Monotype Sandy Shocks (Ground) [QC 2/2] [GP 1/1]

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Dead by Daylight

There were no screams. There was no time.
is a Contributor to Smogon
Sandy Shocks @ Heavy-Duty Boots
name: Gravity (Ground)
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Gravity
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch

Sandy Shocks is an incredibly useful part of any Ground team thanks to its combination of being able to threaten common types that Ground struggles against such as Flying and Water and good team support in Gravity, making its teammates' and its Ground STAB attacks more threatening without any Ground-immune Pokemon. Its Speed tier is also good enough to outspeed Urshifu-R, a big threat to Ground-type teams, while allowing Ground teams to muscle past Moltres Flying teams, which can outlast Ground teams. Gravity not only allows it to hit Flying types such as Thundurus-T and Zapdos that don't care about its Electric STAB moves, but it also lets its teammates such as Landorus, Ursaluna, and Choice Scarf Great Tusk spam their Ground-type attacks without worrying about Ground-immune Pokemon. While Gravity is certainly useful, it comes with the drawback that opposing Ground-type moves from Pokemon such as Landorus-T or Iron Treads cannot be avoided. Earth Power is its Ground STAB attack, which also benefits from the Gravity that Sandy Shocks sets up and hits Electric-immune Pokemon such as Clodsire and Quagsire hard. This, along with Thunderbolt, allows Sandy Shocks to threaten the whole of Water teams. Finally, Volt Switch lets Sandy Shocks pivot out into a teammate that can either take an attack for it or deal big damage. Heavy-Duty Boots is Sandy Shocks's item of choice, allowing it to switch in multiple times to set Gravity and pivot out with Volt Switch without worrying about residual hazard damage. An alternative EV spread of 48 HP / 208 SpA / 252 Spe can be used for a Speed-boosting Protosynthesis, but this spread worsens the chance of a 2HKO on Quagsire.

Landorus is a great teammate for Sandy Shocks, as Landorus's already-scary STAB- and Sheer Force-boosted Earth Power gets even scarier when almost nothing is immune to it. Additionally, Landorus can take Ground-type attacks aimed at Sandy Shocks by virtue of its Flying typing (although it isn't able to take these attacks under Gravity) while hitting Grass- and Fairy-types hard with Sheer Force-boosted Sludge Bomb. In return, Sandy Shocks can pivot Landorus in using Volt Switch, as well as offensively threatening Water-types that threaten Landorus such as Urshifu-R. Ursaluna is another good teammate, as it is simply terrifying when Flying-types cannot safely switch into its Earthquake alongside being able to smash Grass-types with Fire Punch and crush Ghost-types with the sheer power of its Guts-boosted Earthquakes and its ability to deal with Spectrier thanks to Guts. Additionally, Ursaluna's bulk lets it take a hit when it switches in through Sandy Shocks' Volt Switch. Great Tusk provides Rapid Spin support on Bulk Up sets and speed control by virtue of its Choice Scarf set alongside Ice Spinner to help Sandy Shocks deal with opposing Landorus and Grass-types such as Hisuian Lilligant. Additionally, Great Tusk's power under Gravity cannot be understated, as its Ground STAB moves deal serious damage and can easily break through opposing teams. Clodsire can take Grass- and Fighting-type attacks such as Choice Scarf Meowscarada's Flower Trick and Zamazenta’s Close Combat with ease alongside forming a chip damage core with Sandy Shocks through Volt Switch and Toxic damage. Additionally, Clodsire's Water immunity lets it soak up attacks such as Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes and Basculegion-F's Water STAB move of choice, and it is generally a rather good special wall. Quagsire is a good defensive partner for Sandy Shocks, as it can wall Chien-Pao and Dragon Dance Baxcalibur and threaten them back with Body Press, as well as being able to set hazards. Iron Treads functions as a check to Fairy-types such as Hatterene and Flutter Mane who can take Sandy Shocks' attacks and threaten it back while also having Ice-type coverage to hit Flying- and Grass-types. Alongside those attributes, Iron Treads also has Knock Off, allowing it to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from common users such as Quagsire and Amoonguss, letting Sandy Shocks gradually wear them down over the course of the game. Finally, Ting-Lu's sheer bulk allows it to take strong hits such as Dragonite's boosted Extreme Speed that Sandy Shocks can't while setting up hazards to chip away at common answers to Sandy Shocks such as opposing Ting-Lu.

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Sandy Shocks @ Heavy-Duty Boots
name: Gravity (Ground)
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Gravity
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch

Sandy Shocks is an incredibly useful part of any Ground team thanks to its combination of high damage (Ursa does high damage too, what does socks threaten thats why its valued in Ground teams) and good support (what good support? Mention it as early as here). Its good Special Attack, convenient speed tier at base 101 (allowing it to outspeed base 100s and below), and good STAB combination allows it to threaten types by itself, such as Water and Flying (mention this in sentence #1. Its fast enough to notably outspeed Urshifu-R btw :3c). Gravity not only allows it to hit Flying types such as Thundurus-Therian and Zapdos that don't care about its Electric STAB, it also lets its teammates such as Landorus-Incarnate, Ursaluna, and offensive (idt defensive great tusk is a thing, BU eqless is still offensive after all, maybe you meant choice scarf?) Great Tusk spam their Ground-type attacks without worrying about immunities. Earth Power is its Ground STAB attack, which also benefits from the Gravity that Sandy Shocks sets up. (no need to mention much about ep, unless maybe it still donks elec immunes like Quagsire and Cloddy? :o) Thunderbolt is Sandy Shocks' Electric move of choice (can merge ep and Tbolt in a sentence, as this allows it to fully threaten water teams). Finally, Volt Switch lets Sandy Shocks pivot out into a teammate that can either take an attack for it or deal big damage. Heavy-Duty Boots is Sandy Shocks' item of choice, allowing it to switch in multiple times to set Gravity and pivot out with Volt Switch without worrying about residual hazard damage.(48 HP/Max Speed/rest in Spa provides a +spe proto boost to nail down cinderace and a few others in the fire matchup, though the spa drop makes quagsire likelier to not get 2HKOed iirc)

Landorus is a great teammate for Sandy Shocks, as Landorus's already-scary STAB and Sheer Force-boosted Earth Power gets even scarier when nothing is immune to it. Additionally, Landorus can take Ground-type attacks aimed at Sandy Shocks by virtue of its Flying typing, while hitting Grass- and Fairy-types hard with Sheer Force-boosted Sludge Bomb. In return, Sandy Shocks can pivot Landorus in using Volt Switch, as well as take care (offensively threaten imo, and H.Sam is dangerous since it usually carries scarf, not really a good example) of Water-types that threaten Landorus such as Hisuian Samurott and Volcanion. Ursaluna is another good teammate, as it is simply terrifying when Flying-types cannot safely switch into its Earthquakes, alongside being able to smash Grass-types with Fire Punch.(its also able to deal with Landorus and Ghost types like spectrier due to guts sheer power and ability to laugh at burns) Additionally, Ursaluna's bulk lets it take a hit when it switches in through Sandy Shocks' Volt Switch. Great Tusk provides Rapid Spin support and speed control by virtue of its Choice Scarf set (scarf likely shouldnt use rapid spin), alongside Ice Spinner to deal with Grass-types. For Great Tusk, Sandy Shocks can bring it in with Volt Switch while dealing with Water-types. Ting-Lu's sheer bulk allows it to take hits that Sandy Shocks can't stomach rather easily, while setting up hazards to chip away at common answers to Sandy Shocks such as Amoonguss (uses boots). In return, Ting-Lu appreciates Gravity forcing Flying-types to deal with Spikes. Finally, Clodsire can take Fighting-type attacks such as Breloom's Mach Punch (we get spored, Meow with Ftrick might be a better example) and Zamazenta’s Close Combat with ease while racking up passive damage through Toxic.
*Water immunity missing
*Ting-Lu is mentioned, so it follows that una quag deserves a mention too as a pao and bax [somehow] check
*Iron treads provides a check to stuff like hatt and FM, removes hazards, and can pack ice coverage to deal with stinky ground types like Lando-I. Also has knockoff which matters vs something like Quag (ep will eventually 2HKO if some amount of hazards are up)

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Sandy Shocks @ Heavy-Duty Boots
name: Gravity (Ground)
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Gravity
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch

Sandy Shocks is an incredibly useful part of any Ground team thanks to its combination of being able to threaten common types that Ground struggles against such as Flying and Water and good team support in Gravity, making its teammates' and its Ground STAB more threatening without any immunities. Its Speed tier is also good enough to outspeed Urshifu-R, a big threat to Ground-type teams. Gravity not only allows it to hit Flying types such as Thundurus-T and Zapdos that don't care about its Electric STAB, it also lets its teammates such as Landorus, Ursaluna, and Choice Scarf Great Tusk spam their Ground-type attacks without worrying about immunities. Earth Power is its Ground STAB attack, which also benefits from the Gravity that Sandy Shocks sets up and hits Electric immunities such as Clodsire and Quagsire hard. This, along with Thunderbolt, meanwhile, allows Sandy Shocks to threaten the whole of Water teams (and lets it hit the stinky corv regardless, which is important). Finally, Volt Switch lets Sandy Shocks pivot out into a teammate that can either take an attack for it or deal big damage (synergizes with Gravity too, since you bring in your own guys). Heavy-Duty Boots is Sandy Shocks' item of choice, allowing it to switch in multiple times to set Gravity and pivot out with Volt Switch without worrying about residual hazard damage. An alternative EV spread of 48 HP / 208 SpA / 252 Spe can be used for a Speed-boosting Protosynthesis, but this spread worsens the chance of a 2HKO on Quagsire.

Landorus is a great teammate for Sandy Shocks, as Landorus's already-scary STAB and Sheer Force-boosted Earth Power gets even scarier when nothing is immune to it (Orthworm :]. Maybe tone down nothing Ig?). Additionally, Landorus can take Ground-type attacks aimed at Sandy Shocks by virtue of its Flying typing, while hitting Grass- and Fairy-types hard with Sheer Force-boosted Sludge Bomb. In return, Sandy Shocks can pivot Landorus in using Volt Switch, as well as offensively threatening Water-types that threaten Landorus such as Urshifu-R and Volcanion. Ursaluna is another good teammate, as it is simply terrifying when Flying-types cannot safely switch into its Earthquakes, alongside being able to smash Grass-types with Fire Punch and crush Ghosts with the sheer power of its Guts-boosted Earthquakes and its ability to keep Spectrier in check due to Guts with an immunity to Hex and Sableye's status. Additionally, Ursaluna's bulk lets it take a hit when it switches in through Sandy Shocks' Volt Switch. Great Tusk provides Rapid Spin support on Bulk Up sets and speed control by virtue of its Choice Scarf set, alongside Ice Spinner to deal with opposing Landorus and (something that isnt Grass-types) Grass-types. For Great Tusk, Sandy Shocks can bring it in with Volt Switch while dealing with Water-types. Ting-Lu's sheer bulk allows it to take hits that Sandy Shocks can't stomach rather easily (like?), while setting up hazards to chip away at common answers to Sandy Shocks(who tho). In return, Ting-Lu appreciates Gravity forcing Flying-types to deal with Spikes. Clodsire can take Grass- and Fighting-type attacks such as Choice Scarf Meowscarada's Flower Trick and Zamazenta’s Close Combat with ease while racking up passive damage through Toxic. Additionally, Clodsire's Water immunity lets it soak up attacks such as Choice Scarf Hisuian Samurott's (dangerous) and Basculegion-F's Water STAB move of choice (its also just really bulky and doubles as a special wall of sorts, too). Quagsire is a good defensive partner for Sandy Shocks, as it can wall Chien-Pao and Dragon Dance Baxcalibur and threaten them back with Body Press (and it sets hazards too). Finally, Iron Treads functions as a check to Fairy-types such as Hatterene and Flutter Mane who can take Sandy Shocks' attacks and threaten it back, while also having Ice-type coverage to hit Flying- and Grass-types. Alongside those attributes, Iron Treads also has Knock Off, allowing it to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from common users such as Quagsire and Amoonguss, letting Sandy Shocks gradually wear them down over the course of the game. (Move all of these to above Ting-Lu, so that Ting-Lu is mentioned last)

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QC 1/2, thankie Dead by Daylight
Sandy Shocks @ Heavy-Duty Boots
name: Gravity (Ground)
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Gravity
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch

Sandy Shocks is an incredibly useful part of any Ground team thanks to its combination of being able to threaten common types that Ground struggles against such as Flying and Water and good team support in Gravity, making its teammates' and its Ground STAB more threatening without any immunities. Its Speed tier is also good enough to outspeed Urshifu-R, a big threat to Ground-type teams. Gravity not only allows it to hit Flying types such as Thundurus-T and Zapdos that don't care about its Electric STAB, it also lets its teammates such as Landorus, Ursaluna, and Choice Scarf Great Tusk spam their Ground-type attacks without worrying about immunities. Earth Power is its Ground STAB attack, which also benefits from the Gravity that Sandy Shocks sets up and hits Electric immunities such as Clodsire and Quagsire hard. This, along with Thunderbolt, allows Sandy Shocks to threaten the whole of Water teams. Finally, Volt Switch lets Sandy Shocks pivot out into a teammate that can either take an attack for it or deal big damage. Heavy-Duty Boots is Sandy Shocks' item of choice, allowing it to switch in multiple times to set Gravity and pivot out with Volt Switch without worrying about residual hazard damage. An alternative EV spread of 48 HP / 208 SpA / 252 Spe can be used for a Speed-boosting Protosynthesis, but this spread worsens the chance of a 2HKO on Quagsire.

Landorus is a great teammate for Sandy Shocks, as Landorus's already-scary STAB and Sheer Force-boosted Earth Power gets even scarier when almost nothing is immune to it. Additionally, Landorus can take Ground-type attacks aimed at Sandy Shocks by virtue of its Flying typing, while hitting Grass- and Fairy-types hard with Sheer Force-boosted Sludge Bomb. In return, Sandy Shocks can pivot Landorus in using Volt Switch, as well as offensively threatening Water-types that threaten Landorus such as Urshifu-R. Ursaluna is another good teammate, as it is simply terrifying when Flying-types cannot safely switch into its Earthquakes, alongside being able to smash Grass-types with Fire Punch and crush Ghosts with the sheer power of its Guts-boosted Earthquakes and its ability to deal with Spectrier thanks to Guts. Additionally, Ursaluna's bulk lets it take a hit when it switches in through Sandy Shocks' Volt Switch. Great Tusk provides Rapid Spin support on Bulk Up sets and speed control by virtue of its Choice Scarf set, alongside Ice Spinner to deal with opposing Landorus and Thundurus-T. Clodsire can take Grass- and Fighting-type attacks such as Choice Scarf Meowscarada's Flower Trick and Zamazenta’s Close Combat with ease while racking up passive damage through Toxic. Additionally, Clodsire's Water immunity lets it soak up attacks such as Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes and Basculegion-F's Water STAB move of choice, and it is generally a rather good special wall. Quagsire is a good defensive partner for Sandy Shocks, as it can wall Chien-Pao and Dragon Dance Baxcalibur and threaten them back with Body Press, as well as being able to set hazards. Iron Treads functions as a check to Fairy-types such as Hatterene and Flutter Mane who can take Sandy Shocks' attacks and threaten it back, while also having Ice-type coverage to hit Flying- and Grass-types. Alongside those attributes, Iron Treads also has Knock Off, allowing it to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from common users such as Quagsire and Amoonguss, letting Sandy Shocks gradually wear them down over the course of the game. Finally, Ting-Lu's sheer bulk allows it to take strong hits such as Dragonite's boosted Extreme Speed that Sandy Shocks can't, while setting up hazards to chip away at common answers to Sandy Shocks such as opposing Ting-Lu and non-Heavy-Duty Boots Slither Wing.

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Finally got around to doing this:
- Replace Thundurus-T with something like Lilligant-H (re: Ice Spinner). I think Neko just meant to specify a Grass-type, rather than say "Grass-types"
- I wouldn't call Slither Wing a common answer to Sandy Shocks, nor something that Ting Lu easily tanks. You can find a better example there

Lmk when it's been implemented and I'll give it another look! Thanks :]
Finally got around to doing this:
- Replace Thundurus-T with something like Lilligant-H (re: Ice Spinner). I think Neko just meant to specify a Grass-type, rather than say "Grass-types"
- I wouldn't call Slither Wing a common answer to Sandy Shocks, nor something that Ting Lu easily tanks. You can find a better example there

Lmk when it's been implemented and I'll give it another look! Thanks :]
Done! One note: I’ll find common answers later since I was apparently IP locked on Showdown because I flew away. Might take a couple of days.

- For gravity, talk about Moltres in particular. Its unique typing and ability to burn things is super annoying and is pretty much a huge reason to be running Sandy shocks in this meta. Usually the thing with ground is that without gravity, it’s super easy to get outlasted by Moltres flying.
- I would talk about gravity’s bad side effect in the sense that you now need more support for opposing ground moves in Pokémon like quagsire that can take stuff like scarf tusk’s headlong rush.
- additionally, I definitely think that you should talk about how good great tusk is as an offensive option paired with shocks. It pretty much owns everything under gravity. For example against flying, something like offensive tusk straight up shreds now.

Generally really good job; the main nitpick I would say is that I would personally talk about more so how Sandy shocks’s teammates supports it instead of supporting the entire ground team. You can dm me on discord if u wanna talk about it but it’s something u should probably bring up with qc if u want.

- For gravity, talk about Moltres in particular. Its unique typing and ability to burn things is super annoying and is pretty much a huge reason to be running Sandy shocks in this meta. Usually the thing with ground is that without gravity, it’s super easy to get outlasted by Moltres flying.
- I would talk about gravity’s bad side effect in the sense that you now need more support for opposing ground moves in Pokémon like quagsire that can take stuff like scarf tusk’s headlong rush.
- additionally, I definitely think that you should talk about how good great tusk is as an offensive option paired with shocks. It pretty much owns everything under gravity. For example against flying, something like offensive tusk straight up shreds now.

Generally really good job; the main nitpick I would say is that I would personally talk about more so how Sandy shocks’s teammates supports it instead of supporting the entire ground team. You can dm me on discord if u wanna talk about it but it’s something u should probably bring up with qc if u want.
Thank you mushamu, these changes are implemented.
Sandy Shocks @ Heavy-Duty Boots
name: Gravity (Ground)
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Gravity
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch

Sandy Shocks is an incredibly useful part of any Ground team thanks to its combination of being able to threaten common types that Ground struggles against such as Flying and Water and good team support in Gravity, making its teammates' and its Ground STAB more threatening without any immunities. Its Speed tier is also good enough to outspeed Urshifu-R, a big threat to Ground-type teams, while allowing Ground teams to muscle past Moltres Flying teams, which can outlast Ground teams. Gravity not only allows it to hit Flying types such as Thundurus-T and Zapdos that don't care about its Electric STAB, it also lets its teammates such as Landorus, Ursaluna, and Choice Scarf Great Tusk spam their Ground-type attacks without worrying about immunities. While Gravity is certainly useful, it comes with the drawback that opposing Ground-type moves from Pokemon such as Quagsire Quagsire is a bad example here since it is weak. Pick a stronger Pokémon that uses Ground-type moves, Mushamu mentioned Great Tusk, that's a good example. or Iron Treads cannot be avoided. Earth Power is its Ground STAB attack, which also benefits from the Gravity that Sandy Shocks sets up and hits Electric immunities such as Clodsire and Quagsire hard. This, along with Thunderbolt, allows Sandy Shocks to threaten the whole of Water teams. Finally, Volt Switch lets Sandy Shocks pivot out into a teammate that can either take an attack for it or deal big damage. Heavy-Duty Boots is Sandy Shocks' item of choice, allowing it to switch in multiple times to set Gravity and pivot out with Volt Switch without worrying about residual hazard damage. An alternative EV spread of 48 HP / 208 SpA / 252 Spe can be used for a Speed-boosting Protosynthesis, but this spread worsens the chance of a 2HKO on Quagsire.

Landorus is a great teammate for Sandy Shocks, as Landorus's already-scary STAB and Sheer Force-boosted Earth Power gets even scarier when almost nothing is immune to it. Additionally, Landorus can take Ground-type attacks aimed at Sandy Shocks by virtue of its Flying typing, while hitting Grass- and Fairy-types hard with Sheer Force-boosted Sludge Bomb. In return, Sandy Shocks can pivot Landorus in using Volt Switch, as well as offensively threatening Water-types that threaten Landorus such as Urshifu-R. Ursaluna is another good teammate, as it is simply terrifying when Flying-types cannot safely switch into its Earthquakes, alongside being able to smash Grass-types with Fire Punch and crush Ghosts with the sheer power of its Guts-boosted Earthquakes and its ability to deal with Spectrier thanks to Guts. Additionally, Ursaluna's bulk lets it take a hit when it switches in through Sandy Shocks' Volt Switch. Great Tusk provides Rapid Spin support on Bulk Up sets and speed control by virtue of its Choice Scarf set, alongside Ice Spinner to help Sandy Shocks deal with opposing Landorus and Grass-types like Hisuian Lilligant. Additionally, Great Tusk's power under Gravity cannot be understated, as its Ground STABs deal serious damage and can easily break through opposing teams. Clodsire can take Grass- and Fighting-type attacks such as Choice Scarf Meowscarada's Flower Trick and Zamazenta’s Close Combat with ease alongside forming a passive damage core with Sandy Shocks through Volt Switch and Toxic damage (Volt Switch is not passive damage. Passive damage is damage through status moves (think: status like burn and poison, hazards). Additionally, Clodsire's Water immunity lets it soak up attacks such as Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes and Basculegion-F's Water STAB move of choice, and it is generally a rather good special wall. Quagsire is a good defensive partner for Sandy Shocks, as it can wall Chien-Pao and Dragon Dance Baxcalibur and threaten them back with Body Press, as well as being able to set hazards. Iron Treads functions as a check to Fairy-types such as Hatterene and Flutter Mane who can take Sandy Shocks' attacks and threaten it back, while also having Ice-type coverage to hit Flying- and Grass-types. Alongside those attributes, Iron Treads also has Knock Off, allowing it to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from common users such as Quagsire and Amoonguss, letting Sandy Shocks gradually wear them down over the course of the game. Finally, Ting-Lu's sheer bulk allows it to take strong hits such as Dragonite's boosted Extreme Speed that Sandy Shocks can't, while setting up hazards to chip away at common answers to Sandy Shocks such as opposing Ting-Lu.

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QC: 2/2

Credit all 3 of us (Swiff Mush and myself)

Sandy Shocks @ Heavy-Duty Boots
name: Gravity (Ground)
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Gravity
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch

Sandy Shocks is an incredibly useful part of any Ground team thanks to its combination of being able to threaten common types that Ground struggles against such as Flying and Water and good team support in Gravity, making its teammates' and its Ground STAB attacks more threatening without any Ground-immune Pokemonimmunities. Its Speed tier is also good enough to outspeed Urshifu-R, a big threat to Ground-type teams, while allowing Ground teams to muscle past Moltres Flying teams, which can outlast Ground teams. Gravity not only allows it to hit Flying types such as Thundurus-T and Zapdos that don't care about its Electric STAB moves, but it also lets its teammates such as Landorus, Ursaluna, and Choice Scarf Great Tusk spam their Ground-type attacks without worrying about Ground-immune Pokemonimmunities. While Gravity is certainly useful, it comes with the drawback that opposing Ground-type moves from Pokemon such as Landorus-T or Iron Treads cannot be avoided. Earth Power is its Ground STAB attack, which also benefits from the Gravity that Sandy Shocks sets up and hits Electric-immune Pokemon immunities such as Clodsire and Quagsire hard. This, along with Thunderbolt, allows Sandy Shocks to threaten the whole of Water teams. Finally, Volt Switch lets Sandy Shocks pivot out into a teammate that can either take an attack for it or deal big damage. Heavy-Duty Boots is Sandy Shocks's item of choice, allowing it to switch in multiple times to set Gravity and pivot out with Volt Switch without worrying about residual hazard damage. An alternative EV spread of 48 HP / 208 SpA / 252 Spe can be used for a Speed-boosting Protosynthesis, but this spread worsens the chance of a 2HKO on Quagsire.

Landorus is a great teammate for Sandy Shocks, as Landorus's already-scary STAB- (add hyphen) and Sheer Force-boosted Earth Power gets even scarier when almost nothing is immune to it. Additionally, Landorus can take Ground-type attacks aimed at Sandy Shocks by virtue of its Flying typing, (remove comma) while hitting Grass- and Fairy-types hard with Sheer Force-boosted Sludge Bomb. In return, Sandy Shocks can pivot Landorus in using Volt Switch, as well as offensively threatening Water-types that threaten Landorus such as Urshifu-R. Ursaluna is another good teammate, as it is simply terrifying when Flying-types cannot safely switch into its Earthquakes, alongside being able to smash Grass-types with Fire Punch and crush Ghost-typess with the sheer power of its Guts-boosted Earthquakes and its ability to deal with Spectrier thanks to Guts. Additionally, Ursaluna's bulk lets it take a hit when it switches in through Sandy Shocks' Volt Switch. Great Tusk provides Rapid Spin support on Bulk Up sets and speed control by virtue of its Choice Scarf set, (remove comma) alongside Ice Spinner to help Sandy Shocks deal with opposing Landorus and Grass-types such as Hisuian Lilligant. Additionally, Great Tusk's power under Gravity cannot be understated, as its Ground STAB moves STABs deal serious damage and can easily break through opposing teams. Clodsire can take Grass- and Fighting-type attacks such as Choice Scarf Meowscarada's Flower Trick and Zamazenta’s Close Combat with ease alongside forming a chip damage core with Sandy Shocks through Volt Switch and Toxic damage. Additionally, Clodsire's Water immunity lets it soak up attacks such as Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes and Basculegion-F's Water STAB move of choice, and it is generally a rather good special wall. Quagsire is a good defensive partner for Sandy Shocks, as it can wall Chien-Pao and Dragon Dance Baxcalibur and threaten them back with Body Press, as well as being able to set hazards. Iron Treads functions as a check to Fairy-types such as Hatterene and Flutter Mane who can take Sandy Shocks' attacks and threaten it back, (remove comma) while also having Ice-type coverage to hit Flying- and Grass-types. Alongside those attributes, Iron Treads also has Knock Off, allowing it to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from common users such as Quagsire and Amoonguss, letting Sandy Shocks gradually wear them down over the course of the game. Finally, Ting-Lu's sheer bulk allows it to take strong hits such as Dragonite's boosted Extreme Speed that Sandy Shocks can't, (remove comma) while setting up hazards to chip away at common answers to Sandy Shocks such as opposing Ting-Lu.

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gp 1/1
GP Team done

Sandy Shocks @ Heavy-Duty Boots
name: Gravity (Ground)
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Gravity
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch

Sandy Shocks is an incredibly useful part of any Ground team thanks to its combination of being able to threaten common types that Ground struggles against such as Flying and Water and good team support in Gravity, making its teammates' and its Ground STAB attacks more threatening without any Ground-immune Pokemonimmunities. Its Speed tier is also good enough to outspeed Urshifu-R, a big threat to Ground-type teams, while allowing Ground teams to muscle past Moltres Flying teams, which can outlast Ground teams. Gravity not only allows it to hit Flying types such as Thundurus-T and Zapdos that don't care about its Electric STAB moves, but it also lets its teammates such as Landorus, Ursaluna, and Choice Scarf Great Tusk spam their Ground-type attacks without worrying about Ground-immune Pokemonimmunities. While Gravity is certainly useful, it comes with the drawback that opposing Ground-type moves from Pokemon such as Landorus-T or Iron Treads cannot be avoided. Earth Power is its Ground STAB attack, which also benefits from the Gravity that Sandy Shocks sets up and hits Electric-immune Pokemon immunities such as Clodsire and Quagsire hard. This, along with Thunderbolt, allows Sandy Shocks to threaten the whole of Water teams. Finally, Volt Switch lets Sandy Shocks pivot out into a teammate that can either take an attack for it or deal big damage. Heavy-Duty Boots is Sandy Shocks's item of choice, allowing it to switch in multiple times to set Gravity and pivot out with Volt Switch without worrying about residual hazard damage. An alternative EV spread of 48 HP / 208 SpA / 252 Spe can be used for a Speed-boosting Protosynthesis, but this spread worsens the chance of a 2HKO on Quagsire.

Landorus is a great teammate for Sandy Shocks, as Landorus's already-scary STAB- (add hyphen) and Sheer Force-boosted Earth Power gets even scarier when almost nothing is immune to it. Additionally, Landorus can take Ground-type attacks aimed at Sandy Shocks by virtue of its Flying typing, (remove comma) while hitting Grass- and Fairy-types hard with Sheer Force-boosted Sludge Bomb. In return, Sandy Shocks can pivot Landorus in using Volt Switch, as well as offensively threatening Water-types that threaten Landorus such as Urshifu-R. Ursaluna is another good teammate, as it is simply terrifying when Flying-types cannot safely switch into its Earthquakes, alongside being able to smash Grass-types with Fire Punch and crush Ghost-typess with the sheer power of its Guts-boosted Earthquakes and its ability to deal with Spectrier thanks to Guts. Additionally, Ursaluna's bulk lets it take a hit when it switches in through Sandy Shocks' Volt Switch. Great Tusk provides Rapid Spin support on Bulk Up sets and speed control by virtue of its Choice Scarf set, (remove comma) alongside Ice Spinner to help Sandy Shocks deal with opposing Landorus and Grass-types such as Hisuian Lilligant. Additionally, Great Tusk's power under Gravity cannot be understated, as its Ground STAB moves STABs deal serious damage and can easily break through opposing teams. Clodsire can take Grass- and Fighting-type attacks such as Choice Scarf Meowscarada's Flower Trick and Zamazenta’s Close Combat with ease alongside forming a chip damage core with Sandy Shocks through Volt Switch and Toxic damage. Additionally, Clodsire's Water immunity lets it soak up attacks such as Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes and Basculegion-F's Water STAB move of choice, and it is generally a rather good special wall. Quagsire is a good defensive partner for Sandy Shocks, as it can wall Chien-Pao and Dragon Dance Baxcalibur and threaten them back with Body Press, as well as being able to set hazards. Iron Treads functions as a check to Fairy-types such as Hatterene and Flutter Mane who can take Sandy Shocks' attacks and threaten it back, (remove comma) while also having Ice-type coverage to hit Flying- and Grass-types. Alongside those attributes, Iron Treads also has Knock Off, allowing it to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from common users such as Quagsire and Amoonguss, letting Sandy Shocks gradually wear them down over the course of the game. Finally, Ting-Lu's sheer bulk allows it to take strong hits such as Dragonite's boosted Extreme Speed that Sandy Shocks can't, (remove comma) while setting up hazards to chip away at common answers to Sandy Shocks such as opposing Ting-Lu.

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Sandy Shocks @ Heavy-Duty Boots
name: Gravity (Ground)
Ability: Protosynthesis
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
- Gravity
- Earth Power
- Thunderbolt
- Volt Switch

Sandy Shocks is an incredibly useful part of any Ground team thanks to its combination of being able to threaten common types that Ground struggles against such as Flying and Water and good team support in Gravity, making its teammates' and its Ground STAB attacks more threatening without any Ground-immune Pokemon. Its Speed tier is also good enough to outspeed Urshifu-R, a big threat to Ground-type teams, while allowing Ground teams to muscle past Moltres Flying teams, which can outlast Ground teams. Gravity not only allows it to hit Flying types such as Thundurus-T and Zapdos that don't care about its Electric STAB moves, but it also lets its teammates such as Landorus, Ursaluna, and Choice Scarf Great Tusk spam their Ground-type attacks without worrying about Ground-immune Pokemon. While Gravity is certainly useful, it comes with the drawback that opposing Ground-type moves from Pokemon such as Landorus-T or Iron Treads cannot be avoided. Earth Power is its Ground STAB attack, which also benefits from the Gravity that Sandy Shocks sets up and hits Electric-immune Pokemon such as Clodsire and Quagsire hard. This, along with Thunderbolt, allows Sandy Shocks to threaten the whole of Water teams. Finally, Volt Switch lets Sandy Shocks pivot out into a teammate that can either take an attack for it or deal big damage. Heavy-Duty Boots is Sandy Shocks's item of choice, allowing it to switch in multiple times to set Gravity and pivot out with Volt Switch without worrying about residual hazard damage. An alternative EV spread of 48 HP / 208 SpA / 252 Spe can be used for a Speed-boosting Protosynthesis, but this spread worsens the chance of a 2HKO on Quagsire.

Landorus is a great teammate for Sandy Shocks, as Landorus's already-scary STAB- and Sheer Force-boosted Earth Power gets even scarier when almost nothing is immune to it. Additionally, Landorus can take Ground-type attacks aimed at Sandy Shocks by virtue of its Flying typing while hitting Grass- and Fairy-types hard with Sheer Force-boosted Sludge Bomb. In return, Sandy Shocks can pivot Landorus in using Volt Switch, as well as offensively threatening Water-types that threaten Landorus such as Urshifu-R. Ursaluna is another good teammate, as it is simply terrifying when Flying-types cannot safely switch into its Earthquake alongside being able to smash Grass-types with Fire Punch and crush Ghost-types with the sheer power of its Guts-boosted Earthquakes and its ability to deal with Spectrier thanks to Guts. Additionally, Ursaluna's bulk lets it take a hit when it switches in through Sandy Shocks' Volt Switch. Great Tusk provides Rapid Spin support on Bulk Up sets and speed control by virtue of its Choice Scarf set alongside Ice Spinner to help Sandy Shocks deal with opposing Landorus and Grass-types such as Hisuian Lilligant. Additionally, Great Tusk's power under Gravity cannot be understated, as its Ground STAB moves deal serious damage and can easily break through opposing teams. Clodsire can take Grass- and Fighting-type attacks such as Choice Scarf Meowscarada's Flower Trick and Zamazenta’s Close Combat with ease alongside forming a chip damage core with Sandy Shocks through Volt Switch and Toxic damage. Additionally, Clodsire's Water immunity lets it soak up attacks such as Urshifu-R's Surging Strikes and Basculegion-F's Water STAB move of choice, and it is generally a rather good special wall. Quagsire is a good defensive partner for Sandy Shocks, as it can wall Chien-Pao and Dragon Dance Baxcalibur and threaten them back with Body Press, as well as being able to set hazards. Iron Treads functions as a check to Fairy-types such as Hatterene and Flutter Mane who can take Sandy Shocks' attacks and threaten it back while also having Ice-type coverage to hit Flying- and Grass-types. Alongside those attributes, Iron Treads also has Knock Off, allowing it to remove Heavy-Duty Boots from common users such as Quagsire and Amoonguss, letting Sandy Shocks gradually wear them down over the course of the game. Finally, Ting-Lu's sheer bulk allows it to take strong hits such as Dragonite's boosted Extreme Speed that Sandy Shocks can't while setting up hazards to chip away at common answers to Sandy Shocks such as opposing Ting-Lu.

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Dead by Daylight please dont add extras next time after the GP check, thanks again Ares
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