NOC Vote n' Veto NOC Mafia - Game Thread [Game Over - Town Win!]

I’ve played three prior games

Smalltown- The whole game was me tunneling Hal because he voted me d1: Reactionary

Werewolf- Ehmcee I think scumread me so I “tunneled” him

JOAT10- AG and Jalmont voted me once or twice and that was my 90% this is scumteam

I would say I play reactionary
I really, really dislike this post and as much as I hate using the term it does feel coached. I think skipper is a fairly reactionary player (more so than the standard) but what he isn’t a particularly introspective or self-analytical player. This post is introspective and self-analytical and it doesn’t feel like it would be produced by skipper
In exactly the worst case scenario where psy and I are mafia it is MYLO because it's like 2.5+2.5 vs 1.5+1.5+1.5 but I think in all other cases it is not. Of course with no hammer as long as the numbers are close it gets SUPER annoying with flashwagoning at EoD so we do definitely want to avoid the mislynch here.

I am back but slightly tipsy.

-pulsar afk, could be assed to defend herself with a vote even after being voted means that read is gravitating closer to null. Emcee willing to jump on essentially any wagon but that one is weird

-Of Emcee Celever and psy idk who if any on Zippy was bad. I did think the logic made sense and it was convincing to others so it's really a tough call. If it's Emcee/pulsar that EoD makes some sense, if it's Psy Maf/Town Celever/Town Emcee it makes some amount of sense, too.

-Skipper is the most likely mafia if Emcee/pulsar/zippy all town because they just chilled back happy to let any of them go

-Trying to imagine the EoD scenarios where Celever's scum and last night I thought they would have ended on an Aura Guardian bus but that obviously didn't happen.

Idk, I'll let things marinate. Sorry for being out tonight, will have some time throughout the day tomorrow.
I really, really dislike this post and as much as I hate using the term it does feel coached. I think skipper is a fairly reactionary player (more so than the standard) but what he isn’t a particularly introspective or self-analytical player. This post is introspective and self-analytical and it doesn’t feel like it would be produced by skipper
Guys I knew it I knew I was d2 lynch
Oh boy, it's happening again, thread activity is crashing.

Seemingly all skipper can do this game is talk about himself. Celever there may be something to what you said about him being coached, but by who? Looking around at the game there aren't a lot of people who are especially introspective or self analytical outside of like, me and you. Hydro? Emcee? Psy?

Psy you think it's Celever/Emcee mafia? That would be an interesting and plausible buddy pair. How does that work for Celever's long term plan? Kills AG, Buses Emcee, claims to copy tracker and doesn't, mislynches me or psy with a fake track, copies Mayor instead, kills the other one, gets into a flashwagon standoff with the neighbors? Or just tries to get the vote onto town today but in the world where that's the pair Celever was willing to lynch Emcee which made me think it was less likely.
I mean if Celever is lying about inheriting tracker, we should be able to see it in votecounts

In the scenario I described this wouldn't be revealed until the very end after he already used it for a mislynch.

But that's not something I wanted to derail with, just realized a possibility I hadn't before is all. When I consider potential Celever scumteams I necessarily look at his plan for the whole game and previously I thought busing would have been impractical but post AG kill I realized there was a line. All that means is I have even less to latch onto than I thought, game is hard. And I have to put in some more time before a meeting I have in a couple hours but I'll be back after that.
Oh boy, it's happening again, thread activity is crashing.

Seemingly all skipper can do this game is talk about himself. Celever there may be something to what you said about him being coached, but by who? Looking around at the game there aren't a lot of people who are especially introspective or self analytical outside of like, me and you. Hydro? Emcee? Psy?

Psy you think it's Celever/Emcee mafia? That would be an interesting and plausible buddy pair. How does that work for Celever's long term plan? Kills AG, Buses Emcee, claims to copy tracker and doesn't, mislynches me or psy with a fake track, copies Mayor instead, kills the other one, gets into a flashwagon standoff with the neighbors? Or just tries to get the vote onto town today but in the world where that's the pair Celever was willing to lynch Emcee which made me think it was less likely.
You nominated yourself for this but, yes, I was already thinking you’re the likeliest skipper buddy :eeveehide:

Second place would be Ehmcee probably though. Ehmcee’s thread persona isn’t particularly thoughtful but I hosted Assist Trophy where he was maf and from observing scum chat he’s really quite good at it lol and does think a lot