Tournament NUWC I - Week 1

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Art by the ever-talented Swiffix">Swiffix
Co-hosted by Finchinator, roxie, & ken
Rules | Schedule | Records Spreadsheet | Usage Stats & Replays

Scarlet Pool


US South vs Bye


US Midwest + Canada (6) vs (2) China
SV: Elfuseon vs Metallica126
SV: feen vs dragonitenb
SV: justdrew vs Indulge in dreams
SV: Oathkeeper vs baibaiats
SS: Phantomistix vs burstbean
SS Suspect: Luck O' the Irish vs kaifengyyds
SM: EviGaro vs gostop
ORAS: Splash vs mentalsoft


Brazil (4) vs (4) Latin America
SV: Beraldo vs Raichy
SV: Thiago Nunes vs Ferenia
SV: Ninja vs luisin
SV: Ampha vs JustFranco
SS: KeldeoCrowned vs Huargensy
SS Suspect: TrainerPla vs Raahel
SM: HANTSUKI vs ElectricityCat
ORAS: Ren-chon vs Abejas

Violet Pool


Asia + Oceania vs Bye


US Northeast (3) vs (5) France
SV: robjr vs Elias PSY
SV: GW vs Tuthur
SV: Finchinator vs Hurtadoo
SV: awyp vs Soucou
SS: Chaitanya vs dunoks
SS Suspect: Booty vs Skyrio
SM: Monai vs Dlanyer
ORAS: quziel vs Fathiryxi


US West (4) vs (4) Europe
SV: tko vs Sylveon used calm mind
SV: freezai vs Axrtix
SV: shiloh vs zS
SV: skierdude101 vs tlenit
SS: dcae vs Lilo
SS Suspect: Pokeslice vs OranBerryBlissey10
SM: etern vs touc
ORAS: Kiyo vs Shaneghoul

As a reminder, Silvally-Ground, Rotom-C, and Vileplume being banned the entire duration of the tournament. If any player participating in the suspect slot brings any of the aforementioned Pokémon, the game will count as a loss for the player that violated this rule.

~Scheduling Sheet~

The deadline for this week is Sunday, August 13th at 10 pm GMT-4.

Scarlet Pool

US South vs Bye

US Midwest + Canada (0) vs (0) China
SV: Elfuseon vs Metallica126
SV: feen vs dragonitenb
SV: justdrew vs Indulge in dreams
SV: Oathkeeper vs baibaiats
SS: Phantomistix vs burstbean
SS Suspect: Luck O' the Irish vs kaifengyyds
SM: EviGaro vs gostop
ORAS: Splash vs mentalsoft

Brazil (0) vs (0) Latin America
SV: Beraldo vs Raichy
SV: Thiago Nunes vs Ferenia
SV: Ninja vs luisin
SV: Ampha vs JustFranco
SS: KeldeoCrowned vs Huargensy
SS Suspect: TrainerPla vs Raahel
SM: HANTSUKI vs ElectricityCat
ORAS: Ren-chon vs Abejas

Violet Pool

Asia + Oceania vs Bye

US Northeast (0) vs (0) France
SV: robjr vs Elias PSY
SV: GW vs Tuthur
SV: Finchinator vs Hurtadoo
SV: awyp vs Soucou
SS: Chaitanya vs dunoks
SS Suspect: Booty vs Skyrio
SM: Monai vs Dlanyer
ORAS: quziel vs Fathiryxi

US West (0) vs (0) Europe
SV: tko vs Sylveon used calm mind
SV: freezai vs Axrtix
SV: shiloh vs zS
SV: skierdude101 vs tlenit
SS: dcae vs Lilo
SS Suspect: Pokeslice vs OranBerryBlissey10
SM: etern vs touc
ORAS: Kiyo vs Shaneghoul
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Scarlet Pool

US South vs Bye

US Midwest + Canada (6) vs (2) China
SV: Elfuseon vs Metallica126
SV: feen vs dragonitenb
SV: justdrew vs Indulge in dreams
SV: Oathkeeper vs baibaits
SS: Phantomistix vs burstbean
SS Suspect: Luck O' the Irish vs kaifengyyds
SM: EviGaro vs gostop
ORAS: Splash vs mentalsoft

Brazil (5) vs (3) Latin America
SV: Beraldo vs Raichy
SV: Thiago Nunes vs Ferenia
SV: Ninja vs luisin
SV: Ampha vs JustFranco
SS: KeldeoCrowned vs Huargensy
SS Suspect: TrainerPla vs Raahel
SM: HANTSUKI vs ElectricityCat
ORAS: Ren-chon vs Abejas

Violet Pool

Asia + Oceania vs Bye

US Northeast (4) vs (4) France
SV: robjr vs Elias PSY
SV: GW vs Tuthur
SV: Finchinator vs Hurtadoo
SV: awyp vs Soucou
SS: Chaitanya vs dunoks
SS Suspect: Booty vs Skyrio
SM: Monai vs Clementine
ORAS: quziel vs Hyssou

US West (0) vs (0) Europe
SV: tko vs Sylveon used calm mind
SV: freezai vs Axrtix
SV: emforbes vs zS
SV: skierdude101 vs tlenit
SS: dcae vs Lilo
SS Suspect: Pokeslice vs OranBerryBlissey10
SM: etern vs touc
ORAS: Kiyo vs Shaneghoul
doing predicts for the first time ever

US Midwest + Canada (0) vs (0) China
SV: Elfuseon vs Metallica126
SV: feen vs dragonitenb
SV: justdrew vs Indulge in dreams
SV: Oathkeeper vs baibaits
SS: Phantomistix vs burstbean
SS Suspect: Luck O' the Irish vs kaifengyyds - irish is just one of the best SS players period, if he's motivated he should go turbo positive.
SM: EviGaro vs gostop
ORAS: Splash vs mentalsoft
don't really feel comfortable doing predicts here because I genuinely don't know any of the Chinese players LOL

Brazil (5) vs (3) Latin America
SV: Beraldo vs Raichy - one of the best players on this site.
SV: Thiago Nunes vs Ferenia - one of the best players on this site.
SV: Ninja vs luisin - idk why Ninja is playing SV but I'm sure he'll pick it up just fine if he stops crying about tera.
SV: Ampha vs JustFranco - Pretty even MU I think, both are p good but I've seen more results in various tiers from Ampha.
SS: KeldeoCrowned vs Huargensy - Has actually played NU, not sure if KC has.
SS Suspect: TrainerPla vs Raahel - idk who op is sry.
SM: HANTSUKI vs ElectricityCat - idk who op is sry.
ORAS: Ren-chon vs Abejas - hey guys look the fossils in the museum are fighting xd.

Violet Pool

Asia + Oceania vs Bye

US Northeast (3) vs (5) France
SV: robjr vs Elias PSY - This will come down to if rob's prep is good enough, Eli's very good but his teams are often quite exploitable if done right.
SV: GW vs Tuthur - Tuthur has been doing extremely well this gen, I haven't really seen GW play much but he's been consistently solid in every tier he ever touched, very 50/50 on this.
SV: Finchinator vs Hurtadoo - I feel like this exact MU has been played before somewhere? idk but Finch got like top 4 in a tour with just samples imagine what he can do with actual teams.
SV: awyp vs Soucou - Soucou owns me on ladder pretty frequently, also pretty lucky >:(
SS: Chaitanya vs dunoks - Haven't seen Chait play this, gonna give dunoks the edge through experience alone. Wouldn't be shocked to see Chait do very well in this tour though.
SS Suspect: Booty vs Skyrio - Sabella has always put out great results in SS, if they're motivated enough to build for a "new" meta they should dominate this tour.
SM: Monai vs Clementine - Surprised to see Monai here, if this was BW he'd have my vote but Clementine performs very well in SM iirc.
ORAS: quziel vs Hyssou - Quz is constantly developing ORAS, good at the game and very lucky which is rlly scary

US West (2) vs (6) Europe
SV: tko vs Sylveon used calm mind - Slam qualifier is probably pretty good at the game.
SV: freezai vs Axrtix - actually plays NU, good at the game and also very lucky, SUPER dangerous combination.
SV: emforbes vs zS - One of the best NU-ers of this era.
SV: skierdude101 vs tlenit - gotta root for Mr. Dude always
SS: dcae vs Lilo - Lilo is a friend of mine but iirc dcae is pretty solid at the game, think Lilo has more SS knowledge though.
SS Suspect: Pokeslice vs OranBerryBlissey10 - OBB plays more so that alone gives him the edge in what would otherwise be a fairly even MU imo.
SM: etern vs touc - SM is very volatile but I trust etern's consistent playstyle to balance it out, also I'm not familiar with his opponent.
ORAS: Kiyo vs Shaneghoul - There's no guarantee that Kiyo won't load a Darumaka + Staryu team and get BST'd.
doing predicts for the first time ever

US Midwest + Canada (0) vs (0) China
SV: Elfuseon vs Metallica126
SV: feen vs dragonitenb
SV: justdrew vs Indulge in dreams
SV: Oathkeeper vs baibaits
SS: Phantomistix vs burstbean
SS Suspect: Luck O' the Irish vs kaifengyyds - irish is just one of the best SS players period, if he's motivated he should go turbo positive.
SM: EviGaro vs gostop
ORAS: Splash vs mentalsoft
don't really feel comfortable doing predicts here because I genuinely don't know any of the Chinese players LOL

Brazil (5) vs (3) Latin America
SV: Beraldo vs Raichy - one of the best players on this site.
SV: Thiago Nunes vs Ferenia - one of the best players on this site.
SV: Ninja vs luisin - idk why Ninja is playing SV but I'm sure he'll pick it up just fine if he stops crying about tera.
SV: Ampha vs JustFranco - Pretty even MU I think, both are p good but I've seen more results in various tiers from Ampha.
SS: KeldeoCrowned vs Huargensy - Has actually played NU, not sure if KC has.
SS Suspect: TrainerPla vs Raahel - idk who op is sry.
SM: HANTSUKI vs ElectricityCat - idk who op is sry.
ORAS: Ren-chon vs Abejas - hey guys look the fossils in the museum are fighting xd.

Violet Pool

Asia + Oceania vs Bye

US Northeast (3) vs (5) France
SV: robjr vs Elias PSY - This will come down to if rob's prep is good enough, Eli's very good but his teams are often quite exploitable if done right.
SV: GW vs Tuthur - Tuthur has been doing extremely well this gen, I haven't really seen GW play much but he's been consistently solid in every tier he ever touched, very 50/50 on this.
SV: Finchinator vs Hurtadoo - I feel like this exact MU has been played before somewhere? idk but Finch got like top 4 in a tour with just samples imagine what he can do with actual teams.
SV: awyp vs Soucou - Soucou owns me on ladder pretty frequently, also pretty lucky >:(
SS: Chaitanya vs dunoks - Haven't seen Chait play this, gonna give dunoks the edge through experience alone. Wouldn't be shocked to see Chait do very well in this tour though.
SS Suspect: Booty vs Skyrio - Sabella has always put out great results in SS, if they're motivated enough to build for a "new" meta they should dominate this tour.
SM: Monai vs Clementine - Surprised to see Monai here, if this was BW he'd have my vote but Clementine performs very well in SM iirc.
ORAS: quziel vs Hyssou - Quz is constantly developing ORAS, good at the game and very lucky which is rlly scary

US West (2) vs (6) Europe
SV: tko vs Sylveon used calm mind - Slam qualifier is probably pretty good at the game.
SV: freezai vs Axrtix - actually plays NU, good at the game and also very lucky, SUPER dangerous combination.
SV: emforbes vs zS - One of the best NU-ers of this era.
SV: skierdude101 vs tlenit - gotta root for Mr. Dude always
SS: dcae vs Lilo - Lilo is a friend of mine but iirc dcae is pretty solid at the game, think Lilo has more SS knowledge though.
SS Suspect: Pokeslice vs OranBerryBlissey10 - OBB plays more so that alone gives him the edge in what would otherwise be a fairly even MU imo.
SM: etern vs touc - SM is very volatile but I trust etern's consistent playstyle to balance it out, also I'm not familiar with his opponent.
ORAS: Kiyo vs Shaneghoul - There's no guarantee that Kiyo won't load a Darumaka + Staryu team and get BST'd.
btw I will be keeping track of predictions by others, whoever gets the highest amount of correct predictions will get a special role in the NU discord server
btw I will be keeping track of predictions by others, whoever gets the highest amount of correct predictions will get a special role in the NU discord server
By her idea, Ill be giving the Clairvoyant custom role (and possibly changing colors to match the winners liking) on nu cord to the winner of this little predictions event, and hopefully make it a tradition for our team tours moving forward too. Ill be talking to NU staff about possibly including a custom icon (like the ones from NUPL) to said role as well to make it more interesting. Good luck yall :heart:
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