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  • I haven't posted on this platform for nearly 2 years. Today is the day I will post for the last time, to honor a friend that meant so much more to me than I ever realized. Thank you for brightening my day every single time I talked to you. You are truly one of the nicest, respectable, selfless, and amazing people I have ever met in my life. You will be truly missed.
    I only heard about the news from you. We had a brief moment together leading National Dex Ubers. May you rest in peace. :psycry:
    Guard. This is some very sad news. I’m glad to have met you. I will remember you forever. May you rest in peace. <3
    I meant to post this at some point but I never really knew what to say... I just want to say I am glad I had the opportunity to meet you, it has been a pleasure, you were a great lad, always so kind and great to have around. Rest in peace.
    I felt like i never really know you before now you were a great AG player above all and a great friend umm sorry im in tears... may god bless you and best of luck
    I didn't have a chance to interact with you and I wish that could've happened cuz I've only heard good things about you, but you showed not only to be a great person you also showed extreme bravery and humanity. The pastebin left me in tears and I'm so proud of you. May God rest your soul and comfort those who you love and love you.
    Never interacted with you but what you're doing is beyond braveness.
    I really hope your pastebin is being read by more and more people so that your words can inspire them as they did for me.
    Admiring you.
    I don’t think I’ve ever interacted with you before, but what you’ve done is so selfless and brave. No matter how bleak the situation, you still risked it all for the good of the people. Your memory will not be in vain. May God rest your soul and bring you eternal peace.
    May your bravery be an example for everyone else. To the level that everyone can, do not tolerate injustice, try and make the world a bit better through your actions. Farewell Guard, you've been an insiration.
    Hi, I just wanted to tell you that you have inspired me and probably a lot of other people. You are an Example of braveness.
    Never knew you or talked to you but your pastebin was quite the read. Rest up brother, I admire you
    I never met or interacted you but I strongly admire that you spent the last of your days dedicating to humanitarian aid. I hope Allah blesses your soul <3 free palestine
    i didnt know you very well, we only interacted for our upl game, but you seem like a great human being, i admire your courage, may Allah protect you and reward you for your bravery and kindness. free palestine.
    Guard, it's been a pleasure teaming with you and seeing your enthusiasm in OMPL, as well as hearing plenty stories about you from Ice. It's insane how even in such a dire moment you're spreading happiness to others. I sincerely hope we will be able to see each other again.
    I admire you so much for being that dedicated to maintain actual humanity and aid to people even in the most terrible situations, really. I sincerely hope God rewards you for that, brother.
    بارك الله عليك، يا اخي.

    From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free. In sha Allah.
    May God grant you eternal Heaven.
    What a brave man you are, my friend. I admire your courage, your kindness and the fullness you exude. Your actions will not be in vain. May God have a thought for you when the liberation of the Palestinian people comes. We love you, Amine.
    you gotta be one of the most selfless and brave people on this earth and i feel blessed to have known you as a friend. above all i wont forget how funny and nice u were and all the time we spent waffling with our friends. all the love you once spread then is now going to be felt by those in need, and no one will ever forget that. my only hope is that the rest of your life is as fulfilled as you make it for others
    The Strap will be by your side in every moment, you're an amazing person on and off the game. Farewell brother
    Only had positive interactions with you on the site. Love you man, bless you and your family. See you later ❤
    Your last words left me in tears. You are a wonderful person. May god bless your soul.
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