Tournament NDOTSL I - Commencement thread
phiones are hosting tryouts, jump in to play in some pools!
The Slacking Slakings are officially opening tryouts and making their server pub(lic).

Note: Don't ping us for tryout games as we will be slaking.
Q. But you said you opened tryouts!?
A. Yeah. Tryout with your achievements...? If we are in a mood, we will stop Slaking and let you Slakoths stare each other to death in a battle royale, with the survivor potentially (maybe) (possibly) (hopefully) evolving to a Vigoroth. :Slaking:
Last edited: - Ginkals discord (tryouts open)


Ladies and gentlemen,

I stand before you today to invite you to join our exceptional team. Led by an exceptional leader, our team is driven by a skillful and visionary individual who possesses remarkable leadership abilities. With their guidance, our team has achieved tremendous success and continues to thrive in various endeavors.

By joining our team, you open yourself to a world of endless opportunities. We believe in providing our members with the chance to grow and develop their skills to their fullest potential. Whether it's through professional training programs, mentorship opportunities, or exposure to diverse projects, we ensure that each member has the chance to excel and reach new heights in their careers.

Moreover, our team prides itself on fostering a friendly and inclusive environment. We strongly believe that a positive workplace culture is the cornerstone of success. Collaboration, respect, and support are at the heart of our team dynamics. We encourage open communication, value each individual's ideas, and celebrate diversity. By joining us, you become part of a close-knit community where you can forge meaningful connections and enjoy a fulfilling work experience.

In conclusion, I urge you to consider joining our team. With a skilled leader, abundant opportunities, and a friendly environment, we offer the perfect platform for personal and professional growth. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of something extraordinary. Together, we can achieve greatness. Thank you.
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Ladies and gentlemen,

I stand before you today to invite you to join our exceptional team. Led by an exceptional leader, our team is driven by a skillful and visionary individual who possesses remarkable leadership abilities. With their guidance, our team has achieved tremendous success and continues to thrive in various endeavors.

By joining our team, you open yourself to a world of endless opportunities. We believe in providing our members with the chance to grow and develop their skills to their fullest potential. Whether it's through professional training programs, mentorship opportunities, or exposure to diverse projects, we ensure that each member has the chance to excel and reach new heights in their careers.

Moreover, our team prides itself on fostering a friendly and inclusive environment. We strongly believe that a positive workplace culture is the cornerstone of success. Collaboration, respect, and support are at the heart of our team dynamics. We encourage open communication, value each individual's ideas, and celebrate diversity. By joining us, you become part of a close-knit community where you can forge meaningful connections and enjoy a fulfilling work experience.

In conclusion, I urge you to consider joining our team. With a skilled leader, abundant opportunities, and a friendly environment, we offer the perfect platform for personal and professional growth. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of something extraordinary. Together, we can achieve greatness. Thank you.
Ladies and gentlemen,

I stand before you today to invite you to join our exceptional team. Led by an exceptional leader, our team is driven by a skillful and visionary individual who possesses remarkable leadership abilities. With their guidance, our team has achieved tremendous success and continues to thrive in various endeavors.

By joining our team, you open yourself to a world of endless opportunities. We believe in providing our members with the chance to grow and develop their skills to their fullest potential. Whether it's through professional training programs, mentorship opportunities, or exposure to diverse projects, we ensure that each member has the chance to excel and reach new heights in their careers.

Moreover, our team prides itself on fostering a friendly and inclusive environment. We strongly believe that a positive workplace culture is the cornerstone of success. Collaboration, respect, and support are at the heart of our team dynamics. We encourage open communication, value each individual's ideas, and celebrate diversity. By joining us, you become part of a close-knit community where you can forge meaningful connections and enjoy a fulfilling work experience.

In conclusion, I urge you to consider joining our team. With a skilled leader, abundant opportunities, and a friendly environment, we offer the perfect platform for personal and professional growth. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of something extraordinary. Together, we can achieve greatness. Thank you.
I’ve been informed this comment was an inappropriate act of plagarism. This was a grave mistake on my end that I will work to amend in the future. I am currently undertaking therapeutic programs to prevent an incident of these likes from ever happening again. I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith – as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame. – I don't know if I'm gonna be managing again. I don't know if it's gonna be for the Clique, I don't know if it's gonna be for my bosses at Pokerich Corp,I want to apologize for the people who sign my paycheck – for the Clique, for Klutch eSports, for the people I work with, for anybody that I've offended here tonight. I can't begin to tell you how deeply sorry I am. That is not who I am. It never has been. And I'd like to think maybe I could have some people ... that could back that up. I am very, very sorry, and I beg for your forgiveness. setset77 will take you the rest of the way home.
I’ve been informed this comment was an inappropriate act of plagarism. This was a grave mistake on my end that I will work to amend in the future. I am currently undertaking therapeutic programs to prevent an incident of these likes from ever happening again. I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith – as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame. – I don't know if I'm gonna be managing again. I don't know if it's gonna be for the Clique, I don't know if it's gonna be for my bosses at Pokerich Corp,I want to apologize for the people who sign my paycheck – for the Clique, for Klutch eSports, for the people I work with, for anybody that I've offended here tonight. I can't begin to tell you how deeply sorry I am. That is not who I am. It never has been. And I'd like to think maybe I could have some people ... that could back that up. I am very, very sorry, and I beg for your forgiveness. setset77 will take you the rest of the way home.
It appears the insanity of the ruling elite is exposed worldwide now. They have one command, Do not speak out, behave as sheep.
The Clique awaits your call.
I’ve been informed this comment was an inappropriate act of plagarism. This was a grave mistake on my end that I will work to amend in the future. I am currently undertaking therapeutic programs to prevent an incident of these likes from ever happening again. I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith – as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos, it will be a home run. And so that will make it a 4–0 ballgame. – I don't know if I'm gonna be managing again. I don't know if it's gonna be for the Clique, I don't know if it's gonna be for my bosses at Pokerich Corp,I want to apologize for the people who sign my paycheck – for the Clique, for Klutch eSports, for the people I work with, for anybody that I've offended here tonight. I can't begin to tell you how deeply sorry I am. That is not who I am. It never has been. And I'd like to think maybe I could have some people ... that could back that up. I am very, very sorry, and I beg for your forgiveness. setset77 will take you the rest of the way home.


While I received an apology from my good friend Poker "Pokerich Don" "Sealoo" PaulDevil of the Pokerich Clique regarding the plagiarism accusation, I can't help but have some reservations about its sincerity due to the evidence at hand. Nevertheless, I believe in the spirit of fair competition and growth in our upcoming National Dex Spotlight League Tour. I'm more than willing to bury the hatchet and focus on becoming respectable rivals in this league. Let's use this as an opportunity to challenge each other, learn, and elevate our skills, fostering a healthy and competitive environment for all participants.

It appears the insanity of the ruling elite is exposed worldwide now. They have one command, Do not speak out, behave as sheep.
The Clique awaits your call.

I understand that in the competitive world of Pokémon battles, there may be differing perspectives. However, my primary focus has always been to improve my skills and engage in fair competition. Accusations aside, let our battles in the National Dex Spotlight League Tour speak for themselves, and may the best trainer emerge victorious
View attachment 553342

While I received an apology from my good friend Poker "Pokerich Don" "Sealoo" PaulDevil of the Pokerich Clique regarding the plagiarism accusation, I can't help but have some reservations about its sincerity due to the evidence at hand. Nevertheless, I believe in the spirit of fair competition and growth in our upcoming National Dex Spotlight League Tour. I'm more than willing to bury the hatchet and focus on becoming respectable rivals in this league. Let's use this as an opportunity to challenge each other, learn, and elevate our skills, fostering a healthy and competitive environment for all participants.

I understand that in the competitive world of Pokémon battles, there may be differing perspectives. However, my primary focus has always been to improve my skills and engage in fair competition. Accusations aside, let our battles in the National Dex Spotlight League Tour speak for themselves, and may the best trainer emerge victorious
You seem to be mistaken, this was never an apology. This was a declaration. The Pokerich Clique awaits your call.
Accusations aside, let our battles in the National Dex Spotlight League Tour speak for themselves, and may the best trainer emerge victorious
We at the Pokerich Clique aspire for nothing more than the highest level of competitive Pokémon. As such, it goes without saying that we will do anything possible to preserve the competitive integrity of this humble tournament. I can only hope my fellow managers see things the same and won't continue resorting to the underhanded tactics I've witnessed in the past. May the best man win.
ndlc players rankings wooooooo


Acehunter1- Fallen off a little as of late but still pretty goated, lots of experience in sm lc. Pilots some insanely janky stuff but somehow makes it work. Don’t let them load metronome and you should be good.

Roldski32- Also really goated, def less active but a really solid battler and builder. Relatively experienced in ndlc but like lol. Dratini is kinda mid.


Charis_Akins: This guy and flou are probably interchangeable, putting him above just because more “ndlc experience”. Solid SM player and contributor to ndlc. We are not freeing porygon

Flou: Basically the same as Charis, I think he has a bit more sv lc experience which might help with Tera or smth idk.


Teamo505: I was going to put this guy lower but as I was writing this he just won a game with a normal team. Otherwise ok player but leans heavily into stuff like webs and rains and usually finds less success in using more standard teamstyles.

MuffinMelody: s/o for basically reviving ndlc. However will probably have some major activity issues or something come up. Probably a decent support

Greedy_eb: Solid current gen player but that’s about it. #greedyflop


Bella: I mean she’s played lc and ndlc before?

Orangesodapop: At least he’s better than anique

anique: do not draft anique

rarre: who even is this guy

Can’t comment on anyone else

E: Quinn goat, totally pick up

Concept is worth picking up
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ndlc players rankings wooooooo


Acehunter1- Fallen off a little as of late but still pretty goated, lots of experience in sm lc. Pilots some insanely janky stuff but somehow makes it work. Don’t let them load metronome and you should be good.

Roldski32- Also really goated, def less active but a really solid battler and builder. Relatively experienced in ndlc but like lol. Dratini is kinda mid.


Charis_Akins: This guy and flou are probably interchangeable, putting him above just because more “ndlc experience”. Solid SM player and contributor to ndlc. We are not freeing porygon

Flou: Basically the same as Charis, I think he has a bit more sv lc experience which might help with Tera or smth idk.

Teamo505: I was going to put this guy lower but as I was writing this he just won a game with a normal team. Otherwise ok player but leans heavily into stuff like webs and rains and usually finds less success in using more standard teamstyles.


MuffinMelody: s/o for basically reviving ndlc. However will probably have some major activity issues or something come up. Probably a decent support

Greedy_eb: Solid current gen player but that’s about it. #greedyflop


Bella: I mean she’s played lc and ndlc before?

Orangesodapop: At least he’s better than anique

anique: do not draft anique

rarre: who even is this guy

Can’t comment on anyone else

I agree with most of your rankings except the anique and rarre part, Rarre is one of the best if not the best ndlc player ever. He’s basically the trich of ndlc although teamo might be too high id put him D
We are not freeing porygon
Great tier list overall, but unfortunately rarre's behavior is getting out of control. His past Porygon slander was already inexcusable, but now those five words are the last straw. It clearly states in Smogon's Global Forum rules to "not spread hate speech or other bigoted views", and it must take someone with an IQ less than Anique and Teamo505 combined (which is -3 + -1 = -4) to say that this isn't both. Therefore, I request rarre remove those words from his post, put himself in his own separate tier on the tier list (D for "Do not draft complete doo doo"), withdraw from the tour, resign as tier leader (and promote me instead), and that he be blacklisted from being drafted in any Natdex OM tour in the future.
Great tier list overall, but unfortunately rarre's behavior is getting out of control. His past Porygon slander was already inexcusable, but now those five words are the last straw. It clearly states in Smogon's Global Forum rules to "not spread hate speech or other bigoted views", and it must take someone with an IQ less than Anique and Teamo505 combined (which is -3 + -1 = -4) to say that this isn't both. Therefore, I request rarre remove those words from his post, put himself in his own separate tier on the tier list (D for "Do not draft complete doo doo"), withdraw from the tour, resign as tier leader (and promote me instead), and that he be blacklisted from being drafted in any Natdex OM tour in the future.

ndotsl team rankings wooooooo


Pokerich Clique - Fallen off a little as of late but still pretty goated, lots of experience in sm OMs. Pilots some insanely janky stuff but somehow makes it work. Don’t let them load metronome and you should be good.

Slackings (Velcroc) - Also really goated, def less active but a really solid battler and builder. Relatively experienced in ndoms but like lol. Dratini is kinda mid.


HeeHee Heatrans: These guys and Gholdengos are probably interchangeable, putting them above just because more “NDOM experience”. Solid SM player and contributor to NDOTSL. We are not freeing porygon

Tokyo Gholdengos: Basically the same as Heatrans, I think they have a bit more sv OM experience which might help with Tera or smth idk.


Great and Glorious STINKALS: s/o for basically reviving NDOTSL. However will probably have some major activity issues or something come up. Probably a decent team.

Pondering Phiones: Solid current gen but that’s about it. #greedyflop #18K
orangex is good :blobthumbsup:


Slacking Slakings (Zastra): who even is this guy