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Long Live Super Mario Maker! 2015-2024
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Hey Regieleki sorta looks like a yellow pikmin right? God imagine Pikmin that fast though...

Might take a bit to finish this, I'll be working on this between breaks from writing my RMT and doing irl stuff! Also, I am taking Aqua Jet's old writing when applicable, so he'll be in the authors list too!

name: All-Out Attacker
move 1: Thunderbolt
move 2: Tera Blast
move 3: Volt Switch
move 4: Extreme Speed / Explosion / Hyper Beam
item: Life Orb / Focus Sash / Choice Specs
ability: Transistor
nature: Modest / Timid
tera type: Ice
evs: 4 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


* Regieleki's incredible Speed stat makes it a hard to wall revenge killer that outspeeds even Choice Scarf foes like Urshifu-R and Chi-Yu!

* **Extreme Speed**: Allowing Regieleki to move before common priority users, this helps to combat Regieleki's main form of counterplay. This is particularly helpful for making Sucker Punch from foes like Chien-Pao fail.

* **Explosion**: While not as common as Extreme Speed, Explosion is a great tool to severely damage foes right before Regieleki is about to faint.

* **Hyper Beam**: Hyper Beam is also a great tool for Regieleki to obliterate foes immediatly before fainting.

Tera Types

* **Tera Dependency - High**: Regieleki's coverage is minuscule without Terastallization, meaning it'll often need it to clean up weakened teams.

* **Ice**:

* **Fairy**:

* **Ghost**:


* **Life Orb versus Magnet**:

* **Focus Sash**:

Alternate EV Spreads

* **84 HP / 172 Def / 164 SpA / 4 SpD / 84 Spe with Timid**: This bulkier EV spread outspeeds Jolly Choice Scarf Garchomp and survives Adamant Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes. It also almost always lives Life Orb Adamant Chien-Pao's Sucker Punch and Timid Flutter Mane's Moonblast.

name: Dual Screens
move 1: Reflect
move 2: Light Screen
move 3: Thunderbolt / Volt Switch
move 4: Tera Blast / Explosion
item: Light Clay
ability: Transistor
nature: Timid
tera type: Ice / Electric
evs: (bit of a question mark, not sure what should be the main EV spread yet)


* Regieleki's incredible Speed stat that lets it outspeed Choice Scarf foes like Garchomp, make it among the most reliable setters of Reflect and Light Screen in the game!

* **Thunderbolt versus Volt Switch**:

* **Tera Blast versus Explosion**:

Tera Types

* **Tera Dependency - Low**: While Regieleki needs Terastallization to deal with Ground-types, its focus is more on supporting other foes that likely need Terastallization more, so consider it more of a rare, opportunistic chance for Regieleki to clean a weakened team.

* **Ice**: If using Tera Blast, Ice is Regieleki's best coverage option against Ground-types.

* **Electric**: If going with Explosion, boosting Regieleki's Electric-type attacks is its best bet at situational sweeping.

EV Spreads

* **84 HP / 172 Def / 164 SpA / 4 SpD / 84 Spe with Timid**

* **252 HP / 4 Def / 252 Spe with Timid**: Maximizing Speed allows Regieleki to outspeed Booster Energy Iron Valiant.

name: Substitute Attacker
move 1: Substitute
move 2: Thunder Cage
move 3: Tera Blast
move 4: Volt Switch / Thunderbolt / Protect
item: Leftovers
ability: Transistor
nature: Modest / Timid
tera type: Ice
evs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe


* When combined with the trapping abilities of Thunder Cage, this Regieleki set is capable of wearing down common Assault Vest answers, such as Hisuian Goodra and Heatran.

* **Volt Switch versus Thunderbolt**:

* **Protect**:

Tera Types

* **Tera Dependency - High**: Before Terastallizing, Regieleki's poor movepool leaves it walled by Ground-types, making it often required for late game sweeps.

* **Ice**: By Terastallizing into an Ice-type, Regieleki gains crucial coverage for the Ground-types that would otherwise wall it.

* **Flying**:

* **Ghost**:

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I wanted to ask, but was shut down on the scarf. Um, that's fine, but what about Electro Ball? I feel it can do a lot of damage, obviously. I'm not saying it's 100% good, but if anything can do it it's this.
Thunderbolt and volt switch provide sufficient power as is, and in the event regieleki faces something that is close to it in speed (which is actually not that unrealistic as crazy as it seems), Thunderbolt will actually out damage electro ball. With the requirement of tera blast for coverage and volt/tbolt being standards already, it just isn’t really worth putting electro ball in the last slot, you’d rather have espeed or something to support your team further. Hell even rapid spin is a decent option since it allows Dragonite and other fliers to not be so reliant on boots, and it allows Chien-Pao to pivot around at will, keeping its sash intact or just avoiding that chip is far more worth the moveslot in all honesty.
I wanted to ask, but was shut down on the scarf. Um, that's fine, but what about Electro Ball? I feel it can do a lot of damage, obviously. I'm not saying it's 100% good, but if anything can do it it's this.
Short Answer: Electro Ball is worse then Choice Scarf on Regieleki
Long answer: The meta is very very fast with all of the S ranks on the VR being fast Pokemon save Ting-Lu (who is immune to Electro Ball by virtue of being a Ground-type) and Urshifu-R (who takes more from Thunderbolt then it does from Electro Ball - Electro Ball can't even secure the kill on offensive variants). This makes Electro Ball just worse Thunderbolt as it beats the same things (like Greninja) while also doing less damage to Flutter Mane, Chien-Pao, and Rotom-Wash.
Generally if you're going to suggest/try out things, ask yourself the following questions:
1) Is what I'm using good? Does it beat whats trending right now (think: Oricorio-S completely walling Dragonite and being able to beat Flutter Mane, meaning it has either positive or neutral matchups into the two most-used Pokémon right now)
2) Is it gimmicky? If my opponent knows I'm running this set, does that make it significantly less effective? (think: Weather Ball Primarina in that one VGC tournament)
3) Does it do something meaningful that no other Pokemon or move can fulfull? For example, AV Gyarados vs. AV Dondozo. While Gyarados has a better matchup into Goodra-H, the rest of the matchups you'd task them with handling are either the same or better for Dondozo, making Dondozo better. Electro Ball has a better matchup into Dondozo sure, but in almost any other matchup Thunderbolt is better.

The answers should be yes, no and yes. If one of these answers is not what I'm suggesting them to be, then you should probably re-evaluate if it is good or if it is outclassed by something else.
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Short Answer: Electro Ball is worse then Choice Scarf on RegielekI
Long answer: The meta is very very fast with all of the S ranks on the VR being fast Pokemon save Ting-Lu (who is immune to Electro Ball by virtue of being a Ground-type) and Urshifu-R (who takes more from Thunderbolt then it does from Electro Ball - Electro Ball can't even secure the kill on offensive variants). This makes Electro Ball just worse Thunderbolt as it beats the same things (like Greninja) while also doing less damage to Flutter Mane, Chien-Pao, and Rotom-Wash.
Generally if you're going to suggest/try out things, ask yourself the following questions:
1) Is what I'm using good? Does it beat whats trending right now (think: Oricorio-S completely walling Dragonite and being able to beat Flutter Mane, meaning it has either positive or neutral matchups into the two most-used Pokémon right now)
2) Is it gimmicky? If my opponent knows I'm running this set, does that make it significantly less effective? (think: Weather Ball Primarina in that one VGC tournament)
3) Does it do something meaningful that no other Pokemon or move can fulfull? For example, AV Gyarados vs. AV Dondozo. While Gyarados has a better matchup into Goodra-H, the rest of the matchups you'd task them with handling are either the same or better for Dondozo, making Dondozo better. Electro Ball has a better matchup into Dondozo sure, but in almost any other matchup Thunderbolt is better.

The answers should be yes, no and yes. If one of these answers is not what I'm suggesting them to be, then you should probably re-evaluate if it is good or if it is outclassed by something else.

o ok. It really gets Cress, Garg, and Grimm, at least more than t-bolt, but sure. I see what you mean, there are a lot of fast things these days. The only reason(probably) I get good damage on avg. w/ Electro Ball is cause I'm scarf, which you made me question in the 1st place. W/o scarf it'd take some odd team support to really shine...if then. So basically Electro Ball is(generally) a dud move for least in the current meta. I'm not gonna scrap the whole mon cause it goes ok for me, but when it doesn't I will be hyper-critical of it rather than just thinking 'oh well, shoulda benched Leki.' It may be bad, and may have been better gen 8(idk, went fine there 2...) But even if I get a good ranking for once this season, which is possible as I've been winning more than losing recently, I'll just stay out of this analysis, I just play too different than the mainstream.

EDIT: went 4-0 for MB already! But while Regieleki was a little use, that's just from Volt Switch, not Electro Ball. Didn't end up needing scarf in the 2 it played in, well actually mighta in one. But I'm thinking more to replace the whole mon, as I'm not overly attached besides the wacky set.
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So there's waaaay more important mons to deal with right now, AND Regieleki ended up... being rather disapointing in BSS, so I'm dropping this for now, but whoever reserves Regieleki is free to adapt what I wrote! I'll just keep this locked here for now in case someone wants to write Regieleki.
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