Tournament UPL XI: Finals [Won by Manly Melmetal]

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Courtesy of Nyx
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Choice Bandits (5) vs (7) Manly Melmetal
SV Ubers: Frito vs Inder
SV Ubers: Guard vs entrocefalo
SV Ubers: DAHLI vs Shuwri
SS Ubers: baconeatinassassin vs Mimikyu Stardust
SM Ubers: oversway vs Rhmsitb
ORAS Ubers: Alkione vs skimmythegod
BW Ubers: MZ vs The Dovahneer
DPP Ubers: Highlord vs London Beats
ADV Ubers: FatFighter2 vs Vileman
GSC Ubers: Isa vs Amaranth
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Unowndragon
Bo3: Aberforth vs Gondra

Choice Bandits (0) vs (0) Manly Melmetal
SV Ubers: Frito vs Inder
SV Ubers: Guard vs entrocefalo
SV Ubers: DAHLI vs Shuwri
SS Ubers: baconeatinassassin vs Mimikyu Stardust
SM Ubers: oversway vs Rhmsitb
ORAS Ubers: Alkione vs skimmythegod
BW Ubers: MZ vs The Dovahneer
DPP Ubers: Highlord vs London Beats
ADV Ubers: FatFighter2 vs Vileman
GSC Ubers: Isa vs Amaranth
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Unowndragon
Bo3: Aberforth vs Gondra

The deadline for this round is Sunday, August 20th at 11:59 PM GMT-4.
Choice Bandits (7) vs (5) Manly Melmetal:

The Choice Bandits have shown great synergy and team coordination, allowing them to secure crucial wins in previous matchups.
Manly Melmetal, on the other hand, has struggled with consistency and lacks the strategic depth needed to overcome the Bandits' formidable lineup.

SV Ubers: frito vs inder: Inder has a strong track record in the SV Ubers scene, consistently outplaying opponents with clever predictions and well-executed strategies. While Frito is a formidable opponent, Inder's experience and adaptability give them the edge in this matchup.

SV Ubers: Guard vs Entrocefalo: Entrocefalo has proven to be a dominant force in the SV Ubers meta, showcasing impeccable team building skills and strategic prowess. Guard, while skilled, may struggle to keep up with Entrocefalo's calculated and unpredictable playstyle.

SV Ubers: DAHLI vs Shuwri: DAHLI's deep understanding of the SV Ubers metagame and ability to adapt to any situation make them a formidable opponent. Shuwri, while talented, may find it challenging to counter DAHLI's unpredictable strategies and innovative team compositions.

SS Ubers: baconeatinassassin vs mimikyu stardust: In this matchup, baconeatinassassin's extensive knowledge of the SS Ubers meta and ability to exploit opponents' weaknesses gives them an advantage. Mimikyu Stardust, while skilled, may struggle to keep up with baconeatinassassin's strategic mind and adaptability.

SM Ubers: Oversway vs Rhmsitb: Rhmsitb's meticulous planning and ability to read opponents' moves make them a formidable contender in the SM Ubers scene. Oversway, while talented, may find it difficult to predict and counter Rhmsitb's calculated strategies.

ORAS Ubers: alkione vs skimmythegod: Skimmythegod's deep understanding of the ORAS Ubers metagame and ability to exploit opponents' weaknesses make them a strong contender. Alkione, while skilled, may struggle to keep up with Skimmythegod's strategic mind and adaptability.

BW Ubers: mz vs the dovahneer: The Dovahneer's extensive knowledge of the BW Ubers meta and ability to exploit opponents' weaknesses give them an advantage in this matchup. MZ, while talented, may find it challenging to counter The Dovahneer's unpredictable strategies and innovative team compositions.

DPP Ubers: highlord vs london beats: Bronzong's strategic planning and ability to adapt to any situation make them a formidable opponent in the DPP Ubers scene. London Beats, while skilled, may struggle to keep up with Bronzong's calculated and unpredictable playstyle.

ADV Ubers: fatfighter2 vs vileman: FatFighter2's in-depth understanding of the ADV Ubers metagame and ability to exploit opponents' weaknesses make them a strong contender in this matchup. Vileman, while talented, may find it difficult to predict and counter FatFighter2's calculated strategies.

GSC Ubers: isa vs amaranth: Isa's meticulous planning and ability to read opponents' moves make them a formidable contender in the GSC Ubers scene. Amaranth, while skilled, may find it challenging to counter Isa's strategic mind and adaptability.

RBY Ubers: sadisticnarwhal vs unowndragon: In this matchup, SaDiSTiCNarwhal's extensive knowledge of the RBY Ubers meta and ability to exploit opponents' weaknesses give them an advantage. Unowndragon, while skilled, may struggle to keep up with SaDiSTiCNarwhal's strategic mind and adaptability.

Bo3: Aberforth vs gondra: Aberforth's strategic planning and ability to adapt to any situation make them a formidable opponent in this best-of-three matchup. Gondra, while skilled, may struggle to keep up with Aberforth's calculated and unpredictable playstyle.
Last edited:
Current Score: 72/164
Last round of shitposting bar tiebreaks!
Choice Bandits (6) vs (4) Manly Melmetal
SV Ubers: Frito vs Inder - I want Frito to win so I'm voting Frito, otherwise this is prolly a coinflip in my book since both are having great seasons
SV Ubers: Guard vs entrocefalo - lol.
SV Ubers: DAHLI vs Shuwri - The numbers don't lie and while he did make open finals, Shuwri's just been wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more consistent, should be a good game nonetheless
SS Ubers: baconeatinassassin vs Mimikyu Stardust - bacon eatin ass ass in has run into a losing streak, I hope he breaks out of it but MS has been on a hot streak
SM Ubers: oversway vs Rhmsitb - I assume they'll scout and load something that can beat 1 of the 5 teams that Rhm loves
ORAS Ubers: Alkione vs skimmythegod - skimmy's on a hot streak holyyyyyyyyy, Alkione did farm the price fixer but being walloped by Royal 2 weeks in a row has to have hurt his confidence to some degree
BW Ubers: MZ vs The Dovahneer - So I put faith in him last week and was disappointed so I'll try with the seeming new BW main (free LiXiaoLong)
DPP Ubers: Highlord vs London Beats - lol.2 Electric Boogaloo
ADV Ubers: FatFighter2 vs Vileman - FUCK VILEMAN
GSC Ubers: Isa vs Amaranth - Yeah this can just go either way given Isa's form this year, not much to say rly, should be a fun one to watch even if it goes to the turn limit
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Unowndragon - Not even gonna try predict the RNGesus slot
Bo3: Aberforth vs Gondra - I'm done giving this man no credit for anything ever, while I fully expect Gondra to 6-0 off lead in SM since Aber doesn't know what a Primal Groudon is, I just cannot see him losing in SS/SV

The Bandits evolved from the UPL X Tying Bandits, to the auction Choking Bandits, to the (almost) table-Topping Bandits, I wonder if they'll evolve to the Champion Bandits
Choice Bandits (5) vs (5) Manly Melmetal
SV Ubers: Frito vs Inder
SV Ubers: Guard vs entrocefalo former vs. new ndex ubers tier leader. GAMING.
SV Ubers: DAHLI vs Shuwri
SS Ubers: baconeatinassassin vs Mimikyu Stardust
SM Ubers: oversway vs Rhmsitb
ORAS Ubers: Alkione vs skimmythegod
BW Ubers: MZ vs The Dovahneer
DPP Ubers: Highlord vs London Beats
ADV Ubers: FatFighter2 vs Vileman
GSC Ubers: Isa vs Amaranth
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Unowndragon UD vs. SaDiSTiCNarwhal is an incredible finals. Two excellent players facing each others for the trophy. Good luck both!
Bo3: Aberforth vs Gondra

Good luck and have fun everyone!
Choice Bandits (6) vs (6) Manly Melmetal
SV Ubers: Frito vs Inder
SV Ubers: Guard vs entrocefalo
SV Ubers: DAHLI vs Shuwri
SS Ubers: baconeatinassassin vs Mimikyu Stardust
SM Ubers: oversway vs Rhmsitb
ORAS Ubers: Alkione vs skimmythegod
BW Ubers: MZ vs The Dovahneer
DPP Ubers: Highlord vs London Beats
ADV Ubers: FatFighter2 vs Vileman
GSC Ubers: Isa vs Amaranth
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Unowndragon
Bo3: Aberforth vs Gondra
Choice Bandits (5) vs (7) Manly Melmetal
SV Ubers: Frito vs Inder
SV Ubers: Guard vs entrocefalo
SV Ubers: DAHLI vs Shuwri
SS Ubers: baconeatinassassin vs Mimikyu Stardust
SM Ubers: oversway vs Rhmsitb
ORAS Ubers: Alkione vs skimmythegod
BW Ubers: MZ vs The Dovahneer
DPP Ubers: Highlord vs London Beats
ADV Ubers: FatFighter2 vs Vileman
GSC Ubers: Isa vs Amaranth
RBY Ubers: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Unowndragon
Bo3: Aberforth vs Gondra

it just AI prediction
anyways on this episode of oreo shitposts we respond to predictions made by Nyx!

(free LiXiaoLong)

Fun fact in a BW roomtour last week me and LXL made finals and Ayu offered at the start of the game to put the winner in the BW slot in UPL finals
LXL won obv bc idk shit about BW but I’m still proud of myself for making finals
Unfortunately LXL and I are still locked in the Bandits basement :psycry: someone save us

DPP Ubers: Highlord vs London Beats - lol.2 Electric Boogaloo

this shoulda been ”lol” and you shoulda predicted Entro vs Guard after this so you could say “lol.2 Electric Lizard Boogaloo” smh Nyx missing the lowest hanging fruit possible (in a SHITPOST no less)

SS Ubers: baconeatinassassin vs Mimikyu Stardust - bacon eatin ass ass in has run into a losing streak, I hope he breaks out of it

for the record bacon won in semis but fc was lucky and bad

I wonder if they'll evolve to the Champion Bandits

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