Smogon Friendships


It's so obvious, I'm your number one
is a Site Content Manageris a Forum Moderatoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
Whether it's from chatting on the forums or in a PS! chatroom, getting drafted together for a team tournament, or socialization on one of many Smogon-affiliated Discords, many of us can say we've made friends and acquaintances during our time in the Smogon community. Sure, it's kind of understood that we appreciate them, but there's not always a good opportunity on a site like this to really think about someone you've met and tell them, "Hey, I appreciate you," like we all want to sometimes. I think it's time to think about the friendships we've made on this site, in this community, and how the people here have built each other up into who we are and who we will be going forward.

My 200th post has been looming over me for a while-- sure, it's ultimately just how many times I've posted on a forum that's ultimately about a children's video game series, but what can I say, it's important to me. This is the sort of thread I've wanted to see for a while now. Sure, the relationships and positivity threads cover this to an extent, but I wanted there to be a dedicated place where we can appreciate each other-- our close friends and the acquaintances we hold dear alike. So, if you want to talk about the people on the site who've made you happy, this is the exact place for that :)

Screenshot 2023-09-05 12.17.00 AM.png

KaenSoul I was already getting myself more and more involved with OMs, especially Reevo, when you sent me this offer, but this is really the moment I realized I could be a part of the community. I appreciate you inviting me in the first place and continuing to be one of the best people I've worked with and spoken to in the community. Thank you for putting up with me at my most incompetent :p

kenn I still remember you being the one to playtest GG with me when I still had no idea how to build in SS, and I still remember you being the one to promote me to OM Roomvoice after tricking me into talking about that same bad team >:( you've been another one of the best people I've worked with and spoken to in the OM community, and I'm still thankful you chose me to lead TCG after your departure from the meta


zastra being on the VTM council is another of the best things that's happened to me in SV, a moment where I really felt I was becoming a good builder and securing myself as a "real" member of the community, and I can't thank you enough for being here through that

PQRDG DosDogs TCG has been my first time as a tier leader, and you guys being such amazing council members and players has been such a key part of that that it's hard to state in a brief sentence, but you two have been awesome. thank you for going through this with me

rarre Cratersmash drampa's grandpa Momblast prunyy you guys have all been awesome people to work with on the Reevo, VTM and Tera Dono councils, it's because of you guys and our amazing tls that the tiers are as great as they are today and continue to be as popular and loved as they are. it's been great seeing this through with you guys

Natcrozma you have been the biggest driving force towards me going from making shitty AMQCs to being able to call myself part of the AAAQC team, you have been a great friend beyond that, i have you to thank for joining the pokepride server and for being more active in smogcord, :3 gang for life

Instruct being on the evasion boosting eevees was a major step for me, it felt like the first tournament where i actually performed at a level similar to my peers and contributed to the team as a whole, and I have you to thank for that. i'm happy i was able to be there to support you, and i really appreciate you doing the same and pushing through everything

@ all of the smashing salamences, you guys have been such an amazing team, both for battling / building and as an environment to chat and spend time in. i hope this isn't the last time i get to work with you guys :3

@ pokepride goobers i haven't been active there for a long time yet, but you've all been an amazing community to be a part of so far and i feel lucky to have started integrating into it :3

@ om room chatterboxes , i can't name all of you because this post is getting too long, but know that i appreciate you guys a lot :3 you've been another amazing community to be a part of and i love everything the people here have created, become, and will do as gen 9 develops . i am still NOT putting the face in my showdown name Hiusi guy

and to anyone I didn't tag because we aren't as close yet, know that I appreciate you too :3 i had a few more people in mind, but i'm gonna devolve into 1AM rambling if i dont get this done soon. i promise i didn't forget you guys!!

that's enough from me, make sure to keep this thread on-topic if you're gonna post here, and thank you for reading all of this whether i tagged you or not :3 spread some positivity and make your friends feel as appreciated as they are!!

200th post!
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Trying my best
is an official Team Rateris a Social Media Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributor
Pushing this over to an actual post because why not

i first want to give thanks to a few people in particular

Tack Gwen you've been one of the people i’ve felt like has been always there for me, not matter what. You’ve comforted me god knows how many times and your amazing.

i remember how we met from PVZH lol. Your great there and we are always there to support each other

Melody despite what you think you are one of the closest people to me and are one of the few i feel like i can trust with my life. Its always nice to talk to you and i know you have some issues, but either way i care for you so much.

Queen of Bean
Qob i know weve had our differences but at the end of the day your still one of my closest friends. You are such a joy to talk to and just in general are a great person.

To the PU QC team Hera asa avarice MZ Togkey UberSkitty Melt Gibson:
You all have been amazing to work with. You all are such hard workers and just generally amazing people

@ The US West WCOR team
You all are awesome and great teammates :)

To #The_Pool users on LC particularly people like natu gali Shrug,
You all were my first introduced to the smogon scene and its been great to talk to you all and get to know you better. And to the few of you who ended up reaching out in dms after i talked about rough days or personal issues to talk to me, i cannot understate how much youve mean to me because of that.

@ pokepride users you have been my safe space to be myself ever since i came out. I cannot understate how much that community matters to me. Thank you all.

some other people i just wanted to shoutout at the end here:
Glimmer Ratio DerpySuX Natcrozma naere Gimmickyasitgets yokoisop Zcarlett and to anyone else i may have missed,
Thank you all for being my friends, it means alot. :3

a fairy

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Community Leader
Who needs xKs when you can just do this. My xK ended up being a Smogon mafia game post, lol. So I'll admit that I'm not gonna ping anyone in this thread. I've been on Smogon a decade ago and recently, so I've likely forgotten names.

Tournaments - The first place I got involved in on Smogon. I'm bad at actually playing, but I'm maybe somewhat decent at running tournaments, and despite being a piece of shit, old Tournaments let me stick around after the disaster that was the first tournament idea I had.
The Smog - My first badge. I wish The Smog was still around, but I understand that the format was outdated. This place definitely let me set roots into the site, even if I can't stand reading my old articles. Without this place I probably don't do much of anything of value on the site, so I'm thrilled to have been able to contribute while I was around.
The Competitor - I got to mod this. It never became what I wanted for it, but there are plenty of projects like that on Smogon, and I got to help with this one. I have very fond memories of this. It's been funny to talk to people who assume I modded a place like firebot or Cong or some support forum when I had never modded a public forum until Draft.
Skiddo Ranch - Social media is something I don't do much of nowadays, at least the Twitter and Facebook stuff that y'all do. But back then I was much more involved in social media, and I'm grateful y'all let me argue about how Mega Houndoom doesn't hard-counter Mega Mewtwo on Twitter before getting reprimanded but not removed.
Mentorship - As it turns out, not a lot of folks wanted mentorship for hosting tournaments. I left before this place closed, so I don't know what happened to it in the end. But it was lovely to have a group of folks who genuinely cared about the site's new users and helping them grow into contributors and competitors.
ASB - Y'all I had to edit this, totally forgot - ASB is better than it was given credit for back in the day. It's probably the best competitive format on the site.
Invite-Only IRC Channels - A bit more nebulous here, but I made a handful of friends I'd have never interacted with before if folks didn't PM me on IRC going "hey join such-and-such channel". Given my personality was wildly negative/toxic during my first stint here, I'm surprised folks wanted to keep me around. I appreciate it.

Draft - This place brought me back, and has been a cornerstone of what I do nowadays. Hosting tournaments in a format I find enjoyable, with a community and staff group that I like? What a lovely opportunity to have been given. Words cannot describe a fraction of the appreciation I have for the staff and community of Smogon Draft.
Tournaments - I've been blessed to have the chance to help host such fantastic tournaments like the OSDT and the BW Cup. Tournaments is so much more welcoming than what I remember, even if it's wildly different than it used to be. The staff is almost entirely new, which is maybe why I'm being given the opportunity to do things. The only place still around both before and now, even if the community is almost all-new.
Discord - I miss IRC, I won't lie. But Discord has been a fascinating new experience, and I'm glad to be welcomed. Hell, they're letting me run a tournament basically all on my own and theorize potentially cool new things to do in the future! Which is quite lovely. For someone who always loved the sOP badge during the IRC days but was never going to lead either #pokemon or #smogon, I'm thrilled to be considered a Contributor there.
TFP - What a lovely new place. The nostalgia for The Smog hasn't changed what I find joy in The Flying Press over, and this is a place that I definitely hope to contribute for a long time to come - got at least five or six ideas waiting for the few I've still got in the system running. It's very enjoyable to have a place to write on Smogon that isn't reliant on being good at Pokemon battling (I am not).

There's plenty more I've missed. I'll never be able to thank every community, let alone every person.
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is a Community Contributoris a Community Leader Alumnus
It's not common for me to open up like this but I felt I could use this opportunity to say some stuff about a few of the people who have impacted my time on Smogon the most.
AquaticPanic - you are dumb

Scoopapa - you are dumb

Yoshiblaze - you are dumb

Mossy Sandwich - you are dumb

zxgzxg - you are dumb

Paulluxx - you are dumb

Hematite - you are dumb

Redwood Rogue - you are dumb

earl - you are dumb

Gravity Monkey - you are dumb

Mintly - you are dumb

G-Luke - you are dumb

Ludicrousity - you are dumb

charizard8888 - you are dumb

Rezzo - you are dumb

everyone else - you are dumb
Ironic enough I came across this thread, because I made an Instagram reel today talking about how to appreciate those in your life who you value. There's so many people in the tournament community who I value and the thread seems wholesome, so I'll give it a spin but with my own twist. Putting people into groups though since it would be too much writing. Not everyone's going to get tagged because I'm badge less, although I'm sure it will be seen sooner or later.

Attribute 16bit 3d fade Rubyblood Koalacance ABR umbry Corazan Vert Xrn PDC Lily Vulpix03 Excal Finchinator Yelodash Sage Mana TJ Booty Mako Aliss In one way or another all of you have helped me in either Classic, Spl, or Smogtour. And if you don't remember trust me I do. Being willing to assist me with no obligation to do so is something I appreciate but respect. TY again

Jisoo Meru gum Lunala Chloe airfare avarice Leo blarghlfarghl Felines Kate London Beats Waves hariyana grande Askov Lyssa
Bouff spellcaster Expulso I'm a big fan of small talk, so when I ask you guys about cooking, new movies, what you ate/are doing today, and many other topics it's always great interactions. These conversations genuinely brighten up my day, its appreciated.

Nalorium QWILY think you guys need more recognition, although I see your efforts please keep it up.

Everyone in Blerk, Duckies, Moodswings, WOA, Rhyperiors and all the other discords I talk in yall are GANG :heart:

Very cool thread, I encourage more posting.
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Shaymin Sky

Seed Flare :3
is a Community Contributor
I have a lot of friends on here I think so I wont be able to go in depth or anything ;-;

Storm Zone longest time friend on the site, bro is a legend and ive known him since xy days, truly an inspiration besides that 1 time he loaded semi stall into me in 2100's that was a tad strange but all time greatest friend id say

Pinkacross I said you were the best gen 8 builder in 2020, it took people 2 years to finally realize this while i was sayin this was the case for the longest...truly best modern gen ou builder all ur teams are heat asf and its always fun to build with u and storm zone in ou cus team always gets #1 on ladder lmaooo

Typhlosion4 its fun talking to u about stuff on showdown, v trustworthy guy and always down to earth and hearing things out greatto get to know ya

SetsuSetsuna I hope I am @ the right person cus i still dunno how to spell ur name but working with u on stuff in ou room is always great, u are probably the hardest working person ik on the site besides like developers which is cheating

pastagirl truly my greatest roomintro rival and its fun to talk to u about general stuff too lol hoping u enjoy gen 9 a bit more with dlc

IDK his @ but mathismathin (his name on showdown) is a real legend and cooking up meme gen 9 teams with his is always fun, same with Pinecoishot also i like the rename way more its been growing on me

IDK his @ on showdown but goldtodd1 and Adeleine are fun asf to play smash ultimate with, even if adeleine ledge camps with wifi palu entire time!

3d literally funniest person on the website, nuff said

rumia I knew when I saw you like to type in all caps that u would be a viber fr and this is extremely true LOL, v fun to talk to

Srn is an absolute legend literally can play all ou gens well and can also save your life since they are an better combination! thanks for implementing my rfaqs and shit as well >: D

LudwigFrog u fr test my abilities in every game i play LOL

Haste Inky very supportive, always appreciate the compliments on my roomintro's

Mimikyu Stardust u are funny asf on discord, great battler too glad u could play olt this year

Delibird Heart truly greatest RNG innovator of all time LMAO

Radio Free C-Side your welcoming nature is a lot of the reason i got into vgc as much as i have

Bright Size goat builder and even better league of legends player!!

DaWoblefet before I thought you just liked to torture confused players for fun, now I think you're chill asf and just like to torture confused players for fun which I can get behind ngl

BIG ASHLEY honestly based that u have been keeping up and liking all my roomintro post on my thread

ken huge help talking to u when it came to helping run FC room, really chill and understanding guy i appreciate it fr

HTCL greatest room tour creator of all time

Finchinator funny asf on twitter and been friends for several years now always great talking to ya and rlly proud of ur growth overall too

ChiefGreenLeaf3 ladder legend and super fun to fight/talk to in ou room as well

Robbie35646 world champ runner up, great sparring partner, and super chill dude if only u were shorter!!

nya thanks for cheering me on in the finals of that smash ult random tournament, was nice to see the encouragement in-between matches of the set vs armadillo

IDK his @ but fragile ou podcast is funny asf in ou room and great to talk to, has some interesting team ideas thats for sure.

georgiethefirst U 100% HAVE PAID ACTORS WHO LOSE ON PURPOSE TO U LOL AND WHY DO U TERA 1 EVERYTIME AND HOW TF DOES IT EVEN WORK OUT?????? very funny to watch u play, and rlly fun to play ffa's with

AquaVanilla greatest FFA player of all time, also get dark voided!

Tysonslayer u have the cutest pfp on this website hands down.

brouha we dont talk as much but u were p epic when we did, hopefully u come back to p.s sometime

PinkSylvie ur breloom drawing will be remembered for generations...

Clas the goat for helping me run freedomcup room and freezai thanks for letting me help out in the freedom cup ladder tournament, was great working with u fr

special thanks to all the people ive worked with for roomintro's, every1 was super nice and supportive of my designs, thanks a lot!!
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I don't like calling people friends unless they have called me friends, just kind of a thing for me (I'm autistic idk) but I will list some (just a few) people who I am fond of on this website, regardless of level of reciprocagion

bdt2002 is a really cool person, I like your confidence

LoseToRU? and I have had some of the funniest and stupidest conversations of all-time and I really appreciate that, 100% unironically

Srn Reframes my argument and gets 20 Likes more every time, and I am usually one of the 20

1LDK threw a birthday party thread for me, and is a very fun person to talk to

Magcargo also very fun to talk to, nice pfp btw


I like Cross Evolution
is a Pre-Contributor
This thread is amazing, and I love how there's so many little communities in the large smogon community.
I am here on smogon and PS mostly because of the OM community, love you guys.
PQRDG you are the reason I stayed on this site. You put up with all my challenges and were always willing to battle me. We would have discussions at length about the OM's we played. I will never forget how you accepted me into PS. You're da best.

Gimlaf another person I could always challenge to a battle. I am greatly thankful for our meta discussions and any advice you would give. also thanks for letting me steal all your teams, you're amazing <3.

Dark Koopatrol another person I can always count on for a battle, letting me play test teams and crap. And another person I could discuss metas with. Thanks for all the help in those meta's and more. You're outstanding!

You three are my go to's for meta discussion, play testing teams, and to bouncing idea's off of. I'm grateful for all the conversations we have had over the months I've been here.

Hiusi guy 1hfkqhwhrelk you two are great for meta discussion as well, love talking to you two and hearing your very different opinions, I always know you guys will give me an angle I hadn't thought about. You two are running out of additives already... astounding! %◕‿‿◕%

IMakeNoSense Your art is beautiful, as is your personality. You have great idea's and it's always interesting to talk to you. Clodsparce is still officially and unofficially better than any other sparce, especially Clodsly! Thanks for all you've done.

Wes8888 Thanks for helping me out in GG, only reason I have decent teams is you. Can't wait to play some Chimera1v1 with you. Thanks for any future help too <3!

KaenSoul you're like a mentor, if I have a question about this site or about OM's, I know I can come to you for good advice and suggestions. Already learned so much from your example and help. Thanks man.

prunyy Zuldaar smellslikememe Gimmickyasitgets anaconja in the hills you guys are great to work with on council, learned a ton from you guys, as it was my first time this gen(really this year) being apart of OM's. Thanks for the leadership and advice in the chats. You guys are great.

Opple Thanks for all the great convos in the many rooms, especially The Library. Driver Duo is insane.

PacificMarill toraflora! As I've chilled in THP more, you guys always make it better. You guys are great.

Hades’ Child Literally only pinging you so I can say how much Carbonated Milk is a sin and that everyone here can see that you like it. You're also great otherwise.

no one else has a Smogon Forums account that I can find, so a couple users I enjoy talking to;
Leengreen, great for talking about the Pkm TCG
TheTrueLTaker, idk your smogon, but you're cool, keep it up.
Shoutout to The Library crew, y'all are amazing. TCG and Tabletop y'all are great too. Panda and THP you guys are outstanding as well.

PS and Smogon Forums are an astounding place to be, thank you to all the users who make it what it is, regs, mods, staff, you guys are all great.

post 101 lets go
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Next month, on the 14th, it will be 3 years since I first made my showdown account. I'd say I made plenty of friends during my time there, despite me doing a little trick where I disappear from the platform for a few months every once in a while (I quite literally only exist at the moment to chime in every once in a while and nominate video games for video game of the day). I wouldn't really name anyone as my friend specifically, I'm just friendly to whoever I see provided they are friendly as well. I just like talking, honestly.


Trial by fury
is a Top Team Rater
Believe it or not, I'm super introverted and overall shy, even tho I have the charisma of a million gods (lmao)
so I'm careful with who I can truly can "friends", with that said

awyp, Morkal and Fancy1 are friends, Chilean world cup team are all wonderful people too (too many to tag)
also shoutout to real life friends, real OGs that have kept me just barely sane


is a Community Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributor
i know a fuckton of people so here we go:
Daki Frixel Rage trace Banbadoro BlackKnight_Gawain HugeNoobLmao Isaiah Jadinobambino shadowmaster6789 Siegfried Sificon Theia Tranquility ChaosLucaro seroo : you guys are amazing to be with, and are such lovely people outside of mons. goats. im slowly watching as you guys age tho (@ gawain)

Gimmickyasitgets Isaiah UT Tranquility LordBox : aaa qc freinds :) you guys make C&Cing a fun experience that i can learn from too, without yalls help, idt i would be at where i am rn, qcing stuff. ly guys

@my fellow gays: theres too many to ping holy shit. you guys are wonderful and very supportive of everyone else.

@smashing salamences: even tho me and LS oopsied and had wayy too much money after overpredicting who we wanted, this team still shines very brightly. ily guys for making this a wonderful aaapl.

@all the other smogcord larpers who arent gay: larp more. become gay.

@ everyone else i didnt mention but are still good friends: love yall.


If I can stop one heart from breaking
is a Community Contributoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
It's been crazy to think that I've been on PS! and Smogon for almost 5 years now, and I would've never imagined even in my wildest dreams that I would venture into so many different lovely and welcoming communities. I was in a rough time when I first started, and have been through plenty of hardships since, but the friends I've made here have been so kind during all this time, Im forever grateful for the many wonderful people I've meet. There's honestly so much I can write here, but I'll stick to the main groups for now.

The Number Man Best Gal Aloopuriza kythr Icemaster Ainzcrad temp @freezeshocka Shadowmonstr7 BlackKnight_Gawain fabwooloo I am te Floogal ShionShadows giove97 PociekMociek Binacle Pinnacle Fluore queso blce Eggs RICEMAN K3ppr Micoy PokeArt2004♥ saba Part Links Waves

Honestly, I don't know where I'd be without all of you. This community is really wonderful just as a place for all of us friends to hangout, help each other, and write some of the worst shit known to man (you know who you are). TPP I was easily the best tournament experience I ever had, with the amount of self created lore and just genuine fun we had messing around being idiots. Thank all of you for sticking around afterwards from the tournament, and creating a community that I never want to leave.

RaJ.Shoot MGenius saba get_lucki AlvusWrath Karl Dude Guy velvet King Leo V Micoy PokeArt2004♥ thepokedude9999 Glacierider trace sam.tan Ainzcrad

The first community I really joined on ps, and wow.. it was special. The sense of community and passion for the year it was active was really something special, and I genuinely looked forward to hopping into the room and interacting with you all. Thank you, for all the precious memories there, I really enjoyed all of you lovely people.

Daki trace Frixel Rage BlackKnight_Gawain Sificon Banbadoro Siegfried Theia Isaiah HugeNoobLmao Jadinobambino shadowmaster6789 seroo Natcrozma saba velvet PrinceOfAllTacos Jordy004 Micoy RaJ.Shoot fabwooloo temp @ many many more

While I might not be as active as I once was, I just want to thank you so much for all the time I've been able to be here with you peeps. You are all awesome, and I hope I can stick around with the many wonderful people in the community.

Links susciety Waves Rage Mashing TDR TGA Arai SuperEpicAmpharos BluBirD Zerkas BeeOrSomething RichardMillePlain Ibby corvere berry @ Many more

This place has always felt home to me, and is wonderful to pop in and chat or just play some old gens. The passion you guys have is amazing, and its created a nice and wonderful community in the process that I hope to stay around, even if it means no more tour nights. Thanks for all the enjoyable times.

Isaiah UT LordBox Haydenn Greybaum pannu Sylvi SpaceSpeakers Eggs RICEMAN The Number Man Natcrozma Gimmickyasitgets @Many moree

While I really only started playing these seriously in gen 9, the community has been very welcoming and is where I've enjoyed gen 9 the most. OMPL and now AAAPL has been very fun, both in terms of building / cooperation, but also meeting new people who are very fun to hang around and want to run it back in the future.

Also just wanna give a quick shoutout to some of the wonder peeps at the smogon discord ( Ratio @Meisterr (whatever your @ is) PrinceOfAllTacos verbatim Archas UT & more) for being a great place to just hangout in and the WiFi peeps (Swiffix Loethalion WigglyTree Mex Appletun a la Mode & more) for also being a wonderful community to be in and contribute once every 4 months or so.

I apologize if I might've left you or someone else off, just letting you know I also appreciate your presence too <3.


boku no sainou
is a Top Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Social Media Contributor Alumnus
Cheesy ass thread icl I love giving my friends the credit they deserve tho

Ainzcrad ponchlake hayedenn Greybaum Quaze ojr gum kDCA Kolohe Lyssa Sylvi Some of my GOATS, ty for being funny as fuck but also always being there for me and inspiring me to be my best self and get shit done, ur presences genuinely make my days better

Career Ended SHSP LBN ChrisPBacon Osake Clementine Tranquility cityscapes Kaif would call yall more smogon friends but some of my favorite ppl to prep / discuss mons / play friendlies with, absolutely immaculate players n id be significantly more ass at the game if I couldn't steal teams/ideas or run tests with yall LOL

Ofc have to shoutout some of my OGs too who've been with me since I was an annoying ass 14yo ladder hero LOL Optify 413X Chloe Zephyri Scholar Batzi ty for sticking around

Yung cotta appreciates all yall and you deserve some recognition for being nice blokes

If I left u out its bcuz I do not like you, please write me a strongly worded discord dm (pannuracotta) on why you would've liked to be included.
order doesnt matter

Greybaum pannu astralydia hayedenn ponchlake @ everyone else there to mary 'muricans

u and others i have good terms with but very small talk, u r the reason why I didn't gave up on this site.

The ones named and everybody else I enjoy spending time with, u r my goats.
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