DPP Ubers But he works great in Ubers. (Uber RMT)

Dialga @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 240 HP/32 Spd/238 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Aura Sphere
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunder

Specs Dialga is way better than people give it credit for and is an excellent starter capable of OHKOing all of the common Uber starters which include opposing Dialga, Palkia, Scarf Kyogre, Lati@s and Groudon. The speed evs are enough to outspeed most base 90 speed pokemon who do not run any evs in speed.
Draco Meteor is Dialga's hardest hitting move but because of the Special Attack drop it gives i've decided to replace the standard Fire Blast with Dragon Pulse for consistency. Fire is generally a bad attacking type in the Uber metagame due to a fair amount of pokemon resisting it and Thunder already 2HKOs most steels so not much of a problem in dropping Fire Blast as far as i can see.

Lugia @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 208 HP/166 Def/136 Spd
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Reflect
- Roost
- Toxic
- Ice Beam

My Groudon and Rayquaza "counter" right here. The speed Evs alow it to outspeed Adamant Rayquaza as well as any neutral nature base 90 pokemon like Groudon and Kyogre. I initially thought about going with enough evs to outspeed Jolly Ray as it is the most common but it would force Lugia to sacrifice too much from its defences. The current ev spread takes 66-78% from a Jolly Rayquaza's Life Orbed Dragon Danced Outrage so it can still possibly survive even after Stealth Rock Damage and generally will always survive if it switches into Ray's DDance with Max Hp due to Leftovers recovery.
Lugia also serves as my Normal Arceus counter as with Relect and Toxic it can outstall and beat Arceus before it is able to kill Lugia, even if Arceus attempts to Sword Dances 3 times. Pressure also benefits Lugia here as it eats up Arceus' Extremespeed and Groudon's Stone Edge pp.

Palkia @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 36 Atk/222 Spd/252 SAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Spacial Rend
- Surf
- Thunder
- Focus Punch

Choice Scarf Palkia, my second answer to Rayquaza if Luga is taken out, it has enough speed to outpace Jolly Rayquaza after a Dragon Dance and can Spacial Rend it for the OHKO. It also serves as a great revenge killer for Scarf Ogre, Mewtwo and Darkrai who think they will outspeed it for the kill, Focus Punch does about 73-85% to Blissey who think they can wall it indefinitely so they also have to be wary when switching into this threat. Not much else to say

Blissey (♀) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 70 HP/252 Def/188 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Softboiled
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss
- Wish
Best special wall in OU does it just as well in Ubers. Toxic is my main method of dealing damage and Seismic Toss serves as a consistent way of dealing damage. I previously had Ice Beam over Wish but given the nature of the team i decided using Wish on Blissey was definitely the way to go. Most would argue that Protect would be a better choice over Softboiled, but i'm more comfortable with Softboiled for instant recovery and its replacement is not debatable.

Tyranitar (♀) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP/6 Def/252 SDef
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
- Earthquake

Choice Band Tyranitar, a very uncommon but deadly threat in Ubers due to its ability to hit alot of Ubers against their lower Defensive stat. It also sets up Sandstorm for the last member of by team and for the most part eliminates his counters. Tar is my answer to Lati@s and to Choiced Mewtwos beating them with Crunch if they get any ideas of staying in and Pursuit if they had any ideas of switching. I'm still contemplating its Ev spread though and haven't decided yet if Careful would be a better choice over Adamant to take better advantage of the Sandstorm boost but i haven't run into any problems with it so far.

Garchomp (♀) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Stone Edge
- Dragon Claw

The star of the team It's.........**Garchomp**. Now for all those that think Garchomp is terrible in Ubers, I personally think you have never played Ubers before and will blatantly disregard your opnions and statements. Choice Band Garchomp is indeed a serious threat outspeeding more of the Uber metagame than you would expect. Darkrai, Mewtwo, Deoxys - A and the Latis are the only things that outspeed Garchomp in Ubers excluding Scarfed Pokemon and the Lati's actually tend to run less than 333 speed as their main opponent to outspeed is Palkia, Stone Edge is listed to possibly 2hko Lugia and Dragon Claw is listed over Fire Fang for picking off weaker targets if i dont want to lock myself into a Outrage or Cb Earthquake. Bronzong, Forry and Skarm arent all too common in Ubers so i see little reason to run a Fire move.

Just to give you an idea of how powerful Garchomp can be in Ubers i've included the much loved damage calcs for some ubers below.

CB Outrage on 252 Hp/32 Def (Standard Adamant Groudon) - 53-63% (Always a 2hko)

CB Earthquake on 252 Hp/32 Def (Standard Adamant Groudon) - 45 - 52% (Possible 2HKO as most Groudon dont carry Leftovers)

CB Outrage on 252 Hp/252 Def Bold Lugia - 43-50% (Won't ever 2hko due to lefties but note the ev spread on Lugia)

CB Stone Edge on 252 Hp/252 Def Bold Lugia - 48-56% (Possible 2HKO).... With a crit 92-100% on the same Lugia (Possible OHKO)

CB Outrage on 252 Hp/52 Def (Analysis Listed Lugia Evs) - 50-58% (A 2hko on Average and with any residual Damage Lugia loses)

CB Stone Edge on 252 Hp/52 Def (Analysis Listed Lugia Evs) 55-65% (Always 2HKOs)...With a crit it will always OHKO this ev spread.

Keep in mind Lugia does NOT OHKO Chomp with Ice Beam without 216 Evs in Special Attack with a Neutral nature and with that much Evs invested in Spatk it will always be 2HKOed by Outrage or Stone Edge.

CB Earthquake on 252 Hp/252 Def Modest Kyogre - 52-61% (Always a 2hko unless it rolls min damage twice and Kyogre has leftovers)

CB Outrage on 252 Hp/252 Def Modest Kyogre - 62 -73%
(Always a 2hko)

CB Earthquake on 6 Hp/ 4 Def Modest Kyogre - 74 -93%
(Always a 2hko)

CB Outrage on 6 Hp/0 Def Modest Kyogre - 95-100%
(Possible OHKO)

CB Outrage on 252 Hp/252 Def Bold Dialga - 48-56%
(Possible 2HKO and since no Dialga is ever bothering to run this ev spread its safe to say Outrage will alwyas 2hko wile Earthquake being super effective will always OHKO.

An these are the calcs for the bulkiest Uber pokemon (Deoxys-D is not listed as it takes Neutral hits even worse than Lugia).

Uber Threat List

Lugia helps against the Normal set and as for any other set i will deal with it when i see it.


I normally let Dialga take the sleep then beat it with either Blissey or Tyranitar.

Deoxys - A
No direct counter to this so i tend to have to rely on prediction or Revenge kill it with Palkia.

Deoxys - D
Tyranitar can 2hko any Ev spread, Lugia and Blissey have Toxic and Garchomp can 2hko.

Another pokemon with no direct counter, Blissey can beats Specs sets, although Mix sets are always a problem Palkia can do a number with Spacial Rend and Garchomp can OHKO with Earthquake or 2HKO with Outrage

Garchomp 2hkos as does Palkia, Dialga also OHKOs and it really isnt doing much to my team anyway, I'd just have to watch Will O Wisp and its residual Damage.

Lugia is my counter for this with Roost depleting Stone Edges pp and Reflect to lessen damage even more while taking it out with Toxic and Ice Beam. Tyranitar also gets rid of Sunny Day if need be. Garchomp and Dialga also resist Stone Edge if i dont want to risk sending Lugia into it.

Palkia and Lugia take this on just fine as Palkia quad resists Sacred Fire and isnt worried too much about the burn while Lugia can take any other move and destroy it with Reflect and Toxic

Palkia quad resists water while being faster and hitting it with a Super Effective Thunder, Blissey generally beats it with Toxic and Garchomp has the option of possibly OHKoing it with Outrage, Tyranitar will also offset rain teams with his Sandstorm.

Blissey takes this on just fine and Tar can either OhKO it with Pursuit on the switch or Crunch if it stays in. Palkia can also 2hko it with Spacial Rend. While Dialga will OHKO with Draco Meteor.


Read above post

Dialga is a great counter here as it will 2hko with Thunder and isnt really damaged by any of Lugia's moves, Blissey and my Lugia can cripple it with Toxic and Tyranitar is always an ever present threat to it.

Dialga Ohkos with Thunder as does Palkia and they both resist Surf.

Lugia can come in on it and set up Reflect and since Metagross in Ubers rarely carry Earthquake Dialga can come in on it everytime.

Garchomp and Palkia 2hko, Dialga can OHKO as can Tar, Blissey and Lugia are also pokemon that can Cripple it with Toxic.

Blissey tends to normally beat it with Toxic, Tyranitar comes in on anything but Aura Sphere on Specs sets and exterminates it with Pursuit.

Again no counter here although Dialga can OHKO with Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor and my Palkia can OHKO with Spacial Rend, Blissey also walls it as long as Rain isnt up.

No counter but Lugia and Scarf Palkia put a stop to any plans it may have the majority of the time.


The star of the team It's.........**Garchomp**. Now for all those that think Garchomp is terrible in Ubers, I personally think you have never played Ubers before and will blatantly disregard your opnions and statements.

Yeah, I thought that a lot in the Garchomp discussion threads.
I really like this team, great work. Also I'm glad you pointed out how Garchomp can fare in ubers very well. Also, I think some certain Taunt Mewtwos can cause more trouble than you give credit for. They completely immobilize Blissey and with your EV spread it can get a Calm Mind up on Tyranitar and live through a Pursuit and stay in (IIRC). After that it OHKO's with Aura Sphere and basically beats the rest of your team.

As for what you could do to fix it, I'm not too good with Ubers (other than my beloved Mewtwo) and hell the only things that can take it out are Revenge Killers. I'd do some testing and see if there are enough TauntTwos to cause enough trouble or to see if you have a different way of handling them. Overall, awesome team.
But after it takes the CB Pursuit, can it survive the follow up Spacial Rend from Palkia?

I'd have to do some Calcs, but it would probably come down to how many Calm Minds it got off. But there is still no doubt that Taunt CM Mewtwo is a threat to this team in my opinion. I'll run some damage calcs to see how much Damage it takes from Pursuit.

EDIT: Ah, here we go...
Tyranitar's Pursuit — Damage: 56.20% - 66.12%
Palkia's Spacial Rend — Damage: 36.91% - 43.53% (Mewtwo has one Calm Mind)

So there is pretty even chance of it KOing with Spacial Rend, and a VERY high chance that the SS will kill it, but you'll have lost two Pokémon. If it gets off two Calm Minds, however, Spacial Rend will only do 27.82% - 32.78% to Mewtwo, so you have a pretty low chance of getting the KO afterwards.
Hey Maniac, congrats on winning the Christmas Tourney.
As for the RMT.

RP (Rock Polish) Life-Orb Groudon may be rare, but it can pretty much dominate this Team. After an RP it outspeeds everything but ScarfPalkia. Stone Edge does 57-67% on your Lugia. With Stealth Rock, Lugia's living at 18-28% HP. Meaning, if you've taken prior battle damage, Lugia's looking in the rough.

Palkia's best bet, Spacial Rend does 51-60%. (Surf does 49-57%) to Groudon, only plausible if Groudon's already worn itself out from LO Damage. TTar and Garchomp's Stone Edge's provide setup bait for Groudon as does Dialga's Thunder (Though you probably won't be thundering under Sunny Day, anyway).

Spikes and SR will hurt your switch-heavy team and it's unfortunate that Forry has a lot of oppurtunities to get in. Chomp's dragon attacks, anything Lugia throws at him or mostly anything of Tar's will warrant a free switch-in and an extra layer of spikes.
You actually made a team about it....
Anyways can you explain to me why you just don't use something like DD Ray? it has the same major ice weak, but It would sweep more...
You actually made a team about it....
Anyways can you explain to me why you just don't use something like DD Ray? it has the same major ice weak, but It would sweep more...

Its interesting to note that Garchomp is slightly bulkier than Rayquaza. It gets 3 more Hp, 5 more Def, but 5 less SpDef. Almost all of the +80 Stat points Ray has over Chomp is in the +20 Att and +70 SpAtt.

I think the most prevalent reason to use Chomp over Ray is the +7 Speed and STAB on EQ. STAB EQ+Outrage really brings the rape in ubers.

Dialga @ Choice Specs
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 240 HP/32 Spd/238 SAtk
Modest nature (+SAtk, -Atk)
- Aura Sphere
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Thunder


Lugia @ Leftovers
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 208 HP/166 Def/136 Spd
Bold nature (+Def, -Atk)
- Reflect
- Roost
- Toxic
- Ice Beam

I would consider putting some pseudo hazing move in there. It's rare, but ninjasks really messes up battles if you don't have the right tools

Palkia @ Choice Scarf
Ability: Pressure
EVs: 36 Atk/222 Spd/252 SAtk
Hasty nature (+Spd, -Def)
- Spacial Rend
- Surf
- Thunder
- Focus Punch


Blissey (♀) @ Leftovers
Ability: Natural Cure
EVs: 70 HP/252 Def/188 SDef
Calm nature (+SDef, -Atk)
- Softboiled
- Toxic
- Seismic Toss
- Wish
I've got to be honest, I see blissey in ubers as just a good setup bait. What exactly can this wall? Against players at your and my level, just about every uber can bend around blissey pretty easily. However, the fact that you do need wish support makes it fine here, but I do recommend jirachi instead for some extra dragon resistance

Tyranitar (♀) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 252 HP/6 Def/252 SDef
Adamant nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Crunch
- Stone Edge
- Pursuit
- Earthquake

I would switch out earthquake for fire punch unless that was specifically there for dialga or something of that sort. That way you can hit steels and not be in any danger of earthquaking a levitater/flyer

Garchomp (♀) @ Choice Band
Ability: Sand Veil
EVs: 6 HP/252 Atk/252 Spd
Jolly nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Stone Edge
- Dragon Claw
Garchomp isn't terrible, but I wouldn't say that it's that good either. Getting this thing in is the hardest part, as dragon and ice attacks are spammed all over uber battles. I do agree though that once it's in, it's hard to counter the chomp

Uber Threat List

Lugia helps against the Normal set and as for any other set i will deal with it when i see it.

For the only arceus counter you have, you need to make sure lugia is as healthy as a horse because stealth rocks and such will cause problems when dealing with arceus

I normally let Dialga take the sleep then beat it with either Blissey or Tyranitar.

Yea, not good lol. If we're looking at a mixed or a mega jacked focus blaster version of darkrai, both ttar and even blissey could fall to darkrai

Deoxys - A
No direct counter to this so i tend to have to rely on prediction or Revenge kill it with Palkia.

Yea, nothing anyone can really do with this one, but it looks like palkia is the only thing that has a chance against deoxys-a. The others are ohkoable from it

Deoxys - D
Tyranitar can 2hko any Ev spread, Lugia and Blissey have Toxic and Garchomp can 2hko.

Watch for its knock off attack though, and blissey has a good chance of being taunted before toxicing

Another pokemon with no direct counter, Blissey can beats Specs sets, although Mix sets are always a problem Palkia can do a number with Spacial Rend and Garchomp can OHKO with Earthquake or 2HKO with Outrage

Yea I suck at countering this one too, so I can't say much other than you have a better counter method than me

Garchomp 2hkos as does Palkia, Dialga also OHKOs and it really isnt doing much to my team anyway, I'd just have to watch Will O Wisp and its residual Damage.

Again, getting these guys in safely is hard. Since you don't have a status healer, you can't just outrage giratina with garchomp or you'll risk being clawed or burned

Lugia is my counter for this with Roost depleting Stone Edges pp and Reflect to lessen damage even more while taking it out with Toxic and Ice Beam. Tyranitar also gets rid of Sunny Day if need be. Garchomp and Dialga also resist Stone Edge if i dont want to risk sending Lugia into it.

Strong counters

Palkia and Lugia take this on just fine as Palkia quad resists Sacred Fire and isnt worried too much about the burn while Lugia can take any other move and destroy it with Reflect and Toxic

Strong counters

Palkia quad resists water while being faster and hitting it with a Super Effective Thunder, Blissey generally beats it with Toxic and Garchomp has the option of possibly OHKoing it with Outrage, Tyranitar will also offset rain teams with his Sandstorm.

Strong counters

Blissey takes this on just fine and Tar can either OhKO it with Pursuit on the switch or Crunch if it stays in. Palkia can also 2hko it with Spacial Rend. While Dialga will OHKO with Draco Meteor.

The refreshing version can stop blissey, but other than that, everything here is good

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Dialga is a great counter here as it will 2hko with Thunder and isnt really damaged by any of Lugia's moves, Blissey and my Lugia can cripple it with Toxic and Tyranitar is always an ever present threat to it.

Strong counters

Dialga Ohkos with Thunder as does Palkia and they both resist Surf.

Strong counters

Lugia can come in on it and set up Reflect and since Metagross in Ubers rarely carry Earthquake Dialga can come in on it everytime.

Strong counters

Garchomp and Palkia 2hko, Dialga can OHKO as can Tar, Blissey and Lugia are also pokemon that can Cripple it with Toxic.

Just be aware of its ability to trick stupid items to your choiced pokes such as a burn orb

Blissey tends to normally beat it with Toxic, Tyranitar comes in on anything but Aura Sphere on Specs sets and exterminates it with Pursuit.

This is a problem. Tauting versions stop your blissey completely, and some carry aura sphere, focus punch, or brick break. There is a big risk whenever you don't know what he's using

Again no counter here although Dialga can OHKO with Dragon Pulse/Draco Meteor and my Palkia can OHKO with Spacial Rend, Blissey also walls it as long as Rain isnt up.

Good counters

No counter but Lugia and Scarf Palkia put a stop to any plans it may have the majority of the time.

Good counters


Indeed lol

Overall rating: 9.1/10

The one big problem is that your team can't deal with status problems. Also, you don't have any resistance to the most common attack type in uber battles...dragon attacks.
Hey Maniac, congrats on winning the Christmas Tourney.
As for the RMT.
RP (Rock Polish) Life-Orb Groudon may be rare, but it can pretty much dominate this Team. After an RP it outspeeds everything but ScarfPalkia. Stone Edge does 57-67% on your Lugia. With Stealth Rock, Lugia's living at 18-28% HP. Meaning, if you've taken prior battle damage, Lugia's looking in the rough.

Thanks Train Man. As for Rock Polish Groudon unless it crits Lugia it will still probaly lose to my team. Orb'ed Earthquake does not OHKO Palkia nor does it OHKO Garchomp (Just assuming it doesnt have Dragon Claw here). If it doesn't Crit Lugia then Lugia will normally beat it.
Lugia will come in on Groudon at lets say full health, Groudon uses Rock Polish on the turn i switch in, the following turn he proceeds to use Stone Edge while i use Reflect on the next turn Groudon cannot kill me with Stone Edge due to the Reflect and i can proceed to Roost off the damage then proceed to kill Groudon.
If Lugia comes in on Stealth Rock I can use Ice Beam for roughly 35-40% on that Groudon and so that Palkia may revenge kill it with Spacial Rend due to Life Orb Recoil. It's possible i may even set up Reflect with Lugia so that pretty much anything on my team can do damage to it.''

You actually made a team about it....
Anyways can you explain to me why you just don't use something like DD Ray? it has the same major ice weak, but It would sweep more...

Simply because i dont want to? The emphasis is placed on Garchomp for this team and his slot is the only one i'd consider replacing for Rayquaza so....no

I would consider putting some pseudo hazing move in there. It's rare, but ninjasks really messes up battles if you don't have the right tools

Ninjask isnt common enough to justify the use of Whirlwind over anything in my moveslot. Also, the problem with Ninjask is that if you continue to attack it all it will be able to pass is speed and im sure my team can probaly deal with most pokemon that have a couple speed boosts.

I've got to be honest, I see blissey in ubers as just a good setup bait. What exactly can this wall? Against players at your and my level, just about every uber can bend around blissey pretty easily. However, the fact that you do need wish support makes it fine here, but I do recommend jirachi instead for some extra dragon resistance

The only things that can set up on Bliss without risk of being Statused are Taunt users, the rare Metagross and Dialga. In my opnion Blissey works very well in Ubers depite what you say about "every Uber bending around Blissey". Wish Support makes it all worthwhile anyway as it is something my team needs more so than most Uber teams due to the amount of Choiced pokemon I have.
As for using Jirachi, there is no way in hell im using Jirachi over Blissey as a Wisher, Jirachi may have that steel typing but it takes hits Neutral hits much worse than Blissey and in my opnion just doesnt do as much in Ubers, the only benefit i could see to having Jirachi is Ice Punch which would help against Rayquaza and Latias both of which i already have covered.

I would switch out earthquake for fire punch unless that was specifically there for dialga or something of that sort. That way you can hit steels and not be in any danger of earthquaking a levitater/flyer

I've already said why i think Fire is a bad attacking type in Ubers and regardless the Levitators and Flying types in Ubers conisist of Lugia, Latias, Latios Ho-oh and Rayquaza, and not one of them cares about Fire Punch.

I normally let Dialga take the sleep then beat it with either Blissey or Tyranitar.

Yea, not good lol. If we're looking at a mixed or a mega jacked focus blaster version of darkrai, both ttar and even blissey could fall to darkrai

To the best of my knowledge Focus Blasting Darkrai is not getting past Bliss and remember even if Bliss or Tar were to die to such a "mega jacked Darkrai" I still have Scarf Palkia who can revenge kill Darkrai.

The one big problem is that your team can't deal with status problems. Also, you don't have any resistance to the most common attack type in uber battles...dragon attacks.

The most common status problems in Ubers are Toxic and Will O Wisp and the pokemon that normal use them will not be beating Blissey any time soon.
Blissey is also a fine status absorber with Natural Cure, Dialga also isnt affected by Toxic and most of the users of Toxic in Ubers have problems with dealing damage to Dialga anyway so i'm not really worried there.

And as for having a resistance to Dragon typed moves, I dont think its a necessity as all of the pokemon that commonly use Dragon moves i've already listed counters for and I dont see myself having too much problems here either
I don't see the point of Garchomp. Rayquaza has a much better chance of sweeping teams with Dragon Dance. The only advantage Garchomp has is switching in on Choice Thunders, which is actually a pretty big advantage, but otherwise I don't see how he can compete with Ray.

And yes, I have played ubers.
I don't see the point of Garchomp. Rayquaza...

Let's just look at it (assuming the same set with cb only with ray over chomp)

Pros of using Garchomp over Ray:
- Chomp has 7 more base speed. This is HUGE. Way too many things stop at 320 and 330 to beat jolly ray/max speed non nature lati@s/+SpD base 100's.
- Sand Veil. 1/5 chance of them taking an extra hit is always nice.

Cons of using Garchomp over Ray:
- Ray has 20 more base attack.
- Ray has a ton more SpAtk...too bad there are no special moves on that set.

On a side note: As for the attacking stat difference...you're still ohkoing/2hkoing the same stuff.

I haven't really put a ridiculous amount of thought into the issue but using Garchomp on this team looks like the correct choice to me atm.
Nice team team, since you have Softboiled on blissey, replacing Wish with Stealth Rock could support your team with Sandstorm + Stealth Rock damage. As a plus you will always 2 ko Lugia with Outrage if you do.

EDIT: Rayquaza can come in easily on CBGroudon, ChoiceKyogre, and Manaphy that use rest on the turn Ray switches in.
Nice team team, since you have Softboiled on blissey, replacing Wish with Stealth Rock could support your team with Sandstorm + Stealth Rock damage. As a plus you will always 2 ko Lugia with Outrage if you do.

EDIT: Rayquaza can also set up on CBGroudon, ChoiceKyogre, and Manaphy that use rest on the turn Ray switches in.

I was comparing CB sets.
I changed my wording but what i said benefits the CB set too.
Also, a max sp. attack neutral nature darkrai using focus blast after a calm mind (holding life orb) does 48.20% - 56.74% to your blissey, so it's not as easy to wall that thing as you may have thought. Even the slightest sign of unhealthiness of blissey can mean a ko, but you do have this all covered anyways with palkia as mentioned.

Yes I can always rely on Palkia as back up but you have to take in account Focus Blast's accuracy as well as well as the fact that Darkrai will be taking constant Life Orb damage as well as possibly having to deal with Sandstorm's residual damage as well. Not a very good chance for Darkrai to win as far as i'm concerned.

Yea, do you even uber battle? Yes, Ninjask is rare, but his team has no response to leading ninjasks except maybe his palkia depending on who the bp is to. (prediction).

Hell yea Ninjask is rare, to the best of myowledge i've counted 9 in total and i've been playing Ubers since the time D/P came out in English on wifi.

What do you mean i have no response to leading Ninjasks? What exactly can Ninjask pass to that wont take over 60% from Dialga's Specs Dragon Pulse while posing a threat to my team?.

If Ninjask Swords Dance passes to Groudon with Focus Sash then it will take around 60-65% iirc from Dragon Pulse then from there what can it do to my team, i might get one kill but then i send out Palkia to revenge kill it and then my opponent is down one Baton Pass Recipient and most likely wont be able to do anything either with a 1 hp Ninjask.

If Ninjask is a a Substitute, Protect Speed passing variant then i have even less to fear as even though i wont out speed it; whatever it passes to will unlikely be a threat to my whole team offensively and whatever it is still has to deal with Dialga's Specs Dragon Pulse before it can even think about setting up or attacking.

Nice team team, since you have Softboiled on blissey, replacing Wish with Stealth Rock could support your team with Sandstorm + Stealth Rock damage. As a plus you will always 2 ko Lugia with Outrage if you do.

I actually had Stealth Rock in place of Wish before and it did prove to be very useful but then again so does Wish at present. Right now i think its just a matter of preference in to what one you think is better for the team as both have their cons and pros in comparison to one another.
Okay, I find that the team has kind of a weakness against offensive teams(well played, otherwise you can walk all over average players). First, I haven't played ubers much recently, but last I checked the common starters carry focus sash, or they go by the name of "choice scarfed darkrai" If either of these is the case, your dialga can't stand up to them much.

Outside of Palkia (assuming starter is gone early game) your team also has a specs ogre weak, and seeing as if either of dialga or palkia switch in, they take a good 45%+ damage that's not looking too good. Yes, your team can handle kyogre in general, but having one thing to handle anything in ubers is dangerous seeing how fast the matches move and how easily things die.

I also wonder if focus punch is worth it on palkia... i don't know how many people even run blissey, however right now you lose to every other palkia user in the game due to being outsped. This wouldn't be a problem if garchomp wasn't also beat by opposing palkias.

SD don can also be a minor threat, though for some reason it's not seen much.

Overall it's a decent team, but I think in the current uber metagame it can be taken advatange of too easily. Between your skill as a player, and the fact that the team is pretty good, I'm sure you could beat 90% of players with this team without breaking a sweat, but against anyone who's a top level uber player (especially someone with an offensive team) I can't see this team quite standing up to them. A lot of your comments on the threat list are viable, but between all the comments such as " No counter but Lugia and Scarf Palkia put a stop to any plans it may have the majority of the time." and "Another pokemon with no direct counter, Blissey can beats Specs sets, although Mix sets are always a problem Palkia can do a number with Spacial Rend and Garchomp can OHKO with Earthquake or 2HKO with Outrage" I think that there will be enough damage to your team overall that by late game (the most important part of a match imo and it goes by so fast) your team can't handle enough stuff.

Of course, this is somewhat biased because I find that offensive teams work well and that being able to revenge kill and sheer power work better than walling your opponent in ubers.

I probably kinda seem like im trashing the team, I really don't mean to... It's definitely a pretty good team, but I'm pretty sure you already know what your team does well, so now point in being redundant >_<

Hope I gave a different view on ubers~

*Edit* This quote just in from AbsolDeath: "lol he's maniac we EXPECT him to be the shit :p. So if it's not awesome, we criticize XD"

This is immediately after posting so I thought Absol's comment was funny enough to post ;p