Pet Mod Back to Sinnoh (Slate 5 winners + Slate 6: free for all Fakemon slate)

(approved by Pet Mods moderators)

:dialga: Back to Sinnoh :palkia:

Welcome back to Sinnoh! But things changed around here. Changed a lot.

What changed? Welp, the goal of this mod is to remake the entire Gen 4! Aka remake the entire Pokedex, as well as remake all the moves, abilities and items!

:abomasnow: Abomasnow
:arceus: Arceus
:azelf: Azelf
:bronzong: Bronzong
:cresselia: Cresselia
:darkrai: Darkrai
:dialga: Dialga
:drapion: Drapion
:electivire: Electivire
:empoleon: Empoleon
:froslass: Froslass
:gallade: Gallade
:garchomp: Garchomp
:gastrodon: Gastrodon
:giratina: Giratina
:gliscor: Gliscor
:heatran: Heatran
:hippowdon: Hippowdon
:honchkrow: Honchkrow
:infernape: Infernape
:lucario: Lucario
:magnezone: Magnezone
:mamoswine: Mamoswine
:manaphy: Manaphy
:mismagius: Mismagius
:palkia: Palkia
:porygon-z: Porygon-Z
:rhyperior: Rhyperior
:roserade: Roserade
:rotom: Rotom
:shaymin: Shaymin
:staraptor: Staraptor
:togekiss: Togekiss
:torterra: Torterra
:toxicroak: Toxicroak
:weavile: Weavile
:yanmega: Yanmega
Air Slash
Aqua Jet
Aqua Tail
Attack Order
Aura Sphere
Brave Bird
Bug Bite
Bug Buzz
Bullet Punch
Charge Beam
Close Combat
Cross Poison
Dark Pulse
Dark Void
Draco Meteor
Dragon Pulse
Dragon Rush
Drain Punch
Earth Power
Energy Ball
Fire Fang
Flare Blitz
Flash Cannon
Focus Blast
Gastro Acid
Giga Impact
Grass Knot
Guard Swap
Gunk Shot
Gyro Ball
Hammer Arm
Head Smash
Heal Block
Heal Order
Healing Wish
Heart Swap
Ice Fang
Ice Shard
Iron Head
Lava Plume
Leaf Storm
Lunar Dance
Magma Storm
Metal Burst
Mirror Shot
Mud Bomb
Nasty Plot
Natural Gift
Night Slash
Poison Jab
Power Gem
Power Whip
Psycho Cut
Psycho Shift
Roar of Time
Rock Polish
Seed Bomb
Seed Flare
Shadow Claw
Shadow Sneak
Spacial Rend
Stealth Rock
Stone Edge
Sucker Punch
Thunder Fang
Toxic Spikes
Trick Room
Vacuum Wave
Wood Hammer
Zen Headbutt
Bad Dreams
Dry Skin
Ice Body
Iron Fist
Leaf Guard
Magic Guard
Mold Breaker
Motor Drive
No Guard
Poison Heal
Quick Feet
Skill Link
Slow Start
Snow Cloak
Snow Warning
Solar Power
Solid Rock
Storm Drain
Tinted Lens
:black sludge: Black Sludge
:choice specs: Choice Specs
:choice scarf: Choice Scarf
:focus sash: Focus Sash
:flame orb: Flame Orb
:toxic orb: Toxic Orb
:arceus: Plates

Moreover, a lot of buffs and changes are reverted back to what they were in Gen 3!
The physical/special split has been done, meaning Leaf Blade is physical and Shadow Ball is special, so a lot of holes are to be filled, like Flare Blitz or Wild Charge!

Important mechanical differences between Gen 9 and Gen 4:
  • Soft-Boiled, Milk Drink, Slack Off, Roost, and Rest all have 16 PP, Recover has 32 PP.
  • Hidden Abilities do not exist
  • Hail is used instead of Snow, which deals 6.25% damage to all non-Ice-types at the end of every turn and doesn't buff the Defense of Ice types.
  • Figy Berry and its equivalents restore HP by 50% instead of 33%.
  • Rapid Spin is 20 BP and does not increase Speed.Burn deals 12.5% per turn, not 6.25%.
  • Base critical hit rate is 1/16 instead of 1/24.
  • Soul Dew boosts Special Attack and Special Defense of Latios and Latias by 1.5x.
  • No Fairy-type.
  • No Terrains.
  • No Team Preview.
  • Knock Off is 20 BP and doesn't have a damage boost when removing an item.
  • Critical damage is 2x original damage, not 1.5x.
  • Grass-types aren't immune to powder moves.
  • Steel resists Ghost and Dark.
  • Infiltrator and sound moves don't bypass Substitute.
  • Weather summoned by Drought, Drizzle, and Sand Stream lasts until replaced.
  • Sleep lasts for 1-5 turns..
  • Encore lasts between 3 and 7 turns.
  • Explosion and Self-Destruct have doubled BP.
  • Sturdy doesn't have the Focus Sash effect; it only grants immunity to OHKO moves.
  • Tail Glow gives +2 Special Attack instead of +3.
  • Wish restores 50% of the recipient's max HP, not the user's.
  • Magic Coat doesn't block hazards, Taunt, or Torment.

Attract (for Pokemons with a gender), Double Team, Endure, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Swagger, Toxic

Thanks to Spiderpig/Toyo for the list!

:torterra: How it will go:

Slates will be dedicated to the creation of either new Fakemons, or new moves/abilities/items depending on the slate!
Subbing old mons from whatever gen with whatever modifications is allowed, but please, be creative. I trust y'all on that!
(Note: custom elements such as moves and abilities are allowed as you sub your Fakemons, and you can propose a distribution for said move or ability later!)

:infernape: Council:

Lord Pxperto

:empoleon: Links:
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Fakemon Name: Inferam:dubwool::heatran:
Weight: 64kg
Stats: 82/75/110/96/100/67 (530)

Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Earthquake, Fire Blast, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Iron Tail, Megahorn, Milk Drink, Overheat, Protect, Rest, Rock Slide, Sleep Talk, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Will-O-Wisp
Attract, Bite, Blast Burn, Blaze Kick, Body Slam, Charm, Covet, Defense Curl, Double Kick, Double Team, Double-Edge, Ember, Endeavor, Endure, Facade, Fire Spin, Flame Wheel, Growl, Headbutt, Horn Attack, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Mega Kick, Mud Slap, Reversal, Sandstorm, Scary Face, Skull Bash, Slam, Snore, Spark, Stomp, Sunny Day, Tackle, Take Down, Thrash
Description: A ram with a coat of steel wool lit up by sparks. Heatran at home with recovery. And Thunder Wave??

Fakemon Name: Kindlamb
Weight: 6kg
Stats: 47/45/55/61/55/47 (310)

Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Inferam's movepool, minus: Blast Burn, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Megahorn, Sandstorm, Spark, Thunder Wave
Description: A small red lamb. With lil horns. I guess.

Fakemon Name: Spaark
Weight: 35kg
Stats: 57/60/85/76/75/52 (405)

Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Inferam's movepool, minus: Blast Burn, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Megahorn, Sandstorm Spark, Thunder Wave
Description: The wool now covers its head. Sort of a reverse, four-legged Flaaffy process.

Fakemon Name: Yamatoad :politoed::hariyama:
Weight: 134kg
Stats: 100/120/100/70/80/65 (535)

Ability: Torrent
Movepool: Belly Drum, Body Slam, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Counter, Cross Chop, Curse, Earthquake, Focus Punch, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Rest, Rock Slide, Sleep Talk, Superpower, Toxic, Waterfall
Amnesia, Arm Thrust, Astonish, Attract, Bide, Blizzard, Bounce, Bubble Beam, Comet Punch, Detect, Dive, Dizzy Punch, Double Team, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor, Endure, Facade, Flail, Frustration, Hail, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Lick, Meditate, Mega Punch, Mud Shot, Mud Sport, Mud-Slap, Muddy Water, Nature Power, Pound, Protect, Return, Revenge, Rock Smash, Rock Tomb, Seismic Toss, Sky Uppercut, Sludge Bomb, Snore, Spit Up, Splash, Stockpile, Strength, Submission, Substitute, Surf, Swallow, Uproar, Vital Throw, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Water Sport, Whirlpool
Description: A big sumo toad. Intended to be similar to Swampert, with a better offensive typing and higher Attack, with access to some utility in Knock Off, and boosting options in Belly Drum and the less flashy Bulk Up/Curse.

Fakemon Name: Slapole
Weight: 5kg
Stats: 50/65/50/55/40/50 (310)

Ability: Torrent
Movepool: Yamatoad's movepool, minus: Arm Thrust, Body Slam, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Comet Punch, Counter, Cross Chop, Curse, Dizzy Punch, Dynamic Punch, Earthquake, Focus Punch, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Hydro Cannon, Hyper Beam, Mega Punch, Seismic Toss, Sky Uppercut, Submission, Superpower, Vital Throw
Description: A trainee martial artist... tadpole??

Fakemon Name: Strikroak
Weight: 30kg
Stats: 70/85/70/60/60/60 (405)

Ability: Torrent
Movepool: Yamatoad's movepool, minus: Belly Drum, Earthquake, Knock Off, Hydro Cannon, Hyper Beam, Submission
Description: A plucky lil boxing frog.
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improvisational sub formatting

:infernape: :decidueye: :heatran:
Name: Coronarrow (Corona + Arrow)
Category: Archer Pokemon
Type: Fire / Steel
Abilities: Blaze
Stats: 72 / 105 / 67 / 105 / 71 / 114 (534)

Movepool: Sunbeam Arrow, Ionize, Mana Charge, Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Swords Dance, Fire Spin, Fire Punch, Flame Wheel, Ember, Swords Dance, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Iron Defense, Power Gem, Water Gun, Future Sight, Calm Mind, Cosmic Power, Kinesis, Light Screen, Luster Purge, Magic Coat (more tba probably)
Sunbeam Arrow: Special, Fire-type, 100 BP, 16PP, 100% Accuracy
Has a heightened chance to crit.

Ionize: Special, Steel-type, 90BP, 32PP, 90% Accuracy
Has a 10% chance to lower evasion by 1 stage.

Mana Charge: Status, Psychic-type, 16PP
Raises Special Attack by 2.
Competitive: fast guy with strong moves. Sunbeam Arrow is a strong, reliable STAB move with only marginally less power and more accuracy than Fire Blast.
Flavor: Since Infernape is based off of the Chinese legend of Sun Wukong, I figured it would make sense for the new Fire starter to also be based off of a Chinese legend. Coronarrow is based off of Hou Yi, the mythical archer who shot down nine of the ten suns, and saved the people from a drought.

Name: Solarcher
Category: Archer Pokemon
Type: Fire / Steel
Abilities: Blaze
Stats: 56 / 79 / 62 / 79 / 62 / 90

Movepool: Ionize, Mana Charge, Flamethrower, Swords Dance, Fire Spin, Fire Punch, Flame Wheel, Ember, Swords Dance, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Iron Defense, Power Gem, Water Gun, Calm Mind, Cosmic Power, Kinesis, Light Screen, Magic Coat, more tba

Competitive: nfe
Flavor: same as big

Name: Kindlaunch
Category: Arrow Pokemon
Type: Fire
Abilities: Blaze
Stats: 56 / 79 / 62 / 79 / 62 / 90

Movepool: Mana Charge, Flamethrower, Fire Spin, Fire Punch, Flame Wheel, Ember, Swords Dance, Heat Wave, Will-O-Wisp, Iron Defense, Power Gem, Water Gun, Calm Mind, Kinesis, more tba

Competitive: lc
Flavor: same as big

more to come + prevos
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(This is 4 the memes but still vote plz)




50-135-100-45-120-110 (560)

sig move= hidden hammer
super effective against all types steel and grass are super effective against, 35% chance to flinch
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:wo-chien: :serperior: :gigalith:
Fakemon Name: Empargoss (Escargot + Emperor + Moss)
Type: Grass/Rock
100/100/110/90/80/50 (530)
Ability: Overgrow
Movepool: Crown Gem, Rock Slide, Thorn Lash, Leaf Blade, Seed Bomb, Giga Drain, Absorb, Bullet Seed, Rock Throw, Earthquake, Crunch, Leech Life, Headbutt, Tackle, Razor Leaf, Frenzy Plant, Solar Beam, Body Slam, Superpower, Swords Dance, Leer, Roar, Disable, Defense Curl, Sandstorm, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Grass Leap, Spikes, Recover, Knock Off, Taunt, Leech Seed, Gen 4 Universal TMs
Crown Gem
85BP | 100% Acc | Physical | Rock | 32 PP
After use, sets up Sandstorm

Thorn Lash
100BP | 100% Acc | Physical | Grass | 32 PP

Grass Leap
70BP | 100% Acc | Physical | Grass | 32 PP | same flags as U-Turn
After use, the user swaps out

Weight: 220kg
Flavor: Based on french monarchy, and snails being a delicacy on the medieval era, and the shell of snails working for them to protect them against animals trying to eat it, so its tough, like gems, and the crowns of monarch have gems, and monarchs normally having cool gardens, where snails were a common animal on, will probably draw if it wins
Fakemon Name:
Royalime (Royal + Slime)
Type: Grass/Rock
80/100/100/30/50/45 (405)
Ability: Overgrow
Movepool: Rock Slide, Thorn Lash, Leaf Blade, Seed Bomb, Giga Drain, Absorb, Bullet Seed, Rock Throw, Leech Life, Headbutt, Tackle, Razor Leaf, Grass Pledge, Solar Beam, Body Slam, Superpower, Swords Dance, Leer, Roar, Disable, Defense Curl, Sandstorm, Thunder Wave, Grass Leap, Spikes, Recover, Toxic, Knock Off, Taunt, Leech Seed, Gen 4 Universal TMs
Weight: 90kg


Fakemon Name: Mosslusc (Moss + Molusc)
Type: Grass
50/70/80/20/50/40 (310)
Ability: Overgrow
Movepool: Rock Slide, Thorn Lash, Leaf Blade, Seed Bomb, Giga Drain, Absorb, Bullet Seed, Rock Throw, Leech Life, Headbutt, Tackle, Razor Leaf, Grass Pledge, Solar Beam, Body Slam, Superpower, Swords Dance, Leer, Roar, Disable, Defense Curl, Sandstorm, Thunder Wave, Spiky Shield, Strengh Sap, Grass Leap, Spikes, Recover, Yawn, Knock Off, Taunt, Leech Seed, Gen 4 Universal TMs
Weight: 20kg
Conpetitive Explanation: Good sand setter, wall, and hazard setter, having many options to chipp the opponent, setting up Sandstorm with Crown Gem, throwing out Leech Seed, removing opposing items with Knock Off, access to Thunder Wave and Toxic to spread status, Taunt to stop opposing walls, Recover to recover, can pivot around with Parting Shot, and can set up spikes on the opponents field, as well as great Def, and good SpDef in sand, as well as a decent Atk stat if needed, balanced out by a weak defensive type, and reliance on sandstorm to protect its weak SpDef stat

:ampharos-mega: :typhlosion: :centiskorch:
Fakemon Name: Wyrstorm (Wyrm + Wires + Storm)
80/100/75/110/65/100 (530)
Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Thunder, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Hyper Voice, Blast Burn, Shadow Ball, Flare Blitz, Shock Wave, Earthquake, Flame Charge, Fire Spin, Ember, Leer, Roar, Thundershock, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Calm Mind, Growl, Gen 4 Universal TMs

Weight: 90kg
Flavor: Chinese dragon covered in wires, will probably draw if it wins
Fakemon Name:
Serpyre (Serpent + Pyre)
Type: Fire/Electric
70/45/65/90/50/85 (405)
Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Thunder, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Flare Blitz, Thundershock, Shock Wave, Earthquake, Flame Charge, Fire Spin, Ember, Leer, Roar, Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Calm Mind, Growl, Gen 4 Universal TMs
Weight: 60kg

Fakemon Name:
Heatliz (Heat + Lizard)
Type: Fire
30/45/45/80/30/80 (310)
Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Flare Blitz, Earthquake, Flame Charge, Fire Spin, Ember, Leer, Roar, Sunny Day, Rain Dance, Calm Mind, Growl, Gen 4 Universal TMs
Weight: 3kg
Competitive Explanation: Simple strong special attacker to build around later on, has 2 great offensive STABs, so it spams STAB Fire Blast/Flamethrower and Thunderbolt, with many coverage options in Dragon Pulse, Psychic, and Shadow Ball, as well as being able to set up with Calm Mind, with good Spd and a big SpAtk stat, balanced out by low defenses, and not having much outside of offensive moves

:lumineon: :empoleon::overqwil:
Fakemon Name: Regaliwave (Regal + Lionfish + Wave)
Type: Water/Poison
135/70/85/70/75/85 (530)
Ability: Torrent
Movepool: Water Spout, Acid Spikes, Hydro Pump, Sludge Bomb, Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Foul Play, Hyper Voice, Waterfall, Shadow Ball, Hydro Cannon, Bubble Beam, Sludge, Knock Off, Water Pulse, Icy Wind, Clear Smog, Acid, Water Gun, Whirlpool, Grass Leap, Rapid Spin, Poison Sting, Leer, Roar, Disable, Mist, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Light Screen, Focus Energy, Safeguard, Encore, Taunt, Water Sport, Spikes, Gen 4 Universal TMs

Acid Spikes
0BP | 100% Acc | Status | Poison | 32PP | same flags as normal Toxic Spikes
Still a hazard, but can only be set 1 up, every turn the Pokemon on the Acid Spikes is in, it looses 1/16 of HP every turn unless its a Poison, Steel or Flying type, or isnt grounded (levitate, flying types)

Weight: 120kg
Flavor: A lionfish emperor, poison type cus of lionfish having poisonous spikes they use to defend themselves, will probably draw if it wins
Fakemon Name:
Sparrfin (Sparring + Fin)
Type: Water/Poison
110/30/60/30/60/65 (405)
Movepool: Water Spout, Hydro Pump, Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Foul Play, Sludge Bomb, Hyper Voice, Waterfall, Shadow Ball, Bubble Beam, Sludge, Knock Off, Water Pulse, Icy Wind, Clear Smog, Acid, Water Gun, Whirlpool, Grass Leap, Rapid Spin, Poison Sting, Leer, Roar, Disable, Mist, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Light Screen, Focus Energy, Safeguard, Encore, Taunt, Water Sport, Spikes, Gen 4 Universal TMs

Weight: 30kg

Fakemon Name:
Fisharb (Fish + Barb + Sharp)
Type: Water
85/30/55/30/55/55 (310)
Movepool: Water Spout, Hydro Pump, Sludge Bomb, Surf, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Foul Play, Hyper Voice, Waterfall, Shadow Ball, Bubble Beam, Sludge, Knock Off, Water Pulse, Icy Wind, Clear Smog, Acid, Water Gun, Whirlpool, Grass Leap, Rapid Spin, Poison Sting, Leer, Roar, Disable, Mist, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Light Screen, Focus Energy, Safeguard, Encore, Taunt, Water Sport, Spikes, Gen 4 Universal TMs
Weight: 1kg
Competitive Explanation: Wall, staller and hazard control mon that introduces a unique hazard, with great defensive typing, and many great tools in Knock Off, Clear Smog, Grass Leap, Rapid Spin, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Roar, Disable, Encore, Taunt, Spikes and Acid Spikes, but balanced out by kinda low defenses, and no way to recover manually
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I see a lot of interesting subs, and I'm glad y'all are so enthusiast about this mod. That being said, I need to remind y'all of something:

HAs are Gen 5 and later.

So it means even if your starters wins, it will have no HA because this is a Gen 4 mod. Sorry, I should have made it clearer, I'll make a compilation of differences in mechanics in the main post.
i'm bad at names but i did my best and this was the result

Name: Lithotreme (from Lithocarpus (stone oak tree genus) + Monotreme)

80 / 115 / 105 / 65 / 70 / 95 (530 BST)
Abilities: Overgrow
Weight: 105 kg

Moves: Gen 4 Universals, Plus...
Phys: Brick Break, Hi Jump Kick, Mach Punch, Aerial Ace, Earthquake, Leaf Blade, Body Slam, Rock Slide, Iron Tail
Status: Taunt, Bulk Up, Curse maybe viable???, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Swords Dance, Agility

Flavor: Knock Off, Arm Thrust, Detect, Double Kick, Jump Kick, Rock Smash, Sunny Day, Absorb, Bullet Seed, Frenzy Plant, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Razor Leaf, Solar Beam, Dig, Mud-Slap, Cut, False Swipe, Harden, Headbutt, Hyper Beam, Mega Kick, Slash, Tackle, Tail Whip, Poison Powder, Rock Throw, Sandstorm

Flavor: Remember the fake Acorn Duck/Platypus leak? It's that but fully evolved and leaning more into the latter. The acorn is basically an armor-like helmet now rather than just sitting on its head. Has a sharp and leaf-like tail.

Description: I honestly didn't realize until typing this out that this is basically a -Def +HP Leafeon with Fighting slapped on, statwise. Anyways, a powerful and decently fast Grass type with the dreaded Edgequ- sorry, Slidequake coverage combo. Can choose to set up, but you run the risk of something running face first into you with Drill Peck or something. Besides that glaring weakness, it's got a pretty good defensive typing.

Name: Helmonoak

65 / 90 / 80 / 45 / 50 / 75 (405 BST)
Abilities: Overgrow
Weight: 55 kg

Moves: As Lithotreme, minus Hyper Beam, Frenzy Plant, Hi Jump Kick, and Iron Tail.

Flavor: A somewhat larger Platypus, but now it's on all four legs instead of just two. The acorn has grown and now covers its eyes, but there are eyeholes for it.

Name: Platycorn

50 / 70 / 60 / 35 / 40 / 55 (310 BST)
Abilities: Overgrow
Weight: 25 kg

Moves: As Helmonoak, but minus "Fighting-Type moves except Double Kick", Cut, Slash, False Swipe, and Rock Slide.

Flavor: Bipedal-looking Platypus but with an acorn balanced in its head. Something like this but not completely 1:1.
(the edit was just a link update since i didn't realize a link didn't work for a bit)
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Fakemon Name: tbd
Type: Grass / Electric
Stats: 80 / 110 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 70 | 530
Ability: Overgrow
Movepool: Leaf Blade, Needle Arm, Bullet Seed, Frenzy Plant, Solar Beam, Giga Drain, Magical Leaf, Mega Drain, Absorb, Aromatherapy, Leech Seed, Ingrain, Synthesis, Spark, Thunder, Zap Cannon, Thunderbolt, Shock Wave, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Charge, Sludge Bomb, Toxic, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Curse, Attract, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Toxic
Thorn Whip | Grass | Physical | 90 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | Contact | Opponent takes 1/8 HP of additional damage.
Parasite | Grass | Physical | 80 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | User heals 1/8 max HP.
Spark Shot | Electric | Physical | 80 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | Bullet | 30% chance to paralyze the target.
Description: bulky setup mon with a pretty decent defensive profile and easy healing

Fakemon Name: tbd
Type: Fire / Poison
Stats: 80 / 100 / 70 / 80 / 80 / 120 | 530
Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, Flame Wheel, Blast Burn, Overheat, Fire Blast, Heat Wave, Flamethrower, Ember, Fire Spin, Will-o-Wisp, Sunny Day, Poison Tail, Poison Fang, Sludge Bomb, Sludge, Smog, Acid, Acid Armor, Toxic, Poison Gas, Haze, Iron Tail, Taunt, Torment, Encore, Fake Out, Scratch, Snatch, Attract, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down
Burning Jealousy | Fire | Physical | 80 BP | 100% Accuracy | 15 PP | 100% chance to burn the target if they have a stat boosted.
Poison Stream | Poison | Physical | 90 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | 20% chance to poison the target.
Smoke Bomb | Poison | Physical | 70 BP | 100% Accuracy | 20 PP | Bullet | User switches out after damaging the target.
Description: fast offensive pivot

Fakemon Name: tbd
Type: Water / Rock
Stats: 130 / 100 / 130 / 50 / 100 / 20 | 530
Ability: Torrent
Movepool: Crabhammer, Waterfall, Clamp, Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, Surf, Muddy Water, Bubble Beam, Dive, Water Pulse, Water Gun, Bubble, Whirlpool, Rain Dance, Water Sport, Withdraw, Rock Slide, Ancient Power, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Rock Blast, Sandstorm, Magnitude, Earthquake, Dig, Sand Tomb, Spikes, Rapid Spin, Crunch, Bite, Knock Off, Curse, Attract, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Toxic
Steam Eruption | Water | Physical | 100 BP | 100% Accuracy | 15 PP | -3 Priority | Burns the target if they make contact with the user before it moves.
High Tide | Water | Physical | 90 BP | 100% Accuracy | 15 PP | 30% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1.
Slingshot | Rock | Physical | 85 BP | 85% Accuracy | 10 PP | Bullet | 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1.
Description: super slow bulky mon with a bad typing
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Name: Louis XIV-Râ mix (I suck at finding names lol)
Stats: 84/108/63/108/63/104 (534)
Type: Fire / Ground
Abilities: Blaze
Height: 1m84
Weight: 90kg
Relevant moves: Swords Dance, Calm Mind, Solar Beam, Overheat, Earthquake, Sunny Day, Knock Off, Morning Sun, Will-o-Wisp, Drill Peck, Fire Punch, Universal TMs (Attract, Double Team, Endure, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Swagger, Toxic), Fiery Highness*

Fiery Highness: Fire, Physical, 75, 100%, If the move is resisted, raises Atk by one stage.

Well, the main difference between Infernape and this one is that Infernape can go mixed, while this one should go mixed. No special Ground STAB beside HP Ground, yet no really good physical Fire STAB, and Fiery Highness makes it hard for the oppo: should you go for a resist, and risk the setup? Should you go for something neutral and risk a Swords Dance or a strong move? Cool thing: Solar Beam is cool Grass coverage but it has to run Sunny Day (which goes well with the lore).

Name: little prince
Stats: 42/55/43/55/43/71 (309)
Type: Fire
Abilities: Blaze
Relevant moves:

Name: middle prince
Stats: 63/83/47/83/47/82 (405)
Type: Fire
Abilities: Blaze
Relevant moves:
Fakemon Name: Weascorch :blaziken::lokix::galvantula::watchog:
Type: Fire / Fighting
Stats: 81 / 117 / 88 / 72 / 95 / 82 [BST:535]
Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Searing Shot, Ember, Fire Punch, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Flame Wheel, Sunny Day, Blast Burn, Blaze Kick, Eruption, Heat Wave, Overheat Will-O-Wisp, Arm Thrust, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Focus Punch, Revenge, Sky Uppercut, Superpower, Cross Chop, Detect, Dynamic Punch, Mach Punch, Reversal, Rock Smash, Triple Kick, Vital Throw, Counter, Double Kick, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Karate Chop, Low Kick, Rolling Kick, Seismic Toss, Submission, Attract, Double Team, Endure, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Swagger, Toxic, Body Slam, Swords Dance, Mega Kick, Super Fang
Description: fire hog
Searing Shot: Fire type Photon Geyser clone
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Design/Concept: name is a combination of deluge and halcyon (old name for a kingfisher)
The pokemon's design is based on a common kingfisher, it's small for a final stage starter, but still about a meter tall and very agile, it would have a crown both as a nod to empoleon and because of the "king" title, its blue plumage looks like flowing water as it moves.
I don't have a set idea for the early stages, but the first form would be flightless to not mess up the type triangle, probably designed more like a kiwi.
These birds are mythologically associated with water and the sea in many cultures and get their modern name from swooping down into rivers to catch fish, so it makes sense for a water-type.
It's role is as a fast and frail physically biased mixed attacker. Starters especially in the early gens are nearly always mixed and the bird is sometimes associated with storms and control of the waves.

Stats: 54/100/67/91/88/130 = 530BST
Ability: Torrent
Sig - Brave Bird
100/100/10(16) - Flying Physical - Contact - +1 Crit rate, lowers the user's defense and special defense by one stage.
Movepool: (a move in brackets indicates a gen 4 or later move to bring back unchanged)
Relevant movepool: Brave Bird, Drill Peck, Waterfall, Extreme Speed, Return, Steel Wing, Surf, [Hurricane], Thunder, Hyper Voice, Agility, Sharpen, Rain Dance. (Swords Dance? maybe too strong given the speed tier)
Flavor movepool: Dive, Fly, Sonicboom, Supersonic, Peck, Bubble, Razor Wind, Gust, Aerial Ace.

will edit if i get around to making the other starters
Last edited:
Alright, I have to announce the end of submissions for slate 1!

Here are the vetoes:

(This is 4 the memes but still vote plz)




50-135-100-45-120-110 (560)

sig move= hidden hammer
super effective against all types steel and grass are super effective against, 35% chance to flinch

Funny I must admit, but it's not a complete sub and it's a clear meme, you at least made me smile.

:reshiram: :typhlosion: :centiskorch:
Fakemon Name: Wyruption (Wyrm + Eruption)
Type: Fire/Dragon
90/85/85/115/35/120 (530)
Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Dragon Magic, Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Hyper Voice, Blast Burn, Shadow Ball, Flare Blitz, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Dragon Breath, Earthquake, Flame Charge, Fire Spin, Ember, Leer, Roar, Dragon Rage, Sunny Day, Calm Mind, Growl, Gen 4 Universal TMs
Dragon Magic
100BP | 100% Acc | Special | Dragon | 32PP
Weight: 90kg
Flavor: Chinese dragon + Mt Fuji, will probably draw if it wins
Fakemon Name:
Serpyre (Serpent + Pyre)
Type: Fire/Dragon
60/45/65/100/50/85 (405)
Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Flare Blitz, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Dragon Breath, Earthquake, Flame Charge, Fire Spin, Ember, Leer, Roar, Dragon Rage, Sunny Day, Calm Mind, Growl, Gen 4 Universal TMs
Weight: 60kg

Fakemon Name:
Heatliz (Heat + Lizard)
Type: Fire
30/45/45/80/30/80 (310)
Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Dragon Pulse, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Hyper Voice, Shadow Ball, Flare Blitz, Dragon Claw, Outrage, Dragon Breath, Earthquake, Flame Charge, Fire Spin, Ember, Leer, Roar, Dragon Rage, Sunny Day, Calm Mind, Growl, Gen 4 Universal TMs
Weight: 3kg
Competitive Explanation: Simple strong special attacker to build around later on, has 2 great offensive STABs, and its defensive type isnt bad at all, so it spams STAB Fire Blast/Flamethrower and Dragon Magic, with many coverage options in Thunderbolt, Psychic, and Shadow Ball, as well as being able to set up with Calm Mind, with good Spd and a big SpAtk stat, balanced out by low defenses, and not having much outside of offensive moves

Spammable Dragon STAB in a metagame with no Fairies? Moreover, the only Dragon resists are Steel mons, and literally all of them are Fire weak, so you basically have no defensive answer at all, bar stuff like Blissey I guess. 120 Speed is extremely fast in this meta, no Choice Scarf, so it means you have to use a strong priority (and Fire/Dragon is weak to none) or use Aerodactyl. You can hardly answer it offensively or defensively (and remember, no chip from Stealth Rocks either). This one is gonna be vetoed.

Fakemon Name: Weascorch :blaziken::lokix::galvantula::watchog:
Type: Fire / Fighting
Stats: 81 / 117 / 88 / 72 / 65 / 112 [BST:535]
Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Searing Shot, Ember, Fire Punch, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Fire Blast, Flame Wheel, Sunny Day, Blast Burn, Blaze Kick, Eruption, Heat Wave, Overheat Will-O-Wisp, Arm Thrust, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Focus Punch, Revenge, Sky Uppercut, Superpower, Cross Chop, Detect, Dynamic Punch, Mach Punch, Reversal, Rock Smash, Triple Kick, Vital Throw, Counter, Double Kick, High Jump Kick, Jump Kick, Karate Chop, Low Kick, Rolling Kick, Seismic Toss, Submission, Attract, Double Team, Endure, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Secret Power, Sleep Talk, Substitute, Swagger, Toxic, Body Slam, Swords Dance, Mega Kick, Super Fang
Description: fire hog
Searing Shot: Fire type Photon Geyser clone

Searing Shot is a great move and this is a really powerful mon, please lower the Speed a bit.

i'm bad at names but i did my best and this was the result

Name: Lithotreme (from Lithocarpus (stone oak tree genus) + Monotreme)

80 / 115 / 105 / 65 / 70 / 95 (530 BST)
Abilities: Overgrow
Weight: 105 kg

Moves: Gen 4 Universals, Plus...
Phys: Brick Break, Hi Jump Kick, Mach Punch, Aerial Ace, Earthquake, Leaf Blade, Body Slam, Rock Slide, Iron Tail
Status: Taunt, Bulk Up, Curse maybe viable???, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Swords Dance, Agility

Flavor: Knock Off, Arm Thrust, Detect, Double Kick, Jump Kick, Rock Smash, Sunny Day, Absorb, Bullet Seed, Frenzy Plant, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Razor Leaf, Solar Beam, Dig, Mud-Slap, Cut, False Swipe, Harden, Headbutt, Hyper Beam, Mega Kick, Slash, Tackle, Tail Whip, Poison Powder, Rock Throw, Sandstorm

Flavor: Remember the fake Acorn Duck/Platypus leak? It's that but fully evolved and leaning more into the latter. The acorn is basically an armor-like helmet now rather than just sitting on its head. Has a sharp and leaf-like tail.

Description: I honestly didn't realize until typing this out that this is basically a -Def +HP Leafeon with Fighting slapped on, statwise. Anyways, a powerful and decently fast Grass type with the dreaded Edgequ- sorry, Slidequake coverage combo. Can choose to set up, but you run the risk of something running face first into you with Drill Peck or something. Besides that glaring weakness, it's got a pretty good defensive typing.

Name: Helmonoak

65 / 90 / 80 / 45 / 50 / 75 (405 BST)
Abilities: Overgrow
Weight: 55 kg

Moves: As Lithotreme, minus Hyper Beam, Frenzy Plant, Hi Jump Kick, and Iron Tail.

Flavor: A somewhat larger Platypus, but now it's on all four legs instead of just two. The acorn has grown and now covers its eyes, but there are eyeholes for it.

Name: Platycorn

50 / 70 / 60 / 35 / 40 / 55 (310 BST)
Abilities: Overgrow
Weight: 25 kg

Moves: As Helmonoak, but minus "Fighting-Type moves except Double Kick", Cut, Slash, False Swipe, and Rock Slide.

Flavor: Bipedal-looking Platypus but with an acorn balanced in its head. Something like this but not completely 1:1.
(the edit was just a link update since i didn't realize a link didn't work for a bit)

Not a veto, this sub is fine, but be careful, as Grass/Fighting enters directly in competition with Breloom, a really great mon.

Fakemon Name: tbd
Type: Grass / Electric
Stats: 80 / 110 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 70 | 530
Ability: Overgrow
Movepool: Leaf Blade, Needle Arm, Bullet Seed, Frenzy Plant, Solar Beam, Giga Drain, Magical Leaf, Mega Drain, Absorb, Aromatherapy, Leech Seed, Ingrain, Synthesis, Spark, Thunder, Zap Cannon, Thunderbolt, Shock Wave, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Charge, Sludge Bomb, Toxic, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Curse, Attract, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Toxic
Thorn Whip | Grass | Physical | 90 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | Contact | Opponent takes 1/8 HP of additional damage.
Parasite | Grass | Physical | 80 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | User heals 1/8 max HP.
Spark Shot | Electric | Physical | 80 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | Bullet | 30% chance to paralyze the target.
Description: bulky setup mon with a pretty decent defensive profile and easy healing

Fakemon Name: tbd
Type: Fire / Poison
Stats: 80 / 100 / 70 / 80 / 80 / 120 | 530
Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Blaze Kick, Fire Punch, Flame Wheel, Blast Burn, Overheat, Fire Blast, Heat Wave, Flamethrower, Ember, Fire Spin, Will-o-Wisp, Sunny Day, Poison Tail, Poison Fang, Sludge Bomb, Sludge, Smog, Acid, Acid Armor, Toxic, Poison Gas, Haze, Iron Tail, Taunt, Torment, Encore, Fake Out, Scratch, Snatch, Attract, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down
Burning Jealousy | Fire | Physical | 80 BP | 100% Accuracy | 15 PP | 100% chance to burn the target if they have a stat boosted.
Poison Stream | Poison | Physical | 90 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | 20% chance to poison the target.
Smoke Bomb | Poison | Physical | 70 BP | 100% Accuracy | 20 PP | Bullet | User switches out after damaging the target.
Description: fast offensive pivot

Fakemon Name: tbd
Type: Water / Rock
Stats: 130 / 100 / 130 / 50 / 100 / 20 | 530
Ability: Torrent
Movepool: Crabhammer, Waterfall, Clamp, Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, Surf, Muddy Water, Bubble Beam, Dive, Water Pulse, Water Gun, Bubble, Whirlpool, Rain Dance, Water Sport, Withdraw, Rock Slide, Ancient Power, Rock Throw, Rock Tomb, Rock Blast, Sandstorm, Magnitude, Earthquake, Dig, Sand Tomb, Spikes, Rapid Spin, Crunch, Bite, Knock Off, Curse, Attract, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Toxic
Steam Eruption | Water | Physical | 100 BP | 100% Accuracy | 15 PP | -3 Priority | Burns the target if they make contact with the user before it moves.
High Tide | Water | Physical | 90 BP | 100% Accuracy | 15 PP | 30% chance to lower the target's Attack by 1.
Slingshot | Rock | Physical | 85 BP | 85% Accuracy | 10 PP | Bullet | 20% chance to lower the target's Defense by 1.
Description: super slow bulky mon with a bad typing

Also not a veto per se, but do your subs really need 3 custom per mon? It would be appreciated if you removed some of them (I think one custom per mon is fair).


You have 24 hours to adjust your subs! You can make change until tomorrow!
Alright, I have to announce the end of submissions for slate 1!

Here are the vetoes:

Funny I must admit, but it's not a complete sub and it's a clear meme, you at least made me smile.

Spammable Dragon STAB in a metagame with no Fairies? Moreover, the only Dragon resists are Steel mons, and literally all of them are Fire weak, so you basically have no defensive answer at all, bar stuff like Blissey I guess. 120 Speed is extremely fast in this meta, no Choice Scarf, so it means you have to use a strong priority (and Fire/Dragon is weak to none) or use Aerodactyl. You can hardly answer it offensively or defensively (and remember, no chip from Stealth Rocks either). This one is gonna be vetoed.

Searing Shot is a great move and this is a really powerful mon, please lower the Speed a bit.

Not a veto, this sub is fine, but be careful, as Grass/Fighting enters directly in competition with Breloom, a really great mon.

Also not a veto per se, but do your subs really need 3 custom per mon? It would be appreciated if you removed some of them (I think one custom per mon is fair).


You have 24 hours to adjust your subs! You can make change until tomorrow!
I am just holding back my full power till the time is right, i will eventally make a full sub
Aight guys, voting opens now! Only Okaybloomer remains vetoed.

How will it work? Well...

Vote for as many subs as you like (they'll give +1 point), and put your favorite one in first position (they'll count for more). You can self vote in first position only if you have 3 subs. You have 48 hours to vote!
Empargoss: 6
tbd: 10
Lithotreme: 5

Inferam: 11
Louis XIV-Râ: 4
Coronarrow: 2
Wyrstorm: 4
tbd: 1

Yamatoad: 11
Delucyon: 6
tbd: 4
Regaliwave: 1

Here are the winners!

Fakemon Name: tbd
Type: Grass / Electric
Stats: 80 / 110 / 80 / 90 / 100 / 70 | 530
Ability: Overgrow
Movepool: Leaf Blade, Needle Arm, Bullet Seed, Frenzy Plant, Solar Beam, Giga Drain, Magical Leaf, Mega Drain, Absorb, Aromatherapy, Leech Seed, Ingrain, Synthesis, Spark, Thunder, Zap Cannon, Thunderbolt, Shock Wave, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave, Charge, Sludge Bomb, Toxic, Swords Dance, Knock Off, Curse, Attract, Double Team, Endure, Facade, Frustration, Hidden Power, Protect, Rest, Return, Sleep Talk, Snore, Substitute, Swagger, Take Down, Toxic
Thorn Whip | Grass | Physical | 90 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | Contact | Opponent takes 1/8 HP of additional damage.
Parasite | Grass | Physical | 80 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | User heals 1/8 max HP.
Spark Shot | Electric | Physical | 80 BP | 100% Accuracy | 10 PP | Bullet | 30% chance to paralyze the target.
Description: bulky setup mon with a pretty decent defensive profile and easy healing


Fakemon Name: Inferam:dubwool::heatran:
Weight: 64kg
Stats: 82/75/110/96/100/67 (530)

Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Earthquake, Fire Blast, Fire Spin, Flamethrower, Iron Tail, Megahorn, Milk Drink, Overheat, Protect, Rest, Rock Slide, Sleep Talk, Taunt, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Will-O-Wisp
Attract, Bite, Blast Burn, Blaze Kick, Body Slam, Charm, Covet, Defense Curl, Double Kick, Double Team, Double-Edge, Ember, Endeavor, Endure, Facade, Fire Spin, Flame Wheel, Growl, Headbutt, Horn Attack, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Mega Kick, Mud Slap, Reversal, Sandstorm, Scary Face, Skull Bash, Slam, Snore, Spark, Stomp, Sunny Day, Tackle, Take Down, Thrash
Description: A ram with a coat of steel wool lit up by sparks. Heatran at home with recovery. And Thunder Wave??

Fakemon Name: Kindlamb
Weight: 6kg
Stats: 47/45/55/61/55/47 (310)

Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Inferam's movepool, minus: Blast Burn, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Megahorn, Sandstorm, Spark, Thunder Wave
Description: A small red lamb. With lil horns. I guess.

Fakemon Name: Spaark
Weight: 35kg
Stats: 57/60/85/76/75/52 (405)

Ability: Blaze
Movepool: Inferam's movepool, minus: Blast Burn, Earthquake, Hyper Beam, Iron Defense, Megahorn, Sandstorm Spark, Thunder Wave
Description: The wool now covers its head. Sort of a reverse, four-legged Flaaffy process.

Fakemon Name: Yamatoad :politoed::hariyama:
Weight: 134kg
Stats: 100/120/100/70/80/65 (535)

Ability: Torrent
Movepool: Belly Drum, Body Slam, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Counter, Cross Chop, Curse, Earthquake, Focus Punch, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Rest, Rock Slide, Sleep Talk, Superpower, Toxic, Waterfall
Amnesia, Arm Thrust, Astonish, Attract, Bide, Blizzard, Bounce, Bubble Beam, Comet Punch, Detect, Dive, Dizzy Punch, Double Team, Double-Edge, Dynamic Punch, Endeavor, Endure, Facade, Flail, Frustration, Hail, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Hidden Power, Hydro Cannon, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Hyper Voice, Ice Beam, Icy Wind, Lick, Meditate, Mega Punch, Mud Shot, Mud Sport, Mud-Slap, Muddy Water, Nature Power, Pound, Protect, Return, Revenge, Rock Smash, Rock Tomb, Seismic Toss, Sky Uppercut, Sludge Bomb, Snore, Spit Up, Splash, Stockpile, Strength, Submission, Substitute, Surf, Swallow, Uproar, Vital Throw, Water Gun, Water Pulse, Water Sport, Whirlpool
Description: A big sumo toad. Intended to be similar to Swampert, with a better offensive typing and higher Attack, with access to some utility in Knock Off, and boosting options in Belly Drum and the less flashy Bulk Up/Curse.

Fakemon Name: Slapole
Weight: 5kg
Stats: 50/65/50/55/40/50 (310)

Ability: Torrent
Movepool: Yamatoad's movepool, minus: Arm Thrust, Body Slam, Brick Break, Bulk Up, Comet Punch, Counter, Cross Chop, Curse, Dizzy Punch, Dynamic Punch, Earthquake, Focus Punch, Ice Punch, Knock Off, Hydro Cannon, Hyper Beam, Mega Punch, Seismic Toss, Sky Uppercut, Submission, Superpower, Vital Throw
Description: A trainee martial artist... tadpole??

Fakemon Name: Strikroak
Weight: 30kg
Stats: 70/85/70/60/60/60 (405)

Ability: Torrent
Movepool: Yamatoad's movepool, minus: Belly Drum, Earthquake, Knock Off, Hydro Cannon, Hyper Beam, Submission
Description: A plucky lil boxing frog.

Congrats to everyone! Now, it's time for Slate 2!

This time, the goal will be to create new moves, abilities and items. You have up to 4 subs in every category (you can sub up to 4 moves, 4 abilities and 4 items). You have 5 days to do so!

On a different note, I announce that ViZar decided to step down from the council. Thank you for your time as council!