Project Analyze The Strange Things You've Seen On Ladder!


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Ah yes, the traditional "creative movesets" and "lol look at the ladder" type of threads, a tradition as ancient as... uhh many parts of Smogon I guess. We need some more lighthearted, but interesting conversation around these parts, so I'd like to provide a twist on these old concepts!

Since Battle Stadium Singles is a very ladder focused format... we've all run into stuff that seems strange, nonsensical, and silly! But I think it'd be a bit boring to just go "lol I saw Sucker Punch Gengar", so instead, let's talk about the twist...

I want you to analyze WHY you think your foe made that strange choice!

By analyze, I mean many things. You could talk about why you think your foe chose that option, why you think it works / doesn't work, etc. Who knows, maybe you've come across some secret new tech that could be good! Or maybe you just want to post about a strange, amusing situation you came across!

Anyways, I'll kick this thread off with... the Sucker Punch Gengar I just mentioned! Just note, this is somewhat long because... well you know me lol. You don't have to make epic posts, just something that's fun to read!

An Example

Earlier this month, I got into a battle where we were both down to our last Pokemon, me with Flutter Mane, and my foe with Gengar! I'm pretty nervous here: if that Gengar is Focus Sash Icy Wind, I basically have a 95% chance to lose. I breath a sigh of relief as we both use Shadow Ball, and assume I'm going to win even though we are both Focus Sash. But then...

Gengar used Sucker Punch! It's a critical hit!

I'm pretty shocked, so after this, I do a damage calc!

252 SpA Gengar Shadow Ball vs. 4 HP / 0 SpD Flutter Mane: 108-128 (82.4 - 97.7%) -- guaranteed 2HKO

0 Atk Gengar Sucker Punch vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Flutter Mane: 25-30 (19.2 - 23%) -- possible 5HKO

Wow, that crit didn't even matter! This is what I get for not running bulk on Flutter Mane... but this is interesting. While some of the strongest Pokemon right now like Dragonite, Baxcalibur, and Gholdengo really like their bulk or great typing, I can't deny that Gengar can probably pick off a lot of annoying Focus Sash stuff with Sucker Punch, like Iron Bundle or my Flutter Mane.

But the big question is... is it worth using over Icy Wind?

I have a feeling that it might be rather situational, since Icy Wind's Speed control can really save your skin in situations such as say, a Dragonite attempting to set up. And it's not like Icy Wind isn't incapable of messing with Focus Sash Pokemon too. I think I get why this guy used Sucker Punch though: they may have been worried about Booster Energy stuff. Since Gengar doesn't actually OHKO Flutter Mane, Icy Wind isn't going to be useful against a Speed Booster Flutter Mane, but Sucker Punch will really surprise the frail ones. Similar deal with Iron Bundle. This isn't even a totally out there idea for this generation: Sucker Punch does have high usage on Bellibolt for similar reasons, and while Bellibolt isn't terribly common, it has been rising a bit in usage lately according to Pokemon Home!

Still, unlike Bellibolt, Gengar is really fast, so Sucker Punch has less targets. Overall, in my mind, I'd personally file Sucker Punch Gengar as "situational, but maybe viable".
I saw electric seed Iron thorns, with pinchurchin support. They clearly used it to boost twice, both on Def as that was the biggest stat. So it could've really helped set DDs. I, uh, totally forgot anything else, but I think it was cool. I didn't nt remember things I find much anyway, so the fact this stood out says something. I'd say future paradoxes, at least some of them, can viably go for two boosts.
Everything in Bold was revealed

Greninja-Bond (M) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Torrent
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water
- Endure
- Water Shuriken
- Hydro Pump

- Ice Beam*

*I assume Ice Beam is the last to hit Dragon-types.

I think that this set is pretty interesting! It aims to take advantage of the plethora of foes that can hit Greninja super-effectively, in my case Iron Bundle (though you only beat this one if it's Tera Grass). It's -probably- not great. I'd call it somewhat situational, as not only do you rely on your foe clicking the super-effective move (which I've found to be unreliable in a decently choice-heavy metagame), but a lot of the Pokémon you'd hope to beat like Flutter Mane and Regieleki either have the special bulk to withstand Water Shuriken unless it hits 5 times (which is even a roll, in Flutter Mane's case) or can out-prioritize you with Extreme Speed. I do think its sort of a funny match-up fish though!
Everything in Bold was revealed

Greninja-Bond (M) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Torrent
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water
- Endure
- Water Shuriken
- Hydro Pump

- Ice Beam*

*I assume Ice Beam is the last to hit Dragon-types.

I think that this set is pretty interesting! It aims to take advantage of the plethora of foes that can hit Greninja super-effectively, in my case Iron Bundle (though you only beat this one if it's Tera Grass). It's -probably- not great. I'd call it somewhat situational, as not only do you rely on your foe clicking the super-effective move (which I've found to be unreliable in a decently choice-heavy metagame), but a lot of the Pokémon you'd hope to beat like Flutter Mane and Regieleki either have the special bulk to withstand Water Shuriken unless it hits 5 times (which is even a roll, in Flutter Mane's case) or can out-prioritize you with Extreme Speed. I do think its sort of a funny match-up fish though!

Great this thread's not dead. I saw t spikes/ taunt/ shuriken/ ?? Gren. Um, wait a sec, bond is legal? That green is weird right?

Edit : looked up guess not.just 1 time +1 SpA. So maybe protean better, iirc mine was
Everything in Bold was revealed

Greninja-Bond (M) @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Torrent
Level: 50
Tera Type: Water
- Endure
- Water Shuriken
- Hydro Pump

- Ice Beam*

*I assume Ice Beam is the last to hit Dragon-types.

I think that this set is pretty interesting! It aims to take advantage of the plethora of foes that can hit Greninja super-effectively, in my case Iron Bundle (though you only beat this one if it's Tera Grass). It's -probably- not great. I'd call it somewhat situational, as not only do you rely on your foe clicking the super-effective move (which I've found to be unreliable in a decently choice-heavy metagame), but a lot of the Pokémon you'd hope to beat like Flutter Mane and Regieleki either have the special bulk to withstand Water Shuriken unless it hits 5 times (which is even a roll, in Flutter Mane's case) or can out-prioritize you with Extreme Speed. I do think its sort of a funny match-up fish though!

You know I ran into a very similar set where the opposing player used endure followed by hydro pump, luckily it missed and I could ko.

I'm not sure if it was the same person as the one you bumped into (I ran into this a few days ago) or if its a trending strat among some players right now.
Most of the interesting stuff I see and remember isn't from the foe. Um, saw shell bell azu. Seems like a bad item but it's an interesting idea cause of azu's damage potential
I saw non priority,non sacred sword pao. Seemed odd, wasn't possibly choice iirc. I wonder what else. Seen a trevenant, ran it too before that some time. I feel like I see more unusual stuff than I'd expect, but little outright weird. Fissure Lando t maybe.

Edit, counter ogerpon(not cornerstone.)