. I’m honestly not sure what the best course of action is.

As for corv, you could definitely drop defog on it, but in a ceaseless edge world on a team that certainly pressures dengo fine it can be nice to have. I’m not terribly attached to it; I think I got a bit scarred by a game or two where really heavy hazards kinda dumpstered me, if I’m being honest. That said what I would do is make it covert cloak instead of lefties and just…wall the shit out of garg. This also lets you run tera ghost yourself for idbp gargs, which also lets you switch out of block garg. It’s not ideal, and garg is undeniably the team’s hardest matchup (what can I say, purifying salt alone basically hard counters hex spam conceptually before you even consider salt cure), but it should help.

Thanks for your thoughts! What do you think about putting a thunderbolt on pult? And maybe the could be a better replacement for enamorus to deal with problematic mons like garg or iron valiant or do you think then enamorus leaves another hole in the team and opens more problems?
I also think there might be just some lacking coverage.. Probably also due to the 3 hex mons, which I generally also enjoy of course :)
Thanks for your thoughts! What do you think about putting a thunderbolt on pult? And maybe the could be a better replacement for enamorus to deal with problematic mons like garg or iron valiant or do you think then enamorus leaves another hole in the team and opens more problems?
I also think there might be just some lacking coverage.. Probably also due to the 3 hex mons, which I generally also enjoy of course :)
Tbolt on pult sadly doesn’t do much damage to tera water garg, missing the 2hko even on full physdef water garg. Personally I wouldn’t recommend it but it does make your life a bit easier against enamorus at least, so it could be worth a shot?

Speaking of enamorus, my problem with dropping enamorus is that its healing wish actually does a lot to glue the team together in my experience. When you stack 3 hex-spamming ghosts on the same team you end up putting a lot of pressure on your other 3 mons to check many threats that your ghosts can’t. Ting Lu is a very key inclusion for this reason and while you generally hope to weaken the things it has to check sufficiently for the rest of your team and stack enough hazards to apply sufficient pressure that when it dies it has done its job, but in the matchups where it’s put to the test the hardest that may not be feasible…unless you can instantly bring your ting lu back to full after punching some holes in the opposing team with enamorus! Ting Lu is definitely the most common healing wish target but certainly not the only one—if a check you need took too much damage from a crit/surprise move/scouting a set/getting u-turned on 5 million times with rocks up and being forced out immediately, healing wish. If their iron valiant is the only thing that can outspeed your pult except it’s already used its booster and now everything is in its respective hex range, but pult is dead to rocks or just doesn’t have a good way in, healing wish. It’s a critical part of being able to play with a lot of defensive overloading as well as allowing you to play less carefully with offensive mons you need. It also happens to be the most viable AND the fastest user of the move legal in the tier.

This said, I absolutely encourage you to experiment with other options as enamorus may be presenting an opportunity cost I’m unaware of!
pivot sneasler offense

i managed to get to top 500 quite easily just moments ago and plan on going higher. sneasler is the main character of this team. poison touch sneasler with fake out + u-turn + protective pads is a nightmare for pokemon like zapdos and other switch-ins. fake out + cc also beats lead h-samu and you can u-turn instead if you think they tera ghost on second turn. biggest problem as you can see is no hazard control, but you can stack your own ones to have same pressure on them. i've been able to beat many glimmora teams for example. you are always trying to lead sneasler to fish poisons. if the matchup looks good i just brainlessly lead sneasler and see where the game goes. kinda trolling with the dnite set idk what i'm doing.

this is an edited version of the team mcmeghan used versus 1 true lycan in the wcop. rh ghost garchomp over tusk to help this team keep hazards up much better than just gholdengo. dragon tail is great vs flying kingambit and such. also sd h-samu isn't that good imo.
It's been a while since I posted here, but here's some teams I've had reasonable success with, mostly around the 1600-1750 range.

1. Birdgambit TR
:kingambit: :enamorus-therian: :slowking-galar: :great-tusk: :ursaluna: :hatterene:
Simplicity: 3/5
Consistency: 4/5
Game speed: 4/5
This team is a mix of the recent "German 6" WCOP team, and a personal semiroom team of mine.
Unlike other TR teams I've built, I've gone for a more standard BO build with only 2 setters.
Kingambit and Ursaluna are very straightforward slow but high-damage abusers, Tusk is a pivot notably running Head Smash for Dnite, Zapdos, and Enamorus, plus a psuedo "self-ko" move in emergencies.
Hatterene is balloon to allow it to set TR vs almost every Ground type in the tier, and Tera Fire makes you resist steel & fairy whilst boosting Mystical Fire to lure Gholds/Corvs to open up Luna. Glowking is Colbur+Fblast to lure Valiant and Gambit. Eerie Spell hits the aforementioned Valiant as well as Zamazenta, even behind sub (Eerie Spell is a sound move). It can also drain Magma Storm and Roost PP. Enam-T is a setup sweeper with near-unresisted coverage. It helps vs Tusk, Dnite and opposing TR, and can dissuade Samu-H from mindlessly clicking CE.

2. Brainless Rain 2.0
:pelipper: :floatzel: :basculegion: :golduck: :walking-wake: :pawmot:
Simplicity: 5/5
Consistency: 2/5
Game speed: 5/5
This is designed to be an "OU-blitz" style team, minimising the amount of time & skill needed to click a button each turn, and is a spiritual successor to my MonoWater+Ditto team I spammed post-home.
There is very little writeup needed for this because everything feels very self-explanatory - it is a very matchup-reliant team that takes advantage of any teams that lack multiple water resists. It is full of lure options like Tera Electric Blast Floatzel to lure Volcanion and Pex, Sub Psyfangs Legion to lure Pex and Gambit, Encore Golduck to lure setup mons. This team should aim to have Rain stay up almost the entire game, and should not stray away from sacking mons - trading an entire teamslot for 60% on a Dondozo or Toxapex can often win you the game. If you are struggling to break 1500s, this team is very easy to pilot and whilst very inconsistent, should net you a >50% winrate.

3. Screens HO
:dragapult: :baxcalibur: :cresselia: :enamorus: :zamazenta: :sandy-shocks:
Simplicity: 4/5
Consistency: 4/5
Game speed: 4/5
This team aims to take advantage of CM Cresselia to sweep through many teams, and features a hazard setter, a screens setter, 3 setup mons and an anti-lead Pult. Pult can just spam its moves to weaken most common leads, and on KO often leads to great setup opportunities for its teammates. Bax is unusally running Shard as its only Ice move, but I think this works best within the context of the team as a strong wallbreaker and cleaner. Cress is a very cheap and unfair mon that speaks for itself, double dance Enamorus works as a secondary sweeper-cleaner. Zamazenta sets screens vs a lot of mons multiple times per game, and runs Steel Beam to self-KO below 50% health. It also provides a much-needed Gambit switchin, which my HOs seem to struggle with. Sandy Shocks sets rocks near-guaranteed, and can waste opponent's resources early on to clear up the pathway for a setup victory.

4. Moltes Lokix BO
:moltres: :great-tusk: :zamazenta: :samurott-hisui: :lokix::gholdengo:
Simplicity: 3/5
Consistency: 4/5
Game speed: 3/5
This may be the worst and least tested team of the 4, but I thought I'd add an option for people to try one of my more experimental teams featuring two very underexplored mons. Moltres provides an actual counter to Valiant and Enamorus, with a pivoting move and a healing move and flame body to punish U-Turns. Lokix provides a very consistent and very strong priority move in First Impression that 2HKOs pretty much everything. With a strong pivot core and hazard control in the back, this team maximises the number of times Lokix gets to come in per game. It acts as both a revenge killer and a wallbreaker, and is generally my go-to Tera user, since Tera Bug gives it an insanely strong, effectively unresisted set of STAB moves, including very strong U- Turns, FI for priority revenge-killing, and Leech Life to spam vs walls. Tusk, Zama, Ghold and Samurott are all relatively standard, as far as I know. I hope to inspire a better builder & player than myself to get Lokix to the top of the ladder and back into the VRs :)

I have a question about the bird gambit tr room. Since I wanted to try to get into tr teams I also had a try with this team.
There were 2 things that were not clear to me though.
1. Does chilly reception make sense on glowing here? Usually you will use glowkig to set up trick room. But after tr chilly reception will usually come before the opponent attacks. So it doesn't do much more then just switching out a pokemon the usual way, apart form snow (which I also don't see helping here). So I wasn't sure if chilly reception is actually of use in a tr team?
2. Is it a good idea to both have iron defense and calm mind on enamorus t? If you want to use enamorus after setting up tr there always only very few rounds to use tr. So having 2 set up moves seems a but much, wouldn't more coverage be better then the iron defense?

I'm really just asking to better understand how this is supposed to be played, since I'm entirely new to trick room.
I have a question about the bird gambit tr room. Since I wanted to try to get into tr teams I also had a try with this team.
There were 2 things that were not clear to me though.
1. Does chilly reception make sense on glowing here? Usually you will use glowkig to set up trick room. But after tr chilly reception will usually come before the opponent attacks. So it doesn't do much more then just switching out a pokemon the usual way, apart form snow (which I also don't see helping here). So I wasn't sure if chilly reception is actually of use in a tr team?
2. Is it a good idea to both have iron defense and calm mind on enamorus t? If you want to use enamorus after setting up tr there always only very few rounds to use tr. So having 2 set up moves seems a but much, wouldn't more coverage be better then the iron defense?

I'm really just asking to better understand how this is supposed to be played, since I'm entirely new to trick room.

Heya, I'd be happy to help you understand the reasoning behind my decisions ^^

1. I do personally find Chilly Reception useful here, since, after using Trick Room, your opponent can either switch out or stay in.
If they switch, you can bring in the best offensive mon to force a kill against the opponent.
If they stay in, you switch to something that takes a hit, and can choose to pivot from there.
It also improves your matchup against weather teams, which might try to sweep you with something like Walking Wake.
Overall I just find it's a safer option than hard-switching, where you can sometimes give your opponent an opportunity to predict you and put you in a very bad position which really sucks for Trick Room since it's so focused on maintaining momentum.

2. Imo, yes, since Iron Defense + Calm Mind Enamorus is most vulnerable in its first few setup turns, which can be made safer with Trick Room. Once it's +2 +2 +2 it doesn't really need the speed (and infact sometimes prefers going last so it can Earth Power the birds after they Roost), but getting those first few defense boosts before the opponent's attacks can make the difference between it winning and its sweep being blocked.
On top of that, Fairy/Ground coverage is extremely good and only really resisted by Moltres and Corviknight - both of which can lose to this Enamorus if it's already started boosting. So extra coverage isn't really needed imo. I guess Substitute could be used instead of Iron Defense, though - might be worth experimenting with :)
:dondozo: :zapdos: :great tusk: :enamorus: :slowking-galar: :kingambit:

This is the current team I've been using for and while

I really like Dondozo in this metagame, as it can outright sweep in a surprising amount of situations. With max SpDef, Curse, and Body Press alongside stab Liquidation, The Don becomes a very sturdy wall that stifles setup sweepers while threatening a sweep of its own. Notably, this set sits on WA Clodsire trying to wear it down with Toxic, Moltres trying to burn it, and any other form of status spreading (outside of Discharge Zap). Remember that if you have to tera, something like a late-game Kingambit's Iron Head will smash you without a bunch of Curse boosts (Happens way too often). Also Amoongus hard counters Dozo, so be wary of that.

Zapdos works great with Dondozo, as the two form a great defensive duo. This Zapdos is geared more towards attacking that absorbing hits, smacking the likes of Amoongus and Great Tusk very hard with Hurricane and spreading paralysis with the combo of Discharge + Static. Very annoying mon to deal with, but one that always leaves an impact in games.

:great tusk:
Kinda standard, kinda not. EV'd to outspeed Cinderace after a Rapid Spin and KO it with EQ. The rest of the EVs went into HP and Def for a more dedicated physical wall for the team. This team doesn't struggle with Cinderace per say, but I just like having a fun way to deal with it that doesn't fully sacrifice Tusk's role as defensive utility.

Not much to say here. Deals with Kingambit well, revenge kills a lot, and can perform a rare clutch with Scarf Healing Wish.

Best pivot in the tier by far and incredible glue. Future Sight spam is very potent on a balance team like this, so do that often. Thunder Wave to help Zapdos be more annoying, but Surf, Flamethrower, Grass Knot, or Ice Beam can also work.

Surprising, I know. Kingambit does what it does best and ties yet another team together. Forgoing Lum Berry might be my undoing, but this team has ways around Cinderace and Moltres, so it's not that big a deal.

After two days of mostly losses in a row, I finally clawed my way back to 1400s with this team, so that's cool I guess
Been messing around w monotype for fun recently. Got all of these to 1900+ individually so they can def load into playable matchups and even take w's against good players although im not gonna act like theyre as good as ur standard shit.

:Greninja: :Samurott-Hisui: :Walking Wake: :Azumarill: :Quaquaval: :Slowking:
Fun HO team that happens to have some offensive synergy. Gren / Wake in particular have alot of shared & shaky checks that aren't counters and can force teras / weaken checks for the other to sweep later. Azu / duck do a similar thing but less so. Slowking looks really out of place but it's kind of needed unfortunately else the team gets pieced up by random shit like enamorus zap etc. Im always cautious abt clicking anything other than chilly cause u actually cant afford to let up pressure for a turn w this team.

:Weavile: :Abomasnow: :Baxcalibur: :Frosmoth: :Cloyster: :Cetitan:
The Quintuple mamoswine team...This team is giga cheese, very fun though. I basically always lead weav but when I'm laddering i like to swtich the coverage/item around to keep people guessing. Snow boost actually helps durability alot but its really frail on the special side so u need to prevent ur opponents special attackers from getting anything going at all costs. Also gets 6-0d by lead id zama if ur opponent has a brain lol.

:Skeledirge: :Cinderace: :Heatran: :Moltres: :Volcanion: :Rotom-Heat:
Unlike the above teams, this is just a simple honest balance. Theres quite a few mons that force u to tera--if you run into none of them this team feels amazing, if you run into one it's a hard matchup, if you run into two its just impossible. Other than that it has literally all the tools of a great team (unaware, court change, bootspam, breakers, pivots, status, etc) just not the greatest defensive synergy. The molt set is also extremely good i think it should be used more on more serious teams.
Dachsbun @ Assault Vest
Ability: Well-Baked Body
Tera Type: Fairy
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Body Press
- Play Rough
- Stomping Tantrum
- Trailblaze

Zoroark-Hisui @ Choice Specs
Ability: Illusion
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Shadow Ball
- Grass Knot
- Flamethrower
- Trick

Decidueye-Hisui @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Scrappy
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Triple Arrows
- Leaf Blade
- Knock Off
- U-turn

Cloyster @ Focus Sash
Ability: Skill Link
Tera Type: Ice
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Naughty Nature
- Shell Smash
- Icicle Spear
- Rock Blast
- Hydro Pump

Arcanine-Hisui @ Choice Band
Ability: Rock Head
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Head Smash
- Flare Blitz
- Extreme Speed
- Close Combat

Copperajah @ Life Orb
Ability: Sheer Force
Tera Type: Steel
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk / 8 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Body Slam
- High Horsepower
- Iron Head
- Curse
Random team I built recently can’t tell how good it is but it will probably work when I test it later
1LDK home team dump

Hey people, 1LDK here, with home coming to a close, I have decided to share my teams so you guys can have them and have fun with them, some of them are build for serious team competition while others were build around fun ideas and being creativity in this fun and diverse meta, some of them are more sober than others, either way, I think that all these teams are somewhat usable, and I hope you guys can use them

1) Maushold Sun: :torkoal: :great tusk: :maushold-four::Lilligant-Hisui: :heatran: :walking wake: (fun)

this team revolves around that one time I saw maushold rain in ladder and thought "hey, I can do that" and maushold is based, helps with hazard removal and has a lot of utility like encore and d a m a g e. I added some of the 1LDK characteristic flavor, like Sun Heatran, which is a really fun stallbreaker that 2 taps Ting Lu thanks to tera grass solar beam, donzo and tusk and garga too, grass and fire is good coverage especially if sun boosted, I also have a personal favorite in tera blast poison wake, to shit on tera fairy wake, azumaril, booster valiant and common ways to beat wake (Btw I just realized that setsu already made maushold sun, so I'm doing copyright infringement)

2) Anti-Fat team: :great tusk: :heatran: :iron valiant: :baxcalibur: :landorus-therian: :zapdos: (serious)

this team has a very poor matchup against offense, but literally disintegrates fat from the face of the planet, nothing else to say really. Use it to counter team "that" guy that you know wants to make your life miserable

3) Boots zama + Glowking fat balance: :great tusk: :kingambit: :moltres: :zamazenta: :slowking galar: :enamorus: (serious)

Speaking of fat balance, here is my own fat balance, it gets destroyed by bax, but otherwise, handles decently most of the offensive meta treats in a decently defensive manner, its probably my second-best team to be honest. glowking pivots and takes status, tusk and zama check bax, enam is the main wallbreaker, gambit cleans and moltres haxes with burns

4) Specs Hoopa hax balance: :slowking-galar: :great tusk: :Hoopa-Unbound: :baxcalibur: :zapdos: :cinderace: (serious)

Also, a balance team, but this time has HAX, the objective is simple, spam paralyzes to everything that moves and is not immune to it, then, let Hoopa handle it, you need to be really careful about ting lu tho, once hoopa dies, ting lu walls the entire team so uh be careful, outside that, it requires some more brain power to use, but specs hoopa is just so fucking fun lmao

5) Double infiltrator BO ft power gem heatran: :dragapult: :noivern: :kingambit: :iron valiant: :heatran: :great tusk: (fun)

Back to the BO train and fun teams, this team revolves around using both dragapult and noivern as wallbreakers to dismantle teams and mons that like to abuse substitute, both have U-turn and dragon stab, Hurricane and Boomburst on Noiverns side allows for surprise wall breaker power, and from Dragapult side, Phantom Force and Sucker Punch give ghost stab and priority, I'm also packing Power Gem + Wide Lens heatran, to hit Magma Storms better and to hit unsuspecting flying types

6) Goodra-H Spikes Balance: :Goodra-Hisui: :gholdengo: :ting lu: :zapdos: :great tusk: :volcanion: (fun)

Hazard stack is stupidly easy to build around, as long as you have gholdengo and either ting lu or samu-h (depending on the style of team) you can literally put whatever you want in the remaining slots, so I have this tendency where I can just mix and match and will probrably be successfull. I'm running a curse shuffler set, its a fun, albeit not very decent sweeper because it takes too long. The rest of the team is just to complement and shit fun fact: I build this team a bit before Pinkacross made his goodra team, and his team i much better than mine lmao

7) Choice Band Azumarill hax: :azumarill: :great tusk: :zapdos: :slowking-galar: :baxcalibur: :mismagius:/:Dragapult: (fun) (for the mismagius version) (for the dragapult version)

I wanted to try choice band azu because instant damage is instant damage, I decided to compensate with Thunder Wave Spam and added a Mimagius for flutter mane from ohio fun, I also have a version with dragapult for the people who like dragapult more

8) NP GOATking HO (collab with A1Gallade): :abomasnow: :sandy shocks: :baxcalibur: :slowking-galar: :dragonite: :kingambit: (fun)

This one is the biggest meme team from them all, and It's unironically somewhat decent, gets instantly 6-0 from the start by skeledirge, but it's fun. Hail is on the rise, and with baxcalibur being so famous, running abomasnow is worth it, and nobody espects galarian slowking pulling up with nasty plot, it has some coverage issues, but its okay. Special shout-outs to A1 because he provided the Kingambit set and the guy is seriously good at the game, he also has his own discord server where you can learn more about competitive Pokémon and shit, its a warm community

9) Double Weakness Policy HO: :moltres-galar: :enamorus: :heatran: :great tusk: :sneasler: :kingambit: (fun)

This is the first team I did in home believe it or not, and I have a fond memory of it, it's probably outdated but who cares, it's fun. It's based around double dancers, enamorus and moltres galar, nobody expects weakness policy part 2, rest of the team is filler tbh, one thing to note is that, enamorus when using this team, has 1000% chance of getting haxed out, so that's great

10) Raining Hazards: :pelipper: :greninja: :dragonite: :Basculegion: :great tusk: :ting lu: (serious)

From all my serious teams this is probably the best overall, Vert sold me on greninja as a rain menace, I did my own version with hazard stacking and mix dragonite, mix dnite is the only mix set that has never let me down, it lures and trolls most of rain's checks, clodsire, tusk, garga, you name it, it has troubles with gambit, but so does every rain team. Also FUCK HEAD SMASH

11) Whirlwind + boots Spam Balance: :iron hands: :ting lu: :slowking-galar: :iron valiant: :gholdengo: :baxcalibur: (fun)

This one is kinda hard to pivot around, but its a fun team, you hazard stack, you pray that rotom or ace don't fuck you too hard, and basically win for free because hazard stack + bax is so fucking easy to use lmao, I'm starting to feel bad. The iron hands set is so fucking funny nobody expects this bullshit tbh, and protect + lefties is always a good combo

That's about it, I hope you like all the teams, or at least one of them, there's a lot to choose from, whatever questions, doubts or comments feel free to do so, and don't forget to like please, thank you and goodbye!
1LDK home team dump

Hey people, 1LDK here, with home coming to a close, I have decided to share my teams so you guys can have them and have fun with them, some of them are build for serious team competition while others were build around fun ideas and being creativity in this fun and diverse meta, some of them are more sober than others, either way, I think that all these teams are somewhat usable, and I hope you guys can use them

1) Maushold Sun: :torkoal: :great tusk: :maushold-four::Lilligant-Hisui: :heatran: :walking wake: (fun)

this team revolves around that one time I saw maushold rain in ladder and thought "hey, I can do that" and maushold is based, helps with hazard removal and has a lot of utility like encore and d a m a g e. I added some of the 1LDK characteristic flavor, like Sun Heatran, which is a really fun stallbreaker that 2 taps Ting Lu thanks to tera grass solar beam, donzo and tusk and garga too, grass and fire is good coverage especially if sun boosted, I also have a personal favorite in tera blast poison wake, to shit on tera fairy wake, azumaril, booster valiant and common ways to beat wake (Btw I just realized that setsu already made maushold sun, so I'm doing copyright infringement)

2) Anti-Fat team: :great tusk: :heatran: :iron valiant: :baxcalibur: :landorus-therian: :zapdos: (serious)

this team has a very poor matchup against offense, but literally disintegrates fat from the face of the planet, nothing else to say really. Use it to counter team "that" guy that you know wants to make your life miserable

3) Boots zama + Glowking fat balance: :great tusk: :kingambit: :moltres: :zamazenta: :slowking galar: :enamorus: (serious)

Speaking of fat balance, here is my own fat balance, it gets destroyed by bax, but otherwise, handles decently most of the offensive meta treats in a decently defensive manner, its probably my second-best team to be honest. glowking pivots and takes status, tusk and zama check bax, enam is the main wallbreaker, gambit cleans and moltres haxes with burns

4) Specs Hoopa hax balance: :slowking-galar: :great tusk: :Hoopa-Unbound: :baxcalibur: :zapdos: :cinderace: (serious)

Also, a balance team, but this time has HAX, the objective is simple, spam paralyzes to everything that moves and is not immune to it, then, let Hoopa handle it, you need to be really careful about ting lu tho, once hoopa dies, ting lu walls the entire team so uh be careful, outside that, it requires some more brain power to use, but specs hoopa is just so fucking fun lmao

5) Double infiltrator BO ft power gem heatran: :dragapult: :noivern: :kingambit: :iron valiant: :heatran: :great tusk: (fun)

Back to the BO train and fun teams, this team revolves around using both dragapult and noivern as wallbreakers to dismantle teams and mons that like to abuse substitute, both have U-turn and dragon stab, Hurricane and Boomburst on Noiverns side allows for surprise wall breaker power, and from Dragapult side, Phantom Force and Sucker Punch give ghost stab and priority, I'm also packing Power Gem + Wide Lens heatran, to hit Magma Storms better and to hit unsuspecting flying types

6) Goodra-H Spikes Balance: :Goodra-Hisui: :gholdengo: :ting lu: :zapdos: :great tusk: :volcanion: (fun)

Hazard stack is stupidly easy to build around, as long as you have gholdengo and either ting lu or samu-h (depending on the style of team) you can literally put whatever you want in the remaining slots, so I have this tendency where I can just mix and match and will probrably be successfull. I'm running a curse shuffler set, its a fun, albeit not very decent sweeper because it takes too long. The rest of the team is just to complement and shit fun fact: I build this team a bit before Pinkacross made his goodra team, and his team i much better than mine lmao

7) Choice Band Azumarill hax: :azumarill: :great tusk: :zapdos: :slowking-galar: :baxcalibur: :mismagius:/:Dragapult: (fun) (for the mismagius version) (for the dragapult version)

I wanted to try choice band azu because instant damage is instant damage, I decided to compensate with Thunder Wave Spam and added a Mimagius for flutter mane from ohio fun, I also have a version with dragapult for the people who like dragapult more

8) NP GOATking HO (collab with A1Gallade): :abomasnow: :sandy shocks: :baxcalibur: :slowking-galar: :dragonite: :kingambit: (fun)

This one is the biggest meme team from them all, and It's unironically somewhat decent, gets instantly 6-0 from the start by skeledirge, but it's fun. Hail is on the rise, and with baxcalibur being so famous, running abomasnow is worth it, and nobody espects galarian slowking pulling up with nasty plot, it has some coverage issues, but its okay. Special shout-outs to A1 because he provided the Kingambit set and the guy is seriously good at the game, he also has his own discord server where you can learn more about competitive Pokémon and shit, its a warm community

9) Double Weakness Policy HO: :moltres-galar: :enamorus: :heatran: :great tusk: :sneasler: :kingambit: (fun)

This is the first team I did in home believe it or not, and I have a fond memory of it, it's probably outdated but who cares, it's fun. It's based around double dancers, enamorus and moltres galar, nobody expects weakness policy part 2, rest of the team is filler tbh, one thing to note is that, enamorus when using this team, has 1000% chance of getting haxed out, so that's great

10) Raining Hazards: :pelipper: :greninja: :dragonite: :Basculegion: :great tusk: :ting lu: (serious)

From all my serious teams this is probably the best overall, Vert sold me on greninja as a rain menace, I did my own version with hazard stacking and mix dragonite, mix dnite is the only mix set that has never let me down, it lures and trolls most of rain's checks, clodsire, tusk, garga, you name it, it has troubles with gambit, but so does every rain team. Also FUCK HEAD SMASH

11) Whirlwind + boots Spam Balance: :iron hands: :ting lu: :slowking-galar: :iron valiant: :gholdengo: :baxcalibur: (fun)

This one is kinda hard to pivot around, but its a fun team, you hazard stack, you pray that rotom or ace don't fuck you too hard, and basically win for free because hazard stack + bax is so fucking easy to use lmao, I'm starting to feel bad. The iron hands set is so fucking funny nobody expects this bullshit tbh, and protect + lefties is always a good combo

That's about it, I hope you like all the teams, or at least one of them, there's a lot to choose from, whatever questions, doubts or comments feel free to do so, and don't forget to like please, thank you and goodbye!

Finally someone else is using that curse :goodra-hisui: set! Personally prefer sap sipper as it keeps :amoonguss: from stopping your setup (and while leech seed is rare it’s nice to block it too), sure you have :gholdengo: but not being able to setup until a regenerator mon is dead is annoying. Normally I run tera fairy so that if :amoonguss: isn’t running around I can handle and set up on strong dragon and fighting stabs from the likes of :baxcalibur:, :dragapult:, :walking wake:, :hydreigon:, :iron valiant:, :zamazenta:, and :great tusk:, and there really aren’t any earth powers strong enough to break your special side while neutral damage is generally fine to handle with some setup.

Nice teams!
This team I've put together is pretty darn good, any suggestions for improvements? Landorus, Mandibuzz and Empoleon are such an effective core - they constantly switch into each other's checks to generate momentum for Bax or Infernape to setup or for Munkidori to get some wallbreaking in. I just don't know if I need Mandibuzz or if Munkidori fits onto the team the best. Would love any suggestions, thanks!

Hot N Cold - Weathers are hot/cool right now so I bring two almost generic builds for those who want to try something new and quickly.

:Torkoal::Walking Wake:
Walking Wave is better than ever, just enjoy the masked fire boy I have an early feeling we won't have him for a long time.

9Tales Alola, Baxca, Light Clay? Only time (and perhaps a survey) will tell. Add Manaphy, an extra Snow and more momentum.

Long time no teams, but having some fun in a long time too.
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