UU Snake Draft IV - Commencement Thread

Hey, I don't know what spurred this negative reaction, but everything Aqua Jet details in his post is useful and correct. There isn't a one-for-one correlation between, say, C&C work and applied tournament value, but it and various other community work showcases a passion for their tier that's incredibly important for someone expected to take on a support role. It establishes tangible engagement and value at a time where one has yet to be given the opportunity to produce meaningful tournament results, and something that I can guarantee the best managers are looking at seriously. Be it in trophy or subforum tours (perhaps even moreso in the case of the latter, given a comparative lack of incentive), the winning teams are all truly held up by their 3-5k slots. Look at last year's Monsters, obviously we had some wonderful people trying their best (Haxlolo and Sulo were both great and I would advocate for them if for whatever reason my endorsement was needed) but ultimately there will be situations where 'just draft tour guys' doesn't quite make the connections it has to.
Team environment is also absolutely essential, it may feel obvious to some but you're more inclined to try when you're in a space where you're having fun. Of course if it was all as easy as 'don't be annoying' then tournaments would be a very different place, but if being told this is enough to cause some to reflect on past behaviors and grow, then more power to them right? We're all just trying to have fun here, no need to get so bent out of shape over a hobby.
Whether you’re a fan of jet or not he is attempting to do something positive and aimed towards the users that really care about getting into this tournament and need the extra oomph. Personally in like early 2018 I probably would’ve read that whole post and taken it seriously just to feel more secure in my chances/feel like i’m doing whatever I can to get my shot.

Just because the poster is jet ppl think they’re funny

Good informative post Aqua Jet don't listen to the haters, you're doing a great job at spreading positivity and creating a welcoming environment that UU seems to be lacking if this thread is anything to go by.

Edit: The real UU community has showed positive reception for Aqua Jet's post, I have been proven very wrong and made to look foolish on that allegation.

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Dont listen to the haters Rae this only made me want to draft you more
Yes, you.

great guide aqua jet. has this been used to get into smogon champions league?
Yes. Renowned managers, housebuilders, and cooks, Dave n Larry have said multiple times that they respect some of the points that Aqua Jet makes and take them into consideration.
Also, Drifting
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Good informative post Aqua Jet don't listen to the haters, you're doing a great job at spreading positivity and creating a welcoming environment that UU seems to be lacking if this thread is anything to go by.

Considering just about all of the "haters" are people that randomly showed up to attack someone and aren't at all part of the community, which you can see at a glance by looking at their post history, I'd appreciate if you didn't make weird smearing comments like this. It's ruder than half the people you're trying to claim a moral high ground over.

Thanks for the post Aqua Jet, it's easy to shit on posts like yours when you're an established mainstay but it's a good help for people that are still trying to break into these tournaments for the first time. I hope the negative reception doesn't discourage you from making similar stuff in the future, vocal minorities thinking it's fun to make a mockery of people trying their best are just weirdos and there are plenty of people appreciating your post, even if they've been scared off from telling you by the mean people in this thread.
Let it be known Aqua Jet would've been manager had it not been him trying to put me in the spotlight for the UU community and prove myself as a real manager (Instead of a ghost manager for Asia 2023)
this site should be more of how to welcome new players and less about making fun of not ordinary stuff.
if it weren't for advice from others similar to the ones aj posted i would have not be able to play that many teamtours and enjoy them aswell.
hopefully in tours like this uusd many diamonds in a rough get the chance to prove themselves.

that being said physical pivot celebi is still underwhelming at best in gen8uu for unrelated reasons
Why you should draft me

I will do my best to shine more light on our true lord and savior

Screen Shot 2023-09-26 at 4.03.20 PM.png


-My ladder peak (its on an alt account but i figured it still works)
Screen Shot 2023-09-01 at 1.08.09 PM.png

-Pretty ok at teambuilding, might need a pointer or two when i make a team but overall i think im pretty good at it
-I like discussing potential new ideas for mons that dont get used much but could have potential (see bellibolt above lol)

The meta will probably get slammed pretty hard on October 1st but im looking forward to messing with all the new mons (especially things like okidogi and mamoswine)
great guide aqua jet. has this been used to get into smogon champions league?

bad looks for someone who has just been drafted for scl (with no actual results on it whatsoever), and speaking as if that alone gives you any property to talk on how to get (or not) into any team tournament. even if aqua jet isn't exactly as "relevant" as you regarding sheet tours, your playing experience in one is the same as his. it's not like you're some sort of expert too.
alright i made a kinda jokey post on the matter, but here's my actual attempt at selling myself to you, the possible UUSD manager reading this :)

why you should draft me, Melt Gibson:
- I have team tour experience! UUWC, RUWC, NUWC, and PUPL are all tours that I have participated in recently.
- I have a diverse skillset. I can build and play for several gens, including SV, SM, BW, and ADV!
- I'm great at supporting a slot. If you need teams, test games, or general advice, I've got your back.
- I'm good for morale and general vibes. Always ready to cheer you on or wish you good luck in the game and a good presence in team chat.

thank you for your consideration :)
1) Be annoying
Conversely, people (managers included) don't wanna be around others they don't like. This especially includes saying stuff like "I'm ass" or "I'm so bad, I should just quit".
I am so fucked

i will edit something useful in here: diversifying your skillset is very enticing, I’m much more likely to spend on a newer face if they claim they’re solid at multiple gens instead of just one

SV - Sage
SV - hs
SV - starbitstorm
SV - 691
SS - Attribute
SM - etern
ORAS - Gondra
BW - Punny
DPP - EternalSpirit
ADV - col49
GSC - Real FV13
RBY - Torchic
Subs - Melt Gibson, Notily, Corperate n, The Strap

Violet City V-Tubers
SV: sleestacks
SV: spellcaster
SV: udongirl
SV: romanji
SS: celebiii
SM: passion
ORAS: dingbat
BW: finch
DPP: mossy
ADV: bigfatmantis
GSC: estarossa
RBY: phoopes
Subs: klamalam, gum, haxlolo, Bella

Lake of Outrage Sandacondas
SV: Liz Angeles
SV: Sirwings
SV: Piyush25
SV: Cam
SS: Just Franco
SM: pdt
ORAS: Sylvi
BW: GoldCat
DPP: Haryana Grande
ADV: Hantsuki
GSC: Mystras
Subs: NHelioX7, TMM, Taka, BlackKnight_Gawain

Dragons Den Dragonairs
SV: mncmt
SV: booty
SV: ninjadog
SV: lax
SM: Lyssa
ORAS: watashi
BW: Lily
DPP: Leru
RBY: Tree69420
Subs: AndyBoy, ciro napoli, myjava, damien the genius

Tohjo Falls Dragonites
SV - feliburn
SV - tj
SV - moutemoute
SV - easterbliss
SS - jay
SM - feen
ORAS - accel
BW - micciu
DPP - Le Don
ADV - EllingtonReborn
GSC - corvere
RBY - amaranth
Subs: , alkione, autumn, cherryb0ng, reachzero

Ceruledge of Tomorrow
SV: vivalospride
SV: justdrew
SV: Javi
SV: Floss
SS: avarice
SM: EternalSnowman
ORAS: Elfuseon
BW: EviGaro
DPP: Beraldo
ADV: Parpar
GSC: dawnbuster
RBY: MrSoup
Subs - Raahel, Corporate Donkey, ThatOneApple, Togkey

Paniola Primarinas
SV: Xrn
SV: Dex
SV: Mimilucha
SV: Slip
SS: DugZa
SM: Thiago Nunes
ORAS: Amukamara
BW: Fakee
ADV: Fatty
GSC: Kaori
RBY: Unown Dragon
Subs: Rasche, Azick, Inder, Monai

Wild Wordle Wurmples
idk they didnt give me a lu
Well i should probably right something up because i barely speak in this format.

Good reasons to draft me: I build lots of SVUU stuff and i mean lots, and can perform with them.

I happen to have experience in some of these more high stakes matches and am not bothered by pressure.

Well thanks for taking the time of day to read this mmmyep.
It's nice to meet you but it's even better to meet me. My name is dex, I have 290 hours in SV UU in total and I specialize in winning like no one else.

SV UU is a way of life for me. Go in there, I hit my focus blasts, I get a scald burn, spin all your hazards, and I knock all your boots, so my opponents feel a burning sensation deep in the mental like ice-y hot.

HO in SV UU is a way of life for me, I never change my playstyle fuck you, if at any point during the tournament you want me to change playstyles I'd gladly suggest you go fuck yourself. I follow absolutely one type of team composition, if you wanna give orders, give them to eachother, don't you dare to bring that shit to me.

All I know how to do is go in there, win my games, and make my opponents cry.

Now let's go team.
It's nice to meet you but it's even better to meet me. My name is dex, I have 290 hours in SV UU in total and I specialize in winning like no one else.

SV UU is a way of life for me. Go in there, I hit my focus blasts, I get a scald burn, spin all your hazards, and I knock all your boots, so my opponents feel a burning sensation deep in the mental like ice-y hot.

HO in SV UU is a way of life for me, I never change my playstyle fuck you, if at any point during the tournament you want me to change playstyles I'd gladly suggest you go fuck yourself. I follow absolutely one type of team composition, if you wanna give orders, give them to eachother, don't you dare to bring that shit to me.

All I know how to do is go in there, win my games, and make my opponents cry.

Now let's go team.
can confirm that dex is capable of being your team's last bastion of hope
It's nice to meet you but it's even better to meet me. My name is klam, I have 9000 hours in SV UU in total and I specialize in winning like no one else.

SV UU is a way of life for me. Go in there, I hit my aerial aces, I get a chilling water attack drop, spin all your ghost types, and I knock all your sticky hold gastrodons, so my opponents feel a attack dropping sensation deep in the mental like ice-y hot.

Losing in SV UU is a way of life for me, I never change my playstyle fuck you, if at any point during the tournament you want me to win I'd gladly suggest you go fuck yourself. I follow absolutely one type of team composition, if you wanna give orders, give them to me, please god I need them so bad please.

All I know how to do is go in there, lose my games, and make my teammates cry.

Now let's go team.
SSssssssss not only is that the noise a snake makes but also the ten reasons to draft me as your surprise factor for hardly any draft cash. But without a doubt ur best investment the whole draft with the wins I’ll secure for the team.

1. Skillful: I possess a skillful understanding of Gen 5 UU Pokemon.
2. Strategic: My strategic thinking enables me to analyze the battlefield and come up with well thought out plans to end out on top.
3. Strength: I only bring the strongest pokemon.
4. Supportive: I am a supportive teammate, always ready to assist and provide guidance to my fellow team members. Learning quickly from others and great desire to do so.
5. Synergy: I understand the importance of team synergy and can adapt my playstyle to what my team is suggesting.
6. Studious: I am studious and dedicated to continuously learning and improving my knowledge of Gen 5 UU Pokemon, ensuring I stay up to date with the metagame of the tour.
7. Sportsmanship: I prioritize good sportsmanship, treating opponents and teammates with respect and fairness.
8. Stamina: I have the stamina to endure long battles and maintain focus, even during intense and challenging situations.
9. Surprising: I bring an element of surprise to battles, utilizing unexpected strategies and Pokemon sets to catch opponents off guard.
10. Success driven: I am driven by success and always strive to achieve victory for my team.

With these qualities, I believe I would be a valuable asset to any team needing a Gen 5 UU player.

heres some ladder n rando stuff to perhapsfurther my persuasion
current gen 5 ou :P ik its not uu >.>
i had a naughty name in 2019 and didnt want to share it with friends in the discord server i posted in lole but i canscreenshot the post if helps
i think hes p good n stuff
tied for 2nd in the roa gen 6 uu tour i believe
doubters in shock as i win if tmm good then
im gooder?
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SSssssssss not only is that the noise a snake makes but also the ten reasons to draft me as your surprise factor for hardly any draft cash. But without a doubt ur best investment the whole draft with the wins I’ll secure for the team.

1. Skillful: I possess a skillful understanding of Gen 5 UU Pokemon.
2. Strategic: My strategic thinking enables me to analyze the battlefield and come up with well thought out plans to end out on top.
3. Strength: I only bring the strongest pokemon.
4. Supportive: I am a supportive teammate, always ready to assist and provide guidance to my fellow team members. Learning quickly from others and great desire to do so.
5. Synergy: I understand the importance of team synergy and can adapt my playstyle to what my team is suggesting.
6. Studious: I am studious and dedicated to continuously learning and improving my knowledge of Gen 5 UU Pokemon, ensuring I stay up to date with the metagame of the tour.
7. Sportsmanship: I prioritize good sportsmanship, treating opponents and teammates with respect and fairness.
8. Stamina: I have the stamina to endure long battles and maintain focus, even during intense and challenging situations.
9. Surprising: I bring an element of surprise to battles, utilizing unexpected strategies and Pokemon sets to catch opponents off guard.
10. Success driven: I am driven by success and always strive to achieve victory for my team.

With these qualities, I believe I would be a valuable asset to any team needing a Gen 5 UU player.

heres some ladder n rando stuff to perhapsfurther my persuasion
View attachment 556251 current gen 5 ou :P ik its not uu >.>
View attachment 556254 i had a naughty name in 2019 and didnt want to share it with friends in the discord server i posted in lole but i canscreenshot the post if helps
View attachment 556255 i think hes p good n stuff
tied for 2nd in the roa gen 6 uu tour i believe
View attachment 556257|
View attachment 556259View attachment 556260doubters in shock as i win if tmm good then
im gooder?
Can vouch for him he beat me in ss cup with a klefki (still won the series ggs)