Tournament NUWC I - Roster + Commencement

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art pending by: Swiffix
hosted by: ken, Finchinator,
& roxie
Signups | Spreadsheet | Administrative Decisions | Replays & Statistics

Welcome to the first edition of the NeverUsed World Cup Tournament! Any NeverUsed discussion is welcome in this thread, but please try to keep offensive gestures to a minimum. Make or find a gif to accurately illustrate your position on a topic for others to understand easier or to find humor and lighten some of the stress throughout the event. Happy posting!​

The tiers in this tournament are 4 SV NU / 1 SS NU / 1 SS NU Suspect / 1 SM NU / 1 ORAS NU. Each team consists of 10 players minimum and 12 players max.

The regions and managers for the Neverused World Cup tournament are listed below:

Brazil - Ren-chon
Canada + US Midwest - Oathkeeper & Phantomistix
China - Raceding & Metallica126
Europe - Feaniix, Corthius, & plznostep
France - dunoks & jeza.p
LA - Ferenia & Dybala jr.
Rest of World - outbackrabbit, DiannieRatson, & Fluore
US Northeast - GW
US South - Togkey & Danny
US West - shiloh & Pokeslice
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Hi I see people recycling my SS teams from a year ago, here's some more up-to-date ones. Also don't be afraid to reach out for customized teams (unless we play against each other then I hate you)

Articuno Stall:
:articuno: :guzzlord: :stakataka: :garbodor: :xatu: :quagsire:
This team is also legal in the SS suspect slot, where this Xatu set happens to be incredibly broken.

Sub + DD Kingdra:
:kingdra: :vileplume: :talonflame: :stakataka: :sylveon: :rotom-mow:
:kingdra: :quagsire: :salazzle: :copperajah: :sylveon: :rotom-mow:
Two teams starring my favorite set / Pokemon to use this gen, the second one is almost legal in the suspect slot.

SD Escavalier + CB Sneasel:

:escavalier: :mantine: :audino: :rotom-mow: :mudsdale: :sneasel:
I think I made this for SSPL? At least for recent than SCL.

CM Virizion HO:
:kingdra: :grimmsnarl: :aurorus: :aerodactyl: :silvally-ghost: :virizion:
I made this for Skierdude101 for NUPL this year, basically a recycled structure from a team I made for SCL, also legal for the suspect slot.

The rest of my teams on my computer are already samples, I have more in storage that I may post later, enjoy. :heart: